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Bjornsonw (talk) 03:46, 10 January 2025 (UTC)Listen Eds, I haven't been here in so long I have forgotten how to use it. But, I'm writing to dispute the widely held idea of the origin of the term 'moonshine'. Not long after leaving the Marine Corps where I had drunk everything from Mother Hostess ($1/quart) to top bourbons (Scotches tasted like, for liquor, what menthol tastes like to a White smoker). Some short time after getting out, I visited a friend who lives just west of Litte Rock, Arkansas and went to see his in-laws. His f-i-l brought out a Mason jar (really), quart size, and the first thing that you see is the GLOW that light produces in the liquid. Also, as an aside, I have never swallowed whiskey without my throat reminding me, however slightly, that I was ingesting an organic solvent. This magically glowing substance went down like water with a taste like BOSS and raised not a single sensory nor reflex neuron's concern and, after just a couple of shots, produced the 'clearest' high I had ever experienced with Ethanol. But, again, the 'moonshine' part comes from the appearance of the product in the light, the real stuff GLOWS, I swear. Call your friend in Little Rock and ask them...