DescriptionNasser with Baathists 1958 United Arab Republic.jpg
English: Gamal Abd al-Nasser at the gates of the Presidential Palace in Damascus in 1958. He is standing with Syrian and Egyptian cabinet members of the UAR. Second from left is the socialist leader Akram al-Hawrani, who became Vice-President of the UAR. Next to him is Abd al-Latiff al-Baghdadi, the Egyptian Vice-President, followed by Nasser, Marshal Abd al-Hakim Amer, who became Governor of Syria, and Sabri al-Asali, his other Syrian Vice-President. Then stands Fakhir al-Kayyali, the Minister of Economy. Standing to the far right is the Baath Party co-founder Salah al-Bitar. In the middle row, second from left, is Abd al-Hamid Sarraj, Syria\'s ex-Director of Intelligence, who became Minister of Interior in the UAR.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Gamal Abd al-Nasser at the gates of the Presidential Palace in Damascus in 1958. He is standing with Syrian and Egyptian cabinet members of the UAR. Second from left is the socialist leader Akram al-Hawrani, who became Vi