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List of proposed canals

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This article lists proposed or uncompleted canals.

List of canals

Name Location Purpose Status
Danube–Bucharest Canal Romania Connect Bucharest with the Danube and the Black Sea via the existing Danube–Black Sea Canal Started in 1986, paused
Istanbul Canal Turkey Connect the Black and Aegean seas; alternate to Bosporus Started in June 2021
Eurasia Canal Russia, Kuma-Manych Depression Connect the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea Proposed
Nicaragua Canal Nicaragua Connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, alternative of Panama Canal Proposed
Sulawesi Canal Indonesia Connect the Gulf of Tomini with the Makassar Strait Proposed
Thai Canal Thailand Cut across the Kra Isthmus Proposed
Salwa Canal Saudi Arabia Shipping and tourism canal along the border with Qatar Proposed
Iranrud Waterway Iran Connect the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea through Iran Abandoned
Northern river reversal Russia Divert the flow of the Northern rivers from the Arctic Ocean Abandoned in 1986