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Association for Women's Sanctuary and Development

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TypeWomen's shelter
HeadquartersAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Region served
Addis Ababa, Adama, Hawassa, Dessie, Debre Birhan, Weldiya and Semera
Maria Yusuf

Association for Women's Sanctuary and Development (AWSAD) is a women's shelter in Ethiopia.[1][2][3] It is the first of its kind to be established in the country and began operations in 2003.[4][5][6] AWSAD currently has various branches in several cities including Addis Ababa and Adama.[7]



AWSAD was founded by Maria Yusuf, she is currently also its director.[8] The NGO also maintains a newsletter which Billene Seyoum served as editor.[9]

The UN Women in collaboration with the Danish and Irish governments assisted AWSAD in launching the biggest women's shelter in the nation in 2015.[10]

In 2019, United Nations Development Programme supported AWSAD in opening sanctuaries for victims of sexual violence in war-torn northern Ethiopia.[11]



The organization is dedicated to promoting the social and economic advancement of women while offering assistance to women and girls who experience physical and psychological harm.[12]

Maria Yusuf, the director, asserts that there is a widespread epidemic of homelessness in the capital of Ethiopia that requires urgent attention and resolution:[13]

"If you go around the city of Addis, you will find so many women with kids on the streets. If you ask them their problem, many will be survivors of violence. If we are not going to support these women who is going to do it? Who?"

See also



  1. ^ Gebreselassie, Elias. Speaking up against sexual violence, domestic abuse in Ethiopia. Al Jazeera.
  2. ^ Williams, Alessandra. Dancing Transnational Feminisms Ananya Dance Theatre and the Art of Social Justice. University of Washington Press. p. 137.
  3. ^ Pellerin, Camille. Citizens, Civil Society, and Activism Under the EPRDF Regime in Ethiopia An Analysis from Below. McGill-Queen's University Press. p. 105.
  4. ^ Enkuberhan, Ruth. An assessment of Integrated services from the Present and Past Shelter Users' Perspectives: the case of Association for Women's Sanctuary and Development (AWSAD) Shelter. Addis Ababa University. p. 28.
  5. ^ Ford, Liz. Ethiopia's safe houses offer more than shelter to violence survivors – in pictures. The Guardian.
  6. ^ Hague, Gill (26 May 2021). History and Memories of the Domestic Violence Movement We've Come Further Than You Think. Policy Press. p. 191. ISBN 978-1-4473-5632-5.
  7. ^ Webster, Lee. More Than a Roof: our new report on women's shelter services. Womankind Worldwide.
  8. ^ Mengistu, Lemma. Experiences of Women Survivors of Gender-Based Violence with Surivor-Centred Approach, A case of Association for Women's Sanctuary and Development (AWSAD) Ethiopia (PDF). The University of Nairobi. p. 25.
  9. ^ Woldeyes, Billene Seyoum. DW.
  10. ^ Survivors of violence find hope in shelters in Ethiopia. UN Women.
  11. ^ Supporting survivors of SGBV in conflict-affected areas. UNDP.
  12. ^ Chereta, Arif. Association for Women's Sanctuary and Development invite consultancy. Arifchereta.com.
  13. ^ Matthews, Jane. 'I am 16, I was raped': How Irish aid is helping survivors of gender-based violence in Ethiopia. TheJournal.