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Pietro Paolo Borrono

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Pietro Paolo Borrono, or Petro Paulo da Milano or Petter Paul Borrono (born about 1490, Milan - died 1563) was an Italian composer and lutenist of the renaissance.[1][2][3]

Known works

  • 1536 Intabolatura de leuto de diversi autori (Milan: Giovanni Antonio Casteliono), seven of the nineteen pieces in this anthology are by Borrono
  • 1546 Intabulatura di lauto del divino Francesco da Milano et dell’eccellente Pietro Paulo Borrono da Milano (Venice: Girolamo Scotto), a shared volume, also containing pieces by Francesco Canova da Milano. This is book two of Scotto's ten-volume series of lute tablatures. A German edition of this book was published in 1550 by Rudolf Wissenbach of Zürich.
  • 1546 Libro secondo di una collanna di Intabolatura di lauto, Antonio Casteliono
  • 1548 Intavolatura di lauto dell'eccellente Pietro Paolo Borrono da Milano (Venice: Girolamo Scotto), a collection of pavanes. This is book eight of Scotto's ten-volume series of lute tablatures.
  • 1563 La intabolatura de lauto (Venice: Girolamo Scotto), a collection of dance music


  1. ^ Hannu Annala; Heiki Mätlik: Handbook of Guitar and Lute Composers, Mel Bay Publications, 2007, S. 24
  2. ^ Konrad Ragossnig: Handbuch der Gitarre und Laute. Schott, Mainz 1978, ISBN 3-7957-2329-9, S. 36.
  3. ^ Douglas A. Smith: A history of the lute from antiquity to the Renaissance, Lute Society of America, 2002, S. 100


  • Oscar Chilesotti Note circa alcuni liutisti italiani della prima metà del Cinquecento (Milan, 1902).
  • Geo Pistarino Un episodio della vita di Pietro Paolo Borrono (1949)