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Talk:Racism in South Africa

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Significant Rewrite Necessary


Lots of opinion and unnecessary information. See the list of comments handpicked from a blog Zvtok (talk) 18:17, 16 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Most sources are reliable and cited for example ENCA and Al Jazeera are used instead of a more biased site such as SABC towards black people. DumaTorpedo (talk) 10:26, 20 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

And don't you think handpicked comments from anonymous individuals are opinion based? Seems to me this article is becoming VERY opinionated. Zvtok (talk) 18:31, 20 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I see the comments have been removed. I do agree with that, as for the re-write. I do not see it being relevant any longer DumaTorpedo (talk) 14:32, 4 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Just read this article. Agreeing with the view that a significant re-write is necessary. E.g. There is little mention of racist ideology which were driving forces behind colonial era racism and apartheid era racism, and that those ideologies persist exist in South Africa. These ideologies are well documented and were well publicised throughout the colonial and apartheid era, so it is really weird that an academic source like this makes little reference to them. There are also documented examples of how those ideologies persist post-Apartheid - they are missing too. The section on post-Apartheid racism is especially poorly written. It contains much conjecture and biased positions. It is really difficult to see the section as a coherent academic or factual treatise. Many quotes, for instance, are given out of context. It is necessary to show, for instance, that the Penny Sparrow statements are an example of the enduring legacy of racist ideologies despite being in a post-apartheid era that has universal suffrage. It is also incorrect to (i) attribute anti-white statements and sentiments as "racism" without qualification - in context, they are "internalised racism" as the speakers were victimised by colonial and apartheid racism, and have a perception that that victimisation persists even though legal barriers have been lifted. (ii) attribute conflict between non-whites as "racism" without qualification - in context, it is "internalised racism" as product of the deliberate colonial and apartheid ideological moves to foster distrust between non-whites. This too is document. I could go on, the the gist is, the entire article needs to be re-written by a team of Wikipedians who are committed to being academic thorough, knowing the knowledge domain in its full breadth and not just slivers that are convenient for populist agenda. Lundaling (talk) 06:13, 16 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

In my view, the problem is that the article conflates many different definitions and theories of what racism is, without acknowledging that it's doing so. The article should be completely rewritten to emphasize this complexity instead of ignoring it. This is a difficult task, because it involves navigating very sensitive topics that many editors are seemingly quite defensive about. But we shouldn't surrender to anti-intellectualism just because engaging with serious sociological research will lead to a lot of divisive arguments in the talk page. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:45, 23 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]

How convenient


The writer or editors of this article seem to be living under a rock of making whites more victim than everyone else, pathetic. Where are the stories of a Black child thrown off a bakkie by two adults to his death, stories of boers claiming to have mistaken people for animals and shot at them, where are the stories of the fast food restaurants on multiple occasions in Cape Town a city not only reputed as a Racist Excretory, getting dismissed for racism, the recent cases of a beach front targeting and removing people from the beach that sparked a protest turn out to shut that crap of a place, what about the assaults of individuals by groups of stupid young adults, what about the cases in Pretoria where certain bars are set out for a certain race, in Durban same things about racist bars. All these stories real others even put people in jail yet...no where to be found here.

The person who wrote this halfwit article intentionally lightens up the section of racism towards Black people, even sets out to make it sound condescending, picks up on very light stories, "Allegedly" is the word of the section even ends in one note phrases as if to make it like that phrase is all the issue to what happened, they write like they are apologist of the racists attacking Blacks in the section as light as the picked stories are to represent the whole racism on Blacks in South Africa in the World through Wikipedia, condescending, set to undermine racism on Blacks as existent at all in South Africa, attempt to make doubt of its existence at first read.

Seeing the authors vivid on writing about Blacks being racist to others even using tabloid to be truths of that section, where are the parts as vivid where blacks receive or received the hate of true racists? I see this article as a deciding reputation to assert your whiteness as innocence it will eventually catch up. The Springbok player Eben Etzebeth and his gang in Western Cape, how is his assaulting, using gun(s), case going? Your propaganda positioning in this article are already getting caught, a national team player is so confident to not even worry about getting recognized easily the way the environment allows him to, using his gun to assault multiple number of people at different occasions.

I'll dig up on other stories too that are not here, there's another one of a racist motivated white farm gang terrorizing a small black community. Dragging people into bakkies to do whatever they do, assaulting them based on their ideas of racism as they used slurs and reason of doing what they want to to those blacks. The funny thing the author with so much energy of writing up this article they conveniently turn stupid, racist apologist, skimpy when it comes to writing about racism on Blacks after 1994. I haven't seen anything about Orania a white only set up in this day and age, in Africa worse of all.

We all know Orania is a racist town for white people only. But to counter that we often hear the argument that Orania is "merely" a town where white people may exercise self-determination, i.e. not harming anyone – but is that really all it is? (Who are we kidding?)

Obviously, it's is dangerous to normalise racial segregation in the first place, because exclusion, of black and brown people, is hateful in and of itself. But there's more to this town than even that grotesque mindset.

Below is an excellent article explores the shocking reality of how Orania came about in the first place, and some paragraphs really stood out:

1. Large-scale eviction: "Orania’s founders did not settle on virgin territory, but on the remains of a half-realised 1960s project to build canals and dams along the Orange River. A community of 500 poor black and mixed-race squatters who had made their homes in the buildings left behind by the project stood between the new owners and their whites-only vision... ...What followed [in 1991] was one of the last large-scale evictions under apartheid. It was carried out by the future residents of Orania, with the assistance of beatings, pistol whippings and dogs.

2. A Clear Continuation of Apartheid: "By the end of the 1980s, the probability of losing control had already occurred to many Afrikaners, with some believing that impending democracy posed an existential threat to the white Afrikaans way of life. A few felt protecting that required becoming a demographic majority somewhere, rather than remaining a minority everywhere. So a small group of Afrikaners – Verwoerd’s daughter and son-in-law, Carel Boshoff, among them – purchased a strip of land on the southern banks of the Orange River, and went about setting up a volkstaat, or independent homeland, where Afrikaners would decide their own affairs."

As Orania becomes more and more popular amongst the worst racists, and we continuously see false claims of "crime-free Orania", even internationally, let's keep front and centre the hateful ideology it represents in reality.

Read more:


I'd recommend for any one interested in racism in SA post 1994 to do research themselves about the real situation of Racism in South Africa before thinking they've found information on this weak retard article. Untrammeled (talk) 03:11, 28 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Everything you wrote is a complete conspiracy theory and unsubstantiated by any facts. It is well-known that apartheid racism and anti-black racism doesn't exist in SA in any significant fashion and the real problems currently is anti-white racism. 2603:7000:75F0:1680:8D14:F0CD:2D91:2DFC (talk) 19:00, 31 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Rethinking the article's formatting


The article has seemed to devolve into a scoreboard onto which every potentially racial incident is being listed and tallied for each ethnicity or skin colour. I don't think that's what an encyclopaedic article is supposed to be. What this article should be focusing on is 1) the reality that racism existed and still exists, 2) how people argue it manifested and still manifests, and 3) especially notable instances of racism.

What we should try to do is focus less on specific instances and more on trends.

To this end, in the contemporary section, I've started removing the less-noted instances of racism and left only those that have made a big impression internationally or nationally. Once I've removed the less notable cases, I plan to rearrange the article so that it's not so much focused on colour or ethnic tallies and more on racism existing and how it manifests itself in the context of South Africa's demography and history.

AWildAppeared (talk) 09:03, 22 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Section about racism against Black Women


I remember reading this article a while ago and seeing that some type of institution had discrimination or sexual harassment against Black Women after apartheid, but I can't seem to find this incident anymore. Anyone know which version it might be under?

Kylenielsen (talk) 08:36, 10 July 2022 (2022)

South African attitudes to other African countries


The article (which lacks structure, balance and clarity) further seems to omit any mention of the widely reported prejudice/dislike/mistreatment/racism by South Africans (meaning black South Africans, afaik) against people (generally also black) from other African countries. The BBC cited this "black-on-black hate" as 'afrophobia' (in WP, a synonym for Anti-African sentiment), here. I remember also long-settled Zimbabwean shopkeepers being attacked and chased out of the country. More work to be done. Onanoff (talk) 18:50, 11 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]