[edit]About me
Hello!, I am MrDanTheCreative10Z9! , I don't really have that much to say but let me just say that I hope you are having a fantastic day to whomever may be reading this. I was born in Australia and I have been diagnosed with ADHD and Autism.
![]() | This user thinks that Garry's Mod is the best video game ever made. |
I thought I should let you know that some of the titles for some of the Q-Boxes on this page are secretly links to some of my hidden user pages └[๏ ͜つ๏]┘
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Interesting Trivia
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Video Games
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Artistic Creations
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Favourite Games
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The World
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It is currently August of 2024 have recently been back on Wikipedia and I have realised that the image used for this userbox is gone which is sad, if I recall correctly the image was of that yipee tbh creature meme. | ||||||
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Wikipedian Info
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The Special Thanks (Sorted in alphabetical order by the names mentioned)
- To Adam, thank you for making your server which I have some interesting people on it like someone else I have mentioned in this Special Thanks list and while I might not know what you are a captain of but I can't deny that as a captain you've been doing a great job, keep up the good work and I look forward to doing more movie nights with you and your pals which thanks to you I got to watch Lilo and Stitch with some fun people.
- Thank you Alfarex for making that fun Minecraft server and being a nice mate to chat to, I look forward to completing loads of Scream Fortress 2 contracts in October with you and recreating that museum for your server, Thank you.
- To Candace while I'm a bit annoyed neither of us can remember how we met I'm thankful I never left you behind, I hope we never forget each other so thank you for still being here.
- To Chet Faliszek for gifting me a Bluesky code that allowed me to make an account on there back when most people needed a code to get onto the website and thank you for your work in the Video Game industry and I don't just mean your work at Valve but I definitely am not forgetting about that, also I must say that you have a really cute cat and fuck Elon Musk.
- To Duncan-Donuts, I will not rest until we do the MVM event you mark my words I won't forget although that doesn't mean I will remember to do it sooner rather than later because well I am not known for having good organisational skills.
- Thank you Gazza so much for allowing me to spend so much fun times with you and your sons on your Minecraft servers, it really has meant a lot to me so thank you and if you ever want me to send you another box of cookies for the family you know where to find me.
- To Hunter, please keep moving forward and standing your ground for you are an inspiration to us all especially me so thank you for I hope your future is nothing but an adventure that keeps getting better even if there might be a few road bumps on the way to victory.
- Thank you Jacob Janerka for tolerating my awkward messages, I still feel like I had said too much to you but I will forever be thankful for how respectful and understanding you acted when responding to me, I hope you're future in making games goes beautifully.
- Thank you Jib Loger for being someone I could talk to about Eachzy and CLON, I hope you're doing alright.
- To Kron I hope you are going alright and if you are reading this message and that means that you have read this page then I hope you liked it, I hope it made you feel better even if it was just for a moment. I'm sorry I didn't try to reach out to you more before directly I was worried how you would react to someone like me suddenly messaging you out of the blue with an attempt to try to cheer you up even though I hadn't DMed you anything before I thought maybe you would find that weird or rude or something else. It's just seeing those posts on your private which I still won't directly mention here but seeing those tweets has left a mark on me, a mark that makes me worried about you not only for how you are mentally but also physically. I'm sorry if any of this was worded in a way you didn't like and I'm sorry if you found this page to be a bit too much for you. But if you did then I hope you can at least understand why I did this and I want you to know that I truly hope things get better for you and never forget if you ever need someone to chat to even if it's suddenly out of the blue I hope I will always be here to help you out and I know I'm not the only one of your mutuals that feels the same, we're here for you if you ever need us okay?
- To Luis I really hope things get better for you, I hope that the crap that is the American health care system doesn't have to send you to some sort of medical ward just to fix that unfortunately stressful problem of yours but at least if you go there you would sort of have something in common with the Postal Dude, but in the meantime I hope you're going alright and don't forget that I'm always here if you need me unless I'm asleep because of my different timezone but I do have a bad sleep pattern so maybe I'll be awake.
- Thank you Mia for distracting me from doing class by making me suddenly interested in making funny Russian translated meme gifs for a while.
- Thank you Migs and Clover for helping me get through my last 2 years of high school after I was forced to change schools due to harassment, I will never stop caring about you two and I pray you two meet each other in person in the very near future although the happiness that will probably generate from you two hugging each other for the first time might cause an atomic blast so be careful okay?
- I'm sorry Novlys, I hope you had a great birthday on the 22nd Of July, I am sorry I forgot to message you on that day and I hope you've been doing well and thank you for helping discuss about how to help Kron with me.
- Thank you Nyoom for messaging me on the 27/08/2024 to tell me I have based music taste when you noticed I was listening to Can't Be Erased by JT Music, I know I first messaged you a while ago for the tf2 r/place mvm after party event idea with Duncan-Donuts but thank you for reaching out to me recently. Because I never thought one of the people who I planned for the Pixelated Mercenaries event would end up being a big Bendy fan from Turkey that I would end up being really happy I added to the group chat with Migs and Clover because I'm very happy you all are getting along so well, cheers.
- To PBValve thanks for letting me help you find that very scientific chicken and I hope you enjoy Fugget About It when you do eventually watch it.
- Thank you Pinkpegacorn for being someone I can send a ton of tweets related to fandoms that you are apart of which also I'm very sorry for sending you tons of tweets related to fandoms that you are apart of, and also if we find a way to do it then I will look forward to possibly watching more TADC and perhaps the next season of Fionna and Cake with you.
- Shoutout to the fun and silly PoopMaster1054 who isn't as childish as their name could suggest, thank you for making a fun discord server for people like me to chat in about our wacky lifes.
- To TAirblaster I'm very sorry I don't remember what happened to you, I remember you and I being friends on Twitter years ago around 2019 I think. You were one of if not the first friend I ever made on that website. I can remember at one point thanks to you, I was in a Twitter group chat with other parody accounts and if I recall correctly there were parody accounts of Snatcher (A Hat In Time), Japan (Country balls), Marra (The Nightmare Spirit from Hilda) and Hat Kid. I don't know how or what caused all of that to end but I'm sorry I can't remember. I even tried messaging that Japan parody account because I'm pretty sure you two were close friends but they just responded saying "what the fuck do you want" which I have yet to respond to and I think they said that months ago, I just don't know how to respond to that. But I hope they only said that because they didn't recognise me because due to how I can't remember the last time I was chatting with you all I hope it wasn't my fault it ended and if so I'm so very sorry. You're original twitter account is gone now, the only other ways I have to try to contact you are from your other twitter accounts I only recently found which all seem pretty much abandoned. Or your somewhat active steam account but the last time I tried messaging that account you never responded to it and I recall you once saying that someone got control of that Steam account with their username so maybe that is a dead end in my hopes to contact you. And I'm so terribly sorry for what I did to The Wood Man (Hilda) parody account, you gave me that account and I never really used it or at least I never used it how I probably should've been using it, I can't access it anymore to fix my mistakes because while I think you gave me the password to it, your email is still attached to it and I can't regain access to it anymore even though I'm pretty sure I had tried using whatever password you had given me for it and yet it still doesn't sign me in. Because of that everytime I look at that account or see The Wood Man when I'm watching Hilda I am always reminded of how I ruined and took your gift for granted and I'm very sorry for that. I know you will most definitely never read this but I hope if I ever do manage to get into contact with you again, I hope we can go back to being friends. I'm so sorry TAirBlaster, I hope you are going okay wherever you are in the world and thank you for being one of my first friends on Twitter.
- Thank you YonKaGor for making me rethink about my mental state and the mental state of others after I cried from watching your "Circus Hop" video on 15/May/2024, although I do enjoy hiding the lyrics to your songs in the textures for my Sketchfab models.
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