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csMateřským jazykem tohoto uživatele je čeština.
en-2This user can contribute with an intermediate level of English.
de-2Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
ru-2Этот участник неплохо знает русский язык.
pl-2Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie średnio zaawansowanym.
hi-1इस उपयोगकर्ता को हिन्दी भाषा का प्रारम्भिक स्तर का ज्ञान है।
sh-1Ovaj korisnik posjeduje osnovno znanje srpskohrvatskog jezika.
Овај корисник поседује основно знање српскохрватског језика.
id-0Pengguna ini tidak mengerti atau sangat sulit memahami bahasa Indonesia.



civil name: Karel Kamalánand Černík [karɛl kamalaːnand tʃɛrɲiːk], (*born: 4th April 1965 in Prague, Czech Republic).



It also uses its Indian name “कमलानन्द आर्य ” (Kamalānand Ārya). Middle name “Kamalānand” comes from Sanskrit, is a compound word कमल = “Kamala” = Lotus, and आनन्द = “Ānanda” = Bliss.



Kamalanand lives in the Czech Republic in the town Teplice, but originally is from Prague.

He studies the Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Liberal Arts of the Charles University in Prague.