English: Photographer: Reuben R. Sallows (1855 - 1937)
Eleven lumber jacks standing in front of cookhouse or bunk house with two men in background to the left; all wearing hats; man to the extreme left wearing darker coloured clothing; man to the right wearing lighter coloured overalls; building has icicles hanging from it; title and date (1917/18) in pencil and Sallows stamp in purple ink on back
Object ID : 0438-rrs-ogohc-ph
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<b>Description: </b>
Eleven lumber jacks standing in front of cookhouse or bunk house with two men in background to the left; all wearing hats; man to the extreme left wearing darker coloured clothing; man to the right wearing lighter coloured overalls; building has icicles hanging from it; title and date (1917/18) in pencil and Sallows stamp in purple ink on back
<b>Object ID : </b>0438-rrs-ogohc-ph
<a href=http://www.sallowsgallery.ca/ target=_blank>View additional photographs by Sallows that are held in other collections at the Reuben R. Sallows Digital Library.</a>