From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This user may have left Wikipedia . Jdaniels15 has not edited Wikipedia for a considerable amount of time . As a result, any requests made here may not receive a response. If you are seeking assistance, you may need to approach someone else.
This page contains text or images which may be disturbing to some.
(Because everything is disturbing to someone .)
This page contains material that is kept because it is considered humorous . Such material is not meant to be taken seriously.
User:Jdaniels15 is part of WikiProject Userboxes . This means that the WikiProject has identified it as part of the userboxes system. WikiProject Userboxes itself is an attempt to improve, grow, and standardize Wikipedia's articles and templates related to the userbox system, used on many users' pages. We need all your help, so join in today!Userboxes Wikipedia:WikiProject Userboxes Template:WikiProject Userboxes Userboxes
This user has been on Wikipedia for 14 years and 22 days .
Hello! My name is Jeff Daniels, and I am a 21 year old male. My username is jdaniels15, however my handle is ToaJuaraevo (talk ). I am keeping an eye on the Bionicle, Transformers, Star Wars, Stargate, Homestar Runner, and Angry Video Game Nerd sections, amung others.
This userbox was put here by mistake.
Thank you! I promise I will organise my userboxes someday. ToaJuaraevo (talk ) 20:11, 16 September 2012 (UTC)
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake .
DAMN! This user's computer is CRAPPY!
This user does not
smoke .
This user prefers to live a topsy turvy lifestyle in the framework of an upside-down world order.
This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally.
SW III This user thinks Revenge of the Sith ties with Attack of the Clones as the shittiest of the Star Wars prequels.
This user believes that the Jedi have not found the true light.Told you did I, reckless is he! Now, matters are worse.
This user does own these lightsabers , even though they never appear in the movies. Gwahaha!
This user spends far too much time editing his user page.
ID This is a blank Userbox, please tell the user if you see it, because it doesn't exist.
Colored This userbox is strangely colored
UBX This user doesn't design many userboxes. But if they did, they'd probably be the best userboxes in the world!
This user supports the right to arm bears .
This user willingly sold Shmi. Then they were killed by Darth Maul in a non-canon universe. YAY!
This user once lived on board the Death Star . And this is his review of the experience: SWEET!!!
This user should have been in Episode III, and should have had a larger role in IV, V, and VI. Don't you think?
This user should not hesitate and show no mercy. Only then will they lose their legs and an arm.
This user wants to pre-order anAT-AT .
STAR WARS This user is a true Star Wars fan, and as one, considers the films to be a single work.
This user has one too many screws loose. We warned you .
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 8,162,390,999 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake .
I buzz in your ears.
This user's anxiety level is at 100% because their psychiatrist told them that they have every psychological disorder in all the DSMs combined . Excuse them while they kiss the toilet.
This user was a WikiPuppy , but now contributes to the encyclopedia regularly.
This user knows that a politician is lying if his mouth is open.
This user firmly believes that this is a better world because of the presence of dogs .
This user could make it to the last level in the Fear Test ! Could you?
This user would like to own one or more dogs .
This user may love dogs a little (ok, a lot) too much.
This user believes in the right of every human being to have access to Wikipedia .
Politics : from Poli (Greek ) meaning many and Ticks (English ) meaning blood sucking creatures.
It sucks to be this user.
This user supports the right to arm bears .
RD Non cogito ergo usorarcam sum.
Mmm, userboxes
This user thinks that more Wikipedians would like userboxes if they were edible .
UBX This user hopes you read each and every one of his userboxes! or else...
1, 2, 3... This userbox is a test. Please tell this user if you don't see it.
Don't make me press the self destruct button (and trust me, I'll do it!)
Chuck Norris
This user strongly believes Chuck Norris has a third fist in his beard!
LOL This user is naturally funny and sometimes laughs at his/her own joke.
This user understands and appreciates Irony . †
This user is a heroic AUTOBOT
This user finds Wikipe-tan just a little bit creepy and disturbing.
SARC This user believes sarcasm is the highest form of wit.
This user HATES it when his work or pictures get deleted.
This user's finger was bitten by Charlie .
This user has no idea who Mr Ducky is, but wanted to join in the fun.
If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing!
This user does not exist. However, if this user begins to exist, seek shelter immediately.
This user likes Pixar and its films.
DGAD This user doesn't give a dern.
FFVII This user is Sephiroth . Please do not vandalize his page.
This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
MONK This user watches the television show Monk .
This user's care factor is zero!
This user can't stand rap music.
They all did it . But if you want to know who killed Mr. Boddy, I did, in the hall, with the revolver. Okay, Chief, take this user away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife.
This user passed
GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user is proud of the United States uniformed services. U.S.
EEE This user wants money, money, more money! MUHUAHAHA!!! Give me all your money, suckers!
This user knows that his user page is a mess, and likes it that way.
This user could have gotten away with it if wasn't for those MEDDLING kids and their dog!
Looney Tunes Be vewy, vewy quiet - this user is hunting wabbits!
A This user is zany to the max!
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote .
This user likes jokes and humor.
This user likes stupid signs
This user is nosy. In fact, they're looking at your contribs right now.
LOL This user does recognise the pun inside his username.
This user is a Jedi .
This user is a certified whack-job, who does not know how to use userboxes!
This user tries to do the right thing. If he makes a mistake, please let him know .
{\displaystyle \sum }
This user is greater than the sum of his userboxes.
TAGS This user wants to live in Mayberry .
This user believes that it is destiny you saw his user page.
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake .
18+ This user is an adult .
ubx -5This user uses entirely too many userboxes .
This user loves to eat pizza .
This user's entire personality can be summed up in a few userboxes.
Userboxes in Userboxes! This user has userboxes in his userboxes!
This user needs more userboxes . MORE , I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
JOKE ALERT! IT'S FICTION! Some random whack-job has unleashed his GOOMBAS to hack your account! Beware, there may be more goombas resting in this area! RUN, DON'T LET THEM HACK YOU! This userbox is designed to put a smile on your face . User:TurtleShroom/Userboxes/Goombafeast
? This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun .
This user knows that space is the future
This user didn't do it!!
This user activates the Stargate to explore other planets.
Lego Star Wars This user plays Lego Star Wars on their favorite game console.
WORNEENG! TIs USr dOs NOt kNow Hw tO maeKe A yusEr bOks! (NOr tyPe.)
This user is interested in The Jedi Order .My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is.
Go slowly insane as you sit and stare...
This user enjoys watching pointless animations.
"So many userboxes, so little space."
This userbox is with stupid.
This user will stop playing Angry Birds once you pry his iPhone out of his cold, dead hands.
This user's cat firmly believes that the world would be better without the presence of dogs . (This user does not.)
This user spends WAY too much time on Wikia and really needs to get off the computer...after one more edit.
This user used to live on Earth , but didn't like it much, so he left.
Star Wars This user is a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take it away!
Since no-one is perfect , this user reserves the right to completely screw up his edits.
This user wishes he owned anAT-AT .
User:Toa Nidhiki05/Userboxes/DP1
This user loves to kill Kenny .
PLUTO is a PLANET This user will not recognize any decision by anyone that says otherwise.
This user is a jokester or comedian .
The sanity of this user has been disputed. Refer to the talk page to discuss this topic.
:( This user wishes there were more userboxes on Wikipedia.
LOL This user is naturally funny and sometimes laughs at his/her own joke.
This user doesn't think all userboxes should go away but wishes the boxwar would.
pox This user is suffering from userpox . Goggles seem to prove ineffectual.
MORE This user has more userboxes.
Userboxes Rock! This user is a userbox!
No user serviceable parts inside.
{\displaystyle 0.{\bar {9}}}
=1This user knows that 0.999... is exactly 1 , but acquired a migraine learning it.
UPN This user thinks that UPN stands for "Used Parts Network" (or should!).
Jdaniels15 This user is Jdaniels15 and thinks you should be, too.*
I roundhouse kicked the Bermuda Triangle when it was still a square and made it a triangle.
A person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it!
a wjegoiwhegiaw jegoiahwegiwejaoiuata2398tueaf'fa]dfa\wevfawefjdfaw This User REALLY like baqsdfawefwfafwenging on his keyboard! apoiwehfiuovw;;
What? There's no space left? It's the end of the userboxes ? What userboxes?