- Himalyam Samarabhya
- Yavadindusarovaram
- Tam Deonirmitam Desham
- Hindusthanam Prachakshate
From: Baarhaspatyua Samhita
Meaning: The country which starts from Himalayas and the borders of which reach till the Indian Ocean (Indu Sarovaram), has been created by Gods and its name is Hindusthan
- उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
- वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततीः ।।
From: Vishnu Purana (2.3.1)[1][2]
Meaning: जो समुद्र के उत्तर और हिमालय के दक्षिण में स्थित है , उस देश का नाम भारत है तथा उसकी संतानों को भारतीय कहते हैं। The country that lies north of the ocean, and south of the snowy mountains, is called Bhárata, for there dwelt the descendants of Bharata.[3]
गायन्ति देवाः किल गीतकानि धन्यास्तु ये भारतभूमिभागे ।
स्वर्गापवर्गास्पदहेतुभूते भवन्ति भूयः पुरुषाः सुरत्वात् ।।
From: Vishnu Purana (2.3.24)[4][5]
Meaning:The gods themselves exclaim, "Happy are those who are born, even from the condition of gods, as men in Bhárata-varsha, as that is the way to the pleasures of Paradise, or the greater blessing of final liberation. [6]
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धृति: क्षमा दमो स्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रिय निग्रह: |
धी: विद्या सत्यम् अक्रोधो दशकं धर्म लक्षणम् ||
From: Manusmriti 6/92[7]
Meaning: धैर्य , क्षमा , संयम , चोरी न करना , शौच ( स्वच्छता ), इन्द्रियों को वश मे रखना , बुद्धि , विद्या , सत्य और क्रोध न करना ; ये दस धर्म के लक्षण हैं ।[8]
हिमवत्समुद्रान्तरमुदीचीनं योजनसहस्त्रपरिमाणम्
From:अशा-०९.१.१८ (अर्थशास्त्रम् अध्याय 09, Chanakya)[9]
Meaning: To the north of the oceans up to the Himalayas, the country is 1000 yojanas in length.[10]
या कुन्देन्दुतुशारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना |
या ब्रह्माच्युतशन्करप्रभृतिभिः देवैः सदा वन्दिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःषेशजाड्यापहा ||
Meaning: One who is as white as a garland of kunda flowers and waterdrops, who has worn white apparel, whose hand is placed on the stem of the vINA, who is sitting on a white lotus, and who is always worshipped by Gods such as Brahma, Achyuta (Vishnu) and Shankara, that Sarasvati, who completely steals (one's) lethargy may bless me.[12]
या = She who;
कुन्देन्दु = lily and moon;
तुषार = dews, drops, spray;
हार =@(M.nom.) garland; also removal;
धवला = white;
या = She who;
शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता = the one enrobed in white dress;
या = She who;
वीणावरदंड = relating to Veena instrument and the boon-giving stick;
मंडितकरा = decked hands;
या = She who;
श्वेतपद्मासना = the one seated on white lotus seat;
या = She who;
ब्रह्म = Brahma;
अच्युत = Vishnu;
शंकर = Shiva;
प्रभ्रुतिभिर्देवै =??;
सदा = always; ever;
वंदिता = one who has been worshipped;
सा = she;
मां = me;
पातु = May protect me or us;
सरस्वती = goddess of knowledge known by this name;
भगवती = Durga or other goddess or a respectable woman;
निःशेष = without any remainder; in its entirety;
जाड्या = through frigidity or stupidity;
अपहा = take away, drive away;[13]
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