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DescriptionLucille Ball Vivian Vance The Lucy Show 1962.JPG
English: Cast photo from The Lucy Show. From left: Jimmy Garrett, Candy Moore, Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance and Ralph Hart. Garrett and Moore played Lucy Carmichael's children Jerry and Chris, while Hart played Vivian Bagley's son, Sherman.
CBS Television In the 1950s and 1960s, it was not unusual for television networks, studios and program sponsors to use either advertising or publicity agencies to distribute publicity materials. In this case, CBS used the Bureau of Industrial Service, which was a division of advertising agency Young & Rubicam, to distribute the information.
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{{Information |Description=Cast photo from ''The Lucy Show''. From left: Jimmy Garrett, Candy Moore, Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance and Ralph Hart. Garrett and Moore played Lucy Carmichael's children Jerry and Chris, while Hart played Vivian Bagley's son, Sh