
Hello everyone, I'm Recaptach. I've been editing the English Wikipedia for slightly over an year now and you can see me fixing names in Malayalam articles.
As a Name-nerd, I patrol small malayalam wikis and help out with any name-related stuff there.
If you have any queries or require assistance on malayalam wikis that have the GS-toolset enabled, do not hesitate to contact me.
EN-5 | This user has professional knowledge of English. |
ZH-5 | 这位用户的中文达到专业水平。 |
KO-1 | 이 사용자는 한국어를 조금 할 수 있습니다. |
MS-1 | Pengguna ini memiliki kemahiran asas dalam bahasa Melayu. |
FR-1 | Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français. |
NAN-2 | Chit-ê iōng-chiá tha̍k-siá Bân-lâm-gú ê lêng-le̍k sī tiong-kip. |
YUE-1 | 呢位用戶有基本嘅廣東話知識。 |
NOTE: nan & yue: read & speak only. |
en-4 | This user has near native speaker knowledge of English. |
ms-1 | Pengguna ini memiliki kemahiran asas dalam bahasa Melayu. |
nan-2 | Chit-ê iōng-chiá tha̍k-siá 閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú ē lêng-le̍k sī tiong-téng. 這个用者讀寫閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú的能力是中等。 |