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Thesis of Pulacayo

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The Thesis of Pulacayo (Tesis de Pulacayo) was an important document in the Bolivian and Latin American labor movement. It was adopted at the request of the delegation of Llallagua[1] in the Congreso de la Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Mineros de Bolivia (FSTMB), which met in November 1946 in the city of Pulacayo.[2] The thesis is based on the Trotskyist conception of permanent revolution and on the Transitional Program of the Fourth International.[2]


  1. ^ Hood, Robin (2019-11-12). "Bolivia: The historic Thesis of Pulacayo - Workers' Voice/La Voz de los Trabajadores". workersvoiceus.org. Retrieved 2025-02-23.
  2. ^ a b "The Thesis of Pulacayo". NACLA. Retrieved 2025-02-23.