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Jujubinus striatus

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Jujubinus striatus
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Vetigastropoda
Order: Trochida
Superfamily: Trochoidea
Family: Trochidae
Genus: Jujubinus
J. striatus
Binomial name
Jujubinus striatus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

See: List of synonyms

Jujubinus striatus, commonly known as the grooved top shell, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Trochidae, the top snails.[1]

Subspecies include:

  • Jujubinus striatus delpreteanus (Sulliotti, 1889)
  • Jujubinus striatus striatus (Linnaeus, 1758)



The size of the shell varies between 6 mm and 13 mm. The small, imperforate, solid shell has an elongate-conical shape. It is brown or yellowish olive, rarely unicolored, striped or lined longitudinally with white, sometimes the striping broken into a tessellated pattern. The surface is dull or shining. The whorls show a much less prominent ridge at the periphery than in Jujubinus exasperatus. The supra-sutural fasciole when discernible, is not projecting nor prominent. The whorls are encircled by numerous subequal lirulae. The interstices are slightly or strongly obliquely striate. The base of the shell contains numerous striae or riblets, about double the number possessed by Jujubinus exasperatus.[citation needed]

This species is distinguished from Jujubinus exasperatus, a species of nearly the same size and outline, by its finer more numerous spiral striae, and a less strongly truncate columella.[2]



This species occurs in the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean from France to the Azores and the Canary Islands and Madeira; and in the Mediterranean Sea. In the Irish Sea it was recorded in the Langness Marine Nature Reserve off the Isle of Man in 2019; the first Manx record since Edward Forbes first recorded there it in 1838.[citation needed]

List of synonyms

  • Calliostoma striatum (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Jujubinus altior Coen, 1937
  • Jujubinus brugnonei Coen, 1937
  • Jujubinus decipiens Parenzan, 1970 (dubious synonym)
  • Jujubinus defiorei Coen, 1937
  • Jujubinus delpreteanus Sulliotti, 1889
  • Jujubinus depictus (Deshayes, 1835)
  • Jujubinus depictus var. phasiana Pallary 1906
  • Jujubinus depictus var. funerea Sulliotti 1889
  • Jujubinus depictus var. hieroglyphica Sulliotti 1889
  • Jujubinus depictus var. ligata Sulliotti 1889
  • Jujubinus depictus var. rubra Sulliotti 1889
  • Jujubinus elenchoides (Issel, 1878)
  • Jujubinus elenchoides orientalis Nordsieck, 1973
  • Jujubinus fraterculus var. atra Pallary 1906
  • Jujubinus fraterculus var. fuscoviolacea Pallary 1904
  • Jujubinus fraterculus var. marmorata Pallary 1906
  • Jujubinus fraterculus var. minor Pallary 1906
  • Jujubinus goniobasis Coen, 1937
  • Jujubinus magnificus Coen, 1937
  • Jujubinus multistriatus Ghisotti & Melone, 1975
  • Jujubinus propinquus Ghisotti & Melone, 1975 (dubious synonym)
  • Jujubinus smaragdinus (Monterosato, 1880)
  • Trochus cingulatus Grube, 1839
  • Trochus conicus Donovan, 1803
  • Trochus depictus Deshayes, 1835
  • Trochus depictus var. ardens Sulliotti 1889
  • Trochus depictus var. atrata Sulliotti 1889
  • Trochus depictus var. elegans Sulliotti 1889
  • Trochus depictus var. flava Sulliotti 1889
  • Trochus elenchoides Monterosato
  • Trochus fraterculus Monterosato 1880
  • Trochus gravesi Forbes, 1844
  • Trochus littoralis Brusina, 1865
  • Trochus parvulus Brusina 1865
  • Trochus parvus Costa, E.M. da
  • Trochus sartorii Aradas & Benoit 1841
  • Trochus scacchi Aradas 1846
  • Trochus sericeus Pallary 1904
  • Trochus smaragdinus Monterosato, 1883
  • Trochus smaragdinus var. albina Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus 1884
  • Trochus smaragdinus var. aurea Dautzenberg 1883
  • Trochus striatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Trochus striatus var. elenchoides Issel 1878
  • Trochus striatus var. smaragdina Monterosato 1880
  • Zizyphinus (Jujubinus) aequistriatus Monterosato, 1884


  1. ^ a b Jujubinus striatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Retrieved through: World Register of Marine Species on 1 May 2010.
  2. ^ Tryon, George W.; Pilsbry, Henry Augustus (1889). Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species. Vol. 11. Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences.

Further reading

  • Da Costa E. M., 1778: Historia Naturalis Testaceorum Britanniae ; London: Millan, White, Elmsley & Robson XII + 254 + VIII p., 17 pl
  • Donovan E., 1801–1804: The natural history of British shells, Including figures and descriptions of all the species hitherto discovered in Great Britain, systematically arranged in the Linnean manner, with scientific and general observations on each; printed for the author, and F. & C: Rivington, London vol. 1 [1800], pl. 1–36; vol. 2 [1801], pl. 37–72; vol. 3 [1801], pl. 73–108; vol. 4 [1803], pl. 109–144; vol. 5 [1804], pl. 145–180, all with unpaginated text and indexes
  • Deshayes G. P., 1835: Mollusques. Pp. 81–203, pl. 18–26, in Bory de Saint-Vincent J.B.G.M. (ed.), Expédition scientifique de Morée. Section des Sciences Physiques. Tome III. 1ere Partie. Zoologie. Première Section. Animaux vertébrés, Mollusques et Polypiers.; Levrault, Paris 81–203 pl. 18–26
  • Aradas A. & Maggiore G., 1841?: Sunto di quattro memorie malacologiche... Monografia del genere Eulima dal Sig. Risso per la fauna Siciliana. Monografia del genere Orthostelis. Monografia del genere Maravignia. Descrizione di due nuove specie siciliane del genere Trochus.; Giornale del Gabinetto Gioenio 6(3): 1–10 Philippi (1844: 225)
  • Forbes E., 1844: Report on the Mollusca and Radiata of the Aegean sea, and on their distribution, considered as bearing on geology; Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; (1843): 130–193
  • Philippi R. A., 1844: Enumeratio molluscorum Siciliae cum viventium tum in tellure tertiaria fossilium, quae in itinere suo observavit. Vol. 2; Eduard Anton, Halle [Halis Saxorum] iv + 303 p., pl. 13–28
  • Aradas A., 1846: Memoria I. Descrizione di varie specie nuove di conchiglie viventi e fossili della Sicilia; Atti dell'Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali (2) 3: 157–184
  • Brusina S., 1865: Conchiglie dalmate inedite; Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-königlichen Zoologisch-botanisch Gesellschaft in Wien, 15: 3–42
  • Monterosato T. A. (di), 1880: Notizie intorno ad alcune conchiglie delle coste d'Africa; Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana, Pisa 5: 213–233. (1879)
  • Dautzenberg P., 1883: Liste de coquilles du Golfe de Gabès; Journal de Conchyliologie 31: 289–330
  • Monterosato T. A. (di), 1883–1885: Conchiglie littorali mediterranee ; Naturalista Siciliano, Palermo 3 (3): 87–91 (1883) 3 (4): 102–111 3 (5): 137–140 3 (6): 159–163 3 (8): 227–231 3 (10): 277–281 4 (1–2): 21–25 4 (3): 60–63 (1884) 4 (4): (80–84) 4 (8): 200–204 (1885)
  • Bucquoy E., Dautzenberg P. & Dollfus G., 1882–1886: Les mollusques marins du Roussillon. Tome Ier. Gastropodes.; Paris, J.B. Baillière & fils 570 p., 66 pl.
  • Sulliotti G. R., 1889: Comunicazioni malacologiche I; Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana 14: 25–44
  • Pallary P., 1904–1906: Addition à la faune malacologique du Golfe de Gabès; Journal de Conchyliologie 52: 212–248, pl. 7; 54: 77–124, pl. 4
  • Parenzan P., 1970–1976: Carta d'identità delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo; Taranto, Bios Taras Vol. 1 (Gasteropodi): 1–283 [1970]. Vol. 2 parte 1 (Bivalvi): 1–277 con 46 tav. [1974]. Vol. 2 parte 2 (Bivalvi): 283–546 con 56 tav. [1976]. Vol. 3 (Bibliografia): 1–50
  • Coen G., 1937: Nuovo saggio di una sylloge molluscorum Adriaticorum; Memoria Reale Comitato Talassografico Italiano 240, 1–173, 10 pls
  • Nordsieck F., 1973: Il genere Jujubinus Monterosato, 1884 in Europa; La Conchiglia 50: 6–7, 11–12
  • Ghisotti F. & Melone G., 1969–1975: Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo; Conchiglie Part 1: suppl. 5 (11–12): 1–28 [1969]. Part 2: suppl. 6 (3–4): 29–46 [1970]. Part 3: suppl. 7 (1–2): 47–77 [1971]. Part 4. suppl. 8 (11–12): 79–144 [1972]. Part 5. suppl. 11 (11–12): 147–208 [1975]
  • Gofas, S.; Le Renard, J.; Bouchet, P. (2001). Mollusca, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 180–213