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Talk:Saint Barbara

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User @Zogiclape has added the claim that Saint Barbera’s grandmother was from a village in modern day lebanon.

Citing two sources:

But the cited sources don't mention that Saint Barbera was Lebanese or that "recent rediscovered texts in saida early church archives suggest her maternal grandmother was from a village called Miye ou Miye."

Here’s what the two cited sources by user Zogiclape say:

1)Signs and Symbols in Christian Art, Oxford University Press, G. Ferguson, 1959, p. 107.

On page 107:


“St. Barbara (third century) was born either at Heliopolis in Egypt or at Nicomedia in Asia Minor. She was brought up by her father, a rich heathen, who loved her very much and was fearful some man would marry her and take her away. According to the legend, he therefore built for her a high tower, richly furnished, where she was jealously guarded from the world.

Hearing of Christianity, she became interested and arranged to receive a Christian disciple disguised as a physician. She was converted and baptized.

One day, during her father's absence, realizing that her tower had but two windows, she commanded the workmen to make a third. On her father's return, she confessed her new faith to him and explained that the soul received its light through three windows: the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Enraged at her conversion to Christianity, the girl's father gave her up to the authorities, who ordered her to be tortured. Finally, at his own request, her father was permitted to strike off her head. As he returned home after committing this awful deed, the father was killed by a bolt of lightning, which struck him down in the midst of a great crash of thunder. Because of this thunderous punishment, St. Barbara has become the patron saint of artillery and hence of soldiers, gunsmiths, and fire fighters. She is invoked against accidents and sudden death.

Her invariable attribute is the tower, generally with three windows. She also sometimes carries the sacramental cup and wafer, and is the only female saint who bears this attribute. She does so in reference to her last wish. At the moment of her death, the saint requested the grace of the Sacrament for all who would honor her martyrdom. A peacock's feather, which is also her attribute, refers to Heliopolis, the city of her birth. This city was said to be the place in which the fabulous phoenix rejuvenated itself. Since the phoenix was unknown in the West, a peacock was substituted as emblem of the city.”


The second source also doesn't mention anything about Barbera’s maternal grandmother or Miye ou Miye: here’s what it says about Saint Barbers on page 527:

“15.4688-89 (599:9). the field altar of Saint Barbara - This legendary saint is associated with Heliopolis in Egypt or Nicomedia in Asia Minor. The daughter of a rich heathen, she was held in a tower by her father lest she be married without his permission. She was converted to Christianity and baptized during her father's absence. Once converted, she realized that her tower only had two windows, so she had a third cut that there might be one for each person of the Trinity. Her father was so outraged by her conversion that he delivered her up to public torture and finally beheaded her himself. On his way home he was struck down by a bolt of lightning out of a clear sky; thus St. Barbara became the patron saint of artillerymen, soldiers, and firefighters (also of architects). Her intercession was invoked as protection against lightning, ex-plosives, and fire, and against accident and sudden death. Her central attribute is the three-windowed tower, and she was the only female saint to bear the attribute of the sacramental cup and wafer. The field altar appropriately bears her name as patron saint of those in battle.”

Whatsupkarren (talk) 09:37, 2 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Sources seem to disagree on which Heliopolis Barbera might've been born in, with some saying it's Phoenicia's and other more reliable sources saying its Egypt's.
the two cited sources right after "According to the hagiographies," were added years ago not to support the claim that she was born "either in Heliopolis or in Nicomedia"
I'm talking about the "Old French Lives of Saint Barbara" and the "Calendarium Romanum" sources:
Check the version: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Saint_Barbara&diff=prev&oldid=872006313
And https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Saint_Barbara&diff=prev&oldid=871821631
As mentioned above, the cited source "Signs and Symbols in Christian Art" says she was "either at Heliopolis in Egypt or at Nicomedia in Asia Minor."
I will therefore add that she was born in Egypt's Heliopolis until someone brings reliable sources, and then i think we should explain this issue Whatsupkarren (talk) 00:54, 5 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Zlogicalape I invite you to read this. SparklingBlueMoon (talk) 23:05, 10 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@ (talk) 21:22, 4 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Edition war


I have noticed several edits from the same user who sticks to their position, please stop changing the same information over and over again, this is disruptive behavior. Please find a consensus before permanently changing the disputed information, the information must be based on one or more reliable sources. Thank you SparklingBlueMoon (talk) 22:46, 10 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]