DescriptionA notable gathering on the steps of Hubbard Hall, 1909.jpg |
English: A notable gathering on the steps of Hubbard Hall with the National Geographic Society, 1909. Subscript of the image:
- President Henry Gannett (1), Robert E. Peary, discoverer of the North Pole (4), and Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the South Pole (3), J. J. Jusserand, the French Ambassador (2), James Bryce, the Ambassador from Great Britain (5), the Attorney-General, George W. Wickersham (13), the Minister from Norway (14), Hiram Bingham, leader of the Yale-National Geographic Society Expedition to Peru (16), Officers and Board of Managers of the National Geographic Society: Colonel Henry F. Blount (6), Dr. Alexander Graham Bell (7), Mr. John Joy Edson, Treasurer (8), Rear-Admiral John E. Pillsbury (9), Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Director and Editor (President) of National Geographic Society (10), George Otis Smith, Director U. S. Geological Survey (11), Rear-Admiral C. M. Chester (12), O. H. Tittmann, Vice-President, and Supt U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (22), L. A. Bauer. Director Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism Carnegie Institution (15), Franklin K. Lane, now Secretary of the Interior (18), Rudolph Kauffmann, Managinx Editor Washington Evening Star" (20), Brigadier-General John M. Wilson, former Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. (21), C. Hart Merriam (29), Charles J. Bell. President American Security & Trust Co. (23), David Fairchild, Agricultural Explorer (24), George Shiras 3d, former member of Congress and wild game photographer (25), John Oliver La Gorce, Associate Editor of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE (26), George R. Putnam. U. S. Commissioner of Lighthouses (27), Frederick B. Eichelberger, Assistant Treasurer National Geographic Society (28), Frederick V. Coville, President of Washington Academy of Sciences (31), Dr. S. N. D. North (32), T. L. Macdonald, M. D. (33), Edwin P, Grosvenor, Special Assistant to the Attorney-General (30), Peter T. Stuyvesant Pillot (17), and Julien A. Ripley (19) of New York.
Additional information is available in "Bulletin of the Pan American Union, Volume 41" by Pan American Union. |