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I like this GIF.
bgРодният език на този потребител е български.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
This user comes from Bulgaria.

Hi, I'm Rado! I am from Bulgaria and finally a Wikipedia contributor!

You don't know me.


Where may you know me from? Almost absolutely nowhere. As of 8th of April 2023, there are almost no contributions made under my name. The only two possible ways you could have found me is by seeing my very few edits or searching random users on this website (and I don't even know if that is an option). Well, on this site I'm a nobody, so please, I advise you not to be entertained on this page, because there is absolutely nothing entertaining.

My age

Unrelated picture of Nikolaos Tsitiridis

The following graph shows my age over time, with every round value on both axis being one year (continues for an indefinite amount of time, till either the end of time, or the end of my life)

