English: A group of three High Officials of the Government of Brunei have attended the first Asian Industrial Development Council Conference in Bangkok, Thailand recently. The delegation was led by the Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Yang Berhormat Pengiran Damit bin Pengiran Sunggoh. The other two people are Awang Zakaria bin Haji Sulaiman as the Representative and Team Trustee and Dr. J.S. Gould as an advisor to the group. This photo was taken at the conference. Sitting in front is Y.B. Pengiran Damit bin Pengiran Sung-goh (right) and Awang Zakaria bin Haji Sulaiman (left). Dr. Gould seems to be sitting in the back among them.
Bahasa Melayu: Sarombongan tiga orang Pegawai Tinggi Kerajaan Brunei telah menghadhiri Persidangan Majlis Perkembangan Industri Asia kali pertama di Bangkok, Thailand baru ini. Rombongan itu diketuai oleh Penulong Menteri Pertanian, Yang Ber-hormat Pengiran Damit bin Pengiran Sunggoh. Dua orang lagi ia-lah Awang Zakaria bin Haji Sulaiman sa-bagai Wakil serta Setia Usaha Rombongan dan Dr. J.S. Gould sa-bagai Penase-hat kapada rombongan itu. Gambar ini diambil dipersidangan tersebut. Dudok dihadapan ialah Y.B. Pengiran Damit bin Pengiran Sung-goh (kanan) dan Awang Zakaria bin Haji Sulaiman (kiri). Dr. Gould kelihatan dudok dibelakang diantara beliau2 tersebut.
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