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Bonacursus was a 12th-century Italian Cathar who converted to Catholicism and released a confessional report to the people of Milan exposing the nature of the Cathar heresy entitled "Manifestatio haeresis catharorum quam fecit Bonacursus" sometime between 1176 and 1190.[1] He also reported on the Pasagian heresy[2] as well as the Arnoldists.[3]


  1. ^ Wakefield, Walter Leggett; Austin P. Evans (1991). Heresies of the High Middle Ages. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 170. ISBN 0231027435.
  2. ^ Blunt, John Henry (1874). Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties and Schools of Religious Thought. London Oxford and Cambridge: Rivingtons. pp. 408–9. ISBN 978-0-8103-3751-0.
  3. ^ Lambert, Malcolm D. (1998). The Cathars. Blackwell Publishing. p. 84. ISBN 063120959X.