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The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (novel)

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The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come is a 1903 Kentucky Civil War novel by John Fox Jr. It was serialized in Scribner's Magazine in the summer of 1903, and the book edition published later that year.[1] The novel tells the rags-to-respectability tale of orphan Chad Buford. It was the first novel to sell a million copies in the US. Fox's depiction of black characters was held against it from the 1960s.[2]

Film versions

See also


  1. ^ Bill York John Fox, Jr., Appalachian Author 2010 p171b Early in 1898, he had written Tom Page that he had worked his first hour on a Civil War novel. It would be a year before he would write another line after that first chapter of The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come was finished, ..."
  2. ^ Now and Then - Volumes 1-4 -1984 · Page 45 "In the 1960s, The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come was in disfavor because of Fox's depiction of black characters such as Snowball "