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Letili River

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A topographic map of rivers in Gabon
Map of Gabon rivers

The Letili River is a river of Gabon. It is one of the tributaries of the Ogooué.


  • Lerique Jacques. 1983. Hydrographie-Hydrologie. in Geographie et Cartographie du Gabon, Atlas Illustré led by The Ministère de l'Education Nationale de la Republique Gabonaise. Pg 14–15. Paris, France: Edicef.
  • Perusset André. 1983. Oro-Hydrographie (Le Relief) in Geographie et Cartographie du Gabon, Atlas Illustré led by The Ministère de l'Education Nationale de la Republique Gabonaise. Pg 10–13. Paris, France: Edicef.