Category:FM-Class United States pages of NA-importance

This category contains featured media files that have been rated as "FM-Class" and "NA-importance" by WikiProject United States. Files are automatically placed into this category when the corresponding rating is given; please see the assessment department for more information.
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Pages in category "FM-Class United States pages of NA-importance"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,323 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- File talk:1 epcot illuminations 2010.jpg
- File talk:3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines - Afghanistan.jpg
- File talk:4-14 Marines in Fallujah.jpg
- File talk:5-54-Mark-45-firing edit.jpg
- File talk:05june-rapiddow-wide.gif
- File talk:20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916).webm
- File talk:25 P 51XR Mustang N6WJ Precious Metal Reno Air Race 2014 photo Don Ramey Logan.jpg
- File talk:720th Special Tactics Group airmen jump 20071003.jpg
- File talk:1804 Silver Dollar (Class III).jpg
- File talk:Sojourner Truth, 1870 (cropped, restored).jpg
- File talk:1899 poster of Mme. M. Sissieretta Jones.jpg
- File talk:1924 Map of US Naval Academy.png
- File talk:1933-11 Industry Booms After Repeal of Prohibition.ogv
- File talk:1937 all stars crop FINAL2.jpg
- File talk:1944 NormandyLST.jpg
- File talk:1971-CANNIKIN-2.jpg
- File talk:1979 right-facing Susan B. Anthony design.jpeg
- File talk:2006 American Buffalo Proof Obverse.jpg
- File talk:2006 American Buffalo Proof Reverse.jpg
- File talk:Dean Emma M. Gillett 274015v.jpg
- File talk:20070616 Chris Young visits Wrigley (4)-edit3.jpg
- File talk:A big tip in Galveston2.jpg
- File talk:A Date To Skate (1938).webm
- File talk:A Trip Down Market Street (High Res).webm
- File talk:A Woman of Paris, A Drama of Fate (1923) by Charlie Chaplin.webm
- File talk:A.J. Muste, anti-war activist, cropped.jpg
- File talk:Abigail Scott Duniway registering to vote.jpg
- File talk:Adams Synchronological Chart, 1881.jpg
- File talk:ADAMS, John Q-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:ADAMS,John-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Address Before a Joint Session of Congress (February 24, 2009) - Barack Obama (
- File talk:Admiral Farragut2.jpg
- File talk:Admiral John Dahlgren - NARA - 528718 edit.jpg
- File talk:Advanced Test Reactor.jpg
- File talk:Aerial image of Grand Prismatic Spring (view from the south).jpg
- File talk:Aerial view of SFNO after Hurricane Katrina edit.jpg
- File talk:Aerial view of the Pentagon during rescue operations post-September 11 attack.JPEG
- File talk:Agassiz statue Mwc00715.jpg
- File talk:Air Force One over Mt. Rushmore.jpg
- File talk:AirdropcloseJan18haiti edited.jpg
- File talk:Al Grey (Gottlieb).jpg
- File talk:Alamo pano.jpg
- File talk:Alan Bean NASA portrait (S69-38859).jpg
- File talk:Alaska Purchase (hi-res).jpg
- File talk:Albert Bierstadt - Among the Sierra Nevada, California - Google Art Project.jpg
- File talk:Albert Bierstadt - The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak.jpg
- File talk:Albert Einstein sticks his tongue.jpg
- File talk:Alcatraz03182006.jpg
- File talk:Aldrin Apollo 11 original.jpg
- File talk:Aldrin Looks Back at Tranquility Base - GPN-2000-001102.jpg
- File talk:Alex Schomburg - Harl Vincent - Marvel Science Stories for April-May 1939 - Illustration for Newscast.jpg
- File talk:Alfred Waud by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.jpg
- File talk:Muhammad Ali NYWTS.jpg
- File talk:Alice C. Evans, National Photo Company portrait, circa 1915.jpg
- File talk:Alice Neilsen's production of Victor Herbert's The Fortune Teller.jpg
- File talk:Alice Park - Records of the National Woman's Party.jpg
- File talk:Alice Paul (1915) by Harris & Ewing.jpg
- File talk:Alice Roosevelt by Frances Benjamin Johnston.jpg
- File talk:AliceCooperO2 250522 - Sheryl Cooper - (94 of 133) (52100040162) (cropped).jpg
- File talk:Almirante Antonio de Ulloa.jpg
- File talk:Amanda Berry Smith by T. B. Latchmore.jpg
- File talk:American robin (71307).jpg
- File talk:American World War II senior military officials, 1945.JPEG
- File talk:Anchorage White Raven.jpg
- File talk:AnchorsAweigh.ogg
- File talk:Andersonville Prison.jpg
- File talk:Andover Tornado, April 29, 2022, City Hall East Camera.webm
- File talk:Angela Davis in a half-length portrait by Bernard Gotfryd - crop.jpg
- File talk:Anna Klumpke - Portrait of Rosa Bonheur (1898).jpg
- File talk:Anne Dallas Dudley LOC.jpg
- File talk:Annex - Stewart, James (Call Northside 777) 01.jpg
- File talk:Annie Oakley shooting glass balls, 1894.ogv
- File talk:Another voice for Cleveland - F.B. LCCN95522869 - restoration2.jpg
- File talk:Ansel Adams - National Archives 79-AA-Q01 restored.jpg
- File talk:Ansel Adams and camera.jpg
- File talk:Antelope Island State Park Map.jpg
- File talk:Apache-killing-Iraq.ogv
- File talk:Apollo 4 liftoff - GPN-2006-000038.jpg
- File talk:Apollo 11 Launch - GPN-2000-000630.jpg
- File talk:Apollo 11 Launch2.jpg
- File talk:Apollo 11 Lunar Lander - 5927 NASA.jpg
- File talk:Apollo 17 Cernan on moon.jpg
- File talk:Apollo 17 The Last Moon Shot Edit1.jpg
- File talk:Apollo13-load on deck crop1.jpg
- File talk:Arachnis picta edit1.jpg
- File talk:Arches National Park Map.jpg
- File talk:Arctic Thunder 160729-F-YH552-021 - edit1.jpg
- File talk:Arecibo message.svg
- File talk:Arizona - 1907 poster.jpg
- File talk:Arizona (BB39) Port Bow, Underway - NARA - 5900075 - 1930.jpg
- File talk:Arkansas state coat of arms (illustrated, 1876).jpg
- File talk:Art Tatum, Vogue Room 1948 (Gottlieb).jpg
- File talk:Artemis 2 Crew Portrait.jpg
- File talk:Artemis I Launch (NHQ202211160017).jpg
- File talk:Arthur Kornberg (30828410210) - restoration1.jpg
- File talk:AS15-88-11866 - Apollo 15 flag, rover, LM, Irwin - restoration1.jpg
- File talk:Asher B. Durand by Abraham Bogardus.jpg
- File talk:Atari E.T. Dig- Alamogordo, New Mexico (14036097792).jpg
- File talk:Atlanta roundhouse ruin3.jpg
- File talk:Atlantis launch plume edit.jpg
- File talk:Attack on carrier USS Franklin 19 March 1945.jpg
- File talk:Attack on Harper's Ferrypass5.jpg
- File talk:Azurite - New Nevada Lode, La Sal, Utah, USA.jpg
- File talk:B-1B over the pacific ocean.jpg
- File talk:B-2 Spirit Dyess AFB Air Show 2018.jpg
- File talk:B-2 Spirit original.jpg
- File talk:B-36 tracked gear edit.jpg
- File talk:B25-mitchell-assembly.jpg
- File talk:Babe Ruth2.jpg
- File talk:Barack Obama family portrait 2011.jpg
- File talk:Barack Obama inauguration speech 2009.ogg
- File talk:Barack Obama Oath of Office.ogg
- File talk:Barack Obama with artistic gymnastic McKayla Maroney 2.jpg
- File talk:Barnum & Bailey clowns and geese2.jpg
- File talk:Baseball glass workers2.jpg
- File talk:Battle Hymn of the Republic, Frank C. Stanley, Elise Stevenson.ogg
- File talk:Battle of Churubusco2.jpg
- File talk:Battle of Spottsylvania by Thure de Thulstrup.jpg
- File talk:Beijing Castle Boxer Rebellion 1900 FINAL.jpg
- File talk:Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood.jpg
- File talk:Benjamin Franklin - Join or Die.jpg
- File talk:Benjamin Franklin 1767.jpg
- File talk:Benjamin Franklin Tilley - NH 67313.jpg
- File talk:BEP-(Multiple)-Landing of Columbus (Vanderlyn).jpg
- File talk:BEP-BURT-Baptism of Pocahontas (Chapman).jpg
- File talk:BEP-DELNOCE & GIRSCH-Washington Resigning his Commission (Trumbull).jpg
- File talk:BEP-GIRSCH-Declaration of Independence (Trumbull).jpg
- File talk:BEP-GIRSCH-DeSoto Discovering the Mississippi (Powell).jpg
- File talk:BEP-GIRSCH-Surrender of General Burgoyne (Trumbull).jpg
- File talk:BEP-RICE-Embarkation of the Pilgrims (Weir).jpg
- File talk:Bertha Houston - We are Americans, Praise the Lord.ogg
- File talk:Bessie Coleman in 1923.jpg
- File talk:Bessie Smith (1936) by Carl Van Vechten.jpg
- File talk:Betty Boop - Poor Cinderella (1934) - HD.webm
- File talk:Beulah Ream Allen receiving the Medal of Freedom (1945).jpg
- File talk:BIBB, George M-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco, "Alligator Chief").jpg
- File talk:Billy Strayhorn, New York, N.Y., between 1946 and 1948 (William P. Gottlieb 08211).jpg
- File talk:Bingham Canyon Mine 1942c.jpg
- File talk:Bison skull pile edit.jpg
- File talk:Blanche Roosevelt by Napoleon Sarony.jpg
- File talk:BNSF GE Dash-9 C44-9W Kennewick - Wishram WA.jpg
- File talk:Bodie ghost town.jpg
- File talk:Booker T. Washington by Francis Benjamin Johnston, c. 1895.jpg
- File talk:Border USA Mexico.jpg
- File talk:Boston Massacre high-res.jpg
- File talk:Boston skyline from Longfellow Bridge September 2017 panorama 2.jpg
- File talk:Boston, 1775bsmall1.png
- File talk:BOUTWELL, George S-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Brandeisl.jpg
- File talk:Brig Niagara 1913 edit.jpg
- File talk:BRISTOW, Benjamin H-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Brooklyn Glass (32606)a.jpg
- File talk:Brown pelican in flight (Bodega Bay).jpg
- File talk:Bruce McCandless II during EVA in 1984.jpg
- File talk:BUCHANAN, James-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Buffalo soldiers1.jpg
- File talk:Busterkeaton edit.jpg
- File talk:Buteo jamaicensis in flight at Llano Seco-1520.jpg
- File talk:Buzz Aldrin.jpg
- File talk:Buzz Aldrin's bootprint on the Moon, AS11-40-5877 (21472308758).jpg
- File talk:Buzz salutes the U.S. Flag.jpg
- File talk:C-130 EODMU-11 static jump 2004.jpg
- File talk:C. Everett Koop, 1980s.jpg
- File talk:C17 aircraft alt.jpg
- File talk:CA-84 Woodside April 2023 002.jpg
- File talk:Cabinet card of William Howard Taft by Pach Brothers - Cropped to image.jpg
- File talk:Cadillacsquareexcerpt.ogg
- File talk:Caledonia, New York aerial2.jpg
- File talk:California island Vinckeboons5.jpg
- File talk:CampanileMtTamalpiasSunset-original.jpg
- File talk:CAMPBELL, George W-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Capt. Della H. Raney, Army Nurse Corps, who now heads the nursing staff at the station hospital at Camp Beale, CA - NARA - 535942.jpg
- File talk:Carl Sandburg's Rootabaga Stories (1922), Frontispiece.jpg
- File talk:Carl Van Vechten - Shirley Graham Du Bois.jpg
- File talk:CARLISLE, John Griffin-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Carmen Miranda in That Night in Rio (1941).jpg
- File talk:Carpilius convexus is consuming Heterocentrotus trigonarius in Hawaii.jpg
- File talk:Carter and Sadat White House2.jpg
- File talk:Carter Panama Canal speech.ogg
- File talk:Casing.jpg
- File talk:Castelloplan.jpg
- File talk:Castle Bravo Shrimp Device 002 - restoration1.jpg
- File talk:Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkin (1900-1979) - Science Service.jpg
- File talk:Cervus canadensis nannodes at Tomales Point.jpg
- File talk:Challenger flight 51-l crew.jpg
- File talk:Charles Follen McKim by Frances Benjamin Johnston.jpg
- File talk:Charles Henry Turner at Sumner High School, St. Louis, Mo. Aug. 9, 1921.jpg
- File talk:Charles Marion Russell - A bad hoss (1904).jpg
- File talk:Charles Marion Russell - The Custer Fight (1903).jpg
- File talk:Charles Marion Russell – Smoke of a .45 – Google Art Project.jpg
- File talk:Charles P. Stone2b.jpg
- File talk:Charles Roscoe Savage self-portrait.jpg
- File talk:Charles Willson Peale - Portrait of Thomas Willing.jpg
- File talk:CharlesGriffin.jpg
- File talk:CharltonHestonCivilRightsMarch1963Retouched.jpg
- File talk:CHASE, Samuel P-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Chemerinsky during Hyatt III sketch.jpg
- File talk:Cherokee Pass2.jpg