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Talk:Two-man saw

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This article should be merged into crosscut saw. hankm 21:59, 4 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'm reviving this proposal. A banner and discussion for this has also been added at Crosscut saw. Sxeptomaniac 19:21, 2 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

re: merger with crosscut saw

it's a bit of mystery why there are two different pages. the problem with the other page is the photo of the carpenters saw at the beginning which while technically a crosscut saw misleads the reader into thinking that the page is about carpenters saws instead of addressing the monsters of years past

the two man saw is unique as compared to the 1 man saw in that it cuts in both directions.

In many ways it is two saws in one, because the two operators work alternately, pulling and then resting while the other guy pulls. As my now deceased father in law (who used to operate one of these things for a living) explained--- having a partner with whom you could get in 'sync' with was critical. each stroke needed to be uniform and consistent so you could begin your pull stroke the split instant the other end relaxed, not a moment soon or you were pulling against each other, or a moment late or the saw was not moving. Fallers were paid on a piecework basis, and he claimed he could fall much more timber with a partner he could syncronize withRvannatta 07:19, 25 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

rip saw

Please correct me if I am wrong, but while the article talks about crosscut saws and crosscutting, the accompanying pictures seem to show people engaged in ripping boards, not crosscutting. --AJim (talk) 04:38, 22 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

QR code installed

{{Toodyaypedia article}} QR code in place Elrebe56 (talk) 06:33, 8 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

history of acquiring High Steel Products of roman empire

It is Well known, that even Gladitor Surgeron Gallenus used almost exclusively Noric Steel Products for Sharpness. The Norics and all other High Steel making capable Hyperboreans was in a stress with Christianity all way long until today. Since Christians deny the Equality of workers to rulers like God stand above Angels, so High Smithies became angry and do not deliver clergy blooded nobles anymore with High Steel, only black Smithers work further in Servant Roles, but unable to fullfil elastics and Hardening in one Coin of Piece. like God of Christianity is Tyrannic, and flexible at exactly not Point, so was the Steel of the English Blood Purged against Highland Long Sword Bastardic Brutes, of less durability in Battle.

Long saws was only build by independent Settler, never in Access to Roman Church, maintaining a Long saw needs a gifted Smithy at the Fiddler Site, and an equality of Labourship.

After roman christan tyrannic Overseers taking Charge, maintaining high end products is almost impossible to sustain.

Hugenottes superiority in Ship building was likewise caused by better Sawing traditions, in Evangelic Anti Old Testamonial lavishness of equality of all human beings, what is an Insult to absolutism an Hierarcism of Catholic Choosen.

even Planking in Hugenottes Tradition was a split and Steam Pressure Job, not using length side Saw wood in planking and Ships Skeletons.

The lack of Unions is the only reason why historicans of the terroristic abrahamite Church, not mentions Longsaws, just to impotent in Efficiency and Progress. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:53, 27 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]