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CSIAA was founded in Rome in 1999 as Centro Studi Interdisciplinari sull'Architettura e sull'Ambiente on an idea of Roberto A. Cherubini, Alessandra De Cesaris e Domizia Mandolesi,designers and professors of Architecture at the Sapienza University in Rome. It soon became known by its acronym as a free association of designers, led by Roberto A. Cherubini, in variable formation from time to time, which flanks the project with an individually structured popular and editorial activity. It is a place for experimentation, elaboration and debate, deployed on unusual design issues, with the ultimate aim of reasoning about architecture, the city and the landscape outside the usually adopted schemes.

Scientific activity


Over time, CSIAA's scientific and design activities have been joined by architects destined to make a name for themselves in their fields: Luca Maricchiolo, now a design lecturer in Paris; Anna Laura Petrucci, director of the architecture department of the main Saudi college in Jeddah; Antonio Meneghini Calderon, project manager; and Marco Giordano, interior designer. IIn more than twenty years of activity CSIAA has participated in international design competitions in Italy, Europe and America, providing design models in numerous occasions of debate and discussion on architecture and the city. In collaboration with various publishing houses, CSIAA has published numerous monographs on its design experiences and experiments in Italy and abroad.



Until the pandemic years, CSIAA supported the academic activities of Roberto A. Cherubini↵in the annual organisation of the “International Meetings of Architecture” usually held in the spring at the Proceno Castel in northern Lazio. Each time, the Meetings brought together around one hundred students and experts and planners from numerous countries to discuss topics related to architecture, the city and the landscape.↵In addition to the plenary session in the spring, the Meetings held more restricted meetings each year in the autumn throughout the second decade of the 2000s at the Castle, which produced scientific papers and dissertations on the Centre's topics of interest



Today CSIAA publishes every six months with the Department of Planning Design and Technology of Architecture of the Sapienza University the architecture magazine A&A Architecture and Environment. Among the concrete outcomes of CSIAA's project activity is the realisation by Roberto A. Cherubini and Maurizio Petrangeli of the project for the reopening of the Porta Urbica del Bottino and the pedestrian ascent to the hill of Borgo di Proceno, whose first sketches were collected among the participants at the First International Meeting of Architecture in 1999.



Main projects:

  • Among them the so-called “Trilogy of Airports”, the 3 competition projects for the reuse of the domestic airport area in Reykjavík (shortlisted project, 2008), for the reuse of the Quito urban airport area (2013-2014), for the reuse of the Mexico City Airport (2015).
  • The reorganisation of the area of the Old Port of Valencia after the America's Cup (2007) and the subsequent project for the port area of Nordhavnen in Copenhagen (2008) in which the idea of an ‘Artificial Dune’ was first enunciated as a doubling of available surfaces in a situation of extreme urban crowding.



Key publications include:

  • Between 2010 and 2014, CSIAA took part in urban studies on the Danube in Belgrade (Roberto A. Cherubini AW-Across Waters. Orienta, Rome 2012[1]) and on the central places of the city of Marrakech (Roberto A. Cherubini, Maurizio Petrangeli. Le mura, l’acqua, la centralità, Orienta Roma 2014).

In an organic manner in 2007 in the volume “CSIAA_Docks reloaded” Orienta Edizioni, Rome and subsequently, with continuity, up to the recent “Mediterraneo Contemporaneo” Franco Angeli, Roma 2019.

  • From “Sull’Orlo del precipizio” (1999) to “Il futuro dell’Expo di Hannover (2000) to “Arcipelaghi metropolitani” (2012-2013) to “Litorali metropolitani” (2015-2018-2019), to “Suoli in movimento”(2017).
  • The aforementioned “Sull’orlo del precipizio”, the results of which were published by Roberto A. Cherubini in the volume of the same name (Diagonale, Rome 1999).

