The following information is cached, and was last updated 05:34, 10 March 2025. A maximum of 5,000 results are available in the cache.
Discuss this special page at Wikipedia talk:Special:GadgetUsage .
See also: Special pages list .
This table indicates the number of users who have enabled each gadget on this wiki. This list excludes stats for gadgets enabled for everyone by default and may include gadgets that are no longer available.
Gadget Number of users Calculator Default charinsert Default confirmationRollback-mobile Default extra-toolbar-buttons Default formWizard Default geonotice Default ImageStackPopup Default ReferenceTooltips Default refToolbar Default responsiveContentTimeless Default SubtleUpdatemarker Default switcher Default Vivarium Default watchlist-notice Default WatchlistBase Default WatchlistGreenIndicators Default WatchlistGreenIndicatorsMono Default WikiMiniAtlas Default dark-mode-toggle 89,060 dark-mode 66,301 Navigation_popups 60,526 HotCat 54,136 Twinkle 50,816 exlinks 47,125 wikEd 43,221 GoogleTrans 42,947 UTCLiveClock 41,459 edittop 40,646 metadata 30,482 ImageAnnotator 27,420 citations 26,646 searchFocus 24,713 defaultsummaries 23,827 ProveIt 23,777 purgetab 23,662 CommentsInLocalTime 22,848 dropdown-menus 21,919 WatchlistChangesBold 21,742 ExternalSearch 20,568 DotsSyntaxHighlighter 20,042 addsection-plus 17,424 PrintOptions 17,264 revisionjumper 16,640 RegexMenuFramework 14,598 contribsrange 14,242 wikEdDiff 14,079 search-new-tab 13,820 XTools-ArticleInfo 11,815 markblocked 11,699 DisambiguationLinks 11,508 removeAccessKeys 11,373 imagelinks 11,359 PrettyLog 10,654 RTRC 10,623 ShowMessageNames 10,357 afchelper 9,740 JustifyParagraphs 9,740 SidebarTranslate 9,636 modrollback 9,571 topalert 9,389 Prosesize 8,977 widensearch 8,478 Blackskin 8,297 HideCentralNotice 8,229 BugStatusUpdate 8,133 Shortdesc-helper 8,113 righteditlinks 7,907 OldDiff 7,811 DebugMode 7,737 script-installer 7,615 CollapsibleNav 7,594 MenuTabsToggle 6,896 NewImageThumb 6,823 addMe 6,580 NoAnimations 6,526 NoSmallFonts 6,255 ProveIt-classic 5,939 mobile-sidebar 5,740 StickyTableHeaders 5,720 find-archived-section 5,174 ShowJavascriptErrors 4,873 MobileMaps 4,327 responsiveContent 3,719 VectorClassic 3,714 legacyToolbar 3,537 disablesuggestions 3,465 CategoryAboveAll 3,451 PageDescriptions 3,204 HideInterwikiSearchResults 2,884 autonum 2,025 XFDcloser 1,494 formWizard-core 2