Category:Album covers
![]() | Pages in this category should be moved to subcategories where applicable. This category may require frequent maintenance to avoid becoming too large. It should directly contain very few, if any, pages and should mainly contain subcategories. |
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Covers of music albums.
Images in this category are audio recording covers which are used in articles under the fair use clause of United States copyright law.
Please remember that according to Wikipedia policy for non-free content every non-free image must contribute significantly to the article (e.g. identify the subject of an article, or specifically illustrate relevant points or sections within the text) and must not serve a purely decorative purpose. Images that have purely decorative purpose may be deleted.
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# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Pages in category "Album covers"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
Media in category "Album covers"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 215,399 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
- File:... Baby One More Time (album).png
- File:... Baby One More Time (International).png
- File:...All That Might Have Been...jpg
- File:...And a Little Pleasure.jpg
- File:...And Death Said Live.jpg
- File:...and i know you wanna dance cover.jpg
- File:...and Oceans - A.M.G.O.D. album cover.png
- File:...And Oceans - Cypher.jpg
- File:...And the Wings Embraced Us.jpeg
- File:...And Then We Saw Land.jpeg
- File:...Baby One More Time Single.png
- File:...But Seriously (Remastered).jpg
- File:...Dawn+Dream II.jpg
- File:...De la planète Mars.jpg
- File:...For Victory (Bolt Thrower album) cover art.jpg
- File:...If I Die, I Die cover.jpg
- File:...In Pains.jpg
- File:...ish (1927 album - cover art).jpg
- File:...Ka-Bloom!.jpg
- File:...Last the Evening (Carrie Akre album - cover art).jpg
- File:...Nothing Like the Sun (Sting album - cover art).jpg
- File:...Ready for It? - Taylor Swift.png
- File:...Sing for Very Important People cover.jpg
- File:...til deg...jpg
- File:...To Be Loved the Best of Papa Roach.jpg
- File:...Twice Shy (Great White album - cover art).jpg
- File:...Upon My Wicked Son.jpg
- File:...What Remains.jpg
- File:...with Love.jpg
- File:..That's The Way It Is.jpg
- File:.deryldoddalbum.jpg
- File:.makenomistakeshesmine.jpg
- File:'7 Days of Funk', Frontal artwork, Oct 22, 2013.jpg
- File:'68 Album Cover, In Humor and Sadness.png
- File:'81-'85 by Men at Work.png
- File:'89 Live in Japan cover.jpg
- File:'Akilotoa by Vika and Linda.png
- File:'Bout Soul.jpg
- File:'Coagulated Bliss' album cover done by Brian Montuori.jpg
- File:'Cos Life Hurts by Uncanny X men.jpg
- File:'Coz I'm Free by Christine Anu.jpg
- File:'F' Debut.jpg
- File:'For A Friend' Jimmy Somerville album cover 200x200.jpg
- File:'Fore She Was Mama.jpg
- File:'Gator Tails.jpg
- File:'Halestorm Reanimate 2.0.jpg
- File:'Halestorm Reanimate 3.0.jpg
- File:'Kindness Is the New Rock and Roll' Album Cover.jpg
- File:'N Duisend Drome.jpg
- File:'Nother Fu'ther.jpg
- File:'Olympian' by Gene (album cover).jpg
- File:'Ozzy Live' vinyl.jpg
- File:'Pierre' single artwork, Ryn Weaver.png
- File:'Round About Midnight at the Cafe Bohemia.jpg
- File:'Round Midnight (Kenny Burrell album).jpg
- File:'Round the World with Les Baxter.png
- File:'S Awful Nice.png
- File:'S Continental.png
- File:'S Make It.jpg
- File:'S Wonderful! (album).jpg
- File:'SaliveOne! by UnCanny X men.jpg
- File:'Short Movie' Artwork.jpg
- File:'t Hof van Commerce - Ezoa en niet anders - cover.jpg
- File:'t Hof van Commerce - Herman - cover.jpg
- File:'t Hof van Commerce - Rocky 7 - cover.jpg
- File:'t Hof van Commerce - Stuntman - cover.jpg
- File:'The Masterwork' Award Winning Fish-Knife (cover).jpg
- File:'Til I Die single.jpg
- File:'Til Tuesday (Believed You Were) Lucky 1988 single cover.jpg
- File:'Til Tuesday Coming Up Close 1986 single cover.jpg
- File:'Til Tuesday Looking Over My Shoulder 1985 single cover.jpg
- File:'Til Tuesday Love in a Vacuum 1985 single cover.jpg
- File:'Til Tuesday What About Love 1986 single cover.jpg
- File:'Til You Can't.jpg
- File:'Till I Get My Way - Girl Is On My Mind.jpg
- File:'Time N Place' by Kero Kero Bonito.jpg
- File:'Tis the SeaSon Buffett.jpg
- File:'Tops' with Me.jpg
- File:""Motor-Cycle" LP cover-Lotti Golden.jpg
- File:"(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding" - Nick Lowe and His Sound, 1978 single artwork.jpg
- File:"13 Steps Lead Down" - Elvis Costello.jpg
- File:"A Place With No Name" promotional cover.jpg
- File:"AAI" album.jpg
- File:"AFI (The Blood Album)" album art.jpg
- File:"Akuma no Ko" single cover.jpg
- File:"Alguien" Bachata Version.jpg
- File:"Attack on Paradise" First Edition album cover.jpg
- File:"AWE" by XG album cover.webp
- File:"Before and After" by Chad & Jeremy Album Cover.jpg
- File:"Before and After" by Chad & Jeremy Single Sleeve.jpg
- File:"Beyond Belief" - Elvis Costello (1985 single, B-side to "Green Shirt").jpg
- File:"California Dreamin'" picture sleeve.jpg
- File:"Cannelloni Macaroni".png
- File:"Catch Me Now I'm Falling" (Kinks 1979 single).jpg
- File:"Changing Colours" album cover.jpg
- File:"Checkmate" by Conan Gray - cover art.jpg
- File:"Chicago" promotional cover.jpg
- File:"Classic Tracks" (album by Rick Wakeman) CD cover.jpg
- File:"Conceited" - Flo Milli.jpeg
- File:"Count On Me" Jefferson Starship.jpg
- File:"Cover Art to album "Peter Frampton".jpg
- File:"Cozy Powell-Dance with the Devil".jpg
- File:"Crawling from the Wreckage" (Dave Edmunds).jpg
- File:"Dandy" by Herman's Hermits.jpg
- File:"David Watts" by the Jam.jpg
- File:"Days" by the Kinks, Italian picture sleeve.jpg
- File:"Dead Souls" - Joy Division (Licht und Blindheit B-side).jpg
- File:"Disappointed" - Public Image Ltd (1989).jpg
- File:"Distant Earth" - the 2 CD edition.jpg
- File:"Do You Know the Way to San Jose" - Dionne Warwick.jpg
- File:"Do You Remember Walter?" by the Kinks.png
- File:"Don't Fight It" (1982) by Kenny Loggins.jpg
- File:"Ebony (Yo-Yo album) - Sept 1998.jpg
- File:"Emergency" – WizzyPro.jpg
- File:"Encore, Robeson!".jpg
- File:"Endless Night" - Graham Parker and the Rumour.jpg
- File:"Everything Hits at Once", Spoon (2001 single).png
- File:"Fallen. the 11th album by Christian band, Stryper.jpg".jpg
- File:"Fool in Love with You - J. Photoglo.jpg
- File:"Forever" by Kenny Loggins.jpg
- File:"ForPlay" (album) Saint Motel.jpeg
- File:"George Harrison – The Vinyl Collection" box cover.jpg
- File:"Golden Years" (M-Phazes Remix) by Ruel, album cover.png
- File:"Golden Years" by M-Phazes and Ruel, album cover.png
- File:"Greater Than" album cover.jpg
- File:"Hasta el Fin del Mundo" album by Pedro Fernández.jpeg . Álbum and de cover photo.jpeg
- File:"Hater, artwork for Korn single, June 2014.jpg".jpg
- File:"Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp) - Allan Sherman.jpg
- File:"Hello, Dolly!" soundtrack album cover.jpg
- File:"Her Secret is Patience," by artist Janet Echelman, Phoenix, AZ, 2009.jpg
- File:"Here We Go Around Again" cassette single.jpg
- File:"Home Town" - Joe Jackson (song, from "Big World").jpg
- File:"Hurry Up Tomorrow" album cover, 00XO digital edition.png
- File:"Hurry Up Tomorrow" album cover, Basquiat special edition.jpeg
- File:"Hurry Up Tomorrow" album cover, Frank Miller special edition.jpeg
- File:"Hurry Up Tomorrow" album cover, Harmony Korine special edition.jpeg
- File:"Hurry Up Tomorrow" album cover, Sorayama special edition.jpeg
- File:"Hush" album cover by The Limousines.jpg
- File:"I'm Not Like Everybody Else" B-side label.png
- File:"Icy Chain" - Saweetie.jpeg
- File:"In the First Place" picture sleeve.jpg
- File:"Is There Really a Mind?" cover.png
- File:"It's A Beautiful Day" - Michael Bublé single cover art.jpg
- File:"Julian and Sandy".jpg
- File:"Leaning on a Lamp-post".jpg
- File:"Lens" Frank Ocean cover.png
- File:"Lexx - The Series" Album Cover.jpeg
- File:"London's Brilliant Parade" - Elvis Costello, 1994 EP artwork.jpg
- File:"Lose Yourself" by Kiss of LIfe album cover.webp
- File:"Love & Hyperbole" (2025), by Alessia Cara.jpg
- File:"Love and Mercy" single cover.jpg
- File:"Love Is For Losers" Album Cover.jpg
- File:"Love Me Again" single cover by RAYE.jpg
- File:"Love Will Find a Way" by Bardot.jpg
- File:"Lovin On Me" by Jack Harlow - cover art.png
- File:"Luminescent Creatures" Ichiko Aoba.jpeg
- File:"Make It Bun Dem After Hours" by Skrillex cover.jpg
- File:"Make It Bun Dem" by Skrillex cover.jpg
- File:"Makes No Sense at All" - Hüsker Dü.jpg
- File:"Memphis Bleek- Round Here ft Trick Daddy & T.I.".jpg
- File:"Mercury Poisoning" - Graham Parker and the Rumour.jpg
- File:"Merry Go Round," The Replacements (1990).png
- File:"Michael Sweet's "Real" album, 1995.jpg
- File:"Midnight at the Oasis" Single by Maria Muldaur.jpg
- File:"Money Money 2020 Part II, We Told Ya So!" album cover.jpeg
- File:"Money Without Me" Kendrick Lamar cover.jpeg
- File:"Mr.ECHO" single cover.jpg
- File:"My Love" 1973 Italian picture sleeve.jpg
- File:"New Guy" – Sarkodie.jpg
- File:"On The Backs of Angels" Single by Dream Theater.jpg
- File:"Our Town" US Remix EP - Marshall Crenshaw.jpg
- File:"Overlooked" (Caroline's Spine album cover).jpg
- File:"Pain. Joy. Ecstasy. Despair" album cover.jpg
- File:"Pat" (album).jpg
- File:"Patches" by Clarence Carter.jpeg
- File:"Picture Book" by the Kinks, West German sleeve.jpg
- File:"Play On!" broadway musical cast recording cover.jpg
- File:"Poland" by Lil Yachty alternate cover art.jpg