List of the prehistoric life of South Carolina
The Paleobiology Database records no known ocences of Precambrian fossils in Alabama.
[edit]- †Agraulos
- †Hypagnostus
- †Paradoxides
- †Parcus – or unidentified comparable form
- †Peronopsis
†PtychagnostusFossil of the Cambrian trilobite Ptychagnostus - †Skreiaspis
[edit] †ActeonA living Acteon barrel bubble sea snail - †Acutostrea
- †Aenona
- †Amaurellina
- †Ambigostrea
†AnomiaInterior and exterior of a shell of an Anomia, or jingle shell - †Anomoeodus
- †Aphrodina
- †Arca
- †Archaeolamna
- Ataphrus
†BaculitesFossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Baculites - †Bellifusus
- †Borodinopristis
- Botula
- †Brachyrhizodus
- Caestocorbula
- †Calliomphalus
- Calyptraea
- †Camptonectes
- †Cantioscyllium
CarchariasA living Carcharias sand tiger shark - Chiloscyllium
- Cliona
- †Clisocolus
- Corbula
- Crassatella
- †Crenella
†CretalamnaFossil of the Early Cretaceous-Eocene shark Cretolamna - †Cretodus
- Cucullaea
- †Cuna
- †Cuspidaria
- †Cyclorisma
- Cylichna
- †Cymbophora
- †Cyprimeria
†DentaliumShell of a Dentalium tusk shell - †Deussenia
- †Dhondtichlamys
- †Drilluta
- †Ellipsoscapha
†EnchodusRestoration of the Early Cretaceous-Eocene bony fish Enchodus, or the "saber-toothed herring" - †Etea
- †Eulima
- †Euspira
- †Exogyra
- †Flemingostrea
- †Gegania
- Glossus
GlycymerisFossilized shell of a Glycymeris, or bittersweet clam - †Graciliala
- †Granocardium
- †Granocardium bowenae
- †Granocardium kuemmeli
- †Granocardium kummeli
- †Granocardium lowei
- †Granocardium trilineatum – or unidentified comparable form
- Gyrodes
- †Hamulus
- †Hamulus huntensis – tentative report
- †Hamulus onyx
- †Hamulus squamosus
- †Harduinia
- †Helicaulax
- †Hercorhynchus
HeterodontusA living Heterodontus, or bullhead shark - †Heterodontus granti – or unidentified related form
- †Holkopollenites
- †Homomya
- †Homomya thrusheri – tentative report
- †Hybodus
- †Hypolophus
†InoceramusFossilized shell of the Early Jurassic-Late Cretaceous marine bivalve Inoceramus with a human indicating its size - †Ischyrhiza
- Juliacorbula
- Laternula
- †Latiala
- †Latiala lobata – or unidentified comparable form
- †Laxispira
- †Leptosolen
- Lima
- Limatula
- Limopsis
- †Linearis
- †Liopeplum
- †Liopistha
- †Liothyris – tentative report
†LissodusElectron micrograph of fossilized teeth from the Early Jurassic-Early Cretaceous freshwater shark Lissodus - Lithophaga
- Lopha
- †Lycettia
- †Margaritella
- †Margaritella pumila – or unidentified comparable form
- †Mathilda
- †Medionapus
- †Micrabacia
- †Modiolus
- †Morea
†MosasaurusLife restoration of two of the Late Cretaceous Mosasaurus - Myrtea
- †Nemodon
- †Nonactaeonina
- Nucula
- Nuculana
- †Nymphalucina
- †Ornopsis – tentative report
- Ostrea
†Pachyrhizodus – or unidentified comparable formFossilized skeletons of the Late Cretaceous bony fish Pachyrhizodus - †Paladmete
- †Paralbula
- †Pararhincodon
- †Parmicorbula
- †Periplomya
- †Pleuriocardia
PolinicesFossilized shell of the Paleocene-modern moon snail Polinices - †Postligata
- †Protocardia
- †Pseudolimea
- Pseudomalaxis
- †Pteria
- †Pterocerella
- †Pterotrigonia
- †Ptychotrygon
- Pycnodonte
- †Pyrifusus
- †Remera
- Rhinobatos
†RhombodusRestoration of the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene ray Rhombodus - Ringicula
- †Sargana
- †Schizorhiza
- Serpula
- Solemya
- †Solyma
- †Solyma elliptica – or unidentified related form
- †Sphenodiscus
SqualicoraxFossilized tooth of the Late Cretaceous shark Squalicorax - Squatina
- †Stantonella
- †Stephanodus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
- Striarca
- †Syncyclonema
- Tellina
- †Tellinimera
- †Trachybaculites
- Trachycardium
TurritellaFossilized shells of the Late Jurassic-modern tower snail Turritella - †Uddenia
- †Unicardium
- †Veniella
- †Vetericardiella
[edit]Selected Cenozoic taxa of South Carolina
[edit]- †Abra
- Acanthocardia
ActeocinaShells of Acteocina barrel-bubble sea snails - Acteon
- †Adeorbis
- †Adocus
- Aequipecten
- Agaronia
- Agassizia
- †Aglyptorhynchus
- †Agorophius
- Alligator
†Alligator mississippiensisA living Alligator mississippiensis, or American alligator
- Alopias
- †Alopias vulpinus – or unidentified comparable form
- †Altrix
- †Amalthea
- Ammonia
- Amphistegina
- Amusium
- Anachis
- Anadara
- Anatina
AncillaShell of an Ancilla sea snail - Angaria – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
- Angulus
- Anomia
- Antalis
- Antigona
- Arbacia
- Arca
- Architectonica
- Arcinella
†ArctodusRestoration of an Arctodus, or short-faced bear, with a human to scale - Argopecten
- Argyrotheca
- Artena
- Astarte
- Astyris
- Athleta
AtrinaShell of an Atrina pen shell - †Aturia
- Aulacomya
- Balaenoptera
- Balanophyllia
- Balanus
- Barbatia
- Barnea
†BasilosaurusLife restoration of the Eocene whale Basilosaurus - Bison
- †Bonellitia
- Boonea
- †Borophagus
- †Borophagus hilli – or unidentified comparable form
- Borsonia
- Bostrycapulus
- †Bottosaurus
- Brachidontes
- Buccella
- Bullia
BusyconFossilized shell in multiple views of a Busycon sea snail - Busycotypus
- †Bythaelurus
- Cadulus
- Caecum
- Caestocorbula
- Calliostoma
- Callista
- Calotrophon
- Calyptraea
- Cancellaria
- Canis
- †Canis armbrusteri
†Canis dirusModern mounted skeleton of Canis lupus, the grey wolf, to scale with a fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene wolf Canis dirus, or dire wolf
- Carcharhinus
- Carcharias
- Carcharodon
- Cardita
- Carditamera
- †Carolinacetus – type locality for genus
- Cassidulina
- Castor
†CastoroidesMounted fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene giant beaver Castoroides - †Castoroides leiseyorum
- †Castoroides ohioensis – or unidentified comparable form
- Cerithiella – tentative report
- Cerithiopsis
- Cerithium – tentative report
- †Cervalces
- Cervus
- Chama
- Cheilea
- Chelydra
- †Chesapecten
- Chicoreus
- Chione
- Chlamys
†ChoneziphiusSkull - Chrysemys
- †Chrysocetus – type locality for genus
- Cibicides
- Cidaris
- Cinctura
- Cirsotrema
CladocoraFossilized Cladocora stony coral - Clavilithes
- Clavus
- Cliona
- Closia
- Coccolithus
- Cochlespira
- Cochliolepis
- Coelopleurus
- Coluber – or unidentified comparable form
- Columbellopsis
- Concavus
- Conomitra
- Conus
- Coralliophila
- Corbicula
CorbulaShell of a Corbula basket clam - †Coronodon – type locality for genus
- †Cotylocara – type locality for genus
- †Coupatezia
- Crassostrea
- Crepidula
- †Cretolamna
- Crucibulum
- Cryptonatica
- Cucullaea
- Cumingia
†CuvieroniusLife restoration of the Pliocene-Holocene elephant relative Cuvieronius - Cyclocardia
- Cylichna
- Cymbovula
- Cypraea
- Cythara
- Cytherea
- Daphnella
- Dasyatis
- Dasypus
†Dasypus bellusFossilized mandible in multiple views of the Pleistocene Dasypus bellus, or beautiful armadillo
- Dendraster
- Dentalium
- Dentimargo
- Dinocardium
- Diodon
- Diodora
- Discinisca
- †Discoaster
- Discorbis
- Donax
†Dorudon – type locality for genusLife restoration of the Eocene whaleDorudon - †Dorudon serratus – type locality for species
- Dosinia
- Echinocardium
- †Echovenator – type locality for genus
- †Ecphora
- Elaphe – or unidentified comparable form
- Elphidium
- Ensis
- †Eomysticetus – type locality for genus
- †Eosurcula
- Epitonium
- Equus
†EremotheriumMounted fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Eremotherium - Erethizon
- Erignathus
- Ervilia
- Erycina
- Eupleura
- Euspira
- †Eutrephoceras
- Evalea
- Fasciolaria
- †Ficopsis
FicusA living Ficus, or fig tree - Finella
- Flabellum
- Fusinus
- Galeocerdo
- Galeodea
- Galeorhinus
- Gari
- Gastrochaena
†GavialosuchusFossilized skull of the Miocene crocodile relative Gavialosuchus - Gegania
- Gemma
- Gemophos
- Geochelone
- †Georgiacetus
- †Georgiacetus vogtlensis – or unidentified comparable form
- †Gigantostrea
- Ginglymostoma
- Globigerina
- Globulina
- Glossus
- Glycymeris
- Glyptoactis
†GlyptotheriumMounted fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene armadillo relative Glyptotherium - Gopherus
- Gymnura
- Halichoerus – or unidentified comparable form
- †Halitherium
- †Halitherium alleni – type locality for species
- Hastula – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
- Haustator
- †Hemiauchenia
- Hemipristis
- Here
- Hexaplex
- Hiatella
†HolmesinaLife restoration of the Pleistocene armadillo relative Holmesina with a human to scale - Horologica
- Hyotissa
- †Hyposaurus
- Ilyanassa
- Infundibulum
- †Ischyodus
- †Isocrania
- Isognomon
- Kinosternon
- Kurtziella
- Laevicardium
LamnaA modern Lamna mackerel shark - Latirus – tentative report
- Lima
- Limaria
- Limatula
- Linga
- †Linthia
- Liotia
- Lithophaga
- Littoraria
LucinaFossilized shell of the Devonian-modern marine bivalve Lucina - Lunularia
- Lynx
- Lyria
- Macoma
- Macrocallista
- Mactra
- Malaclemys
- †Mammut
†Mammut americanumRestoration of a Mammut americanum, or American mastodon
- †Mammuthus
- †Mammuthus columbi – or unidentified comparable form
- Manta
- Maretia
- Marginella
- Martesia
- †Mathilda
- †Mauricia
†MegalonyxMounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Megalonyx - Meiocardia
- Melampus
- Melanella
- Menippe – tentative report
- Mercenaria
- Mesalia
- Mesodesma
- †Metaxytherium
- Metis – tentative report
- Microdrillia
†MiracinonyxRestoration of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Miracinonyx, or American cheetah - Mitrella
- Mobula
- Modiolus
- Mulinia
- Murex
- Murexiella
- †Mya
- Myliobatis
†MylohyusFossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Holocene peccary Mylohyus - †Mylohyus fossilis – or unidentified comparable form
- Mytilus
- †Nanosiren – tentative report
- Nassarius
- Natica
- Naticarius
- Nebrius
- †Neochoerus
NeofiberA living Neofiber, or round-tailed muskrat - Neomonachus
- Neverita
- Nodipecten
- Nucula
- Oculina
- Odobenus
†Odobenus rosmarusA living Odobenus rosmarus, or walrus
- Odocoileus
- Odostomia
- †Odostomia pedroana – or unidentified comparable form
- Oliva
- Olivella
- †Ontocetus
- †Ophiomorpha
- †Osteopygis
- Ostrea
- †Otodus
†Otodus megalodonDiagram illustrating the largest (grey) and most conservative (red) size estimates of the Miocene-Pliocene shark Carcharocles megalodon (sometimes Carcharodon or Otodus megalodon) with a whale shark (violet), great white shark (green), and anachronistic human (black) to scale
- †Oxyrhina
- †Pachecoa
- †Pachyarmatherium
- †Palaeochenoides – tentative report
- †Palaeolama
- †Palaeophis
- Pandora
- Panopea
- Panthera
- †Paramylodon
- †Paramylodon harlani – or unidentified comparable form
- Parvanachis
- Pecten
†PelagornisLife restoration of the Oligocene-Pleistocene false-toothed bird Pelagornis - †Pelagornis sandersi – type locality for species
- Penion
- Petaloconchus
- Petricola
- Phalium
- Phoca
- Pholadomya
- Pholas
- Phos
- Phyllonotus
- Physa
PhyseterA living Physeter macrocephalus, or sperm whale - †Physogaleus
- Pinna
- Pitar
- Placopecten
- Planorbis
- Pleuromeris
- Pleurotomaria
- Plicatula
- Polinices
- Polymesoda
- †Prionodon
PristisA living Pristis sawfish - †Procolpochelys
- Procyon
- †Protosiren
- Prunum
- Psammechinus
†PsephophorusHypothetical restoration of the Oligocene-Pliocene sea turtle Psephophorus - Pseudochama
- Pseudoliva
- Pseudorca
- Pteria
- Pteromeris
†PumaA living Puma - Puncturella
- Pusula
- Pycnodonte
- Pyramidella
- Pyrgo
- †Quadrans
- Quinqueloculina
- Raja
- Rangia
- Rangifer
- †Rangifer tarandus – or unidentified comparable form
- Ranina
- Raphitoma
- Retusa
RhincodonA living Rhincodon, or whale shark - †Rhincodon typus – or unidentified comparable form
- Rhinobatos
- Rhinoptera
- †Rhinoptera bonasus – or unidentified comparable form
- Rhizoprionodon
- Rhynchobatus
- Rosalina
- Rostellaria – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
- Sassia
- Sayella
- Scapharca
- Scaphella
- Schizoporella
- Sconsia
- Scyliorhinus – tentative report
- Seila
- Semele
- Serpulorbis
- Sigatica
- Sigmodon
- Sinum
†SmilodonLife restoration of the Pleistocene-Holocene saber-tooth cat Smilodon - Solariella
- Solemya
- Solen
- Solenosteira
- †Spatangus
- Sphyrna
- †Sphyrna media – or unidentified comparable form
- †Sphyrna zygaena
- Spisula
- Spondylus
†SqualodonLife restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene shark-toothed dolphin Squalodon - Squatina
- Stewartia
- Strioterebrum
- Strombus
- Subcancilla
- Sveltella
- Sveltia
- †Syllomus
- Sylvilagus
- Tagelus
TapirusA living Tapirus, or tapir - Tectonatica
- Teinostoma
- Tellina
- Tenagodus
- Terebra
- †Teredina
- Teredo
- Terrapene
- Textularia
†ThecachampsaFossilized skeleton of the Oligocene-Miocene gavial relative Thecachampsa - †Thoracosaurus
- Thracia
- Timoclea
- Trachycardium
- Tremarctos
- Triakis – tentative report
TrichechusA living Trichechus, or manatee - Trigonostoma
- †Trinacria
- Triplofusus
- Trivia
- Trochita
- Trochus
- †Tuba
- Tucetona
- Turbo – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
- Turbonilla
- †Turbonilla aragoni – or unidentified comparable form
- †Turbonilla interrupta
- Turricula
- Turris
- Turritella
- Tursiops
†Tursiops truncatus – or unidentified comparable formA living Tursiops truncatus, or common bottlenose dolphin
- †Tusciziphius
- †Tympanonesiotes – type locality for genus
- †Tympanonesiotes wetmorei – type locality for species
- Typhis
- Urocyon
- †Urocyon cinereoargenteus – or unidentified comparable form
- Urosalpinx
- Venericardia
- Vermicularia
- Verticordia
- Vexillum
VitisLeaves and fruit of a living Vitis, or grapevine - Voluta
- Volutifusus
- Xenophora
- †Xenorophus – type locality for genus
- †Xiphiorhynchus
- †Xylotrypa
- Yoldia
[edit]- Various Contributors to the Paleobiology Database. "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". Retrieved 17 December 2021.