Standard symbol
Named after
Field of application
Archimedes number |
Ar |
Archimedes |
fluid mechanics (motion of fluids due to density differences)
Atwood number |
A |
? |
fluid mechanics (onset of instabilities in fluid mixtures due to density differences)
Bagnold number
Ralph Bagnold
Granular flow (grain collision stresses to viscous fluid stresses)
Bejan number |
Be |
Adrian Bejan |
fluid mechanics (dimensionless pressure drop along a channel)[4]
Bingham number |
Bm |
Eugene C. Bingham |
fluid mechanics, rheology (ratio of yield stress to viscous stress)[5]
Biot number |
Bi |
Jean-Baptiste Biot |
heat transfer (surface vs. volume conductivity of solids)
Blake number |
Bl or B |
Frank C. Blake (1892–1926) |
geology, fluid mechanics, porous media (inertial over viscous forces in fluid flow through porous media)
Bond number |
Bo |
Wilfrid Noel Bond |
geology, fluid mechanics, porous media (buoyant versus capillary forces, similar to the Eötvös number)[6]
Brinkman number |
Br |
Henri Brinkman |
heat transfer, fluid mechanics (conduction from a wall to a viscous fluid)
Burger number
Alewyn P. Burger (1927–2003)
meteorology, oceanography (density stratification versus Earth's rotation)
Brownell–Katz number |
Lloyd E. Brownell and Donald L. Katz |
fluid mechanics (combination of capillary number and Bond number)[7]
Capillary number |
Ca |
porous media, fluid mechanics (viscous forces versus surface tension)
Cauchy number |
Ca |
Augustin-Louis Cauchy |
compressible flows (inertia forces versus compressibility force)
Cavitation number |
Ca |
multiphase flow (hydrodynamic cavitation, pressure over dynamic pressure)
Chandrasekhar number |
C |
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar |
hydromagnetics (Lorentz force versus viscosity)
Colburn J factors |
JM, JH, JD |
Allan Philip Colburn (1904–1955) |
turbulence; heat, mass, and momentum transfer (dimensionless transfer coefficients)
Damkohler number |
Da |
Gerhard Damköhler |
chemistry (reaction time scales vs. residence time)
Darcy friction factor |
Cf or fD |
Henry Darcy |
fluid mechanics (fraction of pressure losses due to friction in a pipe; four times the Fanning friction factor)
Darcy number
Henry Darcy
Fluid dynamics (permeability of the medium versus its cross-sectional area in porous media)
Dean number |
D |
William Reginald Dean |
turbulent flow (vortices in curved ducts)
Deborah number |
De |
Deborah |
rheology (viscoelastic fluids)
Drag coefficient |
cd |
aeronautics, fluid dynamics (resistance to fluid motion)
Dukhin number
Stanislav and Andrei Dukhin
Fluid heterogeneous systems (surface conductivity to various electrokinetic and electroacoustic effects)
Eckert number |
Ec |
Ernst R. G. Eckert |
convective heat transfer (characterizes dissipation of energy; ratio of kinetic energy to enthalpy)
Ekman number
Vagn Walfrid Ekman
Geophysics (viscosity to Coriolis force ratio)
Eötvös number |
Eo |
Loránd Eötvös |
fluid mechanics (shape of bubbles or drops)
Ericksen number |
Er |
Jerald Ericksen |
fluid dynamics (liquid crystal flow behavior; viscous over elastic forces)
Euler number |
Eu |
Leonhard Euler |
hydrodynamics (stream pressure versus inertia forces)
Excess temperature coefficient |
heat transfer, fluid dynamics (change in internal energy versus kinetic energy)[8]
Fanning friction factor |
f |
John T. Fanning |
fluid mechanics (fraction of pressure losses due to friction in a pipe; 1/4th the Darcy friction factor)[9]
Froude number |
Fr |
William Froude |
fluid mechanics (wave and surface behaviour; ratio of a body's inertia to gravitational forces)
Galilei number |
Ga |
Galileo Galilei |
fluid mechanics (gravitational over viscous forces)
Görtler number |
G |
Henry Görtler [de] |
fluid dynamics (boundary layer flow along a concave wall)
Goucher number [fr]
Frederick Shand Goucher (1888–1973)
fluid dynamics (wire coating problems)
Garcia-Atance number |
GA |
Gonzalo Garcia-Atance Fatjo |
phase change (ultrasonic cavitation onset, ratio of pressures over pressure due to acceleration)
Graetz number |
Gz |
Leo Graetz |
heat transfer, fluid mechanics (laminar flow through a conduit; also used in mass transfer)
Grashof number |
Gr |
Franz Grashof |
heat transfer, natural convection (ratio of the buoyancy to viscous force)
Hartmann number |
Ha |
Julius Hartmann (1881–1951) |
magnetohydrodynamics (ratio of Lorentz to viscous forces)
Hagen number |
Hg |
Gotthilf Hagen |
heat transfer (ratio of the buoyancy to viscous force in forced convection)
Iribarren number |
Ir |
Ramón Iribarren |
wave mechanics (breaking surface gravity waves on a slope)
Jakob number |
Ja |
Max Jakob |
heat transfer (ratio of sensible heat to latent heat during phase changes)
Jesus number
Surface tension (ratio of surface tension and weight)
Karlovitz number |
Ka |
Béla Karlovitz |
turbulent combustion (characteristic flow time times flame stretch rate)
Kapitza number |
Ka |
Pyotr Kapitsa |
fluid mechanics (thin film of liquid flows down inclined surfaces)
Keulegan–Carpenter number |
KC |
Garbis H. Keulegan (1890–1989) and Lloyd H. Carpenter |
fluid dynamics (ratio of drag force to inertia for a bluff object in oscillatory fluid flow)
Knudsen number |
Kn |
Martin Knudsen |
gas dynamics (ratio of the molecular mean free path length to a representative physical length scale)
Kutateladze number |
Ku |
Samson Kutateladze |
fluid mechanics (counter-current two-phase flow)[10]
Laplace number |
La |
Pierre-Simon Laplace |
fluid dynamics (free convection within immiscible fluids; ratio of surface tension to momentum-transport)
Lewis number |
Le |
Warren K. Lewis |
heat and mass transfer (ratio of thermal to mass diffusivity)
Lift coefficient |
CL |
aerodynamics (lift available from an airfoil at a given angle of attack)
Lockhart–Martinelli parameter |
R. W. Lockhart and Raymond C. Martinelli |
two-phase flow (flow of wet gases; liquid fraction)[11]
Mach number |
M or Ma |
Ernst Mach |
gas dynamics (compressible flow; dimensionless velocity)
Marangoni number |
Mg |
Carlo Marangoni |
fluid mechanics (Marangoni flow; thermal surface tension forces over viscous forces)
Markstein number |
Ma |
George H. Markstein |
turbulence, combustion (Markstein length to laminar flame thickness)
Morton number |
Mo |
Rose Morton |
fluid dynamics (determination of bubble/drop shape)
Nusselt number |
Nu |
Wilhelm Nusselt |
heat transfer (forced convection; ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer)
Ohnesorge number |
Oh |
Wolfgang von Ohnesorge |
fluid dynamics (atomization of liquids, Marangoni flow)
Péclet number |
Pe |
Jean Claude Eugène Péclet |
fluid mechanics (ratio of advective transport rate over molecular diffusive transport rate), heat transfer (ratio of advective transport rate over thermal diffusive transport rate)
Prandtl number |
Pr |
Ludwig Prandtl |
heat transfer (ratio of viscous diffusion rate over thermal diffusion rate)
Pressure coefficient |
CP |
aerodynamics, hydrodynamics (pressure experienced at a point on an airfoil; dimensionless pressure variable)
Rayleigh number |
Ra |
John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh |
heat transfer (buoyancy versus viscous forces in free convection)
Reynolds number |
Re |
Osborne Reynolds |
fluid mechanics (ratio of fluid inertial and viscous forces)[5]
Richardson number |
Ri |
Lewis Fry Richardson |
fluid dynamics (effect of buoyancy on flow stability; ratio of potential over kinetic energy)[12]
Roshko number |
Ro |
Anatol Roshko |
fluid dynamics (oscillating flow, vortex shedding)
Rossby number |
Ro |
Carl-Gustaf Rossby |
fluid flow (geophysics, ratio of inertial force to Coriolis force)
Rouse number
Hunter Rouse
Fluid dynamics (concentration profile of suspended sediment)
Schmidt number |
Sc |
Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm Schmidt (1892–1975) |
mass transfer (viscous over molecular diffusion rate)[13]
Scruton number
Christopher 'Kit' Scruton
Fluid dynamics (vortex resonance)
Shape factor |
H |
boundary layer flow (ratio of displacement thickness to momentum thickness)
Sherwood number |
Sh |
Thomas Kilgore Sherwood |
mass transfer (forced convection; ratio of convective to diffusive mass transport)
Shields parameter
Albert F. Shields
Fluid dynamics (motion of sediment)
Sommerfeld number |
S |
Arnold Sommerfeld |
hydrodynamic lubrication (boundary lubrication)[14]
Stanton number |
St |
Thomas Ernest Stanton |
heat transfer and fluid dynamics (forced convection)
Stokes number |
Stk or Sk |
Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet |
particles suspensions (ratio of characteristic time of particle to time of flow)
Strouhal number |
St |
Vincenc Strouhal |
Vortex shedding (ratio of characteristic oscillatory velocity to ambient flow velocity)
Stuart number |
N |
John Trevor Stuart |
magnetohydrodynamics (ratio of electromagnetic to inertial forces)
Taylor number |
Ta |
G. I. Taylor |
fluid dynamics (rotating fluid flows; inertial forces due to rotation of a fluid versus viscous forces)
Thoma number
Dieter Thoma (1881–1942)
multiphase flow (hydrodynamic cavitation, pressure over dynamic pressure)
Ursell number |
U |
Fritz Ursell |
wave mechanics (nonlinearity of surface gravity waves on a shallow fluid layer)
Wallis parameter |
j∗ |
Graham B. Wallis |
multiphase flows (nondimensional superficial velocity)[15]
Weber number |
We |
Moritz Weber |
multiphase flow (strongly curved surfaces; ratio of inertia to surface tension)
Weissenberg number |
Wi |
Karl Weissenberg |
viscoelastic flows (shear rate times the relaxation time)[16]
Womersley number |
John R. Womersley |
biofluid mechanics (continuous and pulsating flows; ratio of pulsatile flow frequency to viscous effects)[17]
Zeldovich number |
Yakov Zeldovich |
fluid dynamics, Combustion (Measure of activation energy)