From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Infobox logical connective|
 | This template uses Lua:
{{Infobox logical connective
| title = Logical conjunction
| other titles = AND
| Venn diagram = Venn0001.svg
| definition = <math>xy</math>
| truth table = <math>(0001)</math>
| logic gate = AND ANSI.svg
| DNF = <math>xy</math>
| CNF = <math>xy</math>
| Zhegalkin = <math>xy</math>
| 0-preserving = yes
| 1-preserving = yes
| monotone = no
| affine = no
| self-dual = yes
{{Infobox logical connective
| title =
| other titles =
| Venn diagram =
| definition =
| truth table =
| logic gate =
| DNF =
| CNF =
| Zhegalkin =
| 0-preserving =
| 1-preserving =
| monotone =
| affine =
| self-dual =
To import from Russian Wikipedia, use {{Булева функция}}.