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8th Vitranc Cup (1969)

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8th Vitranc Cup
Giant slalom
Date: 16 February 1969
Event: FIS World Cup
Official list: 74
Ranked: 56
Course setter 1: Marjan Magušar (YUG)
Course setter 2: R. Sulpice (FRA)
Gates (1st run): 57
Gates (1st run): 56
Date: 17 February 1969
Event: FIS World Cup

8th Vitranc Cup was an alpine skiing competition, held from 16–17 February 1969 in Kranjska Gora, SR Slovenia, Yugoslavia. The event played host to two FIS World Cup events.[1]

Official results


Giant slalom


On 16 February, the giant slalom for the World Cup was held. For the first time ever, two rounds were held in the World Cup instead of one.[2][3]

Rank Competitor 1st run 2nd run Total
1 Austria Reinhard Tritscher 1.25.22 1:27.11 2:52.33
2 Austria Alfred Matt 1:25.27 1:27.16 2:52.43
3 Austria Franz Digruber 1:26.00 1.27.30 2:53.30
4 Switzerland Edmund Bruggmann 1:25.59 1.27.75 2.53.34
5 West Germany Sepp Heokelmiller 1:25.55 1.28.04 2:53.59
6 Austria Karl Schranz 1:26.46 1.27.21 2:53.67
7 United States Spider Sabich 1:25.87 1:28.10 2:53.97
8 Switzerland Dumeng Giovanoli 1.26.01 1.28.06 2:54.07
9 Poland Andrzej Bachleda 1:26.65 1.27.47 2:54.12
10 France Alain Penz 1:27.16 1:27.96 2:55.12
11 Austria Harald Forner 1:26.28 1:29.08 2:55.36
12 France Patrick Russel 1:26.67 1:28.79 2:55.46
13 Austria Werner Bleiner 1:26.99 1.28.49 2.55.48
14 Austria Rudi Sailer 1.27.88 1:27.86 2:55.74
15 Austria Herbert Huber 1:26.72 1:29.03 2:55.75
16 West Germany Franz Vogler 1:27.48 1:28.58 2:56.06
17 Austria Heini Messner 1:27.52 1:28.63 2:56.15
18 Italy Giuseppe Compagnoni 1:27.56 1:28.70 2:56.26
19 France Jean Pierro Augert 1:25.90 1:30.42 2:56.32
20 France Georges Mauduit 1:26.67 1:29.67 2:36.43
21 West Germany Maks Rieger 1:27.84 1:28.85 2:56.67
22 Switzerland Bernhard Russi 1.26.94 1:29.87 2:56.81
23 France Henri Bréchu 1.26.62 1:30.25 2:56.87
24 Austria David Zwilling 1:26.89 1:30.12 2:57.01
25 France Jean Louis Ambroise 1:27.04 1:30.06 2:57.10
26 Italy Pierlorenzo Clataud 1:28.30 1:28.94 2.57.24
27 Austria Gerhard Riml 1:27.81 1:29.45 2:57.26
28 Italy Bruno Pizzalunga 1:28.07 1:29.51 2:57.58
29 Italy Felice De Nicolo 1:27.54 1:30.20 2:57.74
30 Sweden Bengt Erik Grahn 1:28.61 1:29.17 2:57.78
31 West Germany Christian Neureuther 1:27.97 1:30.22 2:58.19
32 Italy Renzo Zandegiacomo 1:28.18 1:30.11 2:58.29
33 Switzerland P. Frei 1:28.17 1:30.14 2:58.31
34 Sweden Anders Hansson 1:29.21 1:30.78 2:59.99
35 Italy M. Stefani 1:28.56 1.32.06 3:00.62
36 Czechoslovakia Jan Vojtech 1:29.02 1:31.98 3:01.00
37 Switzerland Mario Bergamin 1:29.53 1:31.71 3.01.24
38 West Germany Georg Sonnenberger 1:28.73 1:32.56 3:01.29
39 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Blaž Jakopič 1:29.64 1:33.03 3:02.67
40 Czechoslovakia Jan Čermak 1:30.14 1:32.65 3:02.79
41 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Jože Gazvoda 1.30.16 1:32.81 3:02.97
42 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Andrej Klinar 1:31.45 1:33.80 3:05.25
43 Argentina Ruben Macaya 1:31.95 1:34.13 3:06.08
44 Norway Per Sunde 1:33.08 1:34.40 3:07.48
45 Poland Bronislav Trzebunia 1:31.82 1.36.50 3:08.32
46 United Kingdom Royston Varley 1:33.44 1:35.31 3:08.75
47 Sweden Per Olof Richardsson 1:33.65 1:35.19 3:08.84
48 United Kingdom Julien Vasey 1:33.88 1:36.22 3:10.10
49 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Cena Štravs 1:35.26 1:37.99 3:13.25
50 Czechoslovakia Pavel Raclavski 1:34.52 1:39.15 3:13.67
51 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Boris Pesjak 1:36.62 1:37.99 3:14.61
52 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Miran Gašperšič 1:41.36 1.33.56 3:14.92
53 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Tone Albreht 1:35.90 1:40.89 3:16.79
54 Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Jože Sevčnikar 1:39.37 1:38.64 3:18.01
55 West Germany Ernst Schmid 1:46.09 1.33.36 3:19.45
56 Switzerland Jakob Tischhauser 1.54.02 1.27.93 3:21.95
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Dušan Javnik Did not finish
Czechoslovakia Josef Korman  
United Kingdom Jonathan Latiner  
Italy Claudio Detassis  
Switzerland Andreas Sprecher  
Switzerland Kurt Schnider  
Switzerland Walter Tresch
Poland Ryszard Cwikla Did not start 
Sweden Anders Hansson  
Sweden Sven Mikaelsson
France Jean Pierro Augert Disqualified   
Poland Tadeusz Kaim  
France Guy Perillatt  
France Mignon B. Rossat  
France Jules Melquiond  
Italy Eberardo Schmalzl  
West Germany Erhand Strohmeier  
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Marko Židan



The slalom event was held on 17th February.


  1. ^ "Sem in tja med vrati in ob njih (page 1 and 16)" (in Slovenian). Glas. 19 February 1969.
  2. ^ "Elita kot še nikoli (page 5)" (in Slovenian). Delo. 16 February 1969.
  3. ^ "Trojna zmaga Avstrijcev (page 1)" (in Slovenian). Delo. 17 February 1969.