DescriptionIrjen Ferdy Sambo di Mapolda Jawa Tengah (cropped).jpg
Bahasa Indonesia: Polda Jateng – | Kepala Divisi Profesi dan Pengamanan Polri, Irjen Pol Ferdy Sambo mengunjungi Polda Jawa Tengah. Bertempat di gedung Borobudur Mapolda Jateng, Kadivpropam memberikan arahan terkait pembinaan pencegahan perilaku menyimpang anggota Polri, Kamis (20/1) siang.
Didampingi Kapolda dan Wakapolda Jateng, Kadiv Propam meminta agar pengawasan terhadap perilaku anggota ditingkatkan. Hal ini sangat perlu, karena perilaku negatif sejumlah oknum anggota bisa berdampak negatif kepada Polri sebagai sebuah institusi.
English: Central Java Regional Police – | The Head of the Professional and Security Division of the National Police, Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo visited the Central Java Regional Police. Located in the Borobudur building at the Central Java Police Headquarters, the Head of the Propaganda Division gave directions regarding the prevention of deviant behavior by members of the National Police, Thursday (20/1) afternoon.
Accompanied by the Head of the Regional Police and the Deputy Chief of the Central Java Police, the Head of the Propam Division requested that the supervision of the behavior of members be increased. This is very necessary, because the negative behavior of a number of members can have a negative impact on the Police as an institution.
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