A part of entire map showing Koland. Olaus Magnus places there the country of Biarmia that is known by sagas. There are coats of arms of Sweden drawn even though this area was never fully controlled by Sweden and at this time it was largely unknown. White sea ("LACVS ALBVS") is mistaken as a lake. Big eagle is sometimes associated with Biarmia. A man holds two staffs with runes. People hunts animals for fur.
The image is amazingly detailed with lots of small characters everywhere doing characteristic tasks, which can only be seen when viewing it in full size.
The full title is Carta marina et Descriptio septemtrionalium terrarum ac mirabilium rerum in eis contentarum, diligentissime elaborata Annon Domini 1539 Veneciis liberalitate Reverendissimi Domini Ieronimi Quirini which in full can be read at the top of the map.
Some info: Figure 1. The 1539 Carta Marina by Olaus Magnus. Please credit the James Ford Bell Library, University of Minnesota if you reproduce this map. There is also a high-resolution version (5 MB) for printing. Direct link to there: http://bell.lib.umn.edu/map/OLAUS/indexo.html
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== Summary == * w:Carta marina, a wallmap of Scandinavia, by w:Olaus Magnus. ===Info=== * A part of entire map showing Biarmia * The image is amazingly detailed with lots of small characters everywhere doing characteristic tasks, which can only