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House of Dipsheu

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House of Dipsheu
Дыпщэу Лъэпкъ
Circassian house of privateer origin
Country Circassia (formerly)
 Russian Empire (formerly)
Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus (formerly)
 Soviet Union (formerly)
EtymologyDipsheu (Дыпщэу) meaning "our Psheu" in Ubykh dialect of Circassian
Place of originPsheu valley, Ubykhia, Circassia (present-day Psou River, Krasnodar Krai, Russia and northwesternmost Abkhazia)

House of Dipsheu (also referred to as Dipshow or Psheu) (Ubykh: Дыпщэу Лъэпкъ, Russian: Дипшов, Turkish: Dipşov Ailesi) is a Circassian privateer house of Ubykhia of Circassia, who controlled the entirety of Psou River until the end of Russo-Circassian War.[1] They were known for their privateer activities along the Black Sea coast of Circassia.[2] They are found in Adygea and Krasnodar Krai within Russian Federation; as well as in Republic of Turkey due to Circassian genocide in the present day.



Dipsheu means "our Psheu" in Ubykh: Дипшэу, referring that the family ruled over the valley which Psou River is flowing through, which is the present-day border of Russian Federation and Abkhazia.[2]

Notable members



  1. ^ Адыгэ ЛъэкъуацӀэхэмрэ Тамыгъэхэмрэ - Цуекъо Алый // Мыекъуапэ Адыгэ Рэспубликэм Итхылъ ТэдзапӀ 2012
  2. ^ a b Çerkes Ethem [attributed] (2014). Hatıralarım (Çerkes trajedisinin 150. yılında) [My Memoirs] (in Turkish). Istanbul: Bizim Kitaplar. ISBN 9786055476465.