This user is a student editor in Wikipedia:Wiki_Ed/Louisiana_State_University/Intro_to_WGS_Sec_2_(Spring_2016). Student assignments should always be carried out using a course page set up by the instructor. It is usually best to develop assignments in your sandbox. After evaluation, the additions may go on to become a Wikipedia article or be published in an existing article. |
My name is Porsha Blackmore and I am senior at Louisiana State University. I am majoring in Sport Management with a business minor. I'm from a very small town so I value more simple things in life, such as family and spending time with loved ones. There's nothing I want more in life than to be successful and give my family the world. This is why school is so important to me. With an education and degree I will be able to explore an entire different world and be able to help others. #GeauxTigers
LSU Graduating Class of 2016 - Sport Management with Business Minor Degree

Training for Students complete!

Training for Students complete!