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Korea Trade Network (KTNET) is a South Korean paperless trade service provider.[1] KTNET is designated as the National Paperless Trade Platform Operator, Customs Network Service Operator, and electronic Bill of Lading Registry and Purchase Certificate Issuing Agency by the Korean government.[2] In accordance with the Korean government's basic plan for comprehensive trade automation, KTNET was established in 1990 with funding from the Korea International Trade Association (KITA).[3]

KTNET, which the government designated as a trade automation business (presently known as National Paperless Trade Infrastructure Operator) in 1992, has contributed to the innovative improvement of trade processes and reduction of trade-related expenses by realizing automation services for all complex processes of export & import businesses through establishment of paperless trade infrastructure. It affects US$5.57 billion annually in trade and services.[4]

Through a trade system linking about 97,000 customers and trade-related organizations, including trading companies, banks, customs brokers, shipping companies, insurance firms, forwarders, and bonded storages, KTNET has digitized c. 614 types of export & import documents in the G2B and B2B sectors, and processes an annual average of 370 million cases of paperless documents.

Service Area

  • Paperless Trade Service[5]
  • Electnoric Trade Financing
  • Transport and Logistics[6]
  • Customs Clearance
  • TradeSign Certified Certificate Authority(TradeSign)[7]
  • Paperless Trade Platform Export


  1. ^ "KTNET홈페이지". Archived from the original on 2016-12-20. Retrieved 2016-12-08.
  2. ^ "Korea Trade Network Co., Ltd.: Private Company Information - Bloomberg". Bloomberg News. 5 June 2023.
  3. ^ "출자법인-한국무역협회(홈페이지)".
  4. ^ https://aric.adb.org/pdf/workingpaper/WP137_Paperless-trade.pdf [bare URL PDF]
  5. ^ "Home". utrade.or.kr.
  6. ^ "차세대 물류 포털".
  7. ^ "공인인증기관 트레이드사인, TradeSign".