Do not remove this tag until the deletion nomination is closed.
Reason for the nomination:
The white logo thing on the left meets the threshold for originally in my view.
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If this template was added because you clicked "Mark for deletion" in the left menu (right when using Vector 2022 skin), please make sure that all necessary pages have been created. If they haven't been created after a few minutes, or if you added this template manually, you should complete these steps:
3 Notify the item's uploader or the creator of the page by placing the following code on the user's talk page: {{subst:idw|File:RNZ logo.svg|File:RNZ logo.svg}} ~~~~
For mass deletions: If you want to nominate several related images, please make a mass request by manually adding {{delete|reason=write reason|subpage=write name|year=2025|month=March|day=18}} to each image page and then following the steps hereinbefore. (Help on mass requests.)
Note: This template is for requests that may require discussion in order to be deleted. For speedy deletions, you can use {{speedydelete|reason}}.
This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights. See our general disclaimer. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required.See Commons:Licensing.
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