Broad Disclaimer: This user does not offer medical advice, and nothing they write on Wikipedia should be construed as medical advice. If you have a medical problem, go see a physician, and then perhaps skim Wikipedia to educate yourself afterwards.
Shibbolethink is taking a long wikibreak and will be back on Wikipedia when he isn't in the hospital every waking moment of his miserable (but also very rewarding) life.
Shibbolethink(♔♕) from the Hebrew "Shibboleth" /ˈʃɪbəlɛθ/ and "think" from the German "denken" /ˈdɛŋkə(n)/, is a wikipedian who began editing on August 18th of 2014, and has, therefore, been an editor for 10 years, 7 months, and 7 days.
“Seems a bit of a waste, though,” said William. “A waste of words, I mean.”
“Why? There’s always more of them.” Sacharissa patted him gently on the cheek. “You think you’re writing words that’ll last forever? It’s not like that. This newspaper stuff…that’s words that last for a day. Maybe a week.”
“And then they get thrown away,” said William.
“Perhaps a few hang on. In people’s heads.”
“That’s not where the paper ends up,” said William. “Quite the reverse.”
“What did you expect? These aren’t books, they’re…words that come and go. Cheer up.”
— Terry Pratchett, The Truth (Discworld #25)
"I am both a greatly exaggerated witch and a greatly exaggerated communist, and if you persist in argument-by-comparison-to-historical-travesty I'll hex you and collectivize your capital." — User:Firefangledfeathers, 30 October 2021
Shibbolethink in his natural habitat.
Shibbolethink in "healthcare" mode.
Wikiglobe in sandstone! Printed it myself.
Userboxes (scroll)
This user has been on Wikipedia for 10 years, 7 months and 7 days.
This editor is a Most Pluperfect Labutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, Chewed Broken Pencil, Sticky Note, and Bookmark.
This user watches over Wikipedia with the help of Twinkle!