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Suken (数検 or 実用数学技能検定, Jitsuyō Sūgaku Ginō Kentei, lit. Global Mathematics Certification) is a world mathematics certification program and examination established in Japan in 1988.

The Institute offers a mathematics testing and certification program that is widely regarded as a reliable and valuable measure of mathematical proficiency. By sharing the knowledge and expertise it has gained, the Institute strives to foster a lifelong passion for mathematics and elevate mathematical skills among people worldwide.[1]

Outline of Suken


Each Suken level (Kyu) has two sections. Section 1 is calculation and Section 2 is application.

Passing Rate


In order to pass the Suken, you must correctly answer approximately 70% of section 1 and approximately 60% of section 2.



Level 5 (7th grade math)


The examination time is 180 minutes for section 1, 60 minutes for section 2.

Level 4 (8th grade)


The examination time is 60 minutes for section 1, 60 minutes for section 2.

3rd Kyu, suits for 9th grade


The examination time is 60 minutes for section 1, 60 minutes for section 2.

Levels 5 - 3 include the following subjects:

Level pre-2 (10th grade)


The examination time is 60 minutes for section 1, 90 minutes for section 2.

Level 2 (11th grade)


The examination time is 60 minutes for section 1, 90 minutes for section 2.

Level pre-1st (12th grade)


The examination time is 60 minutes for section 1, 120 minutes for section 2.

Levels pre-2 - pre-1 include the following subjects:

Level 1 (undergrad and graduate)


The examination time is 60 minutes for section 1, 120 minutes for section 2.

Level 1 includes the following subjects:


  1. ^ "About Us". SUKEN. Retrieved 2025-01-09.