
Mad scientist interested in radio electronics, especially microwaves, WiFi, IEEE 802.11, wireless community network, streaming video, Waveguide, circuits, RF circuit design, micropower radio, amplifier, operational amplifier, tuner, phase locked loop, filters and filter design, PCB, RF test equipment, low cost prototyping, circuit layout and fabrication principles (electronics), component suppliers (electronics), analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion, PCB layout guidelines
Knowledge is power. By deleting obscure knowledge, we delete obscure power. Is that wise?
[edit]Physics: Physical constant, Electric charge, Dielectric constant, EPR paradox, Specific detectivity, Spectral density, Bel, Faraday constant, Maxwell's equations, Harmonic oscillator, Interference, Reactance, RLC series circuit, Fresnel zone, Faraday cage, Microwave, Biophoton, Quantum harmonic oscillator, transistor, multipath propagation, Uncertainty Principle
Radio electronics
[edit]Impedance match, Electrical network, Impedance, Inductive reactance, Amplitude modulation, Frequency-hopping spread spectrum, Frequency modulation, Noise temperature, Passband, Phase noise, Thermal noise, Boosting, DBm, FM improvement factor, Freeze frame television, Frequency assignment, Inverse multiplexer, Magnetron, Noise-equivalent power, Quasi-analog signal, Received noise power, Sampling frequency, Shot noise, Single-sideband modulation, Time-division multiplexing, Voice frequency, Bandwidth compression, Baseband, Broadband, Stopband, Spread spectrum, Multiplex baseband, Wire wrap, Breadboard, Transformer, Characteristic impedance, Wave impedance, Coaxial cable, Twisted pair, Impedance mismatch
Glossary of antenna terms, Antenna noise temperature, Antenna (electronics), Antenna blind cone, Antenna effective area, Antenna gain, Antenna height above average terrain, Billboard antenna, Cassegrain antenna, Collinear antenna array, Feed horn, Fractal antenna, Reflective array antenna, Isotropic antenna, Image antenna, Parabolic antenna, Periscope antenna
Radio+TV+data communications
[edit]Baud rate, Channel, Global system for mobile communications, Carson bandwidth rule, Non-return-to-zero, Chroma subsampling, Jansky, Duobinary signal, Backward channel, Narrowband modem, Out-of-band signaling, Telecommunication, Teletext, Morse code, Shannon's law, Card standards, Data compaction, Synchronous optical networking, OLAP, Packet switching, Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy, Radix-64, Shannon capacity, Shannon's theorem, Wideband modem, Wireless access point, Articulation score, Signature block, Freenet, YUV, Cutback technique, Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection, Closed-circuit television, Covert channel, CPU design, Supercomputer
[edit]Azimuth, Latitude, Longitude, Meridian, Sidereal time, Troposphere, Ionosphere, Telemetry, Global Positioning System, Radar, Tinfoil hat
Maths + Sciences
[edit]Statistics: Information theory, Probability theory, Descriptive statistics, Random variable, Simpson's paradox, Statistical hypothesis testing, Statistical inference, Statistical phenomena, Normal distribution, Statistical variability, Regression toward the mean, Learning theory (statistics), Meta-analysis, Frequency probability, Science: Reproducibility, Falsifiability, Binary classification, First-order predicate calculus, Concept lattice, Z notation, Galileo probe, Moore's Law, Nickel metal hydride, Standard data model, Pinhole camera, Supervised learning, Qi
[edit]- is the apparent redshift quantization an effect very much like plate techtonics on the quantum foam?
- strange attractors for ideomotor action in cliques; pulling meaning from the unconscious through kinesic and paralinguistic information: gesture, tone of voice, to create challenge–response protocols
- Using distributed element model with SPICE to model Microwave auditory effect and Microwave ovens, to connect vibrational psychology to Faye's space, you must know physics; see Green, 2004 "The Fabric of the Cosmos" and think about why Green looks like David Duchovny.
- the qualia of chaos theory and catastrophe theory;
- measuring biophotons, cross-correlation, LFSR, cryptanalysis, and the role of the observer in quantum phenomena;
- and selecting a new location for my secret lair.
- metaphysics: as we slide down phase space, exploring the many worlds hypothesis versus collapse of the quantum wavefunction. Time is reversible, to a point: there are many futures but there can be only one past. A galaxy-size wavefunction 33 million years away, in a juxtaposition with us, allows us a reflexion window into 66 million-years of our history. Attempting to change history breaks this window, possible iff there is a sparsity of galaxies in the universe, with large intersecting voids to create articulation points. Does the observed universe bear witness to this sparcity?
- building cerebro: if the neurosystem is a fractal, spread spectrum microwave transceiver, what size of phantom loop will link brain waves to Schumann resonance?
- "a slow-moving asteroid near L1 or L2 can only approach or leave Earth via a Lyapunov tube." -- [1]
- particle decay breaks the gordian knot: isn't a particle really a knot in higher dimension?
- predicting existence of a cold triple-alpha fusion process, 3 4He -> 12C + ~7 MeV, beginning at a temperature near you: 464(21) K, via a suitable LENR catalyst.
- searching for trigger mechanisms for a clathrate gun
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