If you'd like to know more about the original Roderick Molasar then I refer you to the Wikipedia entry on THE KEEP.
As I sit here on a hard plain wooden chair under the fluorescent glare of a retro-fitted library in Lewiston, Maine on 25 July 2019 and reflect upon my 143 hemi-semi-quasi-consecutive months with Wikipedia I am able to appreciate the ways in which my approach to this craft has expanded and diversified and possibly even matured a smidgen of an iota. But maybe not.
Contrary to the infamous (and idiotic) assertion by Vladimir I. Lenin that "Quantity is in itself a form of quality" I harbor no delusions about setting a new world record for the greatest number of "edits" within this particular forum. That's a fool's errand if ever there were one, especially now that each editor's contribution is quantitatively assessed the moment it is registered. All you pretenders to the throne shall now stand revealed for the pathetic posers you always were.
My purpose here is to achieve nothing less than literary immortality. So never presume to dismiss me as just another illiterate plebeian like the rest of you. Because my words will insinuate themselves like a computer virus into your puny psyches and haunt all of your dreams unto madness.