Tapiche Reserve
Tapiche Reserve | |
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Location | Tapiche District, Requena Province, Peru |
Coordinates | 5°38′03″S 73°59′00″W / 5.63416°S 73.98344°W |
Area | 1,540 ha (5.9 sq mi) |
The Tapiche Reserve is a private conservation property located in Tapiche District, Requena Province, Loreto Region in Peru. The reserve is designated by the Peruvian government as a Private Conservation Area (PCA).
[edit]The reserve encompasses an area of approximately 1,540 hectares, in the Tapiche River basin, spanning both sides of the river east of the Ucayali River. It is located 340 km up river from Iquitos on the Tapiche River, and is accessible only by waterway. The Blanco and Umaita Rivers empty into the Tapiche River in the basin area. Other tributaries are the Contea, Capanahua, and Lamayacu Rivers.
The reserve comprises several types of lowland Amazonian forests, including igapo, varzea, and terra firme. It is one of the few areas in the Amazon basin where these forest types can be found in close proximity. The Tapiche River basin in the area of the reserve exhibits a landscape containing alluvial plains and associated floodplains. The floodplains of the alluvial landscape encompass swamps or aguajales; while the non-flooded plains appear as undulating terraces. There are hilly landscapes within the reserve which appear as gently sloping lowland terrain. Swamps have developed on flat land and in depressions formed by fibric histosol soils with pH values varying between 3.5 and 5.
[edit]The Tapiche River is regarded as a "black water" river because of its dark sepia waters. Possessing little material in suspension, its color comes from the decomposition of organic material forming humic and fulvic acids. These waters are acidic, with pH around 4.0 and a temperature from 24 °C (75 °F) to 32.0 °C (90 °F). The Tapiche River has a strictly sub-Andean and origin, which eliminates a direct relationship with rainfall in the mountains. Within the reserve there are small bodies of water (oxbows, channels, meanders, restingas and lakes) that communicate with each other and with the Tapiche River. Channels that connect curved river-bends create navigable shortcuts during flooded season. The largest internal body of water is called Quebrada Chambiria. Quebrada Chambiria has little flow which creates habitat for a host of species.
[edit]It has annual temperatures ranging from 25 °C (77 °F) to 33 °C (91 °F) with relative humidity of 78% to 96%. In the rainy season from October to May there is tropical rainfall. The average annual precipitation is 3 meters. During the months of June or July a particular weather phenomenon called a "cold spell" occurs in the region. The cold spell is related to penetration of air masses coming from the southern polar latitudes and entering the South American tropics shortly after reaching Southeast Brazil. This cold spell lasts about 2–4 days, where temperatures can reach 13 °C (55 °F).
Biology and ecology
[edit]The reserve is home to endangered species such as jaguar (Panthera onca), bald uakari (Cacajao calvus), giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), the Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis), and harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja). A land survey and rapid species inventory of Tapiche Ohara's Reserve was performed in 2011. The species inventory is reproduced below in table format.
[edit]Trees such as cedar (Cedrela odorata) and mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) can be found in its forests. There four representative botanical families in its swamps, including: Moraceae, Fabaceae, Annonaceae and Arecaceae. Also found are catahua (Hura crepitans), strangler fig (Ficus sp.), machimango (Eschweilera sp.), and caupuri (Virola pavonis), aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa), shapaja (Attalea phalerata), cashapona (Socratea exorrhiza), renaco (Ficus trigona), espintana (Oxandra espintana) and huimba (Pachira aquatica).
Aquatic ecosystems
[edit]The reserve houses ecosystems formed by conditions that create microhabitats. The ecosystems present on the reserve encompass cochas and tahuampas. Primary plant species found in these aquatic ecosystems are species belonging to the family Poaceae; especially the Gramalote blanco (Paspalum fasciculatum) and others of the genera Echinochloa and Paspalum. Also present is caña brava (Gynerium sagittatum), water hyacinth (putu putu, Eichhornia crassipes), and huama (Pistia stratiotes).
- Fauna and fauna of Tapiche Reserve
Orange Blossom
Amazon centipede
Jacamar cara azul
Table of flora (2011)
[edit]Scientific name | Family | Peruvian name | Use |
Abuta grandifolia | Menispermaceae | Abuta | medicine (roots, bark, leaves) |
Alchornea castaneifolia | Euphorbiaceae | Ipururo | medicine (roots, bark, leaves) |
Aniba williamsii | Lauraceae | Moena amarilla | wood |
Annona muricata | Annonaceae | Guanábana | food (fruit), medicine (bark, roots, leaves) |
Apeiba membranacea | Tiliaceae | Peine de mono | animal food, fuel, seed oil |
Aspidosperma rigidum | Apocynaceae | Remocaspi de bajial | wood, tools |
Astrocaryum chambira | Arecaceae | Chambira | food, medicine, crafts |
Astrocaryum jauari | Arecaceae | Huiririma, Chambirilla | wood, food, crafts |
Astrocaryum javarense | Arecaceae | Huicungo | animal food, crafts |
Attalea butyracea | Arecaceae | Shebon | wood, thatching, animal food, crafts |
Attalea phalerata | Arecaceae | Shapaja | thatching, food, crafts |
Bactris concinna | Arecaceae | Ñejilla, Chontilla | wood, food, crafts |
Bactris gasipaes | Arecaceae | Mansoa | wood, food, medicine (root), dyes |
Bactris maraja | Arecacea | Ñeja, Ñejilla, Chontilla | crafts |
Bactris simplisifrons | Arecaceae | Ñejilla, Chontilla | tools |
Banisteriopsis caapi | Malpighiceae | Ayahuasca | medicine |
Bixa orellana | Bixaceae | Achiote | medicine, animal food, dyes |
Brosimum acutifolium | Moraceae | Mururé | medicine (resin, bark) |
Brosimum rubescens | Moraceae | Palisangre | wood, animal food, medicine (bark), crafts |
Brunfelsia grandiflora | Solanaceae | Chiric Sanango | medicine (root, bark), ornamentation |
Calathea lutea | Maranthaceae | Bijao | cooking |
Calophyllum brasiliense | Clusiaceae | Lagarto caspi | wood, animal food, medicine (oil), dyes |
Calycophyllum spruceanum | Rubiaceae | Capirona | wood, fuel, medicine |
Campomanesia lineatifolia | Myrtaceae | Palillo | food, medicine (bark), fuel |
Campsiandra angustifolia | Fabaceae | Huacapurana | medicine (bark) |
Caryocar glabrum | Caryocaraceae | Almendro | wood, food |
Cecropia membranacea | Cecropiaceae | Cetico | animal food, tools |
Cedrela odorata | Meliaceae | Cedro | wood, medicine (bark), ornamentation |
Cedrelinga cateniformis | Fabaceae | Tornillo | wood |
Ceiba pentandra | Malvaceae | White lupuna | wood |
Chelyocarpus ulei | Arecaceae | Sacha aguajillo | animal food, crafts, ornamentation |
Chrysophyllum argenteum | Sapotaceae | Balata | food, tools |
Chrysophyllum bombycinum | Sapotaceae | Balatillo | animal food |
Clusia rosea | Clusiaceae | Renaquilla | wood, medicine (resin), medicine (bark) |
Copaifera paupera | Fabaceae | Copaiba | wood, food, medicine (oil), fuel, soaps |
Couepia subcordata | Chrysobalanaceae | Parinari | wood, food, crafts, ornamentation |
Couroupita guianensis | Lecythidaceae | Ayahuma | medicine |
Coutarea hexandra | Rubiaceae | Guacamayo caspi | fuel, tools |
Crescentia cujete | Bignoniaceae | Huingo | medicine, crafts |
Dalechampia dioscoreifolia | Euphorbiaceae | Sapo huasca | medicine (resin) |
Diplotropis purpurea | Fabaceae | Chontaquiro | wood, tools |
Dipteryx micrantha | Fabaceae | Charapilla | wood, animal food |
Doliocarpus dentatus | Dilleniaceae | Paujil chaqui | animal food, medicine |
Dracontium loretense | Araceae | Jergón Sacha | medicine |
Duguetia spixiana | Annonaceae | Tortuga Caspi | wood, animal food |
Duroia hirsuta | Rubiaceae | Huitillo | animal food, dyes |
Eichhornia crassipes | Pontederiaceae | Putu putu | ornamentation |
Erythrina fusca | Fabaceae | Amasisa | medicine (bark), ornamentation |
Eschweilera juruensis | Lecythidaceae | Machimango | wood, animal food, crafts |
Eugenia stipitata | Myrtaceae | Arazà | food |
Euterpe precatoria | Arecaceae | Huasaí | wood, food, medicine (root), crafts |
Ficus americana | Moraceae | Renaco | animal food |
Ficus insipida | Moraceae | Ojé | wood, medicine (resin) |
Ficus schultesii | Moraceae | Ojé renaco | wood |
Garcinia macrophylla | Clusiaceae | Charichuelo | wood, food, ornamentation |
Genipa americana | Rubiaceae | Huito | food, medicine, crafts |
Guatteria elata | Annonaceae | Carahuasca | wood, ornamentation |
Guazuma crinita | Sterculiaceae | Bolaina blanca | wood |
Guazuma ulmifolia | Sterculiaceae | Bolaina | wood |
Gustavia longifolia | Lecythidaceae | Chopé | food, fuel |
Gynerium sagittatum | Poaceae | Caña Brava | medicine, tools, crafts |
Haploclathra cordata | Calophyllaceae | Boa caspi | wood |
Heliconia stricta | Heliconiaceae | Heliconia, situlli | ornamentation |
Heliconia acuminata | Heliconiaceae | Heliconia, situlli | ornamentation |
Hevea brasiliensis | Euphorbiaceae | Shiringa | wood |
Hura crepitans | Euphorbiaceae | Catahua | wood, medicine (resin), tools |
Himatanthus sucuuba | Apocynaceae | Bellaco caspi | wood, medicine (resin), fuel |
Hymenaea oblongifolia | Fabaceae | Azúcar huayo | wood, animal food, medicine (bark) |
Inga edulis | Fabaceae | Guaba | food, fuel |
Inga sp. | Fabaceae | Shimbillo | food |
Iriartea deltoidea | Arecacea | Huacrapona | wood, food, crafts |
Iryanthera sp. | Myristicaceae | Cumala colorada | wood |
Iryanthera tricornis | Myristicaceae | Perro caspi | wood |
Jacaranda copaia | Bignoniaceae | Huamanzamana | wood, medicine (bark) |
Laportea aestuans | Urticaceae | Ishanga colorada | medicine |
Lecythis pisonis | Lecythidaceae | Olla de mono | wood, animal food |
Lonchocarpus utilis | Fabaceae | Barbasco | poison |
Maclura tinctoria | Moraceae | Incira | wood, animal food, medicine (resin), dyes |
Macoubea guianensis | Apocynaceae | Coto huayo | animal food, medicine |
Macrolobium acaciifolium | Fabaceae | Aguano pashaco | wood |
Mangifera indica | Anacardiaceae | Mangua dulce | animal food |
Manilkara bidendata | Sapotaceae | Quinilla colorada | wood, crafts |
Mansoa alliacea | Bignoniaceae | Ajo sacha hembra | medicine (roots, leaves) |
Mansoa hymennea | Bignoniaceae | Ajo sacha macho | medicine |
Maquira coriacea | Moraceae | Capinurí | wood, animal food, medicine (resin), crafts |
Matisia cordata | Malvaceae | Sapote | food |
Mauritia flexuosa | Arecaceae | Aguaje | wood, fruit, crafts |
Mauritiella aculeata | Arecaceae | Aguajillo | food, tools, ornamentation |
Maximiliana inaripa | Arecaceae | Shapajilla | animal food |
Maytenus macrocarpa | Celastraceae | Chuchuhuasi | medicine (bark), fuel |
Mezilaurus itauba | Lauraceae | Itauba | wood |
Micropholis sp. | Sapotaceae | Quinilla | wood |
Minquartia guianensis | Olacaceae | Huacapú | wood, animal food, medicine (bark), crafts |
Myrciaria dubia | Myrtaceae | Camu camu | food |
Ochroma pyramidale | Bombacaceae | Topa | wood, medicine, ornamentation |
Ocotea aciphylla | Lauraceae | Moena canela | wood, medicine (oil) |
Ocotea guianensis | Lauraceae | Moena colorada | wood |
Ocotea undulate | Lauraceae | Isma moena | wood |
Oenocarpus mapora | Arecaceae | Sinamillo | thatching, food, crafts |
Ormosia coccinea | Fabaceae | Huayruro | wood, medicine, crafts |
Oxandra espintana | Annonaceae | Espintana | wood |
Pachira aquatica | Bombacaceae | Huimba | wood, food, ornamentation |
Pachira insignis | Bombacaceae | Sacha pandisho | ornamentation |
Paspalum fasciculatum | Poaceae | Gramalote blanco | animal food |
Parkia multijuga | Fabaceae | Pashaco curtidor | wood |
Philodendron lechlerianum | Araceae | Itininga | medicine (root) |
Phthirusa adunca | Loranthaceae | Suelda con suelda | medicine |
Phyllanthus urinaria | Euphorbiaceae | Chanca piedra | medicine |
Physalis angulata | Solanaceae | Bolsa Mullaca | medicine |
Phytelephas macrocarpa | Arecaceae | Yarina | thatching, food, medicine (bark), crafts |
Piper aduncum | Piperaceae | Cordoncillo | medicine |
Piper peltatum | Píperaceae | Santa maria | medicine |
Poraqueiba serícea | Icacinaceae | Umarí Witoto | wood, food, fuel, tools |
Pourouma cecropiifolia | Moraceae | Uvilla | wood, food, animal food, ornamentation |
Pouteria caimito | Sapotaceae | Caimito | wood, food, medicine, tools |
Pouteria macrocarpa | Sapotaceae | Lúcuma | wood, food, fuel |
Pouteria neglecta | Sapotaceae | Caimitillo | wood, fuel |
Pouteria reticulata | Sapotaceae | Quinilla blanca | wood, animal food |
Pseudolmedia laevis | Moraceae | Chimicua | wood |
Pistia stratiotes | Araceae | Huama | ornamentation, habitat |
Salvia palaefolia | Lamiaceae | Oreja de perro | animal food, medicine |
Smilax aspera | Smilacaceae | Zarzaparrilla | medicine (root) |
Socratea exorrhiza | Arecaceae | Cashapona | wood, medicine (bark), crafts |
Solanum sessiliflorum | Solanaceae | Cocona | food, medicine |
Spondias mombin | Anacardiaceae | Ubos | food, medicine (bark) |
Sterculia apetala | Sterculiaceae | Huarmi caspi | wood, animal food, medicine (root), tools |
Swartzia polyphylla | Fabaceae | Cumaceba | medicine (bark) |
Swietenia macrophylla | Meliaceae | Caoba aguano | wood, medicine (bark) |
Syzygium malaccense | Myrtaceae | Pomarosa | animal food, fuel |
Tabernaemontana sananho | Apocynaceae | Sanango | medicine (root) |
Tachigali tessmannii | Fabaceae | Tangarana | medicine (bark) |
Terminalia oblonga | Combretaceae | Yacushapana | wood |
Theobroma bicolor | Sterculiaceae | Macambo | food, fuel, crafts |
Theobroma cacao | Sterculiaceae | Cacao | food |
Theobroma grandiflora | Sterculiaceae | Copoazú | food |
Theobroma subincanum | Sterculiaceae | Cacahuillo | wood, animal food, fuel |
Trema micrantha | Ulmaceae | Atadijo | medicine |
Tynanthus panurensis | Bignoniaceae | Clavo huasca | medicine (bark) |
Uncaria tomentosa | Rubiaceae | Uña de gato | medicine (bark) |
Unonopsis floribunda | Annonaceae | Icoja | wood, medicine (bark) |
Vanilla planifolia | Orchidaceae | Vainilla | food, ornamentation |
Vatairea guianensis | Fabaceae | Marupá del bajo, Mari mari | wood, fuel |
Virola sebifera | Myristicaceae | Cumala blanca | wood, animal food, candels (oil) |
Wettinia augusta | Arecaceae | Sacha pona, ponilla | thatching, medicine, tools |
Table of Fauna (2011)
[edit]Scientific name | Family | Names |
Accipiter poliogaster | Accipitridae | Grey-bellied goshawk |
Alouatta seniculus | Cebidae | Red howler monkey, Coto |
Amazona farinosa | Psittacidae | Mealy parrot |
Aotus nancymae | Cebidae | Musmuqui |
Ara ararauna | Psittacidae | Guacamayo azul y amarillo, blue and yellow macaw |
Ara chloroptera | Psittacidae | Guacamayo rojo, red macaw |
Aratinga leucophthalma | Psittacidae | White-eyed parakeet |
Aratinga weddellii | Psittacidae | Dusky-headed parakeet |
Ateles belzebuth | Cebidae | Maquisapa ceniza, white-bellied spider monkey |
Ateles paniscus | Cebidae | Black spider monkey, maquisapa negro |
Brotogeris sanctithomae | Psittacidae | Tui parakeet |
Brotogeris versicolurus | Psittacidae | Pihuicho |
Cacajao calvus | Callitrichidae | Bald-headed uakari, huapo colorado, red uakari |
Caiman crocodilus | Alligatoridae | Lagarto blanco, caiman |
Callicebus torquatus | Pitheciidae | Tocon negro, collared titi |
Cebus albifrons | Cebidae | Machin blanco, white-fronted capuchin monkey |
Cebus apella | Cebidae | Machin negro |
Choloepus didactylus | Megalonychidae | Pelejo de altura, two-toed sloth |
Chondrohierax uncinatus | Accipitridae | Gavilan picudo, Hook-billed kite |
Coendou prehensilis | Erethizontidae | Brazilian porcupine |
Cuniculus paca | Cuniculidae | Paca |
Daptrius ater | Falconidae | Black caracara |
Dasyprocta fuliginosa | Dasyproctidae | Agouti |
Dasypus kappleri | Dasypodidae | Carachupa, Armadillo |
Eira barbara | Mustelidae | Tayra |
Elanoides forficatus | Accipitridae | Gavilan tijereta, swallow-tailed kite |
Harpagus bidentatus | Accipitridae | Double-toothed kite |
Harpia harpyja | Accipitridae | Harpy eagle, Aguila harpia |
Homo sapiens | Hominidae | Human |
Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris | Hydrochaeridae | Capybara, ronosco |
Ibycter americanus | Falconidae | Red-throated caracara |
Ictinia plumbea | Accipitridae | Plumbeous kite |
Inia geoffrensis | Delphinidae | Bufeo Colorado, pink dolphin, Amazon river dolphin |
Lagothrix lagotricha | Cebidae | Yellow-tailed woolly monkey, choro |
Leptodon cayanensis | Accipitridae | Gray-headed kite |
Lutra longicaudis | Mustelidae | Otter |
Mazama americana | Cervidae | Venado Colorado, red brocket deer |
Micrastur buckleyi | Falconidae | Buckley forest-falcon |
Micrastur gilvicollis | Falconidae | Lined forest-falcon |
Micrastur mirandollei | Falconidae | Slaty-backed forest-falcon |
Micrastur semitorquatus | Falconidae | Collared forest-falcon |
Milvago chimachima | Falconidae | Shihuango, yellow-headed caracara |
Morphnus guianensis | Accipitridae | Crested eagle |
Myoprocta pratti | Dasyproctidae | Punchana |
Nasua nasua | Procyonidae | Achuni |
Orthopsittaca manilata | Psittacidae | Red-bellied macaw |
Paleosuchus trigonatus | Alligatoridae | Dwarf lizard |
Paleosuchus trigonatus | Alligatoridae | Black lizard |
Panthera onca | Felidae | Otorongo, jaguar |
Phyllomedusa tomopterna | Hylidae | Tiger-leg monkey-frog, Rana lemur naranja |
Pionites leucogaster | Psittacidae | White-bellied parrot |
Pionopsitta barrabandi | Psittacidae | Orange-cheeked parrot |
Pionus menstruus | Psittacidae | Loro cabeza azul, blue-headed parrot |
Pipa pipa | Pipidae | Charapa sapo, rana acuatica |
Pithecia monachus | Cebidae | Huapo negro, black uakari |
Podocnemis unifilis | Podocnemididae | Taricaya, yellow-spotted river turtle |
Potos flavus | Procyonidae | Chozna, kinkajou |
Priodontes maximus | Dasypodidae | Giant armadillo, Yangunturo, Carachupa mama |
Proechimys sp. | Echimyidae | Spiny rat |
Rostrhamus hamatus | Accipitridae | Slender-billed kite |
Rostrhamus sociabilis | Accipitridae | Gavilan churero, snail kite |
Saguinus fuscicollis | Callitrichidae | Pichio pardo, common pichio, saddle-back tamarin |
Saimiri sciureus | Cebidae | Squirrel monkey |
Sotalia fluviatilis | Delphinidae | Bufeo negro, gray dolphin |
Speothos venaticus | Canidae | Sacha dog, bush dog |
Spizaetus tyrannus | Accipitridae | Black hawk-eagle |
Tamandua tetradactyla | Myrmecophagidae | Shihui, lesser anteater |
Tapirus terrestris | Tapiridae | Tapir, sachavaca |
Tayassu pecari | Tayassuidae | Huangana |
Tayassu tajacu | Tayassuidae | Sajino |
Trichechus inunguis | Trichechidae | Vaca marina, manatee |
[edit]- AMAZONÍA Guia Ilustrada de Flora y Fauna, Proyecto Araucaria XXI Nauta. November 2009 (ISBN 978-612-45650-0-7) http://www.aeci.org.pe/publicaciones/store/pub.19.pdf
- Cronquist, A. (1981) An Integrated System of classification of flowering plants. Columbia University Press, New York.
- Kembo, C. (1995) Diagnosis of plant resources in the Peruvian Amazon - IIAP October 1995, Technical Paper No 16 – Iquitos, Peru.
- Peruvian Law N º 26834 - Law of Natural Protected Areas and Rules - approved by Supreme Decree 038-2001-AG, established the National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA). INRENA is the governing body and national authority of the National System of Protected Natural Areas by the State (SINANPE).
- Departmental Resolution No. 059-2004-INRENA approving the Supplementary Provisions to the Regulations of the Law of Natural Protected Areas on Private Conservation Areas.
- Peruvian Supreme Decree N º 016 - 2009 - MINAM. Plan for Natural Protected Areas.
External links
[edit]- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
- IIAP - Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana
- Siamazonía - Sistema de Información de la Diversidad Biológica y Ambiental de la Amazonía Peruana
- A tour operator website with visitor information
- Peruvian Amazon
- Iquitos, Peru Wikipedia.