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Cursed equilibrium

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Cursed equilibrium
Solution concept in game theory
Superset ofBayesian Nash equilibrium
Proposed byErik Eyster, Matthew Rabin

In game theory, a cursed equilibrium is a solution concept for static games of incomplete information. It is a generalization of the usual Bayesian Nash equilibrium, allowing for players to underestimate the connection between other players' equilibrium actions and their types – that is, the behavioral bias of neglecting the link between what others know and what others do. Intuitively, in a cursed equilibrium players "average away" the information regarding other players' types' mixed strategies.

The solution concept was first introduced by Erik Eyster and Matthew Rabin in 2005,[1] and has since become a canonical behavioral solution concept for Bayesian games in behavioral economics.[2]



Bayesian games


Let be a finite set of players and for each , define their finite set of possible actions and as their finite set of possible types; the sets and are the sets of joint action and type profiles, respectively. Each player has a utility function , and types are distributed according to a joint probability distribution . A finite Bayesian game consists of the data .

Bayesian Nash equilibrium


For each player , a mixed strategy specifies the probability of player playing action when their type is .

For notational convenience, we also define the projections and , and let be the joint mixed strategy of players , where gives the probability that players play action profile when they are of type .

Definition: a Bayesian Nash equilibrium (BNE) for a finite Bayesian game consists of a strategy profile such that, for every , every , and every action played with positive probability , we have

where is player 's beliefs about other players types given his own type .



Average strategies


First, we define the "average strategy of other players", averaged over their types. Formally, for each and each , we define by putting

Notice that does not depend on . It gives the probability, viewed from the perspective of player when he is of type , that the other players will play action profile when they follow the mixed strategy . More specifically, the information contained in does not allow player to assess the direct relation between and given by .

Cursed equilibrium


Given a degree of mispercetion , we define a -cursed equilibrium for a finite Bayesian game as a strategy profile such that, for every , every , we have

for every action played with positive probability .

For , we have the usual BNE. For , the equilibrium is referred to as a fully cursed equilibrium, and the players in it as fully cursed.



Trade with asymmetric information


In bilateral trade with two-sided asymmetric information, there are some scenarios where the BNE solution implies that no trade occurs, while there exist -cursed equilibria where both parties choose to trade.[1]

Ambiguous political campaigns and cursed voters


In an election model where candidates are policy-motivated, candidates who do not reveal their policy preferences would not be elected if voters are completely rational. In a BNE, voters would correctly infer that if a candidate is ambiguous about their policy position, then it's because such a position is unpopular. Therefore, unless a candidate has very extreme – unpopular – positions, they would announce their policy preferences.

If voters are cursed, however, they underestimate the connection between the non-announcement of policy position and the unpopularity of the policy. This leads to both moderate and extreme candidates concealing their policy preferences.[3]


  1. ^ a b Eyster, Erik; Rabin, Matthew (2005). "Cursed Equilibrium". Econometrica. 73 (5): 1623–1672. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2005.00631.x.
  2. ^ Cohen, Shani; Li, Shengwu (2022). "Sequential Cursed Equilibrium". arXiv:2212.06025 [econ.TH].
  3. ^ Szembrot, Nichole (2017). "Are voters cursed when politicians conceal policy preferences?". Public Chcoice. 173: 25–41. doi:10.1007/s11127-017-0461-9.