Category:Out of copyright in 2044
This category contains media whose copyright status is understood to have expired in both the United States and in the country of origin as of January 1, 2044
Should the images here meet the scope for Wikimedia Commons they should be transferred and the local copy deleted.
Media in category "Out of copyright in 2044"
The following 67 files are in this category, out of 67 total.
- File:Jacques Lipchitz, 1918, Le Guitariste (The Guitar Player).jpg
- File:Jacques Lipchitz, 1918, Still Life, bas relief, stone.jpg
- File:Jacques Lipchitz, 1919-20, Harlequin with Clarinet.jpg
- File:Jacques Lipchitz, 1920, Harlequin with Clarinet.jpg
- File:Jacques Lipchitz, 1920, Man with Guitar.jpg
- File:Jacques Lipchitz, 1920, Portrait of Jean Cocteau.jpg
- File:Japp, Darsie (MC) - Regimental Band - Google Art Project.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso - Caricature of Pere Mañach.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso - La Gommeuse.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1901-02, Femme aux Bras Croisés, Woman with Folded Arms (Madchenbildnis), oil on canvas, 81 × 58 cm (32 × 23 in).jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1901-02, Le bock (Portrait de Jaime Sabartes), The Glass of Beer (Portrait of the Poet Sabartes), oil on canvas, 82 x 66 cm, Pushkin Museum, Moscow.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1901, Harlequin and his Companion (Les deux saltimbanques), oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm, Pushkin Museum, Moscow.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1902-03, Femme assise (Melancholy Woman), oil on canvas, 100 x 69.2 cm, The Detroit Museum of Art.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1902-03, La soupe (The soup), oil on canvas, 38.5 x 46.0 cm, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1902, Woman with Bangs, 61.3 x 51.4 cm, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Maryland.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1903, Desemparats (Maternité, Mère et enfant au fichu, Motherhood), pastel on paper, 47.5 x 41 cm, Museu Picasso, Barcelona.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1904-05, Les Baladins (Mother and Child, Acrobats), gouache on canvas, 90 x 71 cm Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1904, Woman with a Helmet of Hair, gouache on tan wood pulp board, 42.7 x 31.3 cm, Art Institute of Chicago.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1905-06, Les deux frères (The two brothers), oil on canvas, 141.4 x 97.1 cm, Kunstmuseum Basel.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1905, Acrobat's Family with a Monkey (Famille au Singe), collage, gouache, watercolor, pastel and india ink on carboard, 104 x 75 cm, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Goteburg.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1905, Acrobate à la Boule (Acrobat on a Ball), oil on canvas, 147 x 95 cm, The Pushkin Museum, Moscow.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1905, Fillette nue au panier de fleurs (Le panier fleuri), oil on canvas, 155 x 66 cm, private collection, New York.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1905, Lady with a Fan (Femme à l'éventail), oil on canvas, 100.3 x 81 cm, The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1905, Maternité (Mother and Child).jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1905, Nus (Nudes), pencil on paper.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1906, La Mort d'Arlequin (Death of Harlequin), gouache and pencil on board, 68.5 x 96 cm, private collection.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1906, Nu aux mains serrées, gouache on canvas, 96.5 x 75.6 cm, Art Gallery of Ontario.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1909–10, Head of a Woman (Fernande), modeled on Fernande Olivier (right side).jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1909–10, Head of a Woman (Fernande), modeled on Fernande Olivier.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1910, Girl with a Mandolin (Fanny Tellier), oil on canvas, 100.3 x 73.6 cm, Museum of Modern Art New York..jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, 1911, The Poet (Le poète), Céret, oil on linen, 131.2 × 89.5 cm, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, c.1911, Le Guitariste.jpg
- File:Pablo Picasso, Dona i Pop (1903).jpg
- File:Print, The Dance of Salome, 1905 (CH 18345125).jpg