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Talk:Ringtheater fire

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There's already an article on the Ringtheater which largely discusses the fire, and is based on the DE Wiki (with likely better access to resources). Neither more than a stub. Methinks this one is a candidate for assimilation Twang (talk) 07:41, 9 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

How did the fire start?

I'm trying to hunt up sources for this article. I've noticed there is a divergence in reports of just how the fire started. The article and some book sources state that it was an explosion in the gas lighting system when the auto-ignition system malfunctioned. Other sources including some books state that a stagehand lighting the gas lights with a taper set the scenery on fire. I've located one contemporary news story in the Australian national archives, but that does not give the source of the fire and I've not yet found later ones reporting on the outcome of the official inquiry. This is something that needs to be pinned down to reliable sources. Graham1973 (talk) 04:36, 12 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

If we've got sources stating both potential causes, I see nothing wrong with including both, along with a note to the effect of "sources disagree as to the exact cause of the fire; the gas lamps either exploded after failing to light on the first attempt (source1), or a stagehand lighting them may have accidentally lit the scenery on fire (source2)." Sources agree that it had to do with the lamps, so that seems important to stress? I'll have a look and see if I can come up with anything, too. NekoKatsun (nyaa) 19:25, 28 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]