Text Appearing Before Image: THE FLORA OF THE NOBTHBBN TEE&ITOEY. 367 Text Appearing After Image: ^ jJif J^JLyn/if\.t^J^ Plate VII.—Commelina aotjminata. Pig. 1, Inflorescence. 2, Spathe. 3, Male flower. 4, Hermaphrodite flower 5, One of the three partly sterile anthers. 6, Seed. (5 and 6 magnified.)
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{information |description={{en|1=<br> '''Title''': The flora of the Northern Territory<br> '''Identifier''': cu31924000615512 ([https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=Search&sea...