List of least concern birds
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 5 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 223 species
- Endangered (EN): 460 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 798 species
- Near threatened (NT): 1,001 species
- Least concern (LC): 8,460 species
- Data deficient (DD): 46 species
- 10,999 extant species have been evaluated
- 10,947 of those are fully assessed[a]
- 9,461 are not threatened at present[b]
- 1,481 to 1,533 are threatened[c]
- 164 to 183 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
- 159 extinct (EX) species[d]
- 5 extinct in the wild (EW)
- 19 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
- ^ excludes data deficient evaluations.
- ^ NT and LC.
- ^ Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
- ^ Chart omits extinct (EX) species
In December 2019, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed 8460 least concern avian species.[1] Of all evaluated avian species, 76.9% are listed as least concern. No subpopulations of birds have been evaluated by the IUCN.
This is a complete list of least concern avian species evaluated by the IUCN. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
Procellariiformes includes petrels and albatrosses. There are 54 species in the order Procellariiformes assessed as least concern.
- Kerguelen petrel
- Flesh-footed shearwater
- Great shearwater
- Wedge-tailed shearwater
- Short-tailed shearwater
- Bulwer's petrel
- Cory's shearwater
- Scopoli's shearwater
- Cape petrel
- Northern fulmar
- Southern fulmar
- Blue petrel
- Southern giant petrel
- Northern giant petrel
- Slender-billed prion
- Fulmar prion
- Antarctic prion
- Salvin's prion
- Fairy prion
- Broad-billed prion
- Snow petrel
- South Georgia diving petrel
- Magellanic diving petrel
- Common diving petrel
- Grey-faced petrel
- Herald petrel
- Bonin petrel
- White-headed petrel
- Great-winged petrel
- Soft-plumaged petrel
- Kermadec petrel
- Black-winged petrel
- Little shearwater
- Tropical shearwater
- Subantarctic shearwater
- Fluttering shearwater
- Audubon's shearwater
- Christmas shearwater
- Persian shearwater
- Manx shearwater
- Galápagos shearwater
- Antarctic petrel
- Uniform crake
- White-browed crake
- Isabelline bush-hen
- Striped crake
- Pale-vented bush-hen
- Plain bush-hen
- White-breasted waterhen
- Rufous-necked wood rail
- Grey-necked wood rail
- Red-winged wood rail
- Little wood rail
- Slaty-breasted wood rail
- Giant wood rail
- Grey-throated rail
- Speckled rail
- Yellow rail
- Corn crake
- African crake
- White-throated rail
- Chestnut rail
- American coot
- Andean coot
- Red-gartered coot
- Eurasian coot
- Red-knobbed coot
- Giant coot
- White-winged coot
- Red-fronted coot
- Watercock
- Lesser moorhen
- Common moorhen
- Common gallinule
- Spot-flanked gallinule
- Dusky moorhen
- Bare-eyed rail
- Yellow-breasted crake
- Nkulengu rail
- Buff-banded rail
- Barred rail
- White-throated crake
- Grey-breasted crake
- Red-and-white crake
- Rufous-sided crake
- Ruddy crake
- Lewin's rail
- Slaty-breasted rail
- Madagascan wood rail
- Ocellated crake
- Paint-billed crake
- Spotted rail
- Blackish rail
- Plumbeous rail
- Allen's gallinule
- Azure gallinule
- American purple gallinule
- Western swamphen
- Ash-throated crake
- Sora
- Black-banded crake
- Australian crake
- Spotted crake
- Forbes's forest rail
- Chestnut forest rail
- Slaty-legged crake
- Red-legged crake
- Red-necked crake
- Water rail
- African rail
- Clapper rail
- Brown-cheeked rail
- Virginia rail
- Mangrove rail
- Chestnut-headed crake
- Russet-crowned crake
- Striped flufftail
- Streaky-breasted flufftail
- Buff-spotted flufftail
- Madagascan flufftail
- Chestnut-headed flufftail
- White-spotted flufftail
- Red-chested flufftail
- Tasmanian nativehen
- Black-tailed nativehen
- Brown crake
- Black-tailed crake
- Black crake
- Ruddy-breasted crake
- Little crake
- Baillon's crake
- Spotless crake
Other Gruiformes species
[edit]- Limpkin
- Sungrebe
- African finfoot
- Ochre-winged trumpeter (Psophia ochroptera)
There are 226 parrot species assessed as least concern.
- Grey-headed lovebird
- Yellow-collared lovebird
- Red-headed lovebird
- Rosy-faced lovebird
- Black-collared lovebird
- Black-winged lovebird
- Moluccan king parrot
- Papuan king parrot
- Australian king parrot
- White-fronted amazon
- Orange-winged amazon
- Red-lored amazon
- Diademed amazon
- Scaly-naped amazon
- Yellow-crowned amazon
- Yucatan amazon
- Red-winged parrot
- Blue-and-yellow macaw
- Red-and-green macaw
- Scarlet macaw
- Chestnut-fronted macaw
- Jandaya parakeet
- Sulphur-breasted parakeet
- Nanday parakeet
- Dusky-headed parakeet
- Australian ringneck
- Guaiabero
- Barred parakeet
- Andean parakeet
- Yellow-chevroned parakeet
- Golden-winged parakeet
- Cobalt-winged parakeet
- Orange-chinned parakeet
- Tui parakeet
- Plain parakeet
- White-winged parakeet
- Black lory
- Cardinal lory
- Brown lory
- Yellowish-streaked lory
- Josephine's lorikeet
- Papuan lorikeet
- Red-flanked lorikeet
- Fairy lorikeet
- Red-chinned lorikeet
- Red-fronted lorikeet
- Stella's lorikeet
- Pygmy lorikeet
- Lesser vasa parrot
- Greater vasa parrot
- Burrowing parrot
- Creamy-breasted fig-parrot
- Double-eyed fig parrot
- Orange-breasted fig parrot
- Dusky-cheeked fig-parrot
- Black-fronted fig-parrot
- Red-fan parrot
- Southern red-shouldered macaw
- Red-shouldered macaw
- Eclectus parrot
- Austral parakeet
- Slender-billed parakeet
- Red lory
- Violet-necked lory
- Aztec parakeet
- Peach-fronted parakeet
- Caatinga parakeet
- Brown-throated parakeet
- Pacific parrotlet
- Spectacled parrotlet
- Dusky-billed parrotlet
- Green-rumped parrotlet
- Turquoise-winged parrotlet
- Blue-winged parrotlet
- Red-cheeked parrot
- Song parrot
- Rennell parrot
- Blue-collared parrot
- Musk lorikeet
- Purple-crowned lorikeet
- Little lorikeet
- Short-tailed parrot
- Black-winged parrot
- Golden-plumed parakeet
- Moluccan hanging parrot
- Orange-fronted hanging parrot
- Sri Lanka hanging parrot
- Blue-crowned hanging parrot
- Philippine hanging parrot
- Sula hanging parrot
- Great hanging parrot
- Bismarck hanging parrot
- Vernal hanging parrot
- Pygmy hanging parrot
- Yellow-bibbed lory
- Purple-bellied lory
- Black-capped lory
- Budgerigar
- Red-breasted pygmy parrot
- Finsch's pygmy parrot
- Geelvink pygmy parrot
- Yellow-capped pygmy parrot
- Meek's pygmy parrot
- Buff-faced pygmy parrot
- Cliff parakeet
- Monk parakeet
- Amazonian parrotlet
- Tepui parrotlet
- Blue-winged parrot
- Elegant parrot
- Rock parrot
- Turquoise parrot
- Scarlet-chested parrot
- Bourke's parrot
- Yellow-billed lorikeet
- Orange-billed lorikeet
- Eastern bluebonnet
- Plum-faced lorikeet
- Red-bellied macaw
- Eastern ground parrot
- Collared lory
- Black-headed parrot
- Black-legged parrot
- Pileated parrot
- Bronze-winged parrot
- Dusky parrot
- Scaly-headed parrot
- Blue-headed parrot
- Blue-breasted parrot
- White-crowned parrot
- White-capped parrot
- Red-billed parrot
- Speckle-faced parrot
- Pale-headed rosella
- Green rosella
- Crimson rosella
- Eastern rosella
- Western rosella
- Northern rosella
- Niam-Niam parrot
- Brown-headed parrot
- Yellow-fronted parrot
- Red-fronted parrot
- Meyer's parrot
- Cape parrot
- Rüppell's parrot
- Red-bellied parrot
- Senegal parrot
- Regent parrot
- Superb parrot
- Golden-collared macaw
- Blue-crowned racket-tail
- Buru racket-tail
- Golden-mantled racket-tail
- Maroon shining parrot
- Hooded parrot
- Mulga parrot
- Red-rumped parrot
- Dusky lory
- Mountain parakeet
- Grey-hooded parakeet
- Blue-crowned parakeet
- Finsch's parakeet
- Green parakeet
- White-eyed parakeet
- Mitred parakeet
- Red-throated parakeet
- Brehm's tiger parrot
- Snow mountain tiger-parrot
- Madarasz's tiger parrot
- Modest tiger parrot
- Painted tiger parrot
- Layard's parakeet
- Blue-winged parakeet
- Plum-headed parakeet
- Slaty-headed parakeet
- Rose-ringed parakeet
- Red-faced fig-parrot (Psittaculirostris cervicalis)
- Large fig parrot
- Edwards's fig parrot
- Yellow-naped fig-parrot (Psittaculirostris godmani)
- Salvadori's fig parrot
- Goldie's lorikeet
- Varied lorikeet
- Red-capped parrot
- Brown-hooded parrot
- Rose-faced parrot
- Fiery-shouldered parakeet
- Venezuelan parakeet (Pyrrhura emma)
- Maroon-bellied parakeet
- Blood-eared parakeet
- Sulphur-winged parakeet
- Bonaparte's parakeet
- Maroon-tailed parakeet
- Green-cheeked parakeet
- Choco parakeet
- Garlepp's parakeet
- Wavy-breasted parakeet (Pyrrhura peruviana)
- Painted parakeet
- Rose-crowned parakeet
- Rose-fronted parakeet
- Black-capped parakeet
- Madeira parakeet
- Vulturine parrot
- Crimson-bellied parakeet
- Great-billed parrot
- Blue-backed parrot
- Lilac-tailed parrotlet
- Blue-fronted parrotlet
- Scarlet-shouldered parrotlet
- Sapphire-rumped parrotlet
- Marigold lorikeet
- Scaly-breasted lorikeet
- Olive-headed lorikeet
- Citrine lorikeet
- Coconut lorikeet
- Mustard-capped lorikeet
- Rainbow lorikeet
- Ornate lorikeet
- Red-collared lorikeet
- Blue-crowned lorikeet
There are 34 species in the order Suliformes assessed as least concern.
- Reed cormorant
- Little pied cormorant
- Little cormorant
- Pygmy cormorant
- European shag
- Imperial shag
- Double-crested cormorant
- Neotropic cormorant
- Japanese cormorant
- Great cormorant
- Black-faced cormorant
- Indian cormorant
- Rock shag
- Pelagic cormorant
- Brandt's cormorant
- Spotted shag
- Little black cormorant
- Red-faced cormorant
- Australian pied cormorant
- Kerguelen shag
The gannets and boobies
- Madagascan blue pigeon
- Seychelles blue pigeon
- Comoros blue pigeon
- Bronze ground dove
- White-breasted ground dove
- Eastern bronze ground-dove
- Lemon dove
- Common emerald dove
- Brown-capped emerald dove
- Kererū
- Stephan's emerald dove
- Golden fruit dove
- Orange fruit dove
- Maroon-chested ground dove
- Blue ground dove
- White-collared pigeon
- African olive pigeon
- Bolle's pigeon
- Eastern bronze-naped pigeon
- Speckled pigeon
- Speckled wood pigeon
- Western bronze-naped pigeon
- White-headed pigeon
- Snow pigeon
- Rock dove
- Stock dove
- Common wood pigeon
- Ashy wood pigeon
- Hill pigeon
- Cameroon olive pigeon
- Trocaz pigeon
- Afep pigeon
- Metallic pigeon
- Ecuadorian ground dove
- Croaking ground dove
- Inca dove
- Plain-breasted ground dove
- Common ground dove
- Picui ground dove
- Scaled dove
- Ruddy ground dove
- Sombre pigeon
- Green imperial pigeon
- Mountain imperial pigeon
- Cinnamon-bellied imperial pigeon
- Pied imperial pigeon
- Rufescent imperial pigeon
- Elegant imperial pigeon
- Nilgiri imperial-pigeon
- White-bellied imperial pigeon
- Geelvink imperial-pigeon
- Dark-backed imperial pigeon
- Barking imperial pigeon
- Silver-tipped imperial pigeon
- Black imperial pigeon
- Collared imperial pigeon
- Spice imperial pigeon
- Seram imperial pigeon
- Rusty imperial-pigeon
- Pacific imperial pigeon
- Spectacled imperial pigeon
- Pinon's imperial pigeon
- Island imperial pigeon
- Grey-headed imperial pigeon
- Purple-tailed imperial pigeon
- Louisiade imperial-pigeon
- Torresian imperial pigeon
- Zoe's imperial pigeon
- Cinnamon ground dove
- Sulawesi ground dove
- Diamond dove
- Bar-shouldered dove
- Barred dove
- Peaceful dove
- Zebra dove
- Rufous-bellied spinifex pigeon
- Spinifex pigeon
- Squatter pigeon
- Key West quail-dove
- Ruddy quail-dove
- Bridled quail-dove
- Sapphire quail-dove
- Violaceous quail-dove
- Papuan mountain pigeon
- Buru mountain pigeon
- Pale mountain pigeon
- Seram mountain pigeon
- New Guinea bronzewing
- Grey-chested dove
- Caribbean dove
- Yungas dove
- Pallid dove
- Grey-headed dove
- Grey-fronted dove
- White-tipped dove
- Olive-backed quail-dove
- Wonga pigeon
- Topknot pigeon
- Slender-billed cuckoo-dove
- Ruddy cuckoo-dove
- Mackinlay's cuckoo-dove
- Bar-necked cuckoo-dove
- Bar-tailed cuckoo-dove
- Brown cuckoo-dove (Macropygia phasianella)
- Little cuckoo-dove
- Philippine cuckoo-dove
- Barred cuckoo-dove
- Scarlet-breasted fruit dove
- Wompoo fruit dove
- Golden-spotted ground dove
- Bare-faced ground dove
- Black-winged ground dove
- Moreno's ground dove
- Malagasy turtle dove
- Crested pigeon
- Namaqua dove
- Grey-naped pheasant-pigeon
- Pheasant pigeon
- Southern band-tailed pigeon
- White-winged pigeon
- Chilean pigeon
- Pale-vented pigeon
- Bare-eyed pigeon
- Band-tailed pigeon
- Red-billed pigeon
- Dusky pigeon
- Spot-winged pigeon
- Short-billed pigeon
- Picazuro pigeon
- Plumbeous pigeon
- Scaled pigeon
- Scaly-naped pigeon
- White-quilled rock pigeon
- Chestnut-quilled rock pigeon
- Amethyst brown dove
- Short-billed brown-dove
- White-eared brown dove
- Buff-eared brown-dove
- Common bronzewing
- Brush bronzewing
- Flock bronzewing
- Grey-rumped fruit-dove (Ptilinopus alligator)
- Orange-fronted fruit dove
- Banded fruit dove
- Coroneted fruit dove
- White-capped fruit dove
- Samoan fruit-dove
- Eastern ornate fruit-dove
- Red-bellied fruit dove
- Kosrae fruit-dove
- Grey-headed fruit dove
- Knob-billed fruit dove
- Orange-bellied fruit dove
- Black-naped fruit dove
- Dwarf fruit dove
- Ornate fruit dove
- Palau fruit dove
- Pink-spotted fruit dove
- Many-coloured fruit dove
- Pohnpei fruit-dove
- Crimson-crowned fruit dove
- Pink-headed fruit dove
- Beautiful fruit dove
- Grey-green fruit dove
- Rose-crowned fruit dove
- Silver-capped fruit dove
- White-bibbed fruit dove
- Yellow-bibbed fruit dove
- Geelvink fruit-dove
- Superb fruit dove
- Tanna fruit dove
- Western superb fruit-dove
- Claret-breasted fruit dove
- Wallace's fruit dove
- Oberholser's fruit dove
- Red-eared fruit dove
- Black-chinned fruit dove
- Yellow-breasted fruit dove
- Great cuckoo-dove
- Spotted dove
- Laughing dove
- Western spotted dove
- Island collared dove
- Ring-necked dove
- Eurasian collared dove
- Mourning collared dove
- Adamawa turtle dove
- Dusky turtle dove
- Oriental turtle dove
- African collared dove
- Red-eyed dove
- Red turtle dove
- Vinaceous dove
- Burmese collared-dove
- Grey-fronted green pigeon
- Pin-tailed green pigeon
- Madagascan green pigeon
- Philippine green pigeon
- Orange-breasted green pigeon
- African green pigeon
- Thick-billed green pigeon
- Grey-breasted green-pigeon
- Grey-cheeked green pigeon
- Little green pigeon
- Ryukyu green-pigeon
- Yellow-footed green pigeon
- Sri Lanka green pigeon
- Yellow-vented green pigeon
- White-bellied green pigeon
- Wedge-tailed green pigeon
- Pink-necked green pigeon
- Bruce's green pigeon
- Thick-billed ground pigeon
- White-faced dove
- Black-billed wood dove
- Blue-spotted wood dove
- Blue-headed wood dove
- Emerald-spotted wood dove
- Tambourine dove
- Long-tailed ground dove
- White-winged dove
- Eared dove
- Zenaida dove
- Galápagos dove
- Mourning dove
- West Peruvian dove
- White-faced quail-dove
- Chiriqui quail-dove
- Buff-fronted quail-dove
- White-throated quail-dove
- Purplish-backed quail-dove
- Lined quail-dove
There are 82 species in the order Pelecaniformes assessed as least concern.
- Wattled ibis
- Hadada ibis
- Olive ibis
- Spot-breasted ibis
- Sharp-tailed ibis
- American white ibis
- Scarlet ibis
- Green ibis
- Bare-faced ibis
- Roseate spoonbill
- African spoonbill
- Yellow-billed spoonbill
- Eurasian spoonbill
- Royal spoonbill
- White-faced ibis
- Glossy ibis
- Puna ibis
- Red-naped ibis
- Plumbeous ibis
- Buff-necked ibis
- Black-faced ibis
- African sacred ibis
- Australian white ibis
- Straw-necked ibis
- Great egret
- Yellow-billed egret
- Grey heron
- Cocoi heron
- Goliath heron
- Great blue heron
- Intermediate egret
- Black-headed heron
- White-necked heron
- Plumed egret
- Purple heron
- Great-billed heron
- Chinese pond heron
- Indian pond heron
- Squacco heron
- Rufous-bellied heron
- Javan pond heron
- American bittern
- Pinnated bittern
- Eurasian bittern
- Cattle egret
- Green heron
- Striated heron
- White-backed night heron
- Boat-billed heron
- Black heron
- Little blue heron
- Little egret
- Western reef heron
- White-faced heron
- Pied heron
- Pacific reef heron
- Snowy egret
- Tricolored heron
- Malayan night heron
- Cinnamon bittern
- Black-backed bittern
- Von Schrenck's bittern
- Least bittern
- Black bittern
- Stripe-backed bittern
- Little bittern
- Yellow bittern
- Dwarf bittern
- Yellow-crowned night heron
- Nankeen night heron
- Black-crowned night heron
- Capped heron
- Whistling heron
- White-crested tiger heron
- Fasciated tiger heron
- Rufescent tiger heron
- Bare-throated tiger heron
There are 186 species in the order Galliformes assessed as least concern.
- Sickle-winged guan
- Salvin's curassow
- Razor-billed curassow
- Nocturnal curassow
- East Brazilian chachalaca
- Chaco chachalaca
- Grey-headed chachalaca
- Colombian chachalaca
- Chestnut-winged chachalaca
- Speckled chachalaca
- White-bellied chachalaca
- Little chachalaca
- West Mexican chachalaca
- Rufous-vented chachalaca
- Scaled chachalaca
- Buff-browed chachalaca
- Plain chachalaca
- Rufous-bellied chachalaca
- Band-tailed guan
- Red-faced guan
- Spix's guan
- Marail guan
- Andean guan
- Dusky-legged guan
- Crested guan
- Rusty-margined guan
- Red-throated piping guan
- Blue-throated piping guan
- Barbary partridge
- Chukar partridge
- Przevalski's partridge
- Arabian partridge
- Philby's partridge
- See-see partridge
- Sand partridge
- Bar-backed partridge
- Chestnut-headed partridge
- Malaysian partridge
- Green-legged partridge
- Taiwan partridge
- Sabah partridge
- Red-breasted partridge
- Chestnut-bellied partridge
- Roll's partridge
- Red-billed partridge
- Rufous-throated partridge
- Sumatran partridge
- Tonkin partridge
- Hill partridge
- Mountain bamboo partridge
- Taiwan bamboo partridge
- Chinese bamboo partridge
- Hazel grouse
- Ruffed grouse
- Lady Amherst's pheasant
- Golden pheasant
- Rain quail
- Common quail
- Harlequin quail
- Stubble quail
- Blue eared pheasant
- Sooty grouse
- Dusky grouse
- Crested francolin
- Spruce grouse
- Franklin's grouse
- Black francolin
- Painted francolin
- Chinese francolin
- Grey francolin
- Sri Lanka spurfowl
- Painted spurfowl
- Red spurfowl
- Red junglefowl
- Sri Lankan junglefowl
- Grey junglefowl
- Green junglefowl
- Crimson-headed partridge
- Blood pheasant
- Willow ptarmigan
- White-tailed ptarmigan
- Rock ptarmigan
- Snow partridge
- Himalayan monal
- Siamese fireback
- Kalij pheasant
- Silver pheasant
- Black grouse
- Madagascan partridge
- Wild turkey
- Indian peafowl
- White-throated francolin
- Coqui francolin
- Latham's francolin
- Schlegel's francolin
- Rock bush quail
- Jungle bush quail
- Painted bush quail
- Daurian partridge
- Tibetan partridge
- Grey partridge
- Common pheasant
- Green pheasant
- Grey peacock-pheasant
- Bronze-tailed peacock-pheasant
- Red-billed spurfowl
- Red-necked spurfowl
- Ahanta francolin
- Black-fronted francolin
- Double-spurred francolin
- Cape spurfowl
- Chestnut-naped francolin
- Clapperton's francolin
- Erckel's francolin
- Grey-striped francolin
- Hartlaub's spurfowl
- Hildebrandt's francolin
- Heuglin's francolin
- Jackson's francolin
- Yellow-necked spurfowl
- Natal spurfowl
- Handsome francolin
- Grey-breasted spurfowl
- Scaly francolin
- Swainson's spurfowl
- Koklass pheasant
- Grey-winged francolin
- Finsch's francolin
- Orange River francolin
- Red-winged francolin
- Shelley's francolin
- Whyte's Francolin
- Blue quail
- King quail
- Brown quail
- Black-billed capercaillie
- Western capercaillie
- Altai snowcock
- Caspian snowcock
- Caucasian snowcock
- Himalayan snowcock
- Tibetan snowcock
- Verreaux's monal-partridge
- Szechenyi's monal-partridge
- Temminck's tragopan
- Sharp-tailed grouse
- California quail
- Elegant quail
- Gambel's quail
- Scaled quail
- Crested bobwhite
- Spot-bellied bobwhite
- Yucatan bobwhite
- Montezuma quail
- Singing quail
- Buffy-crowned wood partridge
- Long-tailed wood partridge
- Stripe-faced wood quail
- Spot-winged wood quail
- Rufous-fronted wood quail
- Spotted wood quail
- Chestnut wood quail
- Black-breasted wood quail
- Black-eared wood quail
- Starred wood quail
- Mountain quail
- Banded quail
- Stone partridge
- Tawny-faced quail
Guineafowl species
[edit]- Vulturine guineafowl
- Black guineafowl
- Southern crested guineafowl (Guttera edouardi)
- Plumed guineafowl
- Crested guineafowl
- Western crested guineafowl
- Helmeted guineafowl
There are 38 species in the order Struthioniformes assessed as least concern.
- Black-capped tinamou
- Bartlett's tinamou
- Berlepsch's tinamou
- Slaty-breasted tinamou
- Rusty tinamou
- Barred tinamou
- Cinereous tinamou
- Thicket tinamou
- Grey-capped tinamou
- Red-legged tinamou
- Brown tinamou
- Western thicket tinamou
- Small-billed tinamou
- Tepui tinamou
- Little tinamou
- Brazilian tinamou
- Tataupa tinamou
- Undulated tinamou
- Variegated tinamou
- Elegant crested tinamou
- Quebracho crested tinamou
- Highland tinamou
- Tawny-breasted tinamou
- Hooded tinamou
- Brushland tinamou
- Curve-billed tinamou
- Ornate tinamou
- Andean tinamou
- Chilean tinamou
- White-bellied nothura
- Chaco nothura
- Darwin's nothura
- Spotted nothura
- Huayco tinamou
- Red-winged tinamou
- Patagonian tinamou
- Puna tinamou
Other Struthioniformes species
[edit]Bucerotiformes includes hornbills, hoopoe and wood hoopoes. There are 46 species in the order Bucerotiformes assessed as least concern.
- Oriental pied hornbill
- Abyssinian ground hornbill
- White-thighed hornbill
- Silvery-cheeked hornbill
- Trumpeter hornbill
- Piping hornbill
- Eastern piping hornbill
- Black-and-white-casqued hornbill
- Black-casqued hornbill
- White-crested hornbill
- Eastern long-tailed hornbill
- Eastern little hornbill
- Black dwarf hornbill
- Crowned hornbill
- Bradfield's hornbill
- Red-billed dwarf hornbill
- African pied hornbill
- Hemprich's hornbill
- African grey hornbill
- Pale-billed hornbill
- West African pied hornbill
- Indian grey hornbill
- Sri Lanka grey hornbill
- Malabar grey hornbill
- Mindanao hornbill
- Luzon hornbill
- Blyth's hornbill
- Damara red-billed hornbill
- Von der Decken's hornbill
- Northern red-billed hornbill
- Eastern yellow-billed hornbill
- Jackson's hornbill
- Southern yellow-billed hornbill
- Monteiro's hornbill
Accipitriformes includes most of the diurnal birds of prey. There are 163 species in the order Accipitriformes assessed as least concern.
- Pied goshawk
- Shikra
- Bicoloured hawk
- Levant sparrowhawk
- Chestnut-flanked sparrowhawk
- Collared sparrowhawk
- Semi-collared hawk
- Cooper's hawk
- Red-thighed sparrowhawk
- Brown goshawk
- Frances's sparrowhawk
- Northern goshawk
- Sulawesi goshawk
- Japanese sparrowhawk
- Variable goshawk
- Black-mantled goshawk
- Black sparrowhawk
- Meyer's goshawk
- Little sparrowhawk
- Eurasian sparrowhawk
- Grey goshawk
- Ovambo sparrowhawk
- Grey-headed goshawk
- Vinous-breasted sparrowhawk
- Fiji goshawk
- Rufous-breasted sparrowhawk
- Chinese sparrowhawk
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- Tiny hawk
- Lesser Sundas goshawk
- African goshawk
- Red-chested goshawk
- Spot-tailed sparrowhawk
- Crested goshawk
- Besra
- Cassin's hawk-eagle
- Wedge-tailed eagle
- Golden eagle
- Bonelli's eagle
- Tawny eagle
- African hawk-eagle
- Verreaux's eagle
- African cuckoo-hawk
- Jerdon's baza
- Black baza
- Madagascar cuckoo-hawk
- Pacific baza
- Black-collared hawk
- Grey-faced buzzard
- Rufous-winged buzzard
- Grasshopper buzzard
- White-eyed buzzard
- White-throated hawk
- Zone-tailed hawk
- Augur buzzard
- Red-necked buzzard
- Madagascar buzzard
- Short-tailed hawk
- Common buzzard
- Upland buzzard
- Red-tailed hawk
- Eastern buzzard
- Rough-legged buzzard
- Red-shouldered hawk
- Grey-lined hawk
- Gray hawk
- Broad-winged hawk
- Himalayan buzzard
- Ferruginous hawk
- Long-legged buzzard
- Jackal buzzard
- Swainson's hawk
- Forest buzzard
- Common black hawk
- Savanna hawk
- Slate-coloured hawk
- Great black hawk
- Scissor-tailed kite
- Hook-billed kite
- Western banded snake eagle
- Brown snake eagle
- Short-toed snake eagle
- Black-chested snake eagle
- Western marsh harrier
- Swamp harrier
- Spotted harrier
- Long-winged harrier
- Cinereous harrier
- Hen harrier
- Northern harrier (Circus hudsonius)
- Pied harrier
- Montagu's harrier
- African marsh harrier
- Eastern marsh harrier
- Papuan harrier
- Lesser spotted eagle
- Congo serpent eagle
- Swallow-tailed kite
- Black-shouldered kite
- Black-winged kite
- White-tailed kite
- Pearl kite
- White-tailed hawk
- Black-chested buzzard-eagle
- Variable hawk
- Crane hawk
- Palm-nut vulture
- Griffon vulture
- White-tailed eagle
- Bald eagle
- White-bellied sea eagle
- African fish eagle
- Brahminy kite
- Whistling kite
- Black-breasted buzzard
- Double-toothed kite
- Rufous-thighed kite
- Slender-billed kite
- Long-tailed honey buzzard
- Ayres's hawk-eagle
- Little eagle
- Booted eagle
- Wahlberg's eagle
- Pygmy eagle
- Black eagle
- Mississippi kite
- Plumbeous kite
- Lizard buzzard
- Gray-headed kite
- White-browed hawk
- Black-faced hawk
- Semiplumbeous hawk
- Long-crested eagle
- Square-tailed kite
- Rufous-bellied hawk-eagle
- Bat hawk
- Pale chanting goshawk
- Dark chanting goshawk
- Eastern chanting goshawk
- Gabar goshawk
- Black kite
- Red kite
- Barred hawk
- Blyth's hawk-eagle
- Changeable hawk-eagle
- Sulawesi hawk-eagle
- Mountain hawk-eagle
- White-rumped hawk
- Harris's hawk
- European honey buzzard
- Barred honey buzzard
- Crested honey buzzard
- Philippine honey-buzzard (Pernis steerei)
- Madagascar harrier-hawk
- African harrier-hawk
- White hawk
- Snail kite
- Roadside hawk
- Crested serpent eagle
- Philippine serpent eagle
- Sulawesi serpent eagle
- Black-and-white hawk-eagle
- Black hawk-eagle
- Long-tailed hawk
There are 126 species in the order Anseriformes assessed as least concern.
- Mandarin duck
- Wood duck
- Egyptian goose
- Brazilian teal
- Northern pintail
- Andean teal
- White-cheeked pintail
- Cape teal
- Chestnut teal
- Eurasian teal
- Red-billed teal
- Yellow-billed teal
- Mottled duck
- Yellow-billed pintail
- Grey teal
- Mallard
- Spot-billed duck
- American black duck
- African black duck
- Pacific black duck
- Yellow-billed duck
- Chinese spot-billed duck (Anas zonorhyncha)
- Greater white-fronted goose
- Greylag goose
- Pink-footed goose
- Snow goose
- Taiga bean goose
- Bar-headed goose
- Ross's goose
- Lesser scaup
- Redhead
- Hardhead
- Ring-necked duck
- Tufted duck
- Greater scaup
- New Zealand scaup
- Canvasback
- Musk duck
- Brant goose
- Canada goose
- Cackling goose
- Barnacle goose
- Bufflehead
- Common goldeneye
- Barrow's goldeneye
- Muscovy duck
- Ringed teal
- Cape Barren goose
- Australian wood duck
- Kelp goose
- Andean goose
- Upland goose
- Ashy-headed goose
- Ruddy-headed goose
- Coscoroba swan
- Black swan
- Trumpeter swan
- Tundra swan
- Whooper swan
- Black-necked swan
- Mute swan
- Wandering whistling duck
- Black-bellied whistling duck
- Fulvous whistling duck
- Plumed whistling duck
- Spotted whistling duck
- Lesser whistling duck
- White-faced whistling duck
- Black-headed duck
- Harlequin duck
- Hooded merganser
- Crested duck
- Pink-eared duck
- American wigeon
- Eurasian wigeon
- Chiloé wigeon
- Gadwall
- White-winged scoter
- Common scoter
- Surf scoter
- Siberian scoter (Melanitta stejnegeri)
- Torrent duck
- Smew
- Common merganser
- Red-breasted merganser
- Southern pochard
- Rosy-billed pochard
- Red-crested pochard
- African pygmy goose
- Cotton pygmy goose
- Green pygmy goose
- Masked duck
- Andean duck (Oxyura ferruginea)
- Ruddy duck
- Lake duck
- Spur-winged goose
- Hartlaub's duck
- Radjah shelduck
- Knob-billed duck
- American comb duck (Sarkidiornis sylvicola)
- Baikal teal
- Spectacled eider
- King eider
- Northern shoveler
- Cinnamon teal
- Blue-winged teal
- Blue-billed teal
- Red shoveler
- Puna teal
- Garganey
- Australasian shoveler
- Cape shoveler
- Silver teal
- Freckled duck
- Falkland steamer duck
- Flying steamer duck
- Fuegian steamer duck
- South African shelduck
- Ruddy shelduck
- Common shelduck
- Australian shelduck
- Paradise shelduck
- White-backed duck
There are 160 owl species assessed as least concern.
- Northern saw-whet owl
- Boreal owl
- Buff-fronted owl
- Unspotted saw-whet owl
- Abyssinian owl
- Marsh owl
- Striped owl
- Short-eared owl
- Madagascar owl
- Long-eared owl
- Stygian owl
- Spotted owlet
- Burrowing owl
- Little owl
- White-browed hawk-owl
- Spotted eagle-owl
- Pharaoh eagle-owl
- Indian eagle-owl
- Eurasian eagle-owl
- Cape eagle-owl
- Greyish eagle-owl
- Dusky eagle-owl
- Verreaux's eagle-owl
- Akun eagle-owl
- Lesser horned owl
- Spot-bellied eagle-owl
- Fraser's eagle-owl
- Barred eagle-owl
- Great horned owl
- Rufous-banded owl
- Black-banded owl
- Black-and-white owl
- Mottled owl
- Yungas pygmy owl
- Ferruginous pygmy owl
- Collared owlet
- Glaucidium californicum
- African barred owlet
- Chestnut owlet
- Javan owlet
- Guatemalan pygmy owl
- Costa Rican pygmy owl
- Asian barred owlet
- Northern pygmy owl
- Central American pygmy owl
- Amazonian pygmy owl
- Baja pygmy-owl
- Andean pygmy owl
- East Brazilian pygmy owl
- Austral pygmy owl
- Colima pygmy owl
- Subtropical pygmy owl
- Eurasian pygmy owl
- Pearl-spotted owlet
- Pacific pygmy owl
- Jungle owlet
- Cuban pygmy owl
- Sjöstedt's barred owlet
- Red-chested owlet
- Tucuman pygmy-owl
- Tawny fish owl
- Buffy fish owl
- Brown fish owl
- Crested owl
- Bare-legged owl
- Puerto Rican owl
- White-throated screech owl
- Eastern screech owl
- Black-capped screech owl
- Bearded screech-owl
- Tropical screech owl
- Bare-shanked screech owl
- Pacific screech owl
- Middle American screech owl
- Yungas screech owl
- Rufescent screech owl
- Western screech owl
- Koepcke's screech owl
- Cinnamon screech owl
- West Peruvian screech owl
- Long-tufted screech owl
- Balsas screech owl
- Whiskered screech owl
- Vermiculated screech-owl (Megascops vermiculatus)
- Tawny-bellied screech owl
- Elf owl
- Southern boobook
- Barking owl
- Tanimbar boobook
- Buru boobook (Ninox hantu)
- Halmahera boobook
- Solomons boobook
- Northern boobook
- Tasmanian boobook
- Manus boobook
- Morepork
- Hume's hawk-owl
- Luzon hawk-owl
- Speckled boobook
- Rufous boobook
- Brown hawk-owl
- Hantu boobook
- Powerful owl
- Papuan boobook
- New Ireland boobook
- Indian scops owl
- Rajah scops owl
- Pallid scops owl
- Sangihe scops owl
- Everett's scops owl
- Sandy scops owl
- Sunda scops owl
- Collared scops owl
- Moluccan scops owl
- Sulawesi scops owl
- Mayotte scops owl
- Philippine scops owl
- Arabian scops owl
- Rainforest scops owl
- Eurasian scops owl
- Japanese scops owl
- African scops owl
- Wallace's scops owl
- Socotra scops owl
- Mountain scops owl
- Oriental scops owl
- Wetar scops-owl
- Jamaican owl
- Flammulated owl
- Southern white-faced owl
- Northern white-faced owl
- Tawny-browed owl
- Band-bellied owl
- Spectacled owl
- Palau owl
- Vermiculated fishing owl
- Pel's fishing owl
- Tawny owl
- Omani owl
- Chaco owl
- Fulvous owl
- Brown wood owl
- Great grey owl
- Himalayan owl
- Mottled wood owl
- Rufous-legged owl
- Spotted wood owl
- Ural owl
- Barred owl
- African wood owl
- Northern hawk-owl
There are 276 species in the order Charadriiformes assessed as least concern.
- Common sandpiper
- Spotted sandpiper
- Ruddy turnstone
- Black turnstone
- Upland sandpiper
- Sharp-tailed sandpiper
- Sanderling
- Dunlin
- Baird's sandpiper
- Broad-billed sandpiper
- White-rumped sandpiper
- Stilt sandpiper
- Purple sandpiper
- Western sandpiper
- Pectoral sandpiper
- Little stint
- Least sandpiper
- Rock sandpiper
- Ruff
- Long-toed stint
- Temminck's stint
- Surfbird
- Puna snipe
- Wilson's snipe
- Common snipe
- Latham's snipe
- Andean snipe
- Swinhoe's snipe
- African snipe
- South American snipe
- Solitary snipe
- Pin-tailed snipe
- Giant snipe
- Short-billed dowitcher
- Long-billed dowitcher
- Marbled godwit
- Hudsonian godwit
- Jack snipe
- Long-billed curlew
- Little curlew
- Whimbrel
- Red phalarope
- Red-necked phalarope
- Bukidnon woodcock
- American woodcock
- New Guinea woodcock
- Eurasian woodcock
- Wilson's phalarope
- Spotted redshank
- Lesser yellowlegs
- Wood sandpiper
- Wandering tattler
- Greater yellowlegs
- Common greenshank
- Green sandpiper
- Willet
- Solitary sandpiper
- Marsh sandpiper
- Common redshank
- Terek sandpiper
- Kentish plover
- Puna plover
- Caspian plover
- Madagascar three-banded plover
- Collared plover
- Little ringed plover
- Two-banded plover
- Forbes's plover
- Common ringed plover
- Greater sand plover
- White-fronted plover
- Rufous-chested plover
- Lesser sand plover
- Kittlitz's plover
- Long-billed plover
- Red-capped plover
- Semipalmated plover
- Three-banded plover
- Oriental plover
- Killdeer
- Wilson's plover
- Black-fronted dotterel
- Red-kneed dotterel
- Eurasian dotterel
- Pied plover
- Tawny-throated dotterel
- Inland dotterel
- European golden plover
- American golden plover
- Pacific golden plover
- Grey plover
- White-crowned lapwing
- Blacksmith lapwing
- Southern lapwing
- Grey-headed lapwing
- Crowned lapwing
- Long-toed lapwing
- Red-wattled lapwing
- White-tailed lapwing
- Senegal lapwing
- Yellow-wattled lapwing
- Spot-breasted lapwing
- Black-winged lapwing
- Masked lapwing
- Black-shouldered lapwing
- Andean lapwing
- African wattled lapwing
- Spur-winged lapwing
- Brown-chested lapwing
- Black-headed lapwing
- Banded lapwing
- Black noddy
- Brown noddy
- Lesser noddy
- Whiskered tern
- White-winged tern
- Black tern
- Swallow-tailed gull
- Australian gull-billed tern
- Gull-billed tern
- White tern
- Little white tern
- Little gull
- Caspian tern
- European herring gull
- Laughing gull
- Belcher's gull
- Brown-headed gull
- Caspian gull
- California gull
- Common gull
- Grey-headed gull
- Black-tailed gull
- Ring-billed gull
- Kelp gull
- Lesser black-backed gull
- Slender-billed gull
- Glaucous-winged gull
- Iceland gull
- Hartlaub's gull
- Sooty gull
- Glaucous gull
- Pallas's gull
- Yellow-footed gull
- Brown-hooded gull
- Great black-backed gull
- Mediterranean gull
- Yellow-legged gull
- Grey gull
- Silver gull
- Western gull
- Pacific gull
- Bonaparte's gull
- Franklin's gull
- Black-headed gull
- Slaty-backed gull
- Dolphin gull
- Andean gull
- American herring gull
- Thayer's gull
- Aleutian tern
- Bridled tern
- Sooty tern
- Spectacled tern
- Large-billed tern
- Grey noddy
- Blue noddy
- Ross's gull
- Black-legged kittiwake
- Black skimmer
- Roseate tern
- Forster's tern
- South American tern
- Common tern
- Arctic tern
- White-cheeked tern
- White-fronted tern
- Black-naped tern
- Snowy-crowned tern
- Antarctic tern
- Little tern
- Least tern
- Saunders's tern
- Yellow-billed tern
- Lesser crested tern
- Greater crested tern
- Royal tern
- Sandwich tern
- Sabine's gull
Other Charadriiformes species
[edit]- Northern crested caracara
- Southern crested caracara
- Black caracara
- Fox kestrel
- Amur falcon
- Grey kestrel
- Brown falcon
- Lanner falcon
- Nankeen kestrel
- Merlin
- African hobby
- Dickinson's kestrel
- Eleonora's falcon
- Aplomado falcon
- Australian hobby
- Prairie falcon
- Spotted kestrel
- Lesser kestrel
- Malagasy kestrel
- Peregrine falcon
- Falco ruficollis
- Bat falcon
- Greater kestrel
- Gyrfalcon
- Oriental hobby
- American kestrel
- Eurasian hobby
- Black falcon
- Common kestrel
- Banded kestrel
- Laughing falcon
- Red-throated caracara
- Buckley's forest falcon
- Lined forest falcon
- Cryptic forest falcon
- Slaty-backed forest falcon
- Barred forest falcon
- Collared forest falcon
- Collared falconet
- Philippine falconet
- Black-thighed falconet
- Pied falconet
- Yellow-headed caracara
- White-throated caracara
- Carunculated caracara
- Chimango caracara
- Mountain caracara
- Pygmy falcon
- Spot-winged falconet
Coraciiformes includes kingfishers and bee-eaters. There are 137 species in the order Coraciiformes assessed as least concern.
- Spotted wood kingfisher
- Common kingfisher
- Cerulean kingfisher
- Blue-eared kingfisher
- Shining-blue kingfisher
- Half-collared kingfisher
- Glittering kingfisher
- Pied kingfisher
- Azure kingfisher
- New Georgia dwarf kingfisher
- Indigo-banded kingfisher
- Oriental dwarf kingfisher
- Moluccan dwarf kingfisher
- Dimorphic dwarf kingfisher
- North Solomons dwarf kingfisher
- New Ireland dwarf kingfisher
- Guadalcanal dwarf kingfisher
- Little kingfisher
- New Britain dwarf kingfisher
- Papuan dwarf kingfisher
- American pygmy kingfisher
- Amazon kingfisher
- Green kingfisher
- Green-and-rufous kingfisher
- Lilac kingfisher
- Shovel-billed kookaburra
- Malachite kingfisher
- White-bellied kingfisher
- Madagascan pygmy kingfisher
- Principe kingfisher
- Sao Tome kingfisher
- Malagasy kingfisher
- Rufous-bellied kookaburra
- Blue-winged kookaburra
- Laughing kookaburra
- Spangled kookaburra
- Brown-hooded kingfisher
- Chocolate-backed kingfisher
- Striped kingfisher
- Ruddy kingfisher
- Javan kingfisher
- White-throated kingfisher
- Grey-headed kingfisher
- Blue-breasted kingfisher
- Woodland kingfisher
- Mangrove kingfisher
- White-breasted kingfisher
- African dwarf kingfisher
- African pygmy kingfisher
- Black-faced kingfisher
- Banded kingfisher
- Belted kingfisher
- Crested kingfisher
- Giant kingfisher
- Ringed kingfisher
- Hook-billed kingfisher
- Stork-billed kingfisher
- Great-billed kingfisher
- Mountain kingfisher
- Yellow-billed kingfisher
- Brown-headed paradise kingfisher
- Common paradise kingfisher
- Black-headed paradise-kingfisher (Tanysiptera nigriceps)
- Red-breasted paradise kingfisher
- Buff-breasted paradise kingfisher
- Collared kingfisher
- Blue-and-white kingfisher
- Ultramarine kingfisher
- Forest kingfisher
- Red-backed kingfisher
- Flat-billed kingfisher
- Sacred kingfisher
- Beach kingfisher
- Society kingfisher
- Purple-bearded bee-eater
- White-throated bee-eater
- Rufous-crowned bee-eater (Merops americanus)
- European bee-eater
- Böhm's bee-eater
- Black-headed bee-eater
- White-fronted bee-eater
- Red-throated bee-eater
- Arabian green bee-eater
- Black bee-eater
- Swallow-tailed bee-eater
- Ethiopian bee-eater
- Chestnut-headed bee-eater
- Rosy bee-eater
- Blue-headed bee-eater
- Southern carmine bee-eater
- Northern carmine bee-eater
- Cinnamon-chested bee-eater
- Green bee-eater
- Rainbow bee-eater
- Blue-cheeked bee-eater
- Blue-tailed bee-eater
- Little bee-eater
- Somali bee-eater
- Olive bee-eater
- Blue-breasted bee-eater
- Blue-throated bee-eater
- African green bee-eater
- Red-bearded bee-eater
- Blue-bearded bee-eater
There are 4808 passerine species assessed as least concern.
- Ochre-collared monarch
- Pied monarch
- Frilled monarch
- Southern shrikebill
- Fiji shrikebill
- White-tailed blue flycatcher
- White-bellied crested flycatcher
- White-tailed crested flycatcher
- African blue flycatcher
- Dusky crested flycatcher
- Little yellow flycatcher
- Livingstone's flycatcher
- Chestnut-capped flycatcher
- Torrent-lark
- Magpie-lark
- Black-naped monarch
- Slaty monarch
- Black monarch
- Chestnut-bellied monarch
- Loetoe monarch
- Golden monarch
- Island monarch
- Bougainville monarch
- Black-winged monarch
- Spot-winged monarch
- White-eared monarch
- Black-tipped monarch
- Hooded monarch
- Black-faced monarch
- Black-bibbed monarch
- White-naped monarch
- White-capped monarch
- Rufous monarch
- Spectacled monarch
- Black-tailed monarch
- White-collared monarch
- Shining flycatcher
- Azure-crested flycatcher
- Melanesian flycatcher
- Satin flycatcher
- Palau flycatcher
- Steel-blue flycatcher
- Moluccan flycatcher
- Velvet flycatcher
- Restless flycatcher
- Oceanic flycatcher
- Pohnpei flycatcher
- Leaden flycatcher
- Broad-billed flycatcher
- Vanikoro flycatcher
- Buff-bellied monarch
- São Tomé paradise flycatcher
- Mascarene paradise flycatcher
- Rufous paradise flycatcher
- Blue paradise flycatcher
- Malagasy paradise flycatcher
- Indian paradise flycatcher
- Red-bellied paradise flycatcher
- Rufous-vented paradise flycatcher
- African paradise flycatcher
- Blue-mantled crested flycatcher
- Blue-headed crested flycatcher
- Trumpeter finch
- Spectacled finch
- Black-headed greenfinch
- Black siskin
- Black-capped siskin
- Black-chinned siskin
- Common linnet
- European goldfinch
- European greenfinch
- Citril finch
- Corsican finch
- Thick-billed siskin
- Antillean siskin
- Common redpoll
- Twite
- Lawrence's goldfinch
- Hooded siskin
- Vietnamese greenfinch
- Black-headed siskin
- Olivaceous siskin
- Pine siskin
- Lesser goldfinch
- Grey-capped greenfinch
- Andean siskin
- Yellow-breasted greenfinch
- Eurasian siskin
- American goldfinch
- Yellow-rumped siskin
- Yellow-bellied siskin
- Yemen linnet
- Dark-rumped rosefinch
- Pink-rumped rosefinch
- Common rosefinch
- Dark-breasted rosefinch
- Himalayan beautiful rosefinch
- Red-fronted rosefinch
- Red-mantled rosefinch
- Tibetan rosefinch
- Pink-browed rosefinch
- Spot-winged rosefinch
- Pallas's rosefinch
- Blanford's rosefinch
- Great rosefinch
- Streaked rosefinch
- Sinai rosefinch
- Himalayan white-browed rosefinch
- Three-banded rosefinch
- Vinaceous rosefinch
- Hooded grosbeak
- Hawfinch
- Evening grosbeak
- Chinese grosbeak
- Japanese grosbeak
- Mongolian finch
- Common chaffinch
- Brambling
- Scarlet finch
- Cassin's finch
- House finch
- Purple finch
- Hawaiʻi ʻamakihi
- ʻApapane
- Asian rosy finch
- Black rosy finch
- Brown-capped rosy finch
- Brandt's mountain finch
- Plain mountain finch
- Gray-crowned rosy finch
- Oriole finch
- Red crossbill
- Two-barred crossbill
- Parrot crossbill
- Scottish crossbill
- Collared grosbeak
- White-winged grosbeak
- Black-and-yellow grosbeak
- Spot-winged grosbeak
- Pine grosbeak
- Crimson-browed finch
- Golden-naped finch
- Orange bullfinch
- Grey-headed bullfinch
- Red-headed bullfinch
- White-cheeked bullfinch
- Brown bullfinch
- Eurasian bullfinch
- African crimson-winged finch
- Desert finch
- Eurasian crimson-winged finch
- Socotra golden-winged grosbeak
- Black-headed canary
- White-throated canary
- Black-throated canary
- Southern grosbeak-canary
- Thick-billed seedeater
- Atlantic canary
- Cape canary
- Black-faced canary
- African citril
- Lemon-breasted canary
- Northern grosbeak-canary
- White-bellied canary
- Mountain serin
- Yellow canary
- Yellow-crowned canary
- Western citril
- Streaky-headed seedeater
- Grey-faced citril (Serinus hypostictus)
- Papyrus canary
- Protea canary
- White-rumped seedeater
- Yemen serin
- Black-eared seedeater
- Yellow-fronted canary
- Ethiopian siskin
- Red-fronted serin
- Reichard's seedeater
- Reichenow's seedeater
- Arabian serin
- Principe seedeater
- Forest canary
- European serin
- Streaky seedeater
- Brimstone canary
- Drakensberg siskin
- Tibetan serin
- Cape siskin
- Brown-rumped seedeater
- Yellow-rumped seedeater
- Long-tailed rosefinch
- African pitta
- Blue-banded pitta
- Indian pitta
- Blue pitta
- Elegant pitta
- Bar-bellied pitta
- Red-bellied pitta
- Javan banded pitta
- Rainbow pitta
- Ivory-breasted pitta
- Blue-winged pitta
- Blue-naped pitta
- Rusty-naped pitta
- Eared pitta
- Green-breasted pitta
- Bornean banded pitta
- Hooded pitta
- Blue-rumped pitta
- Noisy pitta
- Short-tailed antthrush
- Cryptic antthrush
- Barred antthrush
- Striated antthrush
- Rufous-tailed antthrush
- Schwartz's antthrush
- Black-faced antthrush
- Rufous-capped antthrush
- Black-headed antthrush
- Rufous-breasted antthrush
- White-throated antpitta
- Stripe-headed antpitta
- Bay antpitta
- Pale-billed antpitta
- Ochre-striped antpitta
- Elusive antpitta
- Red-and-white antpitta
- Rufous-faced antpitta
- Yellow-breasted antpitta
- Grey-naped antpitta
- Scaled antpitta
- Plain-backed antpitta
- White-bellied antpitta
- Chestnut-naped antpitta
- Tawny antpitta
- Chestnut-crowned antpitta
- Rufous antpitta
- Undulated antpitta
- Variegated antpitta
- Rusty-breasted antpitta
- Crescent-faced antpitta
- Slaty-crowned antpitta
- Amazonian antpitta
- Thicket antpitta
- White-lored antpitta
- Spotted antpitta
- Speckle-breasted antpitta
- Streak-chested antpitta
- Thrush-like antpitta
- Tepui antpitta
- Black-crowned antpitta
- Mountain blackeye
- Thick-billed heleia
- Cinnamon ibon
- Crested white-eye
- Mindanao white-eye
- Mees's white-eye
- Grey-hooded white-eye
- Streak-headed white-eye
- Cream-browed white-eye
- Pygmy white-eye
- Black-capped speirops
- Rufescent darkeye
- Bare-eyed white-eye
- Abyssinian white-eye
- Black-ringed white-eye
- Black-capped white-eye
- Cream-throated white-eye
- Black-crowned white-eye
- Réunion grey white-eye
- Buru white-eye
- Sri Lanka white-eye
- Lemon-bellied white-eye
- Grey-brown white-eye
- Ashy-bellied white-eye
- Pale-bellied white-eye
- Chestnut-flanked white-eye
- Everett's white-eye
- Fiji white-eye
- Dusky white-eye
- Vanuatu white-eye
- Capped white-eye
- Vanikoro white-eye
- Louisiade white-eye
- Bismarck white-eye
- Large Lifou white-eye
- Japanese white-eye
- Solomons white-eye
- Silvereye
- Principe speirops
- Canary white-eye
- Malagasy white-eye
- Mayotte white-eye
- Yellow-throated white-eye
- Lowland white-eye
- Black-fronted white-eye
- Small Lifou white-eye
- Mountain white-eye
- Kolombangara white-eye
- Yellowish white-eye
- Papuan white-eye
- Réunion olive white-eye
- Orange River white-eye
- Oriental white-eye
- Montane white-eye
- Grey-throated white-eye
- Rennell white-eye
- Enggano white-eye
- Santa Cruz white-eye
- Citrine white-eye
- African yellow white-eye
- Seram white-eye
- Malaita white-eye
- Pemba white-eye
- Yellow-ringed white-eye
- Green-backed white-eye
- Grey trembler
- Brown trembler
- Gray catbird
- Pearly-eyed thrasher
- Scaly-breasted thrasher
- Blue mockingbird
- Blue-and-white mockingbird
- Brown-backed mockingbird
- Tropical mockingbird
- Bahama mockingbird
- Long-tailed mockingbird
- Galápagos mockingbird
- Patagonian mockingbird
- Northern mockingbird
- Chalk-browed mockingbird
- Chilean mockingbird
- White-banded mockingbird
- Sage thrasher
- Gray thrasher
- Crissal thrasher
- Curve-billed thrasher
- Le Conte's thrasher
- Long-billed thrasher
- Ocellated thrasher
- California thrasher
- Brown thrasher
- Blue nuthatch
- Red-breasted nuthatch
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Kashmir nuthatch
- Indian nuthatch
- Eurasian nuthatch
- Velvet-fronted nuthatch
- White-tailed nuthatch
- Krüper's nuthatch
- White-cheeked nuthatch
- Chestnut-vented nuthatch
- Western rock nuthatch
- Sulphur-billed nuthatch
- Brown-headed nuthatch
- Pygmy nuthatch
- Eastern rock nuthatch
- Chinese nuthatch
- Wallcreeper
- Scaled fruiteater
- Red-crested cotinga
- Chestnut-crested cotinga
- Black-tipped cotinga
- Snowy cotinga
- Amazonian umbrellabird
- Black-faced cotinga
- Lovely cotinga
- Spangled cotinga
- Purple-breasted cotinga
- Plum-throated cotinga
- Blue cotinga
- Bare-necked fruitcrow
- Crimson fruitcrow
- Dusky purpletuft
- White-browed purpletuft
- Shrike-like laniisoma
- Cinereous mourner
- Speckled mourner
- Black-and-gold cotinga
- Dusky piha
- Rose-collared piha
- Rufous piha
- Screaming piha
- Sharpbill
- Rose-throated becard
- Black-and-white becard
- Chestnut-crowned becard
- Cinnamon becard
- One-colored becard
- Grey-collared becard
- Black-capped becard
- Pink-throated becard
- Jamaican becard
- White-winged becard
- Cinereous becard
- Glossy-backed becard
- Crested becard
- Barred becard
- Green-backed becard
- Capuchinbird
- Guianan red cotinga
- Black-necked red cotinga
- Rufous-tailed plantcutter
- White-tipped plantcutter
- Barred fruiteater
- Golden-breasted fruiteater
- Handsome fruiteater
- Scarlet-breasted fruiteater
- Band-tailed fruiteater
- Orange-breasted fruiteater
- Black-chested fruiteater
- Masked fruiteater
- Green-and-black fruiteater
- Red-banded fruiteater
- Purple-throated cotinga
- White bellbird
- Bearded bellbird
- Red-ruffed fruitcrow
- Purple-throated fruitcrow
- Andean cock-of-the-rock
- Guianan cock-of-the-rock
- Varzea schiffornis
- Brown-winged schiffornis
- Greenish schiffornis
- Olivaceous piha
- Grey-tailed piha
- Black-tailed tityra
- Black-crowned tityra
- Masked tityra
- White-naped xenopsaris
- Pompadour cotinga
- Fire-crested alethe
- White-tailed alethe
- White-chested alethe
- Brown-chested alethe
- Red-throated alethe
- Lesser shortwing
- White-browed shortwing
- Gould's shortwing
- Sulawesi thrush
- Orange-billed nightingale-thrush
- Spotted nightingale-thrush
- Ruddy-capped nightingale-thrush
- Slaty-backed nightingale-thrush
- Veery
- Black-billed nightingale-thrush
- Hermit thrush
- Black-headed nightingale-thrush
- Grey-cheeked thrush
- Russet nightingale-thrush
- Swainson's thrush
- Drakensberg rockjumper
- Cape rockjumper
- Fruithunter
- Rufous-brown solitaire
- Purple cochoa
- Green cochoa
- Black solitaire
- White-eared solitaire
- Great shortwing
- Wood thrust
- Varied thrush
- Varied solitaire
- Rufous-throated solitaire
- Black-faced solitaire
- Brown-backed solitaire
- Andean solitaire
- Townsend's solitaire
- Slate-coloured solitaire
- Bornean whistling thrush
- Blue whistling thrush
- Javan whistling thrush
- Malabar whistling thrush
- Taiwan whistling thrush
- Shiny whistling thrush
- White-tailed ant thrush
- Red-tailed ant thrush
- Groundscraper thrush
- Mountain bluebird
- Western bluebird
- Eastern bluebird
- Fraser's rufous thrush
- White-necked thrush
- White-collared blackbird
- Creamy-bellied thrush
- White-throated thrush
- White-chinned thrush
- Comoros thrush
- Grey-winged blackbird
- Japanese thrush
- Chiguanco thrush
- Brown-headed thrush
- Black-breasted thrush
- Austral thrush
- Yellow-legged thrush
- Chestnut-bellied thrush
- Cocoa thrush
- Great thrush
- Clay-colored thrush
- Hauxwell's thrush
- Grey-backed thrush
- Black-billed thrush
- Black thrush
- White-eyed thrush
- Kessler's thrush
- Lawrence's thrush
- Pale-breasted thrush
- Pale-eyed thrush
- Kurrichane thrush
- Ecuadorian thrush
- Marañón thrush
- Common blackbird
- American robin
- Chinese thrush
- Naumann's thrush
- Sooty thrush
- Andean slaty thrush
- Spectacled thrush
- Eyebrowed thrush
- Pale-vented thrush
- Olive thrush
- Black-hooded thrush
- Pale thrush
- African thrush
- Song thrush
- Fieldfare
- Mountain thrush
- Red-legged thrush
- Island thrush
- Plumbeous-backed thrush
- Chestnut thrush
- Red-throated thrush
- Rufous-collared thrush
- Rufous-bellied thrush
- Rufous-backed thrush
- Glossy-black thrush
- Bare-eyed thrush
- Ring ouzel
- Tickell's thrush
- Mistle thrush
- Sunda thrush
- Black-eared ground thrush
- Orange-headed thrush
- Scaly thrush
- Long-tailed thrush
- Orange ground thrush
- Russet-tailed thrush
- Bassian thrush
- Dark-sided thrush
- Plain-backed thrush
- Long-billed thrush
- Varied thrush
- Abyssinian ground thrush
- Aztec thrush
- Grey ground thrush
- Siberian thrush
- Pied thrush
- Collared myna
- Pale-bellied myna
- Crested myna
- Jungle myna
- Bank myna
- Great myna
- Common myna
- Golden-crested myna
- Samoan starling
- Singing starling
- Makira starling
- Brown-winged starling
- Rennell starling
- Long-tailed starling
- Metallic starling
- Short-tailed starling
- Moluccan starling
- Micronesian starling
- Asian glossy starling
- Striated starling
- Polynesian starling
- Sulawesi myna
- Long-crested myna
- Yellow-billed oxpecker
- Red-billed oxpecker
- Violet-backed starling
- Sharpe's starling
- Emerald starling
- Golden-breasted starling
- Ashy starling
- Wattled starling
- Fiery-browed starling
- Common hill myna
- White-collared starling
- Sharp-tailed starling
- Burchell's starling
- Long-tailed glossy starling
- Bronze-tailed starling
- Greater blue-eared starling
- Lesser blue-eared starling
- Black-bellied starling
- Miombo blue-eared starling
- Hildebrandt's starling
- Meves's starling
- Cape starling
- Principe starling
- Chestnut-bellied starling
- Purple-headed starling
- Purple starling
- Rüppell's starling
- Shelley's starling
- Splendid starling
- Superb starling
- Golden myna
- Yellow-faced myna
- Babbling starling
- White-billed starling
- Somali starling
- Socotra starling
- Chestnut-winged starling
- Red-winged starling
- Pale-winged starling
- Bristle-crowned starling
- Slender-billed starling
- Tristram's starling
- Waller's starling
- Kenrick's starling
- Narrow-tailed starling
- Stuhlmann's starling
- Coleto
- Madagascan starling
- Spot-winged starling
- Grosbeak starling
- Magpie starling
- White-crowned starling
- Pied starling
- Fischer's starling
- White-necked myna
- Vinous-breasted starling
- White-cheeked starling
- Pied myna
- White-headed starling
- Chestnut-tailed starling
- Black-collared starling
- Brahminy starling
- Chestnut-cheeked starling
- Rosy starling
- Red-billed starling
- White-shouldered starling
- Daurian starling
- Spotless starling
- Common starling
- Pygmy drongo
- Fork-tailed drongo
- Bronzed drongo
- Crow-billed drongo
- Shining drongo
- Balicassiao
- Spangled drongo
- White-bellied drongo
- Wallacean drongo
- Crested drongo
- Hair-crested drongo
- Ashy drongo
- Square-tailed drongo
- Black drongo
- Sulawesi drongo
- Greater racket-tailed drongo
- Lesser racket-tailed drongo
- Western scrub jay
- Transvolcanic jay
- Unicolored jay
- Mexican jay
- Black-throated magpie-jay
- White-throated magpie-jay
- Common green magpie
- Indochinese green magpie
- Bornean green magpie
- White-necked raven
- Pied crow
- Little crow
- American crow
- Cape crow
- Northwestern crow
- Common raven
- Carrion crow
- Australian raven
- Thick-billed raven
- Chihuahuan raven
- Daurian jackdaw
- Somali crow
- Slender-billed crow
- Rook
- Tamaulipas crow
- Eastern jungle crow
- Jungle crow
- Bougainville crow
- Little raven
- Western jackdaw
- New Caledonian crow
- Cuban crow
- Torresian crow
- Fish crow
- Fan-tailed raven
- Brown-necked raven
- Sinaloa crow
- House crow
- Forest raven
- Grey crow
- Piping crow
- White-billed crow
- Racket-tailed treepie
- Blue jay
- Steller's jay
- Black-chested jay
- Purplish-backed jay
- Cayenne jay
- Plush-crested jay
- Curl-crested jay
- Purplish jay
- White-naped jay
- Azure-naped jay
- Bushy-crested jay
- White-tailed jay
- San Blas jay
- Violaceous jay
- Green jay
- Yucatan jay
- Silvery-throated jay
- Black-collared jay
- Azure-hooded jay
- Black-throated jay
- Turquoise jay
- Azure-winged magpie
- Grey treepie
- Collared treepie
- White-bellied treepie
- Sumatran treepie
- Rufous treepie
- Eurasian jay
- Black-headed jay
- Spotted nutcracker
- Clark's nutcracker
- Gray jay
- Siberian jay
- Eurasian magpie
- Henderson's ground jay
- Pander's ground jay
- Pleske's ground jay
- Brown jay
- Piapiac
- Alpine chough
- Red-billed chough
- Ratchet-tailed treepie
- Taiwan blue magpie
- Red-billed blue magpie
- Yellow-billed blue magpie
- White-winged magpie
- Ocellated tapaculo
- Ochre-flanked tapaculo
- Rusty-belted tapaculo
- Elegant crescentchest
- Olive-crowned crescentchest
- Collared crescentchest
- Ash-colored tapaculo
- Chestnut-throated huet-huet
- Moustached turca
- Black-throated huet-huet
- Crested gallito
- White-throated tapaculo
- Chucao tapaculo
- Tschudi's tapaculo
- Ancash tapaculo
- Neblina tapaculo
- Silvery-fronted tapaculo
- Northern white-crowned tapaculo
- Bolivian white-crowned tapaculo
- Caracas tapaculo
- Chocó tapaculo
- Rufous-vented tapaculo
- Dusky tapaculo
- Pale-bellied tapaculo
- Brown-rumped tapaculo
- Blackish tapaculo
- Large-footed tapaculo
- Magellanic tapaculo
- Mérida tapaculo
- Long-tailed tapaculo
- Paramo tapaculo (Scytalopus opaca)
- Planalto tapaculo
- Chusquea tapaculo
- Trilling tapaculo
- Santa Marta tapaculo
- Diademed tapaculo
- Puna tapaculo
- Mouse-coloured tapaculo
- Spillmann's tapaculo
- Stiles's tapaculo
- White-browed tapaculo
- Unicolored tapaculo
- Vilcabamba tapaculo
- Nariño tapaculo
- Zimmer's tapaculo
- Sandy gallito
- Pink-footed puffback
- Black-backed puffback
- Northern puffback
- Pringle's puffback
- Sabine's puffback
- Red-eyed puffback
- Ethiopian boubou
- Crimson-breasted shrike
- Yellow-breasted boubou
- Yellow-crowned gonolek
- Swamp boubou
- Black-headed gonolek
- Southern boubou
- Fülleborn's boubou
- Slate-colored boubou
- Lowland sooty boubou
- Lühder's bushshrike
- Mountain sooty boubou
- Red-naped bushshrike
- Turati's boubou
- Grey-headed bushshrike
- Fiery-breasted bushshrike
- Brubru
- Red-billed helmetshrike
- White-crested helmetshrike
- Retz's helmetshrike
- Chestnut-fronted helmetshrike
- Rosy-patched bushshrike
- Brown-crowned tchagra
- Three-streaked tchagra
- Marsh tchagra
- Black-crowned tchagra
- Southern tchagra
- Bocage's bushshrike
- Doherty's bushshrike
- Many-colored bushshrike
- Black-fronted bushshrike
- Olive bushshrike
- Four-colored bushshrike (Telophorus quadricolor)
- Orange-breasted bushshrike
- Four-coloured bushshrike
- Bokmakierie
- Giant antshrike
- Grey antbird
- Willis's antbird
- Manu antbird
- Mato Grosso antbird
- Blackish antbird
- Jet antbird
- Parker's antbird
- Black antbird
- Dusky antbird
- Fasciated antshrike
- Bamboo antshrike
- Banded antbird
- East Andean antbird
- Striated antbird
- Ferruginous antbird
- Rufous-tailed antbird
- Dusky-tailed antbird
- Bertoni's antbird
- Scaled antbird
- White-streaked antvireo
- Plain antvireo
- Spot-crowned antvireo
- Streak-crowned antvireo
- Rufous-backed antvireo
- Rufous-tailed antwren
- Yasuni antwren
- Checker-throated antwren
- Stipple-throated antwren
- White-eyed antwren
- Ornate antwren
- Foothill antwren
- White-fringed antwren
- Black-bellied antwren
- Rusty-backed antwren
- Serra antwren
- Undulated antshrike
- Black-throated antshrike
- Bare-crowned antbird
- White-cheeked antbird
- Lunulated antbird
- Rufous-throated antbird
- White-throated antbird
- Black-capped antwren
- Spot-backed antwren
- Dugand's antwren
- Large-billed antwren
- Roraiman antwren
- Rufous-winged antwren
- Caatinga antwren
- Todd's antwren
- Spot-tailed antwren
- Spotted antbird
- Spot-backed antbird
- Dot-backed antbird
- Imeri warbling antbird
- Yellow-browed antbird
- Rondonia warbling antbird
- Peruvian warbling antbird
- Spix's warbling antbird
- Yellow-breasted warbling antbird
- Band-tailed antbird
- Black-chinned antbird
- Spot-backed antshrike
- Large-tailed antshrike
- Tufted antshrike
- Pearly antshrike
- Dot-winged antwren
- Black-throated antbird
- Stub-tailed antbird
- Northern chestnut-tailed antbird
- Yapacana antbird
- Chestnut-backed antbird
- Ferruginous-backed antbird
- Sooty antbird
- Goeldi's antbird
- Southern chestnut-tailed antbird
- Plumbeous antbird
- Blue-lored antbird
- Dull-mantled antbird
- White-bellied antbird
- White-bibbed antbird
- White-shouldered antbird
- Esmeraldas antbird
- Grey-bellied antbird
- Squamate antbird
- White-browed antbird
- White-lined antbird
- Black-faced antbird
- Black-and-white antbird
- Stripe-backed antbird
- Yellow-throated antwren
- Leaden antwren
- White-flanked antwren
- Plain-winged antwren
- Pygmy antwren
- Cherrie's antwren
- Yungas antwren
- Star-throated antwren
- Rufous-bellied antwren
- Plain-throated antwren
- Moustached antwren
- Ihering's antwren
- Stripe-chested antwren
- Long-winged antwren
- Grey antwren
- Amazonian streaked antwren
- Pacific antwren
- Slaty antwren
- Sclater's antwren
- Rio Suno antwren
- Black bushbird
- Black-headed antbird
- Ocellated antbird
- Pale-faced bare-eye
- Reddish-winged bare-eye
- Black-spotted bare-eye
- White-plumed antbird
- Spot-winged antshrike
- White-backed fire-eye
- White-shouldered fire-eye
- Harlequin antbird
- Chestnut-crested antbird
- Hairy-crested antbird
- Collared antshrike
- Black-crested antshrike
- Silvery-cheeked antshrike
- Glossy antshrike
- Black-backed antshrike
- Band-tailed antshrike
- Brownish-headed antbird
- Caura antbird
- Humaita antbird
- Spot-winged antbird
- Rufous-faced antbird
- Roraiman antbird
- Slate-colored antbird
- Silvered antbird
- Great antshrike
- Rufous-rumped antwren
- Chestnut-shouldered antwren
- Streak-capped antwren
- Ash-winged antwren
- Russet antshrike
- Dusky-throated antshrike
- Cinereous antshrike
- Saturnine antshrike
- Bluish-slate antshrike
- White-shouldered antshrike
- Amazonian antshrike
- Sooretama slaty antshrike
- Upland antshrike
- Black-crowned antshrike
- Black-hooded antshrike
- Variable antshrike
- Acre antshrike
- Barred antshrike
- Streak-backed antshrike
- Bar-crested antshrike
- Mouse-colored antshrike
- Black antshrike
- Chestnut-backed antshrike
- Planalto slaty antshrike
- Northern slaty antshrike
- Rufous-capped antshrike
- Plain-winged antshrike
- Natterer's slaty antshrike
- Bolivian slaty antshrike
- Rufous-winged antshrike
- Uniform antshrike
- Chapman's antshrike
- Scale-backed antbird
- Xingu antbird
- Grayish baywing
- Red-shouldered blackbird
- Tawny-shouldered blackbird
- Red-winged blackbird
- Unicoloured blackbird
- Yellow-winged blackbird
- Pale-eyed blackbird
- Yellow-billed cacique
- Scarlet-headed blackbird
- Yellow-rumped cacique
- Mountain cacique
- Golden-winged cacique
- Red-rumped cacique
- Mexican cacique
- Ecuadorian cacique
- Solitary cacique
- Scarlet-rumped cacique
- Yellow-hooded blackbird
- Chestnut-capped blackbird
- Casqued oropendola
- Austral blackbird
- Cuban blackbird
- Melodious blackbird
- Scrub blackbird
- Bobolink
- Brewer's blackbird
- Chopi blackbird
- Oriole blackbird
- Black-backed oriole
- Orange oriole
- Orange-crowned oriole
- Bullock's oriole
- Epaulet oriole
- Yellow-backed oriole
- Orange-backed troupial
- Hooded oriole
- Hispaniolan oriole
- Baltimore oriole
- White-edged oriole
- Audubon's oriole
- Altamira oriole
- Venezuelan troupial
- Campo troupial
- Jamaican oriole
- Bar-winged oriole
- Cuban oriole
- Yellow-tailed oriole
- Yellow oriole
- Scott's oriole
- Spot-breasted oriole
- Puerto Rican oriole
- Black-cowled oriole
- Streak-backed oriole
- Variable oriole
- Orchard oriole
- Black-vented oriole
- Velvet-fronted grackle
- Golden-tufted mountain grackle
- Bronzed cowbird
- Brown-headed cowbird
- Shiny cowbird
- Giant cowbird
- Screaming cowbird
- Band-tailed oropendola
- Bolivian blackbird
- Russet-backed oropendola
- Dusky-green oropendola
- Olive oropendola
- Crested oropendola
- Black oropendola
- Montezuma oropendola
- Green oropendola
- Chestnut-headed oropendola
- Yellow-rumped marshbird
- Brown-and-yellow marshbird
- Carib grackle
- Boat-tailed grackle
- Great-tailed grackle
- Nicaraguan grackle
- Greater Antillean grackle
- Peruvian meadowlark
- Long-tailed meadowlark
- Red-breasted blackbird
- Western meadowlark
- White-browed blackbird
- Yellow-headed blackbird
- Golden-browed warbler
- Two-banded warbler
- Golden-bellied warbler
- Russet-crowned warbler
- Golden-crowned warbler
- Flavescent warbler
- Grey-and-gold warbler
- White-bellied warbler
- White-rimmed warbler
- White-striped warbler
- Citrine warbler
- Black-cheeked warbler
- Black-crested warbler
- Rufous-capped warbler
- Pale-legged warbler
- Three-banded warbler
- Three-striped warbler
- Red-faced warbler
- Pink-headed warbler
- Adelaide's warbler
- Black-throated blue warbler
- Bay-breasted warbler
- Yellow-rumped warbler
- Saint Lucia warbler
- Prairie warbler
- Yellow-throated warbler
- Blackburnian warbler
- Grace's warbler
- Magnolia warbler
- Black-throated gray warbler
- Hermit warbler
- Palm warbler
- Chestnut-sided warbler
- American yellow warbler
- Arrowhead warbler
- Pine warbler
- Olive-capped warbler
- Plumbeous warbler
- Blackpoll warbler
- Cape May warbler
- Townsend's warbler
- Black-throated green warbler
- Red warbler
- Fan-tailed warbler
- Masked yellowthroat
- Hooded yellowthroat
- Grey-crowned yellowthroat
- Bahama yellowthroat
- Olive-crowned yellowthroat
- Common yellowthroat
- Worm-eating warbler
- Yellow-breasted chat
- Swainson's warbler
- Green-tailed warbler
- Black-and-white warbler
- White-faced whitestart
- Brown-capped whitestart
- Tepui whitestart
- Yellow-crowned whitestart
- Spectacled whitestart
- Slate-throated whitestart
- Golden-fronted whitestart
- Painted whitestart
- Collared whitestart
- Connecticut warbler
- Kentucky warbler
- Mourning warbler
- MacGillivray's warbler
- Louisiana waterthrush
- Northern waterthrush
- Northern parula
- Flame-throated warbler
- Tropical parula
- Crescent-chested warbler
- Buff-rumped warbler
- Riverbank warbler
- Prothonotary warbler
- Ovenbird
- American redstart
- Yellow-headed warbler
- Oriente warbler
- Orange-crowned warbler
- Colima warbler
- Blue-winged warbler
- Lucy's warbler
- Tennessee warbler
- Nashville warbler
- Virginia's warbler
- Canada warbler
- Hooded warbler
- Wilson's warbler
- Wrenthrush
- Montane foliage-gleaner
- Scaly-throated foliage-gleaner
- Bamboo foliage-gleaner
- White-collared foliage-gleaner
- Chestnut-winged hookbill
- Firewood-gatherer
- Thorn-tailed rayadito
- Austral canastero
- Short-billed canastero
- Ochre-browed thistletail
- Rusty-vented canastero
- Many-striped canastero
- White-chinned thistletail
- Mouse-colored thistletail
- Black-throated thistletail
- Streak-throated canastero
- Scribble-tailed canastero
- Cordilleran canastero
- Itatiaia spinetail
- Rusty-fronted canastero
- Eye-ringed thistletail
- Canyon canastero
- Sharp-billed canastero
- Puna canastero
- Vilcabamba thistletail
- Junín canastero
- Streak-backed canastero
- Olive-backed foliage-gleaner
- White-eyed foliage-gleaner
- Brown-rumped foliage-gleaner
- Buff-throated foliage-gleaner
- Ruddy foliage-gleaner
- Chestnut-crowned foliage-gleaner
- Point-tailed palmcreeper
- Yellow-chinned spinetail
- Red-and-white spinetail
- Pale-browed treehunter
- Chestnut-winged cinclodes
- Cream-winged cinclodes
- Blackish cinclodes
- White-winged cinclodes
- Cordoba cinclodes
- Stout-billed cinclodes
- Buff-winged cinclodes
- Chilean seaside cinclodes
- Olrog's cinclodes
- Grey-flanked cinclodes
- Dark-bellied cinclodes
- Peruvian seaside cinclodes
- Lark-like brushrunner
- Creamy-crested spinetail
- Light-crowned spinetail
- Line-cheeked spinetail
- Baron's spinetail
- Tepui spinetail
- Coiba spinetail
- Red-faced spinetail
- Speckled spinetail
- Streak-capped spinetail
- Marcapata spinetail
- Olive spinetail
- Pallid spinetail
- Stripe-crowned spinetail
- Grey-headed spinetail
- Crested spinetail
- Sulphur-bearded spinetail
- Parker's spinetail
- Rusty-backed spinetail
- Vilcabamba spinetail
- Crested hornero
- Band-tailed hornero
- Pale-legged hornero
- Lesser hornero
- Rufous hornero
- Bay hornero
- Striated earthcreeper
- Short-billed miner
- Thick-billed miner
- Common miner
- Creamy-rumped miner
- Greyish miner
- Coastal miner
- Puna miner
- Rufous-banded miner
- Dark-winged miner
- Slender-billed miner
- Sharp-billed treehunter
- White-browed spinetail
- Henna-capped foliage-gleaner
- Striped woodhaunter
- Plain-mantled tit-spinetail
- Andean tit-spinetail
- Brown-capped tit-spinetail
- Rusty-crowned tit-spinetail
- Tufted tit-spinetail
- Streak-backed tit-spinetail
- Striolated tit-spinetail
- Curve-billed reedhaunter
- Sharp-tailed streamcreeper
- Ruddy treerunner
- Pearled treerunner
- Great xenops
- Orange-fronted plushcrown
- Rufous-tailed xenops
- Rock earthcreeper
- Crag chilia
- Band-tailed earthcreeper
- Straight-billed earthcreeper
- Orange-eyed thornbird
- Orange-breasted thornbird
- Spot-breasted thornbird
- Greater thornbird
- Rufous-fronted thornbird
- Little thornbird
- Streak-fronted thornbird
- Freckle-breasted thornbird
- Black-capped foliage-gleaner
- Rufous-rumped foliage-gleaner
- Chestnut-winged foliage-gleaner
- Slaty-winged foliage-gleaner
- Ochre-breasted foliage-gleaner
- Cinnamon-rumped foliage-gleaner
- Rufous-tailed foliage-gleaner
- Buff-fronted foliage-gleaner
- Wren-like rushbird
- Spotted barbtail
- Rusty-winged barbtail
- Cactus canastero
- Dusky-tailed canastero
- Patagonian canastero
- Steinbach's canastero
- Streaked tuftedcheek
- Buffy tuftedcheek
- Caatinga cacholote
- White-throated cacholote
- Brown cacholote
- Grey-crested cacholote
- White-throated treerunner
- Roraiman barbtail
- Chotoy spinetail
- Black-tailed leaftosser
- Scaly-throated leaftosser
- Tawny-throated leaftosser
- Short-billed leaftosser
- Rufous-breasted leaftosser
- Bolivian recurvebill
- Spectacled prickletail
- Des Murs's wiretail
- Pale-breasted spinetail
- Dark-breasted spinetail
- White-lored spinetail
- Azara's spinetail
- Slaty spinetail
- White-whiskered spinetail
- Black-throated spinetail
- Grey-bellied spinetail
- Stripe-breasted spinetail
- Rufous-breasted spinetail
- Sooty-fronted spinetail
- Plain-crowned spinetail
- Cinereous-breasted spinetail
- McConnell's spinetail
- White-bellied spinetail
- Rufous-capped spinetail
- Ruddy spinetail
- Ochre-cheeked spinetail
- Spix's spinetail
- Necklaced spinetail
- Silvery-throated spinetail
- Rufous spinetail
- Planalto foliage-gleaner
- Guttulate foliage-gleaner
- Tepui foliage-gleaner
- Buff-browed foliage-gleaner
- Lineated foliage-gleaner
- Chaco earthcreeper
- Bolivian earthcreeper
- Flammulated treehunter
- Striped treehunter
- Uniform treehunter
- Black-billed treehunter
- Streak-breasted treehunter
- Peruvian treehunter
- Streak-capped treehunter
- Plain softtail
- White-throated earthcreeper
- Scale-throated earthcreeper
- Plain-breasted earthcreeper
- Patagonian forest earthcreeper
- Buff-breasted earthcreeper
- Double-banded greytail
- Plain xenops
- Streaked xenops
- Slender-billed xenops
- Rufous-faced warbler
- Black-faced warbler
- Yellow-bellied warbler
- Rockrunner
- Thick-billed warbler
- Paddyfield warbler
- Great reed warbler
- Tuamotu reed warbler
- Australian reed warbler
- Black-browed reed warbler
- Blunt-winged warbler
- Blyth's reed warbler
- Lesser swamp warbler
- Moustached warbler
- Southern Marquesan reed warbler
- Madagascan swamp warbler
- Large-billed reed warbler
- Marsh warbler
- Greater swamp warbler
- Sedge warbler
- Eurasian reed warbler
- Clamorous reed warbler
- Carolinian reed warbler
- Grey emutail
- Red-capped forest warbler
- Black-faced rufous warbler
- Long-billed bernieria
- Spectacled tetraka
- New Zealand fernbird
- Friendly bush warbler
- Bamboo warbler
- Taiwan bush warbler
- Little rush warbler
- Bangwa warbler
- Barratt's warbler
- White-winged swamp warbler
- Chestnut-backed bush warbler
- Long-tailed bush warbler
- Cinnamon bracken warbler
- Spotted bush warbler
- Evergreen forest warbler
- Brown bush warbler
- Russet bush warbler
- Javan bush warbler
- Benguet bush warbler
- Chinese bush warbler
- Bradypterus thoracicus
- Victorin's warbler
- Buff-banded thicketbird
- Yellow-bellied bush warbler
- Palau bush warbler
- Hume's bush warbler
- Grey-sided bush warbler
- Manchurian bush-warbler (Cettia canturians)
- Cetti's warbler
- Japanese bush warbler
- Aberrant bush warbler
- Brown-flanked bush warbler
- Chestnut-crowned bush warbler
- Pale-footed bush warbler
- Shade bush warbler
- Fiji bush warbler
- Philippine bush warbler
- Sunda bush warbler
- African yellow warbler
- Mountain yellow warbler
- Brown songlark
- Rufous songlark
- Cryptic warbler
- Brown emutail
- Spinifexbird
- Black-necked eremomela
- Rufous-crowned eremomela
- Yellow-vented eremomela
- Karoo eremomela
- Yellow-bellied eremomela
- Green-backed eremomela
- Green-capped eremomela
- Burnt-necked eremomela
- Grauer's warbler
- Neumann's warbler
- Booted warbler
- Icterine warbler
- Upcher's warbler
- Olive-tree warbler
- Western olivaceous warbler
- Eastern olivaceous warbler
- Melodious warbler
- Sykes's warbler
- Green hylia
- Southern hyliota
- Yellow-bellied hyliota
- Violet-backed hyliota
- Pallas's grasshopper warbler
- Gray's grasshopper warbler
- River warbler
- Lanceolated warbler
- Savi's warbler
- Common grasshopper warbler
- Middendorff's grasshopper warbler
- Grey longbill
- Yellow longbill
- Kemp's longbill
- Kretschmer's longbill
- New Caledonian thicketbird
- Rusty thicketbird
- Little grassbird
- Striated grassbird
- Tawny grassbird
- Moustached grass warbler
- Grand Comoro brush warbler
- Subdesert brush warbler
- Anjouan brush warbler
- Moheli brush warbler
- Malagasy brush warbler
- Dark-necked tailorbird
- Philippine tailorbird
- White-eared tailorbird
- Mountain tailorbird
- Grey-backed tailorbird
- Rufous-fronted tailorbird
- Rufous-headed tailorbird
- Black-headed tailorbird
- Ashy tailorbird
- Olive-backed tailorbird
- Rufous-tailed tailorbird
- Common tailorbird
- White-throated oxylabes
- Tickell's leaf warbler
- Yellow-streaked warbler
- Western Bonelli's warbler
- Arctic warbler
- Sakhalin leaf warbler
- Uganda woodland warbler
- Canary Islands chiffchaff
- Yellow-vented warbler
- Lemon-throated leaf warbler
- Lemon-rumped warbler
- Claudia's leaf warbler
- Common chiffchaff
- Eastern crowned warbler
- Davison's leaf warbler
- Emei leaf warbler
- Sichuan leaf warbler
- Smoky warbler
- Dusky warbler
- Hartert's leaf warbler
- Sulphur-bellied warbler
- Black-capped woodland warbler
- Hume's leaf warbler
- Iberian chiffchaff
- Yellow-browed warbler
- Gansu leaf warbler
- Red-faced woodland warbler
- Laura's woodland warbler
- Ashy-throated warbler
- Large-billed leaf warbler
- Makira leaf warbler
- Plain leaf warbler
- Western crowned warbler
- Kloss's leaf warbler
- Philippine leaf warbler
- Island leaf warbler
- Timor leaf warbler
- Pallas's leaf warbler
- Buff-barred warbler
- Blyth's leaf warbler
- Sulphur-breasted warbler
- Yellow-throated woodland warbler
- Sulawesi leaf warbler
- Radde's warbler
- Wood warbler
- Mountain chiffchaff
- Buff-throated warbler
- Brooks's leaf warbler
- Pale-legged leaf warbler
- Mountain leaf warbler
- Greenish warbler
- Willow warbler
- Brown woodland warbler
- Grey-hooded warbler
- Chinese leaf warbler
- Rand's warbler
- Fan-tailed grassbird
- White-spectacled warbler
- Green-crowned warbler
- Chestnut-crowned warbler
- Sunda warbler
- Yellow-breasted warbler
- Martens's warbler
- Grey-cheeked warbler
- Alström's warbler
- Grey-crowned warbler
- Bianchi's warbler
- Whistler's warbler
- Cape grassbird
- Hume's whitethroat
- Eurasian blackcap
- Banded parisoma
- Garden warbler
- Subalpine warbler
- Common whitethroat
- Spectacled warbler
- Lesser whitethroat
- Tristram's warbler
- Western Orphean warbler
- Layard's warbler
- Arabian warbler
- Brown parisoma
- Sardinian warbler
- Cyprus warbler
- Desert whitethroat
- Menetries's warbler
- Asian desert warbler
- Barred warbler
- Rüppell's warbler
- Marmora's warbler
- Chestnut-vented warbler
- Northern crombec
- Lemon-bellied crombec
- Somali crombec
- White-browed crombec
- Long-billed crombec
- Red-capped crombec
- Green crombec
- Red-faced crombec
- Chestnut-headed tesia
- Grey-bellied tesia
- Russet-capped tesia
- Slaty-bellied tesia
- Javan tesia
- Thamnornis warbler
- Broad-billed warbler
- Asian stubtail
- Timor stubtail
- Bornean stubtail
- Peg-billed finch
- Oaxaca sparrow
- Rusty sparrow
- Rufous-crowned sparrow
- Yellow-browed sparrow
- Baird's sparrow
- Henslow's sparrow
- Grassland sparrow
- Le Conte's sparrow
- Seaside sparrow
- Nelson's sparrow
- Grasshopper sparrow
- Bell's sparrow
- Black-throated sparrow
- Five-striped sparrow
- Black-capped sparrow
- Orange-billed sparrow
- Chestnut-capped brush finch
- Sooty-faced finch
- Saffron-billed sparrow
- Golden-winged sparrow
- Half-collared sparrow
- Pectoral sparrow
- White-browed brush finch
- Green-striped brush finch
- Green-backed sparrow
- Black-striped sparrow
- Olive sparrow
- Tocuyo sparrow
- White-headed brush finch
- White-naped brush finch
- Moustached brush finch
- Cuzco brush finch
- Yellow-striped brush finch
- Apurímac brush finch
- Fulvous-headed brush finch
- Yellow-breasted brush finch
- White-rimmed brush finch
- White-winged brush finch
- Santa Marta brush finch
- Grey-eared brush finch
- Rusty-bellied brush finch
- Pale-naped brush finch
- Tepui brush finch
- Rufous-capped brush finch
- Bolivian brush finch
- Slaty brush finch
- Bay-crowned brush finch
- Ochre-breasted brush finch
- Tricolored brush finch
- Lark bunting
- Lapland longspur
- Smith's longspur
- Small tree finch
- Band-tailed seedeater
- Paramo seedeater
- Plain-coloured seedeater
- Green warbler-finch
- Lark sparrow
- Red pileated finch
- Grey pileated finch
- Common diuca finch
- White-winged diuca finch
- White-naped seedeater
- Long-tailed reed finch
- Brown-rumped bunting
- Red-headed bunting
- Grey-necked bunting
- Cabanis's bunting
- Cretzschmar's bunting
- Cape bunting
- Yellow-browed bunting
- Rock bunting
- Meadow bunting
- Cirl bunting
- Yellowhammer
- Yellow-throated bunting
- Golden-breasted bunting
- Chestnut-eared bunting
- Godlewski's bunting
- Ortolan bunting
- Lark-like bunting
- Pine bunting
- Black-headed bunting
- Pallas's reed bunting
- Somali bunting
- Little bunting
- Rustic bunting
- Chestnut bunting
- Common reed bunting
- Black-faced bunting
- White-capped bunting
- Striolated bunting
- Cinnamon-breasted bunting
- Tristram's bunting
- Grey bunting
- Wedge-tailed grass finch
- Lesser grass finch
- Serra finch
- Pampa finch
- Orangequit
- Large cactus finch
- Sharp-beaked ground finch
- Medium ground finch
- Small ground finch
- Large ground finch
- Common cactus finch
- Slaty finch
- Uniform finch
- Short-tailed finch
- Buff-bridled Inca finch
- Rufous-backed Inca finch
- Great Inca finch
- Dark-eyed junco
- Yellow-eyed junco
- Volcano junco
- Slaty bunting
- Grey-crested finch
- Black-crested finch
- Barbados bullfinch
- Lesser Antillean bullfinch
- Puerto Rican bullfinch
- Greater Antillean bullfinch
- Yellow-shouldered grassquit
- White-bridled finch
- Yellow-bridled finch
- Crested bunting
- Cuban bullfinch
- Swamp sparrow
- Lincoln's sparrow
- Song sparrow
- Abert's towhee
- White-throated towhee
- Prevost's ground sparrow
- California towhee
- Canyon towhee
- Rusty-crowned ground sparrow
- White-eared ground sparrow
- Corn bunting
- Striped sparrow
- Chestnut-bellied seed finch
- Black-billed seed finch
- Large-billed seed finch
- Thick-billed seed finch
- Nicaraguan seed finch
- Savannah sparrow
- Fox sparrow
- Lazuli bunting
- Blue grosbeak
- Indigo bunting
- Orange-breasted bunting
- Varied bunting
- Botteri's sparrow
- Rufous-winged sparrow
- Cassin's sparrow
- Black-chested sparrow
- Bridled sparrow
- Stripe-headed sparrow
- Large-footed finch
- Band-tailed sierra finch
- Black-hooded sierra finch
- Carbonated sierra finch
- Red-backed sierra finch
- White-throated sierra finch
- Mourning sierra finch
- Grey-hooded sierra finch
- Patagonian sierra finch
- Ash-breasted sierra finch
- Peruvian sierra finch
- Plumbeous sierra finch
- Cinereous finch
- Green-tailed towhee
- Eastern towhee
- Spotted towhee
- Collared towhee
- Vegetarian finch
- McKay's bunting
- Snow bunting
- Vesper sparrow
- Bolivian warbling finch
- Gray-throated warbling finch
- Chestnut-breasted mountain finch
- Rusty-browed warbling finch
- Collared warbling finch
- Rufous-sided warbling finch
- Buff-throated warbling finch
- Black-capped warbling finch
- Black-and-rufous warbling finch
- Cinnamon warbling finch
- Bay-chested warbling finch
- Ringed warbling finch
- Yellow-thighed finch
- Crimson-breasted finch
- Thick-billed longspur
- Tumbes sparrow
- Stripe-capped sparrow
- Many-colored Chaco finch
- Greater yellow finch
- Stripe-tailed yellow finch
- Orange-fronted yellow finch
- Saffron finch
- Patagonian yellow finch
- Puna yellow finch
- Citron-headed yellow finch
- Grassland yellow finch
- Greenish yellow finch
- Raimondi's yellow finch
- Sulphur-throated finch
- Bright-rumped yellow finch
- American tree sparrow
- Black-chinned sparrow
- Brewer's sparrow
- Clay-colored sparrow
- Chipping sparrow
- Field sparrow
- White-throated seedeater
- Wing-barred seedeater
- Dubois's seedeater
- Copper seedeater
- Lesson's seedeater
- Double-collared seedeater
- Chestnut-bellied seedeater
- Rusty-collared seedeater
- Variable seedeater
- Tawny-bellied seedeater
- Grey seedeater
- White-bellied seedeater
- Lined seedeater
- Black-and-white seedeater
- Ruddy-breasted seedeater
- Caquetá seedeater
- Yellow-bellied seedeater
- Parrot-billed seedeater
- Plumbeous seedeater
- Slate-coloured seedeater
- Drab seedeater
- Chestnut-throated seedeater
- White-collared seedeater
- Black-faced grassquit
- Cuban grassquit
- Sooty grassquit
- Dull-coloured grassquit
- Yellow-faced grassquit
- Black-backed bush tanager
- Blue-black grassquit
- White-throated sparrow
- Golden-crowned sparrow
- Rufous-collared sparrow
- White-crowned sparrow
- Harris's sparrow
- Rusty-fronted barwing
- Taiwan barwing
- Hoary-throated barwing
- Spectacled barwing
- Streaked barwing
- Streak-throated barwing
- Dusky fulvetta
- Rufous-winged fulvetta
- Golden-breasted fulvetta
- Yellow-throated fulvetta
- Grey-hooded fulvetta
- Indochinese fulvetta
- Rusty-capped fulvetta
- Taiwan fulvetta
- Black-browed fulvetta
- Black-crowned fulvetta
- Brown-throated fulvetta
- Manipur fulvetta
- Grey-cheeked fulvetta
- Nepal fulvetta
- Mountain fulvetta
- Brown-cheeked fulvetta
- Javan fulvetta
- Spectacled fulvetta
- Rufous-throated fulvetta
- Chinese fulvetta
- White-browed fulvetta
- Chinese babax
- Wrentit
- Rufous-tailed babbler
- Yellow-eyed babbler
- Great parrotbill
- Himalayan cutia
- Tawny-bellied babbler
- White-bellied erpornis
- White-hooded babbler
- Collared babbler
- Black-faced laughingthrush
- White-throated laughingthrush
- Orange-breasted laughingthrush
- Brown-capped laughingthrush
- Buffy laughingthrush
- Grey-sided laughingthrush
- Bare-headed laughingthrush
- Chinese hwamei
- Rufous-cheeked laughingthrush
- Black-throated laughingthrush
- Assam laughingthrush
- Moustached laughingthrush
- Plain laughingthrush
- Wynaad laughingthrush
- Elliot's laughingthrush
- Chestnut-crowned laughingthrush
- Red-winged laughingthrush
- Yellow-throated laughingthrush
- Rufous-vented laughingthrush
- Brown-cheeked laughingthrush
- Bhutan laughingthrush
- White-crested laughingthrush
- Streaked laughingthrush
- Black laughingthrush
- Barred laughingthrush
- Grey laughingthrush
- Giant laughingthrush
- Silver-eared laughingthrush
- Spot-breasted laughingthrush
- Red-tailed laughingthrush
- Chestnut-capped laughingthrush
- Lesser necklaced laughingthrush
- White-whiskered laughingthrush
- Spotted laughingthrush
- Sunda laughingthrush
- Greater necklaced laughingthrush
- Malayan laughingthrush
- Masked laughingthrush
- Rusty laughingthrush
- Rufous-crowned laughingthrush
- Rufous-necked laughingthrush
- Rufous-chinned laughingthrush
- White-browed laughingthrush
- Blue-winged laughingthrush
- White-necked laughingthrush
- Striated laughingthrush
- Scaly laughingthrush
- Variegated laughingthrush
- White-cheeked laughingthrush
- Striped laughingthrush
- Limestone wren-babbler
- Rufous-backed sibia
- White-eared sibia
- Rufous sibia
- Black-headed sibia
- Grey sibia
- Dark-backed sibia
- Long-tailed sibia
- Beautiful sibia
- Dohrn's thrush-babbler
- Scaly-breasted illadopsis
- Blackcap illadopsis
- Brown illadopsis
- Puvel's illadopsis
- Mountain illadopsis
- Pale-breasted illadopsis
- Grey-chested babbler
- Silver-eared mesia
- Red-billed leiothrix
- Bagobo babbler
- Red-faced liocichla
- Steere's liocichla
- Bold-striped tit-babbler
- Grey-cheeked tit-babbler
- Pin-striped tit-babbler
- Grey-faced tit-babbler
- Brown tit-babbler
- Abbott's babbler
- Ashy-headed babbler
- Horsfield's babbler
- Scaly-crowned babbler
- Moustached babbler
- Malia
- Blue-winged minla
- Red-tailed minla
- Bar-throated minla
- Fire-tailed myzornis
- Streaked wren-babbler
- Mountain wren-babbler
- Eyebrowed wren-babbler
- Stripe-throated jery
- Common jery
- Green jery
- Bearded reedling
- Ashy-throated parrotbill
- Pale-billed parrotbill
- Brown-winged parrotbill
- Spectacled parrotbill
- Short-tailed parrotbill
- Fulvous parrotbill
- Grey-headed parrotbill
- Spot-breasted parrotbill
- Black-throated parrotbill
- Three-toed parrotbill
- White-breasted parrotbill
- Brown parrotbill
- Golden parrotbill
- Vinous-throated parrotbill
- Abyssinian catbird
- Spot-throated babbler
- Black-capped babbler
- Brown-capped babbler
- Puff-throated babbler
- Capuchin babbler
- Scaly-breasted wren-babbler
- Taiwan wren-babbler
- Nepal wren-babbler
- Pygmy wren-babbler
- Black-necklaced scimitar babbler
- Rusty-cheeked scimitar babbler
- Coral-billed scimitar babbler
- Black-streaked scimitar babbler
- Indian scimitar babbler
- Large scimitar babbler
- Spot-breasted scimitar babbler
- Sri Lanka scimitar babbler
- Chestnut-backed scimitar babbler
- Taiwan scimitar babbler
- Red-billed scimitar babbler
- Streak-breasted scimitar babbler
- White-browed scimitar babbler
- Grey-sided scimitar babbler
- African hill babbler
- Trilling shrike-babbler
- Pied shrike-babbler
- Black-eared shrike-babbler
- Black-headed shrike-babbler
- Green shrike-babbler
- Striated wren-babbler
- Spotted thrush-babbler
- Dark-fronted babbler
- Sumatran wren-babbler
- Long-billed wren-babbler
- Spotted elachura
- Chin Hills wren-babbler
- Grey-bellied wren-babbler
- Bar-winged wren-babbler
- Buff-chested babbler
- Rusty-crowned babbler
- Golden babbler
- Chestnut-winged babbler
- Sooty babbler
- Crescent-chested babbler
- Grey-throated babbler
- Black-crowned babbler
- Grey-headed babbler
- Black-chinned babbler
- Rufous-capped babbler
- Rufous-fronted babbler
- Spot-necked babbler
- White-bibbed babbler
- Chestnut-faced babbler
- Chestnut-capped babbler
- Ferruginous babbler
- Sulawesi babbler
- Temminck's babbler
- Buff-breasted babbler
- Marbled wren-babbler
- Rusty-breasted wren-babbler
- Yellow-billed babbler
- Iraq babbler
- Scaly chatterer
- Southern pied babbler
- Common babbler
- Striated babbler
- Fulvous babbler
- White-throated babbler
- Bare-cheeked babbler
- Hartlaub's babbler
- Northern pied babbler
- Arrow-marked babbler
- White-headed babbler
- White-rumped babbler
- Large grey babbler
- Black-faced babbler
- Spiny babbler
- Brown babbler
- Blackcap babbler
- Rufous chatterer
- Black-lored babbler
- Arabian babbler
- Scaly babbler
- Jungle babbler
- Rufous babbler
- Dusky babbler
- Slender-billed scimitar babbler
- White-naped yuhina
- Taiwan yuhina
- Striated yuhina
- White-collared yuhina
- Chestnut-crested yuhina
- Whiskered yuhina
- Stripe-throated yuhina
- Burmese yuhina
- Black-chinned yuhina
- Rufous-vented yuhina
- Indochinese yuhina
- White-headed wren
- Cactus wren
- Giant wren
- Fasciated wren
- Bicolored wren
- Spotted wren
- Boucard's wren
- Gray-barred wren
- Stripe-backed wren
- Rufous-naped wren
- Thrush-like wren
- Band-backed wren
- Canyon wren
- Fulvous wren
- Sepia-brown wren
- Peruvian wren
- Rufous wren
- Mérida wren
- Marsh wren
- Sedge wren
- Musician wren
- Song wren
- Chestnut-breasted wren
- Grey-breasted wood wren
- White-breasted wood wren
- Wing-banded wren
- Southern nightingale-wren
- Northern nightingale-wren
- Flutist wren
- Grey-mantled wren
- Rock wren
- Bewick's wren
- Timberline wren
- Black-throated wren
- Coraya wren
- Inca wren
- Plain-tailed wren
- Black-bellied wren
- Happy wren
- Moustached wren
- Grey wren
- Fawn-breasted wren
- Stripe-throated wren
- Buff-breasted wren
- Long-billed wren
- Carolina wren
- Spot-breasted wren
- Plain wren
- Whiskered wren
- Bay wren
- Banded wren
- Rufous-and-white wren
- Rufous-breasted wren
- Speckle-breasted wren
- Riverside wren
- Sinaloa wren
- Sooty-headed wren
- Superciliated wren
- Stripe-breasted wren
- House wren
- Ochraceous wren
- Rufous-browed wren
- Tepui wren
- Mountain wren
- Eurasian wren
- White-bellied wren
- White-lored oriole
- African golden oriole
- Black-eared oriole
- Western oriole
- Black-naped oriole
- Green-headed oriole
- Green oriole
- Grey-collared oriole
- Black-headed oriole
- Olive-brown oriole
- Ethiopian oriole
- Black-winged oriole
- Eurasian golden oriole
- Mountain oriole
- Dusky-brown oriole
- Olive-backed oriole
- Philippine oriole
- Brown oriole
- Slender-billed oriole
- Maroon oriole
- Black-hooded oriole
- Wetar figbird
- Australasian figbird
- Green figbird
- Chat flycatcher
- Marico flycatcher
- African grey flycatcher
- Pale flycatcher
- Familiar chat
- Brown rock chat
- Blackstart
- Karoo chat
- Brown-tailed rock chat
- Sickle-winged chat
- Moorland chat
- Tractrac chat
- Black scrub robin
- White-capped redstart
- Collared palm thrush
- Spotted palm thrush
- Rufous-tailed palm thrush
- Sunda robin
- Blue-fronted robin
- White-tailed robin
- Madagascan magpie-robin
- White-browed shama
- White-rumped shama
- White-vented shama
- Oriental magpie-robin
- White-crowned robin-chat
- Olive-flanked ground robin
- Archer's ground robin
- Cape robin-chat
- Blue-shouldered robin-chat
- Chorister robin-chat
- White-browed robin-chat
- White-throated robin-chat
- Mountain robin-chat
- Red-capped robin-chat
- Snowy-crowned robin-chat
- Grey-winged robin-chat
- Rüppell's robin-chat
- White-bellied robin-chat
- Grey-headed canary-flycatcher
- Citrine canary-flycatcher
- Blue-and-white flycatcher
- Hill blue flycatcher
- White-tailed flycatcher
- Hainan blue flycatcher
- Blue-breasted blue flycatcher
- Blue-fronted blue flycatcher
- Timor blue flycatcher
- Large blue flycatcher
- Sulawesi blue flycatcher
- White-bellied blue flycatcher
- Pale-chinned blue flycatcher
- Blue-throated blue flycatcher
- Mangrove blue flycatcher
- Bornean blue flycatcher
- Tickell's blue flycatcher
- Pale blue flycatcher
- Angolan slaty flycatcher
- Abyssinian slaty flycatcher
- White-eyed slaty flycatcher
- Silverbird
- Black-backed forktail
- White-crowned forktail
- Spotted forktail
- Slaty-backed forktail
- Little forktail
- Sunda forktail
- Japanese robin
- European robin
- Miombo scrub robin
- Karoo scrub robin
- Rufous-tailed scrub robin
- Brown-backed scrub robin
- White-browed scrub robin
- Forest scrub robin
- Kalahari scrub robin
- Bearded scrub robin
- Brown scrub robin
- Indigo flycatcher
- Turquoise flycatcher
- Verditer flycatcher
- Taiga flycatcher
- Collared flycatcher
- Cinnamon-chested flycatcher
- Cryptic flycatcher
- Sumba flycatcher
- Slaty-backed flycatcher
- Snowy-browed flycatcher
- European pied flycatcher
- White-gorgeted flycatcher
- Mugimaki flycatcher
- Narcissus flycatcher
- Red-breasted flycatcher
- Sapphire flycatcher
- Semicollared flycatcher
- Rufous-browed flycatcher
- Rufous-gorgeted flycatcher
- Ultramarine flycatcher
- Slaty-blue flycatcher
- Little pied flycatcher
- Yellow-rumped flycatcher
- White-browed forest flycatcher
- Fraser's forest flycatcher
- Grandala
- White-bellied redstart
- White-throated robin
- Indian blue robin
- Siberian rubythroat
- Siberian blue robin
- Thrush nightingale
- Common nightingale
- White-tailed rubythroat
- Rufous-tailed robin
- Bluethroat
- Yellow-eyed black flycatcher
- Northern black flycatcher
- Southern black flycatcher
- Spot-throat
- Miombo rock thrush
- Short-toed rock thrush
- Blue-capped rock thrush
- Sentinel rock thrush
- White-throated rock thrush
- Littoral rock thrush
- Chestnut-bellied rock thrush
- Little rock thrush
- Cape rock thrush
- Common rock thrush
- White-winged cliff chat
- Forest rock thrush
- Blue rock thrush
- African dusky flycatcher
- Swamp flycatcher
- Böhm's flycatcher
- Ashy flycatcher
- Cassin's flycatcher
- Dusky-blue flycatcher
- Asian brown flycatcher
- Little grey flycatcher
- Ferruginous flycatcher
- Gambaga flycatcher
- Grey-streaked flycatcher
- Sooty flycatcher
- Brown-breasted flycatcher
- Olivaceous flycatcher
- Rusty-tailed flycatcher
- Yellow-footed flycatcher
- Dark-sided flycatcher
- Spotted flycatcher
- Ussher's flycatcher
- Pygmy flycatcher
- Grey-throated tit-flycatcher
- Grey tit-flycatcher
- Anteater chat
- White-fronted black chat
- Arnot's chat
- Ant-eating chat
- Rüppell's black chat
- Sooty chat
- Congo moor chat
- Herero chat
- Fujian niltava
- Large niltava
- Small niltava
- Rufous-vented niltava
- Rufous-bellied niltava
- Vivid niltava
- Hume's wheatear
- Buff-streaked chat
- Red-breasted wheatear
- Red-tailed wheatear
- Cyprus wheatear
- Desert wheatear
- Finsch's wheatear
- Heuglin's wheatear
- Black-eared wheatear
- Isabelline wheatear
- White-crowned wheatear
- Black wheatear
- Mourning wheatear
- Arabian wheatear
- Red-rumped wheatear
- Hooded wheatear
- Mountain wheatear
- Northern wheatear
- Somali wheatear
- Variable wheatear
- Capped wheatear
- Pied wheatear
- Kurdish wheatear
- Rufous-winged philentoma
- Daurian redstart
- Blue-capped redstart
- Güldenstädt's redstart
- Eversmann's redstart
- Blue-fronted redstart
- Hodgson's redstart
- Moussier's redstart
- Black redstart
- Common redstart
- White-throated redstart
- Boulder chat
- White-starred robin
- Eyebrowed jungle flycatcher
- Fulvous-chested jungle flycatcher
- Russet-backed jungle flycatcher
- Rufous-tailed jungle flycatcher
- Plumbeous water redstart
- Pied bush chat
- Grey bush chat
- Jerdon's bush chat
- White-tailed stonechat
- Whinchat
- Réunion stonechat
- African stonechat
- Indian robin
- Equatorial akalat
- Bocage's akalat
- Lowland akalat
- Sharpe's akalat
- Fiscal flycatcher
- Fairy flycatcher
- Forest robin
- Golden bush robin
- Red-flanked bluetail
- Rufous-breasted bush robin
- White-browed bush robin
- Collared bush robin
- Mocking cliff chat
- Angolan cave chat
- Thick-billed weaver
- Red-headed weaver
- Bob-tailed weaver
- White-billed buffalo weaver
- Red-billed buffalo weaver
- White-headed buffalo weaver
- Yellow-crowned bishop
- White-winged widowbird
- Red-collared widowbird
- Golden-backed bishop
- Fan-tailed widowbird
- Yellow bishop
- Fire-fronted bishop
- Northern red bishop
- Black bishop
- Marsh widowbird
- Black-winged red bishop
- Yellow-mantled widowbird
- Zanzibar red bishop
- Southern red bishop
- Long-tailed widowbird
- Montane widowbird
- Red-headed fody
- Red fody
- Forest fody
- Cassin's malimbe
- Red-crowned malimbe
- Red-bellied malimbe
- Crested malimbe
- Blue-billed malimbe
- Rachel's malimbe
- Red-headed malimbe
- Red-vented malimbe
- Maxwell's black weaver
- Strange weaver
- Bar-winged weaver
- Orange weaver
- Cinnamon weaver
- Baglafecht weaver
- Black-breasted weaver
- Bertram's weaver
- Dark-backed weaver
- Golden palm weaver
- Cape weaver
- Taveta weaver
- Northern brown-throated weaver
- Village weaver
- Juba weaver
- Yellow-capped weaver
- Rüppell's weaver
- Giant weaver
- Heuglin's masked weaver
- Brown-capped weaver
- Lesser masked weaver
- Golden-backed weaver
- Katanga masked weaver
- Little weaver
- Streaked weaver
- Black-headed weaver
- Black-billed weaver
- Nelicourvi weaver
- Vieillot's black weaver
- Black-necked weaver
- Black-chinned weaver
- Spectacled weaver
- Slender-billed weaver
- Baya weaver
- Preuss's weaver
- Príncipe weaver
- Tanzanian masked weaver
- Chestnut weaver
- Lufira masked weaver
- Sakalava weaver
- São Tomé weaver
- Speke's weaver
- Eastern golden weaver
- Compact weaver
- Northern masked weaver
- Bocage's weaver
- Yellow-mantled weaver
- Southern masked weaver
- Vitelline masked weaver
- Weyns's weaver
- Holub's golden weaver
- Southern brown-throated weaver
- Cardinal quelea
- Red-headed quelea
- Red-billed quelea
Bird-of-paradise species
[edit]- Arfak astrapia
- Huon astrapia
- Splendid astrapia
- Princess Stephanie's astrapia
- Magnificent bird-of-paradise
- King bird-of-paradise
- Black-billed sicklebill
- Brown sicklebill
- Superb bird-of-paradise
- Paradise-crow
- Glossy-mantled manucode
- Crinkle-collared manucode
- Curl-crested manucode
- Jobi manucode
- Trumpet manucode
- Short-tailed paradigalla
- Greater bird-of-paradise
- Lesser bird-of-paradise
- Raggiana bird-of-paradise
- Queen Carola's parotia
- Eastern parotia
- Lawes's parotia
- Western parotia
- King of Saxony bird-of-paradise
- Growling riflebird
- Magnificent riflebird
- Paradise riflebird
- Victoria's riflebird
- Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise
- Kalkadoon grasswren
- Grey grasswren
- Eyrean grasswren
- Dusky grasswren
- Striated grasswren
- Western grasswren
- Orange-crowned fairywren
- White-shouldered fairywren
- Lovely fairywren
- Purple-crowned fairywren
- Superb fairywren
- Emperor fairywren (Malurus cyanocephalus)
- Red-winged fairywren
- Broad-billed fairywren
- Variegated fairywren
- White-winged fairywren
- Red-backed fairywren
- Blue-breasted fairywren
- Splendid fairywren
- Wallace's fairywren
- Southern emu-wren
- Rufous-crowned emu-wren
- Berthelot's pipit
- Paramo pipit
- Short-tailed pipit
- Bushveld pipit
- Tawny pipit
- Red-throated pipit
- Pampas pipit
- Correndera pipit
- African rock pipit
- Short-billed pipit
- Blyth's pipit
- Pechora pipit
- Alpine pipit
- Hellmayr's pipit
- Olive-backed pipit
- Mountain pipit
- Plain-backed pipit
- Striped pipit
- Yellowish pipit
- Malindi pipit
- Australasian pipit
- Long-legged pipit
- Eurasian rock pipit
- Richard's pipit
- Rosy pipit
- Buff-bellied pipit
- Paddyfield pipit
- Long-billed pipit
- Water pipit
- Upland pipit
- Tree pipit
- Buffy pipit
- Forest wagtail
- Rosy-throated longclaw
- Pangani longclaw
- Cape longclaw
- Yellow-throated longclaw
- Fülleborn's longclaw
- Grimwood's longclaw
- African pied wagtail
- White wagtail
- Cape wagtail
- Grey wagtail
- Citrine wagtail
- Mountain wagtail
- Western yellow wagtail
- Madagascan wagtail
- Japanese wagtail
- White-browed wagtail
- Golden pipit
- Seram golden bulbul
- White-throated bulbul
- Ochraceous bulbul
- Puff-throated bulbul
- Yellow-bellied bulbul
- Ansorge's greenbul
- Plain greenbul
- Slender-billed greenbul
- Little grey greenbul
- Sombre greenbul
- Yellow-whiskered greenbul
- Shelley's greenbul
- Stripe-cheeked greenbul
- Mountain greenbul
- Western greenbul
- Little greenbul
- Sjöstedt's greenbul
- Honeyguide greenbul
- Grey-headed bristlebill
- Yellow-lored bristlebill
- Red-tailed bristlebill
- Golden greenbul
- Falkenstein's greenbul
- Yellow-throated leaflove
- Yellow-bellied greenbul
- Joyful greenbul
- Simple greenbul
- Western bearded greenbul
- Red-tailed greenbul
- Eastern bearded greenbul
- White-bearded greenbul
- Chestnut bulbul
- Ashy bulbul
- Réunion bulbul
- Seychelles bulbul
- Black bulbul
- Malagasy bulbul
- Mountain bulbul
- Grand Comoro bulbul
- White-headed bulbul
- Nicobar bulbul
- Yellow-browed bulbul
- Grey-eyed bulbul
- Olive bulbul
- Spotted greenbul
- Brown-eared bulbul
- Yellowish bulbul
- Sulphur-bellied bulbul
- Philippine bulbul
- Black-collared bulbul
- Western nicator
- Eastern nicator
- Yellow-throated nicator
- White-throated greenbul
- Baumann's olive greenbul
- Cabanis's greenbul
- Grey-olive greenbul
- Lowland tiny greenbul
- Fischer's greenbul
- Yellow-streaked greenbul
- Pale-olive greenbul
- Toro olive greenbul
- Icterine greenbul
- Cameroon olive greenbul
- Northern brownbul
- Terrestrial brownbul
- Xavier's greenbul
- Black-headed bulbul
- Sooty-headed bulbul
- Common bulbul
- Orange-spotted bulbul
- Streak-eared bulbul
- Asian red-eyed bulbul
- Red-vented bulbul
- Cape bulbul
- Spectacled bulbul
- Stripe-throated bulbul
- Flavescent bulbul
- Yellow-vented bulbul
- Bare-faced bulbul
- Red-whiskered bulbul
- Himalayan bulbul
- Cream-striped bulbul
- White-eared bulbul
- White-browed bulbul
- Black-capped bulbul
- African red-eyed bulbul
- Olive-winged bulbul
- Cream-vented bulbul
- Light-vented bulbul
- Striated bulbul
- Yellow-wattled bulbul
- White-spectacled bulbul
- Brown-breasted bulbul
- Red-tailed leaflove
- Crested finchbill
- Collared finchbill
- Swamp palm bulbul
- Hairy-backed bulbul
- Scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
- Lacrimose mountain tanager
- Santa Marta mountain tanager
- Black-chinned mountain tanager
- Blue-winged mountain tanager
- Moss-backed tanager
- Golden-chested tanager
- Black-chested mountain tanager
- Hooded mountain tanager
- Vermilion tanager
- Plushcap
- Orange-eared tanager
- Glistening-green tanager
- Green honeycreeper
- Golden-browed chlorophonia
- Blue-naped chlorophonia
- Yellow-collared chlorophonia
- Blue-crowned chlorophonia
- Chestnut-breasted chlorophonia
- Grass-green tanager
- Ashy-throated bush tanager
- Yellow-throated bush tanager
- Pirre bush tanager
- Common bush tanager
- Yellow-whiskered bush tanager
- Sooty-capped bush tanager
- Dusky bush tanager
- Tacarcuna bush tanager
- Black-and-yellow tanager
- Scarlet-and-white tanager
- Magpie tanager
- Grey-hooded bush tanager
- Scarlet-throated tanager
- Capped conebill
- Cinereous conebill
- White-browed conebill
- White-eared conebill
- Rufous-browed conebill
- Blue-backed conebill
- Chestnut-vented conebill
- Tamarugo conebill
- Slaty tanager
- Rufous-crested tanager
- Purple honeycreeper
- Red-legged honeycreeper
- Shining honeycreeper
- Short-billed honeycreeper
- Blue-backed tanager
- White-rumped tanager
- White-bellied dacnis
- Blue dacnis
- Yellow-bellied dacnis
- Black-faced dacnis
- Scarlet-thighed dacnis
- Viridian dacnis
- Chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
- White-sided flowerpiercer
- Cinnamon-bellied flowerpiercer
- Black-throated flowerpiercer
- Bluish flowerpiercer
- Grey-bellied flowerpiercer
- Masked flowerpiercer
- Scaled flowerpiercer
- Deep-blue flowerpiercer
- Mérida flowerpiercer
- Black flowerpiercer
- Indigo flowerpiercer
- Glossy flowerpiercer
- Greater flowerpiercer
- Moustached flowerpiercer
- Slaty flowerpiercer
- Rusty flowerpiercer
- Buff-breasted mountain tanager
- Grey-headed tanager
- Scrub euphonia
- Tawny-capped euphonia
- Golden-sided euphonia
- Purple-throated euphonia
- White-lored euphonia
- Velvet-fronted euphonia
- Golden-rumped euphonia
- Elegant euphonia
- Finsch's euphonia
- Fulvous-vented euphonia
- Olive-backed euphonia
- Yellow-throated euphonia
- Spot-crowned euphonia
- Jamaican euphonia
- Thick-billed euphonia
- Yellow-crowned euphonia
- Bronze-green euphonia
- White-vented euphonia
- Antillean euphonia
- Chestnut-bellied euphonia
- Plumbeous euphonia
- Rufous-bellied euphonia
- Orange-crowned euphonia
- Trinidad euphonia
- Violaceous euphonia
- Orange-bellied euphonia
- Black-capped hemispingus
- Orange-browed hemispingus
- Oleaginous hemispingus
- Black-eared hemispingus
- Rufous-browed hemispingus
- Superciliaried hemispingus
- Three-striped hemispingus
- Black-headed hemispingus
- Drab hemispingus
- Yellow-backed tanager
- Guira tanager
- Rufous-headed tanager
- Sulphur-rumped tanager
- Scarlet-browed tanager
- Golden-collared honeycreeper
- Yellow-throated tanager
- Golden-collared tanager
- Yellow-scarfed tanager
- Golden-crowned tanager
- Red-billed pied tanager
- Black-throated shrike-tanager
- Fulvous shrike-tanager
- White-throated shrike-tanager
- White-winged shrike-tanager
- Dusky-faced tanager
- Olive-backed tanager
- Hooded tanager
- Pardusco
- Puerto Rican tanager
- Olive-green tanager
- Crimson-fronted cardinal
- Yellow-billed cardinal
- Red-crested cardinal
- Red-cowled cardinal
- Red-capped cardinal
- Masked cardinal
- Black-crowned tanager
- Fawn-breasted tanager
- Rufous-bellied mountain tanager
- Chestnut-headed tanager
- Brazilian tanager
- Silver-beaked tanager
- Cherrie's tanager
- Crimson-backed tanager
- Flame-rumped tanager
- Huallaga tanager
- Masked crimson tanager
- Passerini's tanager
- Crimson-collared tanager
- Rosy thrush-tanager
- Black-faced tanager
- Cinnamon tanager
- Hispaniolan spindalis
- Jamaican spindalis
- Puerto Rican spindalis
- Western spindalis
- Diademed tanager
- Ruby-crowned tanager
- Flame-crested tanager
- Tawny-crested tanager
- White-shouldered tanager
- Red-shouldered tanager
- Yellow-crested tanager
- White-lined tanager
- Fulvous-crested tanager
- Golden tanager
- Opal-crowned tanager
- Burnished-buff tanager
- Paradise tanager
- Golden-eared tanager
- Lesser Antillean tanager
- Blue-necked tanager
- Red-necked tanager
- Black-headed tanager
- Blue-browed tanager
- Gilt-edged tanager
- Brassy-breasted tanager
- Spangle-cheeked tanager
- Emerald tanager
- Speckled tanager
- Bay-headed tanager
- Black-capped tanager
- Silver-throated tanager
- Plain-coloured tanager
- Metallic-green tanager
- Golden-hooded tanager
- Rufous-winged tanager
- Turquoise tanager
- Masked tanager
- Beryl-spangled tanager
- Grey-and-gold tanager
- Flame-faced tanager
- Sira tanager
- Chestnut-backed tanager
- Spotted tanager
- Golden-naped tanager
- Rufous-cheeked tanager
- Rufous-throated tanager
- Green-and-gold tanager
- Green-headed tanager
- Dotted tanager
- Blue-and-black tanager
- Opal-rumped tanager
- Silver-backed tanager
- Scrub tanager
- Saffron-crowned tanager
- Yellow-bellied tanager
- Swallow tanager
- Fulvous-headed tanager
- Buff-bellied tanager
- Rufous-chested tanager
- Brown-flanked tanager
- Rust-and-yellow tanager
- Orange-headed tanager
- Yellow-winged tanager
- Blue-and-yellow tanager
- Blue-capped tanager
- Blue-gray tanager
- Glaucous tanager
- Golden-chevroned tanager
- Palm tanager
- Sayaca tanager
- Black-goggled tanager
- Tit-like dacnis
- Midget flowerpecker
- Striped flowerpecker
- Thick-billed flowerpecker
- Golden-rumped flowerpecker
- Yellow-sided flowerpecker
- Red-keeled flowerpecker
- Bicoloured flowerpecker
- Grey-sided flowerpecker
- Yellow-vented flowerpecker
- Nilgiri flowerpecker
- Scarlet-backed flowerpecker
- Pale-billed flowerpecker
- Flame-breasted flowerpecker
- Red-banded flowerpecker
- Red-capped flowerpecker
- Mistletoebird
- Buzzing flowerpecker
- Black-fronted flowerpecker
- Fire-breasted flowerpecker
- Blue-cheeked flowerpecker
- Yellow-bellied flowerpecker
- Black-sided flowerpecker
- Crimson-crowned flowerpecker
- Olive-capped flowerpecker
- Louisiade flowerpecker
- Olive-crowned flowerpecker
- Pygmy flowerpecker
- Blood-breasted flowerpecker
- Orange-bellied flowerpecker
- Mottled flowerpecker
- Scarlet-headed flowerpecker
- Ashy flowerpecker
- Yellow-breasted flowerpecker
- Olive-backed flowerpecker
- Crimson-breasted flowerpecker
- Palawan flowerpecker
- Yellow-rumped flowerpecker
- Helmeted manakin
- Yungas manakin
- Blue manakin
- Lance-tailed manakin
- Long-tailed manakin
- Blue-backed manakin
- White-ruffed manakin
- White-throated manakin
- White-bibbed manakin
- Orange-crested manakin
- Yellow-crested manakin
- Flame-crested manakin
- Pin-tailed manakin
- Cerulean-capped manakin
- Blue-crowned manakin
- Snow-capped manakin
- White-fronted manakin
- Orange-bellied manakin
- Club-winged manakin
- Fiery-capped manakin
- Striped manakin
- Orange-collared manakin
- White-collared manakin
- White-bearded manakin
- Golden-collared manakin
- Golden-winged manakin
- Saffron-crested tyrant-manakin
- Serra do Mar tyrant-manakin
- Pale-bellied tyrant-manakin
- Sulphur-bellied tyrant-manakin
- Crimson-hooded manakin
- Round-tailed manakin
- Scarlet-horned manakin
- Golden-headed manakin
- Band-tailed manakin
- Wire-tailed manakin
- Red-capped manakin
- White-crowned manakin
- Red-headed manakin
- Wing-barred piprites
- Grey-headed piprites
- Dwarf tyrant-manakin
- Tiny tyrant-manakin
- Black manakin
- Green manakin
- Jet manakin
- Olive manakin
- Black cuckooshrike
- Petit's cuckooshrike
- Red-shouldered cuckooshrike
- Purple-throated cuckooshrike
- Golden cuckooshrike
- Pygmy cuckooshrike
- Moluccan cuckooshrike
- Blue cuckooshrike
- Boyer's cuckooshrike
- Stout-billed cuckooshrike
- Grey cuckooshrike
- South Melanesian cuckooshrike
- Madagascan cuckooshrike
- Lesser cuckooshrike
- Javan cuckooshrike
- Sunda cuckooshrike
- White-rumped cuckooshrike
- Barred cuckooshrike
- Hooded cuckooshrike
- Large cuckooshrike
- Ground cuckooshrike
- Black-headed cuckooshrike
- Black-winged cuckooshrike
- Black-faced cuckooshrike
- White-bellied cuckooshrike
- White-breasted cuckooshrike
- Wallacean cuckooshrike
- Indochinese cuckooshrike
- Slaty cuckooshrike
- Bar-bellied cuckooshrike
- Cerulean cuckooshrike
- Pale cicadabird
- Blackish cuckooshrike
- Kai cicadabird
- Pale-shouldered cicadabird
- Black-shouldered cicadabird
- Black cicadabird
- Black-bellied cuckooshrike
- Sulawesi cicadabird
- Halmahera cuckooshrike
- Grey-headed cuckooshrike
- Sula cicadabird
- Common cicadabird
- Black-winged flycatcher-shrike
- Bar-winged flycatcher-shrike
- Black-browed triller
- Rufous-bellied triller
- Varied triller
- Long-tailed triller
- White-rumped triller
- Polynesian triller
- Black-and-white triller
- White-browed triller
- Pied triller
- White-shouldered triller
- White-winged triller
- Short-billed minivet
- Swinhoe's minivet
- Small minivet
- Ashy minivet
- White-bellied minivet
- Long-tailed minivet
- Orange minivet
- Little minivet
- Sunda minivet
- Rosy minivet
- Grey-chinned minivet
- Ryukyu minivet
- Large woodshrike
- Common woodshrike
- Tawny-headed swallow
- White-banded swallow
- Black-collared swallow
- White-backed swallow
- Asian house martin
- Nepal house martin
- Common house martin
- Andean swallow
- Lesser striped swallow
- Ethiopian swallow
- White-throated swallow
- Angolan swallow
- Fairy martin
- Dusky crag martin
- Greater striped swallow
- Red-rumped swallow
- Pearl-breasted swallow
- Hill swallow
- Streak-throated swallow
- Forest swallow
- Rock martin
- Pied-winged swallow
- Red-chested swallow
- Welcome swallow
- Tree martin
- White-bibbed swallow
- Black-and-rufous swallow
- Pale crag martin
- Preuss's cliff swallow
- Red-throated cliff swallow
- Eurasian crag martin
- Barn swallow
- Red-breasted swallow
- Mosque swallow
- Wire-tailed swallow
- South African cliff swallow
- Pacific swallow
- White-thighed swallow
- Pale-footed swallow
- Brown-bellied swallow
- Black-capped swallow
- Cave swallow
- American cliff swallow
- Chestnut-collared swallow
- Mascarene martin
- Brazza's martin
- Grey-breasted martin
- Cuban martin
- Caribbean martin
- Southern martin
- Purple martin
- Brown-chested martin
- White-headed saw-wing
- Mountain saw-wing
- Square-tailed saw-wing
- Fanti saw-wing
- Black saw-wing
- Grey-rumped swallow
- Blue-and-white swallow
- Banded martin
- Congo martin
- Brown-throated martin
- Sand martin
- Southern rough-winged swallow
- Northern rough-winged swallow
- Mangrove swallow
- White-winged swallow
- Tree swallow
- White-rumped swallow
- Chilean swallow
- Tumbes swallow
- Violet-green swallow
- Great shrike-tyrant
- Grey-bellied shrike-tyrant
- Black-billed shrike-tyrant
- Lesser shrike-tyrant
- Agile tit-tyrant
- Unstreaked tit-tyrant
- Yellow-billed tit-tyrant
- Black-crested tit-tyrant
- Tufted tit-tyrant
- Pied-crested tit-tyrant
- White-headed marsh tyrant
- Pale-eyed pygmy tyrant
- White-eyed attila
- Cinnamon attila
- Citron-bellied attila
- Rufous-tailed attila
- Grey-hooded attila
- Bright-rumped attila
- Northern beardless tyrannulet
- Southern beardless tyrannulet
- Yellow tyrannulet
- Ash-throated casiornis
- Rufous casiornis
- Red-rumped bush tyrant
- Fuscous flycatcher
- Brownish twistwing
- Long-tailed tyrant
- Patagonian tyrant
- White-ringed flycatcher
- Yellow-throated flycatcher
- Three-striped flycatcher
- White-throated pewee
- Cuban pewee
- Tropical pewee
- Smoke-colored pewee
- Hispaniolan pewee
- Lesser Antillean pewee
- Dark pewee
- Blackish pewee
- Ochraceous pewee
- Jamaican pewee
- Greater pewee
- Western wood pewee
- Eastern wood pewee
- Southern antpipit
- Ringed antpipit
- Flammulated flycatcher
- White-crested elaenia
- Lesser elaenia
- Plain-crested elaenia
- Great elaenia
- Greater Antillean elaenia
- Yellow-bellied elaenia
- Mountain elaenia
- Mottle-backed elaenia
- Caribbean elaenia
- Olivaceous elaenia
- Highland elaenia
- Sierran elaenia
- Small-billed elaenia
- Brownish elaenia
- Rufous-crowned elaenia
- Large elaenia
- Slaty elaenia
- Pine flycatcher
- White-throated flycatcher
- Alder flycatcher
- Black-capped flycatcher
- Pacific-slope flycatcher
- Yellowish flycatcher
- Yellow-bellied flycatcher
- Buff-breasted flycatcher
- Hammond's flycatcher
- Least flycatcher
- American dusky flycatcher
- Cordilleran flycatcher
- Willow flycatcher
- Acadian flycatcher
- American gray flycatcher
- Crowned slaty flycatcher
- Variegated flycatcher
- Tawny-crowned pygmy tyrant
- Black-backed water tyrant
- Masked water tyrant
- Pied water tyrant
- Streamer-tailed tyrant
- Drab-breasted bamboo tyrant
- Flammulated bamboo tyrant
- Black-throated tody-tyrant
- White-bellied tody-tyrant
- Pelzeln's tody-tyrant
- Johannes's tody-tyrant
- Boat-billed tody-tyrant
- Pearly-vented tody-tyrant
- Zimmer's tody-tyrant
- Snethlage's tody-tyrant
- Hangnest tody-tyrant
- Brown-breasted bamboo tyrant
- Yungas tody-tyrant
- Stripe-necked tody-tyrant
- White-eyed tody-tyrant
- Cliff flycatcher
- Spectacled tyrant
- Pale-tipped inezia
- Plain inezia
- Amazonian inezia
- Slender-billed inezia
- White-winged black tyrant
- Blue-billed black tyrant
- Sao Francisco black tyrant
- Hudson's black tyrant
- Crested black tyrant
- Velvety black tyrant
- Riverside tyrant
- Amazonian black tyrant
- Rufous-tailed tyrant
- Jelski's black tyrant
- Cinereous tyrant
- Euler's flycatcher
- Piratic flycatcher
- Sepia-capped flycatcher
- Rufous-breasted flycatcher
- Slaty-capped flycatcher
- Andean negrito
- Austral negrito
- Long-crested pygmy tyrant
- Helmeted pygmy tyrant
- Scale-crested pygmy tyrant
- Double-banded pygmy tyrant
- Cattle tyrant
- Rufous-winged tyrannulet
- Buff-banded tyrannulet
- White-throated tyrannulet
- Sulphur-bellied tyrannulet
- White-tailed tyrannulet
- White-banded tyrannulet
- Boat-billed flycatcher
- McConnell's flycatcher
- Ochre-bellied flycatcher
- Olive-striped flycatcher
- Grey-hooded flycatcher
- Streak-necked flycatcher
- Olive tufted flycatcher
- Northern tufted flycatcher
- Short-tailed field tyrant
- Shear-tailed grey tyrant
- White-fronted ground tyrant
- White-browed ground tyrant
- Paramo ground tyrant
- Cinnamon-bellied ground tyrant
- Cinereous ground tyrant
- Ochre-naped ground tyrant
- Little ground tyrant
- Black-fronted ground tyrant
- Taczanowski's ground tyrant
- Puna ground tyrant
- Dark-faced ground tyrant
- Spot-billed ground tyrant
- Rufous-naped ground tyrant
- Puerto Rican flycatcher
- Apical flycatcher
- Sad flycatcher
- Pale-edged flycatcher
- Ash-throated flycatcher
- Great crested flycatcher
- Short-crested flycatcher
- Galapagos flycatcher
- Grenada flycatcher
- Nutting's flycatcher
- Lesser Antillean flycatcher
- Panamanian flycatcher
- Sooty-crowned flycatcher
- La Sagra's flycatcher
- Stolid flycatcher
- Swainson's flycatcher
- Dusky-capped flycatcher
- Brown-crested flycatcher
- Rufous-tailed flycatcher
- Venezuelan flycatcher
- Yucatan flycatcher
- Black-tailed myiobius
- Whiskered myiobius
- Sulphur-rumped myiobius
- Tawny-breasted myiobius
- Baird's flycatcher
- Golden-crowned flycatcher
- Golden-bellied flycatcher
- Sulphur-bellied flycatcher
- Streaked flycatcher
- Grey elaenia
- Jamaican elaenia
- Yellow-crowned elaenia
- Forest elaenia
- Foothill elaenia
- Pacific elaenia
- Greenish elaenia
- Olive-chested flycatcher
- Bran-colored flycatcher
- Flavescent flycatcher
- Unadorned flycatcher
- Orange-crested flycatcher
- Roraiman flycatcher
- White-bellied pygmy tyrant
- Black-capped pygmy tyrant
- Eared pygmy tyrant
- Short-tailed pygmy tyrant
- Smoky bush tyrant
- Rufous-bellied bush tyrant
- Streak-throated bush tyrant
- Ornate flycatcher
- Rusty-margined flycatcher
- Grey-capped flycatcher
- Dusky-chested flycatcher
- Social flycatcher
- Cinnamon neopipo
- Chocolate-vented tyrant
- Ochraceous-breasted flycatcher
- Handsome flycatcher
- Slaty-backed chat-tyrant
- Yellow-bellied chat-tyrant
- Crowned chat-tyrant
- Brown-backed chat-tyrant
- Jelski's chat-tyrant
- White-browed chat-tyrant
- D'Orbigny's chat-tyrant
- Piura chat-tyrant
- Golden-browed chat-tyrant
- Rufous-breasted chat-tyrant
- Drab water tyrant
- Northern bentbill
- Southern bentbill
- Royal flycatcher
- Northern royal flycatcher
- Brown-capped tyrannulet
- White-lored tyrannulet
- Yellow-bellied tyrannulet
- Mouse-colored tyrannulet
- White-bearded flycatcher
- Rough-legged tyrannulet
- Ashy-headed tyrannulet
- Planalto tyrannulet
- Sooty-headed tyrannulet
- Black-capped tyrannulet
- Plumbeous-crowned tyrannulet
- Reiser's tyrannulet
- Sclater's tyrannulet
- Tawny-rumped tyrannulet
- Greenish tyrannulet
- Chapman's bristle tyrant
- Serra do Mar tyrannulet
- Rufous-lored tyrannulet
- Panamanian tyrannulet
- Restinga tyrannulet
- Black-fronted tyrannulet
- Marble-faced bristle tyrant
- Spectacled bristle tyrant
- Cinnamon-faced tyrannulet
- Variegated bristle tyrant
- Rufous-browed tyrannulet
- Mottle-cheeked tyrannulet
- Olive-green tyrannulet
- Lesser kiskadee
- Great kiskadee
- Stub-tailed spadebill
- Golden-crowned spadebill
- Yellow-throated spadebill
- White-throated spadebill
- White-crested spadebill
- Cinnamon-crested spadebill
- White-cheeked tody-flycatcher
- Golden-winged tody-flycatcher
- Black-and-white tody-flycatcher
- Smoky-fronted tody-flycatcher
- Rusty-fronted tody-flycatcher
- Ochre-faced tody-flycatcher
- Black-backed tody-flycatcher
- Rufous-crowned tody-flycatcher
- Ruddy tody-flycatcher
- Buff-cheeked tody-flycatcher
- Slaty-headed tody-flycatcher
- Rufous-webbed bush tyrant
- Grey-backed tachuri
- Grey-and-white tyrannulet
- Subtropical doradito
- Ticking doradito
- Warbling doradito
- Crested doradito
- Bronze-olive pygmy tyrant
- Rufous-headed pygmy tyrant
- Hazel-fronted pygmy tyrant
- Vermilion flycatcher
- Cinnamon flycatcher
- Dusky-tailed flatbill
- Large-headed flatbill
- Rufous-tailed flatbill
- Eye-ringed flatbill
- Fulvous-breasted flatbill
- Olivaceous flatbill
- Pacific flatbill
- Rufous mourner
- Pale-bellied mourner
- Greyish mourner
- Yellow-browed tyrant
- Black phoebe
- Eastern phoebe
- Say's phoebe
- Torrent tyrannulet
- River tyrannulet
- White-bellied tyrannulet
- Sooty tyrannulet
- White-crested tyrannulet
- Sibilant sirystes
- Greater wagtail-tyrant
- Lesser wagtail-tyrant
- Northern scrub flycatcher
- Southern scrub flycatcher
- Amazonian scrub flycatcher
- Suiriri flycatcher
- Many-coloured rush tyrant
- Black-chested tyrant
- Ruddy-tailed flycatcher
- Yellow-browed tody-flycatcher
- Common tody-flycatcher
- Spotted tody-flycatcher
- Black-headed tody-flycatcher
- Painted tody-flycatcher
- Yellow-lored tody-flycatcher
- Yellow-margined flatbill
- Yellow-breasted flatbill
- Grey-crowned flatbill
- Yellow-olive flatbill
- Orange-eyed flatbill
- Sulphury flycatcher
- Yellow-crowned tyrannulet
- White-throated kingbird
- Loggerhead kingbird
- Couch's kingbird
- Thick-billed kingbird
- Gray kingbird
- Scissor-tailed flycatcher
- Tropical kingbird
- Snowy-throated kingbird
- Fork-tailed flycatcher
- Eastern kingbird
- Western kingbird
- Cassin's kingbird
- Belted flycatcher
- Pileated flycatcher
- Grey monjita
- Black-crowned monjita
- White monjita
- Fire-eyed diucon
- Rusty-backed monjita
- White-rumped monjita
- Guianan tyrannulet
- Choco tyrannulet
- Bolivian tyrannulet
- Golden-faced tyrannulet
- Slender-footed tyrannulet
- Venezuelan tyrannulet
- Paltry tyrannulet
- Peruvian tyrannulet
- Greater hoopoe-lark
- Lesser hoopoe-lark
- Eurasian skylark
- Oriental skylark
- Japanese skylark
- Bar-tailed lark
- Desert lark
- Gray's lark
- Rufous-tailed lark
- Hume's short-toed lark
- Greater short-toed lark
- Asian short-toed lark
- Red-capped lark
- Sand lark
- Lesser short-toed lark
- Somali short-toed lark
- Karoo lark
- Barlow's lark
- Short-clawed lark
- Cape long-billed lark
- Dune lark
- Eastern long-billed lark
- Karoo long-billed lark
- Spike-heeled lark
- Dunn's lark
- Stark's lark
- Horned lark
- Temminck's lark
- Black-eared sparrow-lark
- Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark
- Fischer's sparrow-lark
- Chestnut-backed sparrow-lark
- Black-crowned sparrow-lark
- Chestnut-headed sparrow-lark
- Grey-backed sparrow-lark
- Crested lark
- Sykes's lark
- Large-billed lark
- Malabar lark
- Sun lark
- Thekla lark
- Woodlark
- Bimaculated lark
- Calandra lark
- White-winged lark
- Tibetan lark
- Mongolian lark
- Black lark
- Jerdon's bush lark
- Rufous-naped lark
- Fawn-coloured lark
- White-tailed lark
- Foxy lark
- Angolan lark
- Cape clapper lark
- Bengal bush lark
- Singing bush lark
- Collared lark
- Kordofan lark
- Indochinese bush lark
- Indian bush lark
- Gillett's lark
- Madagascan lark
- Red-winged lark
- Horsfield's bush lark
- Burmese bush lark
- Monotonous lark
- Pink-breasted lark
- Rusty bush lark
- Flappet lark
- Sabota lark
- Somali lark
- Friedmann's lark
- Rufous-rumped lark
- Dusky lark
- Short-tailed lark
- Thick-billed lark
- Pink-billed lark
- Masked lark
- White-throated fantail
- Friendly fantail
- Black fantail
- White-browed fantail
- Dimorphic fantail
- Blue-headed fantail
- Bismarck fantail
- Streak-breasted fantail
- Brown-capped fantail
- Brown fantail
- White-bellied fantail
- New Zealand fantail
- Chestnut-bellied fantail
- Yellow-bellied fantail
- Malaysian pied fantail
- Pohnpei fantail
- Palau fantail
- Willie wagtail
- White-bellied thicket fantail
- Black thicket fantail
- Samoan fantail
- Black-and-cinnamon fantail
- Spotted fantail
- Mangrove fantail
- Rufous-tailed fantail
- Rennell fantail
- Rufous-backed fantail
- Rufous fantail
- Northern fantail
- Mindanao blue fantail
- Tawny-backed fantail
- Rusty-bellied fantail
- Sooty thicket fantail
- Streaked fantail
- Black-billed scythebill
- Curve-billed scythebill
- Brown-billed scythebill
- Red-billed scythebill
- Spot-throated woodcreeper
- Cinnamon-throated woodcreeper
- Tawny-winged woodcreeper
- Plain-brown woodcreeper
- Ruddy woodcreeper
- White-chinned woodcreeper
- Tyrannine woodcreeper
- Amazonian barred woodcreeper
- Black-banded woodcreeper
- Planalto woodcreeper
- Northern barred woodcreeper
- Straight-billed woodcreeper
- Scimitar-billed woodcreeper
- Wedge-billed woodcreeper
- Red-billed woodcreeper
- Bar-bellied woodcreeper
- Spot-crowned woodcreeper
- Guianan woodcreeper
- Narrow-billed woodcreeper
- Scalloped woodcreeper
- Montane woodcreeper
- White-striped woodcreeper
- Streak-headed woodcreeper
- Scaled woodcreeper
- Long-billed woodcreeper
- Olivaceous woodcreeper
- White-throated woodcreeper
- Great rufous woodcreeper
- Strong-billed woodcreeper
- Elegant woodcreeper
- Spotted woodcreeper
- Ivory-billed woodcreeper
- Lesser woodcreeper
- Buff-throated woodcreeper
- Black-striped woodcreeper
- Striped woodcreeper
- Ocellated woodcreeper
- Chestnut-rumped woodcreeper
- Spix's woodcreeper
- Cocoa woodcreeper
- Olive-backed woodcreeper
- Rufous-browed peppershrike
- Black-billed peppershrike
- Grey-eyed greenlet
- Golden-fronted greenlet
- Brown-headed greenlet
- Lesser greenlet
- Scrub greenlet
- Dusky-capped greenlet
- Buff-cheeked greenlet
- Tawny-crowned greenlet
- Ashy-headed greenlet
- Rufous-crowned greenlet
- Tepui vireo
- Rufous-naped greenlet
- Grey-chested greenlet
- Lemon-chested greenlet
- Black-whiskered vireo
- Cozumel vireo
- Slaty vireo
- Yellow-winged vireo
- Cassin's vireo
- Thick-billed vireo
- Yellow-throated vireo
- Yellow-green vireo
- Warbling vireo
- White-eyed vireo
- Cuban vireo
- Hutton's vireo
- Golden vireo
- Puerto Rican vireo
- Brown-capped vireo
- Yucatan vireo
- Jamaican vireo
- Flat-billed vireo
- Dwarf vireo
- Red-eyed vireo
- Mangrove vireo
- Philadelphia vireo
- Plumbeous vireo
- Blue-headed vireo
- Gray vireo
- Yellow-browed shrike-vireo
- Slaty-capped shrike-vireo
- Chestnut-sided shrike-vireo
- Green shrike-vireo
- Blue seedeater
- Northern cardinal
- Vermilion cardinal
- Pyrrhuloxia
- Yellow-green grosbeak
- Red-and-black grosbeak
- Black-faced grosbeak
- Olive tanager
- Lemon-spectacled tanager
- Ochre-breasted tanager
- Ultramarine grosbeak
- Blue-black grosbeak
- Blue bunting
- Glaucous-blue grosbeak
- Rose-breasted chat
- Grey-throated chat
- Red-breasted chat
- Crested ant tanager
- Red-throated ant tanager
- Red-crowned ant tanager
- Yellow-shouldered grosbeak
- Black-backed grosbeak
- Southern yellow grosbeak
- Mexican yellow grosbeak
- Rose-breasted grosbeak
- Black-headed grosbeak
- Black-thighed grosbeak
- Flame-colored tanager
- Red-headed tanager
- Hepatic tanager
- White-winged tanager
- Western tanager
- Scarlet tanager
- Rose-throated tanager
- Summer tanager
- Red-hooded tanager
- Crimson-collared grosbeak
- Lesser Antillean saltator
- Black-headed saltator
- Black-throated saltator
- Black-winged saltator
- Golden-billed saltator
- Masked saltator
- Greyish saltator
- Black-throated grosbeak
- Slate-coloured grosbeak
- Thick-billed saltator
- Buff-throated saltator
- Black-cowled saltator
- Orinoco saltator
- Green-winged saltator
- Streaked saltator
- Dickcissel
- Handsome sunbird
- Apo sunbird
- Fork-tailed sunbird
- White-flanked sunbird
- Flaming sunbird
- Mrs. Gould's sunbird
- Fire-tailed sunbird
- Javan sunbird
- Green-tailed sunbird
- Grey-hooded sunbird
- Metallic-winged sunbird
- Black-throated sunbird
- Lovely sunbird
- Crimson sunbird
- Anchieta's sunbird
- Violet-tailed sunbird
- Collared sunbird
- Fraser's sunbird
- Mangrove sunbird
- Western violet-backed sunbird
- Brown-throated sunbird
- Nile Valley sunbird
- Uluguru violet-backed sunbird
- Eastern violet-backed sunbird
- Pygmy sunbird
- Grey-chinned sunbird
- Plain sunbird
- Ruby-cheeked sunbird
- Streaky-breasted spiderhunter
- Yellow-eared spiderhunter
- Naked-faced spiderhunter
- Thick-billed spiderhunter
- Bornean spiderhunter
- Spectacled spiderhunter
- Whitehead's spiderhunter
- Little spiderhunter
- Streaked spiderhunter
- Long-billed spiderhunter
- Purple-naped sunbird
- Buff-throated sunbird
- Greater double-collared sunbird
- Blue-headed sunbird
- Amethyst sunbird
- Purple sunbird
- Black sunbird
- Socotra sunbird
- Bannerman's sunbird
- Bates's sunbird
- Purple-banded sunbird
- Bocage's sunbird
- Orange-tufted sunbird
- Apricot-breasted sunbird
- Copper-throated sunbird
- Violet-breasted sunbird
- Southern double-collared sunbird
- Olive-bellied sunbird
- Splendid sunbird
- Anjouan sunbird
- Congo sunbird
- Mayotte sunbird
- Copper sunbird
- Blue-throated brown sunbird
- Seychelles sunbird
- Red-chested sunbird
- Malachite sunbird
- Olive-bellied double-collared sunbird (Nectarinia fuelleborni)
- Carmelite sunbird
- Dusky sunbird
- Shining sunbird
- Príncipe sunbird
- Humblot's sunbird
- Hunter's sunbird
- Johanna's sunbird
- Scarlet-tufted sunbird
- Olive-backed sunbird
- Bronzy sunbird
- Loten's sunbird
- Miombo double-collared sunbird
- Marico sunbird
- Eastern double-collared sunbird
- Crimson-backed sunbird
- Tiny sunbird
- Black-bellied sunbird
- Newton's sunbird
- Malagasy green sunbird
- Olive sunbird
- Cameroon sunbird
- Palestine sunbird
- Oustalet's sunbird
- Pemba sunbird
- Northern double-collared sunbird
- Beautiful sunbird
- Purple-breasted sunbird
- Regal sunbird
- Reichenbach's sunbird
- Golden-winged sunbird
- Green-throated sunbird
- Little green sunbird
- Scarlet-chested sunbird
- Shelley's sunbird
- Flame-breasted sunbird
- Souimanga sunbird
- Purple-throated sunbird
- Superb sunbird
- Tacazze sunbird
- White-bellied sunbird
- Variable sunbird
- Grey sunbird
- Green-headed sunbird
- Orange-breasted sunbird
- Purple-rumped sunbird
- Spiny-cheeked honeyeater
- Western spinebill
- Eastern spinebill
- Red wattlebird
- Little wattlebird
- Western wattlebird
- Yellow wattlebird
- New Zealand bellbird
- Gibberbird
- Black honeyeater
- Banded honeyeater
- Pied honeyeater
- Rufous-banded honeyeater
- Rufous-throated honeyeater
- Grey honeyeater
- Blue-faced honeyeater
- White-fronted chat
- Orange chat
- Yellow chat
- Crimson chat
- Wattled honeyeater
- Green-backed honeyeater
- Guadalcanal honeyeater
- Giant honeyeater
- Yellow-faced honeyeater
- Purple-gaped honeyeater
- Mangrove honeyeater
- Yellow-tinted honeyeater
- Yellow-throated honeyeater
- Yellow honeyeater
- Bridled honeyeater
- Fuscous honeyeater
- Eungella honeyeater
- Grey-headed honeyeater
- White-eared honeyeater
- Yellow-tufted honeyeater
- Obscure honeyeater
- Yellow-plumed honeyeater
- White-plumed honeyeater
- Grey-fronted honeyeater
- Black-throated honeyeater
- White-gaped honeyeater
- Varied honeyeater
- Singing honeyeater
- Silver-eared honeyeater
- Olive honeyeater
- Buru honeyeater
- Flame-eared honeyeater
- Grey-eared honeyeater
- Brown honeyeater
- Indonesian honeyeater
- Scaly-crowned honeyeater
- Seram honeyeater
- Black-necklaced honeyeater
- Scaly-breasted honeyeater
- Yellow-throated miner
- Noisy miner
- Bell miner
- Belford's melidectes
- Huon melidectes
- Sooty melidectes
- Vogelkop melidectes
- Short-bearded melidectes
- Cinnamon-browed melidectes
- Yellow-browed melidectes
- Makira honeyeater
- Ornate melidectes
- Long-billed honeyeater
- White-lined honeyeater
- Scrub honeyeater
- Mimic honeyeater
- Puff-backed honeyeater
- Yellow-gaped honeyeater
- Graceful honeyeater
- Lewin's honeyeater
- Mottle-breasted honeyeater
- Forest honeyeater
- Yellow-spotted honeyeater
- Mountain honeyeater
- Streak-breasted honeyeater
- Spangled honeyeater
- Common smoky honeyeater
- Arfak honeyeater
- Black-headed honeyeater
- White-throated honeyeater
- Brown-headed honeyeater
- Black-chinned honeyeater
- White-naped honeyeater
- Strong-billed honeyeater
- White-streaked friarbird
- Tagula honeyeater
- Dark-eared myza
- White-eared myza
- Mountain myzomela
- Drab myzomela
- Banda myzomela
- New Caledonian myzomela
- Cardinal myzomela
- Sulawesi myzomela
- Red myzomela
- Sumba myzomela
- Crimson-rumped myzomela
- Ruby-throated myzomela
- Red-headed myzomela
- Black-bellied myzomela
- Sulphur-breasted myzomela
- Crimson-hooded myzomela
- Red-capped myzomela
- Black-headed myzomela
- Papuan black myzomela
- Dusky myzomela
- Bismarck black myzomela
- New Ireland myzomela
- Red-collared myzomela
- Micronesian myzomela
- Scarlet myzomela
- Sclater's myzomela
- Sooty myzomela
- Black-breasted myzomela
- Wakolo myzomela
- Orange-cheeked honeyeater
- Manus friarbird
- Silver-crowned friarbird
- Helmeted friarbird
- Little friarbird
- New Britain friarbird
- Noisy friarbird
- New Caledonian friarbird
- New Ireland friarbird
- Timor friarbird
- Meyer's friarbird
- Black-faced friarbird
- Papuan friarbird
- Seram friarbird
- White-fronted honeyeater
- Tawny-crowned honeyeater
- White-cheeked honeyeater
- White-bellied honeyeater
- New Holland honeyeater
- Crescent honeyeater
- Barred honeyeater
- Striped honeyeater
- Tui
- Rufous-sided honeyeater
- Rufous-backed honeyeater
- Mayr's honeyeater
- Yellowish-streaked honeyeater
- Grey-streaked honeyeater
- Leaden honeyeater
- Marbled honeyeater
- Plain honeyeater
- Streak-headed honeyeater
- Bar-breasted honeyeater
- Brown-backed honeyeater
- Bougainville honeyeater
- Olive straightbill
- Tawny straightbill
- White-streaked honeyeater
- Tawny-breasted honeyeater
- Macleay's honeyeater
- Spotted honeyeater
- Kadavu honeyeater
- Bamenda apalis
- Lowland masked apalis
- Chapin's apalis
- Chirinda apalis
- Grey apalis
- Yellow-breasted apalis
- Gosling's apalis
- Black-throated apalis
- Black-headed apalis
- Black-capped apalis
- Mountain masked apalis
- Chestnut-throated apalis
- Rudd's apalis
- Buff-throated apalis
- Sharpe's apalis
- Bar-throated apalis
- Bleating bush warbler
- Olive-green camaroptera
- Barred wren-warbler
- Grey wren-warbler
- Yellow-browed camaroptera
- Miombo wren-warbler
- Lazy cisticola
- Long-tailed cisticola
- Chattering cisticola
- Desert cisticola
- Wing-snapping cisticola
- Boran cisticola
- Short-winged cisticola
- Pectoral-patch cisticola
- Bubbling cisticola
- Singing cisticola
- Carruthers's cisticola
- Madagascan cisticola
- Rattling cisticola
- Chubb's cisticola
- Ashy cisticola
- Dambo cisticola
- Brown-backed cisticola
- Red-faced cisticola
- Golden-headed cisticola
- Black-backed cisticola
- Neddicky
- Winding cisticola
- Dorst's cisticola
- Hunter's cisticola
- Zitting cisticola
- Wailing cisticola
- Whistling cisticola
- Tiny cisticola
- Croaking cisticola
- Black-lored cisticola
- Churring cisticola
- Chirping cisticola
- Stout cisticola
- Red-pate cisticola
- Tinkling cisticola
- Rufous cisticola
- Grey-backed cisticola
- Cloud cisticola
- Levaillant's cisticola
- Foxy cisticola
- Trilling cisticola
- Red-winged grey warbler
- Grey-capped warbler
- Cinnamon-breasted warbler
- Red-winged warbler
- Oriole warbler
- Socotra warbler
- Rufous-eared warbler
- Black-collared apalis
- Ruwenzori apalis
- Namaqua warbler
- Buff-bellied warbler
- Black-throated prinia
- Banded prinia
- Rufous-fronted prinia
- Striated prinia
- Black-chested prinia
- Yellow-bellied prinia
- River prinia
- Graceful prinia
- Grey-breasted prinia
- Drakensberg prinia
- Plain prinia
- White-chinned prinia
- Karoo prinia
- São Tomé prinia
- Brown prinia
- Roberts's warbler
- Rufescent prinia
- Ashy prinia
- Pale prinia
- Tawny-flanked prinia
- Jungle prinia
- Chinese hill warbler
- Streaked scrub warbler
- Cricket warbler
- Red-fronted warbler
- Green longtail
- Yellow-billed shrike
- Southern white-crowned shrike
- Northern white-crowned shrike
- Bull-headed shrike
- Long-tailed fiscal
- Southern fiscal
- Red-backed shrike
- Burmese shrike
- Brown shrike
- Taita fiscal
- Great grey shrike
- Grey-backed fiscal
- Emin's shrike
- Isabelline shrike
- Loggerhead shrike
- Mackinnon's shrike
- Uhehe fiscal
- Lesser grey shrike
- Masked shrike
- Long-tailed shrike
- Woodchat shrike
- Somali fiscal
- Souza's shrike
- Chinese grey shrike
- Grey-backed shrike
- Tiger shrike
- Bay-backed shrike
- Magpie shrike
- Cape batis
- Dark batis
- Ruwenzori batis
- Western black-headed batis
- Woodward's batis
- Ituri batis
- Margaret's batis
- Black-headed batis
- Angolan batis
- Forest batis
- Chinspot batis
- West African batis
- Grey-headed batis
- Pygmy batis
- Fernando Po batis
- Pririt batis
- Senegal batis
- Pale batis
- Black-and-white shrike-flycatcher
- White-tailed shrike
- African shrike-flycatcher
- Red-cheeked wattle-eye
- Chestnut wattle-eye
- Black-necked wattle-eye
- Yellow-bellied wattle-eye
- Brown-throated wattle-eye
- Jameson's wattle-eye
- Black-throated wattle-eye
- White-spotted wattle-eye
- Red-headed finch
- Cut-throat finch
- Red avadavat
- Orange-breasted waxbill
- Brown twinspot
- Dusky crimsonwing
- Red-faced crimsonwing
- Abyssinian crimsonwing
- Painted finch
- Red-eared parrotfinch
- Red-headed parrotfinch
- Tawny-breasted parrotfinch
- Papuan parrotfinch
- Fiji parrotfinch
- Pin-tailed parrotfinch
- Red-throated parrotfinch
- Blue-faced parrotfinch
- Tricolored parrotfinch
- Common waxbill
- Black-headed waxbill
- Lavender waxbill
- Black-cheeked waxbill
- Black-faced waxbill
- Swee waxbill
- Orange-cheeked waxbill
- Black-crowned waxbill
- Fawn-breasted waxbill
- Grey waxbill
- Crimson-rumped waxbill
- Arabian waxbill
- Cinderella waxbill
- Black-rumped waxbill
- Dusky twinspot
- Dybowski's twinspot
- Pictorella mannikin
- Pink-throated twinspot
- Red-throated twinspot
- Landana firefinch
- Black-faced firefinch
- Brown firefinch
- Black-bellied firefinch
- Jameson's firefinch
- African firefinch
- Bar-breasted firefinch
- Rock firefinch
- Red-billed firefinch
- Mali firefinch
- Chestnut munia
- Black-and-white mannikin
- Grey-headed mannikin
- African silverbill
- Chestnut-breasted mannikin
- Bronze mannikin
- White-capped munia
- Yellow-rumped mannikin
- Forbes's mannikin
- Magpie mannikin
- Dusky munia
- Great-billed mannikin
- Grey-headed silverbill
- Hunstein's mannikin
- Black-throated munia
- White-bellied munia
- Javan munia
- White-spotted munia (Lonchura leucosticta)
- White-headed munia
- Indian silverbill
- Tricoloured munia
- Buff-bellied mannikin
- Black-faced munia
- Western alpine mannikin
- Eastern alpine mannikin
- Madagascan mannikin
- Grey-crowned mannikin
- New Hanover mannikin
- Red-backed mannikin
- Pale-headed munia
- Scaly-breasted munia
- Five-coloured munia
- Hooded mannikin
- White-rumped munia
- Black-breasted mannikin
- Streak-headed mannikin
- Green-backed twinspot
- Plum-headed finch
- Crimson finch
- Star finch
- Red-browed finch
- White-collared oliveback
- Grey-headed oliveback
- Shelley's oliveback
- Chestnut-breasted nigrita
- Grey-headed nigrita
- White-breasted nigrita
- Pale-fronted nigrita
- Mountain firetail
- Black-faced quailfinch
- Locust finch
- Jameson's antpecker
- Woodhouse's antpecker
- Long-tailed finch
- Black-throated finch
- Masked finch
- Lesser seedcracker
- Black-bellied seedcracker
- Crimson seedcracker
- Orange-winged pytilia
- Yellow-winged pytilia
- Green-winged pytilia
- Red-winged pytilia
- Western bluebill
- Grant's bluebill
- Red-headed bluebill
- Beautiful firetail
- Diamond firetail
- Red-eared firetail
- Double-barred finch
- Zebra finch
- Blue waxbill
- Red-cheeked cordon-bleu
- Blue-capped cordon-bleu
- Violet-eared waxbill
- Purple grenadier
- Inland thornbill
- Yellow-rumped thornbill
- Tasmanian thornbill
- Western thornbill
- Slender-billed thornbill
- Mountain thornbill
- Striated thornbill
- New Guinea thornbill
- Yellow thornbill
- Brown thornbill
- Buff-rumped thornbill
- Slaty-backed thornbill
- Chestnut-rumped thornbill
- Scrubtit
- Southern whiteface
- Banded whiteface
- Rufous fieldwren
- Striated fieldwren
- Speckled warbler
- Rusty mouse-warbler
- Bicoloured mouse-warbler
- Mountain mouse-warbler
- Chatham gerygone
- Green-backed gerygone
- Yellow-bellied gerygone
- Ashy gerygone
- Rufous-sided gerygone
- Fan-tailed gerygone
- Western gerygone
- Grey warbler
- Plain gerygone
- Mangrove gerygone
- Large-billed gerygone
- Brown gerygone
- White-throated gerygone
- Fairy gerygone
- Brown-breasted gerygone
- Golden-bellied gerygone
- Dusky gerygone
- Shy heathwren
- Chestnut-rumped heathwren
- Whitehead
- Pipipi
- Fernwren
- Rockwarbler
- Pilotbird
- Redthroat
- Grey-green scrubwren
- Tropical scrubwren
- Yellow-throated scrubwren
- White-browed scrubwren
- Tasmanian scrubwren
- Atherton scrubwren
- Large-billed scrubwren
- Large scrubwren
- Papuan scrubwren
- Buff-faced scrubwren
- Vogelkop scrubwren
- Pale-billed scrubwren
- Perplexing scrubwren
- Weebill
- Lesser ground robin
- Greater ground robin
- Southern scrub robin
- Northern scrub robin
- Eastern yellow robin
- Yellow-bellied flyrobin
- White-breasted robin
- Western yellow robin
- Mangrove robin
- Garnet robin
- Ashy robin
- Hooded robin
- Dusky robin
- Jacky winter
- Lemon-bellied flyrobin
- Olive flyrobin
- Yellow-legged flyrobin
- Canary flyrobin
- Torrent flyrobin
- Green-backed robin
- White-eyed robin
- White-rumped robin
- Smoky robin
- Slaty robin
- White-winged robin
- South Island robin
- Mountain robin
- Scarlet robin
- Red-capped robin
- Tomtit
- Norfolk robin
- Pink robin
- Rose robin
- Black-throated robin
- Black-chinned robin
- Buff-sided robin
- Black-sided robin
- White-browed robin
- Pale-yellow robin
- White-faced robin
Rail-babbler species
[edit]- White-eared catbird
- Green catbird
- Spotted catbird
- Golden-fronted bowerbird
- Vogelkop bowerbird
- MacGregor's bowerbird
- Streaked bowerbird
- Fawn-breasted bowerbird
- Western bowerbird
- Yellow-breasted bowerbird
- Spotted bowerbird
- Great bowerbird
- Golden bowerbird
- Satin bowerbird
- Tooth-billed bowerbird
- Flame bowerbird
- Regent bowerbird
- Black-crested titmouse
- Tufted titmouse
- Oak titmouse
- Juniper titmouse
- Bridled titmouse
- Sultan tit
- Grey tit
- White-bellied tit
- Coal tit
- Black-capped chickadee
- Eurasian blue tit
- Carolina chickadee
- Grey-headed chickadee
- Ashy tit
- European crested tit
- Azure tit
- Père David's tit
- Grey crested tit
- Elegant tit
- Stripe-breasted tit
- Red-throated tit
- Dusky tit
- Mountain chickadee
- Miombo tit
- Boreal chickadee
- Black-bibbed tit
- White-winged black tit
- White-backed black tit
- Sombre tit
- Great tit
- Willow tit
- Green-backed tit
- Southern black tit
- Marsh tit
- Rufous-vented tit
- Chestnut-backed chickadee
- Rufous-bellied tit
- Rufous-naped tit
- Mexican chickadee
- Yellow-cheeked tit
- White-browed tit
- Acacia tit
- Varied tit
- Yellow-bellied tit
- Himalayan black-lored tit
- Ground tit
- Yellow-browed tit
- Rufous-naped whistler
- Maroon-backed whistler
- Olive-flanked whistler
- Goldenface
- Green-backed whistler
- Wallacean whistler
- Golden-backed whistler
- New Caledonian whistler
- Samoan whistler
- Drab whistler
- Mangrove whistler
- White-vented whistler
- Rusty whistler
- Bornean whistler
- Hooded whistler
- Gilbert's whistler
- White-breasted whistler
- White-bellied whistler
- Lorentz's whistler
- Mangrove golden whistler
- Vogelkop whistler
- Brown-backed whistler
- Black-headed whistler
- Bare-throated whistler
- Olive whistler
- Fawn-breasted whistler
- Australian golden whistler
- Island whistler
- Yellow-bellied whistler
- Rufous whistler
- Regent whistler
- Grey whistler
- Sclater's whistler
- Sulphur-vented whistler
- Morningbird
- Mottled whistler
- Rufous-tailed weaver
- Tibetan snowfinch
- Blanford's snowfinch
- Père David's snowfinch
- White-winged snowfinch
- Rufous-necked snowfinch
- White-rumped snowfinch
- Afghan snowfinch
- Saxaul sparrow
- Somali sparrow
- Kordofan sparrow
- Southern grey-headed sparrow
- House sparrow
- Chestnut sparrow
- Arabian golden sparrow
- Plain-backed sparrow
- Parrot-billed sparrow
- Northern grey-headed sparrow
- Spanish sparrow
- Iago sparrow
- Socotra sparrow
- Sudan golden sparrow
- Cape sparrow
- Dead Sea sparrow
- Eurasian tree sparrow
- Great sparrow
- Sind sparrow
- Kenya sparrow
- Russet sparrow
- Shelley's sparrow
- Desert sparrow
- Swahili sparrow
- Swainson's sparrow
- Asian desert sparrow (Passer zarudnyi)
- Pale rockfinch
- Bush petronia
- Rock sparrow
- Yellow-spotted petronia
- Yellow-throated petronia
- Yellow-throated sparrow
- Sociable weaver
- Donaldson Smith's sparrow-weaver
- White-browed sparrow-weaver
- Chestnut-backed sparrow-weaver
- Chestnut-crowned sparrow-weaver
- Grey-capped social weaver
- Black-capped social weaver
- Speckle-fronted weaver
- Scaly-feathered weaver
- Cuckoo-finch
- Cameroon indigobird
- Village indigobird
- Zambezi indigobird
- Straw-tailed whydah
- Dusky indigobird
- Steel-blue whydah
- Exclamatory paradise whydah
- Barka indigobird
- Pin-tailed whydah
- Jos Plateau indigobird
- Quailfinch indigobird
- Broad-tailed paradise whydah
- Long-tailed paradise whydah
- Purple indigobird
- Jambandu indigobird
- Shaft-tailed whydah
- Togo paradise whydah
- Wilson's indigobird
Other passerine species
[edit]- Rifleman
- Great iora
- Marshall's iora
- Common iora
- White-throated dipper
- White-capped dipper
- American dipper
- Brown dipper
- Loria's satinbird
- Crested satinbird
- Bananaquit
- White-winged chough
- Varied sittella
- Black sittella
- Rufous bristlebird
- Black-capped donacobius
- Palmchat
- Wattled ploughbill
- Crested shriketit
- Asian fairy-bluebird
- Yellow-breasted boatbill
- Black-breasted boatbill
- Superb lyrebird
- Common sunbird-asity
- Spotted pardalote
- Red-browed pardalote
- Striated pardalote
- Olive warbler
- Velvet asity
- Cape sugarbird
- Gurney's sugarbird
- Grand rhabdornis
- Stripe-breasted rhabdornis
- Stripe-headed rhabdornis
- Broad-billed sapayoa
- Apostlebird
- Przevalski's finch
There are 491 species in the order Caprimulgiformes assessed as least concern.
- Emerald-chinned hummingbird
- Speckled hummingbird
- White-tufted sunbeam
- Shining sunbeam
- Black-hooded sunbeam
- Violet-tailed sylph
- Long-tailed sylph
- Blue-chested hummingbird
- Amazilia hummingbird
- Spot-vented emerald
- Berylline hummingbird
- White-chested emerald
- White-bellied emerald
- White-bellied hummingbird
- Copper-tailed hummingbird (Amazilia cupreicauda)
- Indigo-capped hummingbird
- Azure-crowned hummingbird
- Blue-tailed hummingbird
- Charming hummingbird
- Snowy-bellied hummingbird
- Glittering-throated emerald
- Andean emerald
- Blue-headed sapphire
- Humboldt's sapphire
- Sapphire-spangled emerald
- Plain-bellied emerald
- Purple-chested hummingbird
- Cinnamon hummingbird
- Rufous-throated sapphire
- Steely-vented hummingbird
- Copper-rumped hummingbird
- Rufous-tailed hummingbird
- Versicoloured emerald
- Violet-crowned hummingbird
- Green-and-white hummingbird
- Green-fronted hummingbird
- Green-bellied hummingbird
- Cinnamon-sided hummingbird (Amazilia wagneri)
- Buff-bellied hummingbird
- Tooth-billed hummingbird
- Broad-tipped hermit
- Puerto Rican mango
- Antillean mango
- Jamaican mango
- Black-throated mango
- Green-breasted mango
- Veraguan mango
- Green-throated mango
- Green mango
- Sombre hummingbird
- Black-chinned hummingbird
- Ruby-throated hummingbird
- Wine-throated hummingbird
- Bumblebee hummingbird
- Fiery-tailed awlbill
- White-eared hummingbird
- Xantus's hummingbird
- Buff-tailed coronet
- Velvet-purple coronet
- Chestnut-breasted coronet
- Amethyst woodstar
- Magenta-throated woodstar
- Bahama woodstar
- Purple-throated woodstar
- Lucifer sheartail
- Beautiful sheartail
- Anna's hummingbird
- Costa's hummingbird
- Wedge-tailed sabrewing
- Scaly-breasted hummingbird
- Buff-breasted sabrewing
- Lazuline sabrewing
- Violet sabrewing
- Rufous-breasted sabrewing
- Grey-breasted sabrewing
- Rufous sabrewing
- Santa Marta woodstar
- Gorgeted woodstar
- Rufous-shafted woodstar
- White-bellied woodstar
- Rainbow-bearded thornbill
- Bronze-tailed thornbill
- Olivaceous thornbill
- Rufous-capped thornbill
- Blue-mantled thornbill
- White-vented plumeleteer
- Bronze-tailed plumeleteer
- Garden emerald
- Golden-crowned emerald
- Canivet's emerald
- Cozumel emerald
- Red-billed emerald
- Glittering-bellied emerald
- Puerto Rican emerald
- Blue-tailed emerald
- Blue-chinned sapphire
- Chiribiquete emerald
- Short-tailed emerald
- Cuban emerald
- Coppery emerald
- Narrow-tailed emerald
- Hispaniolan emerald
- Ruby-topaz hummingbird
- Golden-tailed sapphire
- Brazilian ruby
- Apurimac starfrontlet
- Golden-bellied starfrontlet
- Bronzy inca
- Green inca
- Huanuco starfrontlet
- Vilcabamba inca
- Golden-tailed starfrontlet
- Blue-throated starfrontlet
- Gould's inca
- Rainbow starfrontlet
- Buff-winged starfrontlet
- Cuzco starfrontlet
- White-tailed starfrontlet
- Collared inca
- Violet-throated starfrontlet
- Brown inca
- Sparkling violetear
- Brown violetear
- White-vented violetear
- Green violetear
- Blue-headed hummingbird
- Turquoise-crowned hummingbird (Cynanthus doubledayi)
- Broad-billed hummingbird
- Dusky hummingbird
- Green thorntail
- Black-bellied thorntail
- Racket-tailed coquette
- Slender sheartail
- Blue-fronted lancebill
- Green-fronted lancebill
- White-tailed emerald
- Coppery-headed emerald
- Sword-billed hummingbird
- Emerald-bellied puffleg
- Blue-capped puffleg
- Sapphire-vented puffleg
- Golden-breasted puffleg
- Coppery-naped puffleg
- Glowing puffleg
- Magnificent hummingbird
- Green-throated carib
- Purple-throated carib
- Swallow-tailed hummingbird
- Stripe-tailed hummingbird
- Black-bellied hummingbird
- White-tipped sicklebill
- Buff-tailed sicklebill
- Black jacobin
- White-necked jacobin
- Bronzy hermit
- Rufous-breasted hermit
- Violet-capped hummingbird
- Buff-thighed puffleg
- Greenish puffleg
- Horned sungem
- Amethyst-throated sunangel
- Longuemare's sunangel
- Tourmaline sunangel
- Orange-throated sunangel
- Flame-throated sunangel
- Merida sunangel (Heliangelus spencei)
- Gorgeted sunangel
- Purple-throated sunangel
- Gould's jewelfront
- Rufous-webbed brilliant
- Empress brilliant
- Green-crowned brilliant
- Violet-fronted brilliant
- Fawn-breasted brilliant
- Black-throated brilliant
- Black-breasted brilliant
- Velvet-browed brilliant
- Plain-capped starthroat
- Blue-tufted starthroat
- Long-billed starthroat
- Stripe-breasted starthroat
- Black-eared fairy
- Purple-crowned fairy
- Gilded sapphire
- White-chinned sapphire
- Blue-throated sapphire
- Violet-bellied hummingbird
- Violet-headed hummingbird
- Mountain velvetbreast
- Amethyst-throated mountaingem
- Purple-throated mountaingem
- White-throated mountaingem
- Grey-tailed mountaingem
- Blue-throated mountaingem
- White-bellied mountaingem
- Green-breasted mountaingem
- Green-throated mountaingem
- Garnet-throated hummingbird
- Sapphire-throated hummingbird
- Shining-green hummingbird
- Green-tailed trainbearer
- Black-tailed trainbearer
- Tumbes hummingbird
- Olive-spotted hummingbird
- Buffy hummingbird
- Spot-throated hummingbird
- White-throated hummingbird
- White-crested coquette
- Rufous-crested coquette
- Black-crested coquette
- Frilled coquette
- Tufted coquette
- Peacock coquette
- Spangled coquette
- Butterfly coquette
- Vervain hummingbird
- Scaled metaltail
- Fiery-throated metaltail
- Neblina metaltail
- Black metaltail
- Coppery metaltail
- Tyrian metaltail
- Viridian metaltail
- Snowcap
- Slender-tailed woodstar
- Short-tailed woodstar
- Purple-collared woodstar
- Booted racket-tail
- Mountain avocetbill
- Western mountaineer
- Bearded mountaineer
- Ecuadorian hillstar
- Andean hillstar
- White-sided hillstar
- Black-breasted hillstar
- Green-headed hillstar
- Antillean crested hummingbird
- Green-bearded helmetcrest
- White-bearded helmetcrest
- Fiery-throated hummingbird
- Giant hummingbird
- Pale-bellied hermit
- Black-throated hermit
- Sooty-capped hermit
- Ecuadorian hermit (Phaethornis baroni)
- Straight-billed hermit
- Scale-throated hermit
- Grey-chinned hermit
- Green hermit
- White-bearded hermit
- Minute hermit
- Long-billed hermit
- Little hermit
- Great-billed hermit
- Mexican hermit (Phaethornis mexicanus)
- Cinnamon-throated hermit
- Needle-billed hermit
- Porculla hermit (Phaethornis porcullae)
- Planalto hermit
- Reddish hermit
- Streak-throated hermit
- Dusky-throated hermit
- Stripe-throated hermit
- White-browed hermit
- Buff-bellied hermit
- Long-tailed hermit
- Tawny-bellied hermit
- White-whiskered hermit
- Bronze-tailed comet
- White-tailed goldenthroat
- Tepui goldenthroat
- Green-tailed goldenthroat
- Great sapphirewing
- Purple-backed thornbill
- Oasis hummingbird
- Red-tailed comet
- Western wedge-billed hummingbird
- Wedge-billed hummingbird
- Calliope hummingbird
- Volcano hummingbird
- Broad-tailed hummingbird
- Rufous hummingbird
- Allen's hummingbird
- Scintillant hummingbird
- Green-backed firecrown
- Green-crowned plovercrest
- Purple-crowned plovercrest
- Violet-chested hummingbird
- Many-spotted hummingbird
- Crowned woodnymph
- Fork-tailed woodnymph
- Violet-capped woodnymph
- Peruvian sheartail
- Pale-tailed barbthroat
- Sooty barbthroat
- Band-tailed barbthroat
- Sparkling-tailed woodstar
- Crimson topaz
- Fiery topaz
- Red-billed streamertail
- Black-billed streamertail
- White-tailed hillstar
- Green-backed hillstar
- Purple-bibbed whitetip
- Rufous-vented whitetip
- Mexican whip-poor-will
- Yucatan nightjar
- Cuban nightjar
- Hispaniolan nightjar
- Buff-collared nightjar
- Rufous nightjar
- Tawny-collared nightjar
- Dusky nightjar
- Silky-tailed nightjar
- Egyptian nightjar
- Savanna nightjar
- Andaman nightjar
- Indian nightjar
- Jerdon's nightjar
- Bates's nightjar
- Sulawesi nightjar
- Slender-tailed nightjar
- Long-tailed nightjar
- Donaldson Smith's nightjar
- European nightjar
- Golden nightjar
- Square-tailed nightjar
- Sombre nightjar
- Jungle nightjar
- Plain nightjar
- Grey nightjar
- Standard-winged nightjar
- Large-tailed nightjar
- Madagascan nightjar
- Sykes's nightjar
- Philippine nightjar
- Mees's nightjar
- Swamp nightjar
- Nubian nightjar
- Fiery-necked nightjar
- Montane nightjar
- Red-necked nightjar
- Rufous-cheeked nightjar
- Star-spotted nightjar
- Freckled nightjar
- Pennant-winged nightjar
- Lesser nighthawk
- Antillean nighthawk
- Common nighthawk
- Nacunda nighthawk
- Least nighthawk
- Sand-coloured nighthawk
- Archbold's nightjar
- Spotted nightjar
- White-throated nightjar
- Papuan nightjar
- Collared nightjar
- White-tailed nightjar
- Ladder-tailed nightjar
- Spot-tailed nightjar
- Scissor-tailed nightjar
- Rufous-bellied nighthawk
- Short-tailed nighthawk
- Great eared nightjar
- Malaysian eared nightjar
- Long-trained nightjar
- Pauraque
- Anthony's nightjar
- Eared poorwill
- Ocellated poorwill
- Yucatan poorwill
- Pygmy nightjar
- Blackish nightjar
- Band-tailed nighthawk
- Common poorwill
- Todd's nightjar
- Little nightjar
- Roraiman nightjar
- Lesser band-winged nightjar
- Band-winged nightjar
- Tepui nightjar
- Lyre-tailed nightjar
- Swallow-tailed nightjar
- Brown nightjar
- Himalayan swiftlet
- Edible-nest swiftlet
- Mountain swiftlet
- Halmahera swiftlet
- Island swiftlet
- Tahiti swiftlet
- Black-nest swiftlet
- Philippine swiftlet
- Bare-legged swiftlet
- Palau swiftlet
- Mossy-nest swiftlet
- White-rumped swiftlet
- Australian swiftlet
- Indian swiftlet
- Uniform swiftlet
- Andean swift
- White-tipped swift
- White-throated swift
- Little swift
- Cape Verde swift
- Common swift
- Malagasy black swift
- African black swift
- Bates's swift
- Forbes-Watson's swift
- Bradfield's swift
- White-rumped swift
- Horus swift
- Nyanza swift
- House swift
- Pacific swift
- Pallid swift
- Plain swift
- Short-tailed swift
- Chapman's swift
- Grey-rumped swift
- Pale-rumped swift
- Costa Rican swift
- Lesser Antillean swift
- Sick's swift
- Band-rumped swift
- Vaux's swift
- Glossy swiftlet
- Cave swiftlet
- Pygmy swiftlet
- White-chinned swift
- Sooty swift
- White-chested swift
- American black swift
- Great dusky swift
- Asian palm swift
- African palm swift
- White-throated needletail
- Purple needletail
- Silver-backed needletail
- Brown-backed needletail
- Papuan spine-tailed swift
- Böhm's spinetail
- Cassin's spinetail
- Lesser swallow-tailed swift
- Great swallow-tailed swift
- Silver-rumped spinetail
- Sabine's spinetail
- Scarce swift
- Biscutate swift
- Tepui swift
- Chestnut-collared swift
- White-naped swift
- White-collared swift
- Pygmy palm swift
- Antillean palm swift
- Neotropical palm swift
- Mottled swift
- Alpine swift
- Black spinetail
- Mottled spinetail
- Madagascan spinetail
- White-rumped spinetail
- São Tomé spinetail
- Chestnut-breasted cuckoo
- Fan-tailed cuckoo
- Plaintive cuckoo
- Grey-bellied cuckoo
- Banded bay cuckoo
- Brush cuckoo
- White-crowned cuckoo
- Coral-billed ground cuckoo
- Andaman coucal
- Gabon coucal
- White-necked coucal
- Lesser coucal
- Black-billed coucal
- Bay coucal
- Coppery-tailed coucal
- Goliath coucal
- Black coucal
- Black-throated coucal
- Black-faced coucal
- Ivory-billed coucal
- Buff-headed coucal
- Blue-headed coucal
- Pheasant coucal
- Senegal coucal
- Greater coucal
- Kai coucal
- White-browed coucal
- Malagasy coucal
- Philippine coucal
- Dusky long-tailed cuckoo
- Barred long-tailed cuckoo
- Olive long-tailed cuckoo
- Yellowbill
- Whistling yellowbill (Ceuthmochares australis)
- Horsfield's bronze cuckoo
- Pied bronze cuckoo
- Shining bronze cuckoo
- Long-billed cuckoo
- White-eared bronze cuckoo
- Little bronze cuckoo
- Black-eared cuckoo
- Rufous-throated bronze cuckoo
- Diederik cuckoo
- African emerald cuckoo
- Yellow-throated cuckoo
- Klaas's cuckoo
- Asian emerald cuckoo
- Violet cuckoo
- Chestnut-winged cuckoo
- Great spotted cuckoo
- Jacobin cuckoo
- Levaillant's cuckoo
- Ash-colored cuckoo
- Little cuckoo
- Dwarf cuckoo
- Yellow-billed cuckoo
- Black-billed cuckoo
- Pearly-breasted cuckoo
- Grey-capped cuckoo
- Hispaniolan lizard cuckoo
- Dark-billed cuckoo
- Great lizard cuckoo
- Mangrove cuckoo
- Chestnut-bellied cuckoo
- Jamaican lizard cuckoo
- Puerto Rican lizard cuckoo
- Blue coua
- Coquerel's coua
- Crested coua
- Running coua
- Giant coua
- Olive-capped coua
- Chestnut-vented coua
- Red-fronted coua
- Red-capped coua
- Red-breasted coua
- Smooth-billed ani
- Greater ani
- Groove-billed ani
- Common cuckoo
- Black cuckoo
- Sulawesi cuckoo
- African cuckoo
- Sunda cuckoo
- Indian cuckoo
- Lesser cuckoo
- Madagascan cuckoo
- Himalayan cuckoo
- Red-chested cuckoo
- Rough-crested malkoha
- Pavonine cuckoo
- Pheasant cuckoo
- Pacific koel
- Asian koel
- Greater roadrunner
- Lesser roadrunner
- Guira cuckoo
- Pallid cuckoo
- Dark hawk-cuckoo
- Malay hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx fugax)
- Northern hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx hyperythrus)
- Hodgson's hawk-cuckoo
- Philippine hawk-cuckoo
- Large hawk-cuckoo
- Common hawk-cuckoo
- Scale-feathered malkoha
- Dwarf koel
- Lesser ground cuckoo
- Red-billed ground cuckoo
- Rufous-winged ground cuckoo
- Thick-billed cuckoo
- Chestnut-breasted malkoha
- Mentawai malkoha
- Green-billed malkoha
- Blue-faced malkoha
- Squirrel cuckoo
- Black-bellied cuckoo
- Mexican squirrel-cuckoo
- Yellow-billed malkoha
- Raffles's malkoha
- Channel-billed cuckoo
- Fork-tailed drongo-cuckoo
- Square-tailed drongo-cuckoo
- Moluccan drongo-cuckoo
- Philippine drongo-cuckoo
- Sirkeer malkoha
- Striped cuckoo
- Pacific long-tailed cuckoo
- Red-billed malkoha
- Sumatran trogon
- Bare-cheeked trogon
- Narina trogon
- Bar-tailed trogon
- Philippine trogon
- Red-headed trogon
- Malabar trogon
- Orange-breasted trogon
- Crested quetzal
- Golden-headed quetzal
- White-tipped quetzal
- Pavonine quetzal
- Cuban trogon
- Coppery-tailed trogon
- Northern Surucua trogon
- White-tailed trogon
- Citreoline trogon
- Lattice-tailed trogon
- Collared trogon
- Chocó trogon
- Blue-crowned trogon
- Elegant trogon
- Slaty-tailed trogon
- Black-headed trogon
- Black-tailed trogon
- Ecuadorian trogon
- Mountain trogon
- Masked trogon
- Black-throated trogon
- Surucua trogon
- Violaceous trogon
- Green-backed trogon
There are 404 species in the order Piciformes assessed as least concern.
- Hooded mountain toucan
- Black-billed mountain toucan
- Greyish-throated toucanet (Aulacorhynchus albivitta)
- Black-throated toucanet (Aulacorhynchus atrogularis)
- Blue-throated toucanet
- Yellow-billed toucanet (Aulacorhynchus calorhynchus)
- Blue-banded toucanet
- Black-billed toucanet
- Chestnut-tipped toucanet
- Crimson-rumped toucanet
- Emerald toucanet
- Groove-billed toucanet
- Wagler's toucanet (Aulacorhynchus wagleri)
- Tepui toucanet
- Black-necked aracari
- Ivory-billed aracari
- Curl-crested aracari
- Chestnut-eared aracari
- Pale-mandibled aracari
- Fiery-billed aracari
- Humboldt's araçari
- Lettered aracari
- Many-banded aracari
- Stripe-billed aracari
- Collared aracari
- Green aracari
- Choco toucan
- Citron-throated toucan
- Cuvier's toucan (Ramphastos cuvieri)
- Green-billed toucan
- Keel-billed toucan
- Toco toucan
- Gould's toucanet
- Green-billed toucanet (Selenidera langsdorffii)
- Spot-billed toucanet
- Tawny-tufted toucanet
- Guianan toucanet
- Golden-collared toucanet
- Yellow-eared toucanet
- Bay woodpecker
- Maroon woodpecker
- Pale-billed woodpecker
- Crimson-bellied woodpecker
- Cream-backed woodpecker
- Magellanic woodpecker
- Crimson-crested woodpecker
- Powerful woodpecker
- Robust woodpecker
- Red-necked woodpecker
- Golden-tailed woodpecker
- Bennett's woodpecker
- Green-backed woodpecker
- Brown-eared woodpecker
- Little green woodpecker
- Mombasa woodpecker
- Buff-spotted woodpecker
- Nubian woodpecker
- Fine-spotted woodpecker
- Speckle-throated woodpecker
- Fine-banded woodpecker
- Tullberg's woodpecker
- Chestnut-coloured woodpecker
- Chestnut woodpecker
- Blond-crested woodpecker
- Cream-colored woodpecker
- Scaly-breasted woodpecker
- Cinnamon woodpecker
- Pale-crested woodpecker
- Amazonian black-breasted woodpecker
- Ochre-backed woodpecker
- Rufous-headed woodpecker
- Waved woodpecker
- White-naped woodpecker
- Greater flameback
- Luzon flameback
- Buff-spotted flameback
- Crimson-backed flameback
- Orange-backed woodpecker
- Greater yellownape
- Banded woodpecker
- Bronze-winged woodpecker
- Black-crowned woodpecker
- Black-necked woodpecker
- Northern flicker
- Grey-crowned woodpecker
- Red-shafted flicker
- Campo flicker
- Pampas flicker
- Gilded flicker
- Northern Andean flicker
- Green-barred woodpecker
- Golden-breasted woodpecker
- Guatemalan flicker
- Chilean flicker
- Spot-breasted woodpecker
- Crimson-mantled woodpecker
- Golden-olive woodpecker
- Andean flicker
- Freckle-breasted woodpecker
- Sind woodpecker
- Stripe-breasted woodpecker
- Darjeeling woodpecker
- Himalayan woodpecker
- Rufous-bellied woodpecker
- White-winged woodpecker
- White-backed woodpecker
- Fulvous-breasted woodpecker
- Great spotted woodpecker
- Syrian woodpecker
- Abyssinian woodpecker
- Little grey woodpecker
- Elliot's woodpecker
- Cardinal woodpecker
- Gabon woodpecker
- Grey woodpecker
- Olive woodpecker
- Johnston's woodpecker
- Melancholy woodpecker
- Bearded woodpecker
- Brown-backed woodpecker
- Speckle-breasted woodpecker
- Fire-bellied woodpecker
- Dendropicos spodocephalus
- Yellow-crested woodpecker
- Black-rumped flameback
- Common flameback
- Lesser Sri Lanka flameback
- Himalayan flameback
- Scarlet-breasted woodpecker
- Lesser spotted woodpecker
- Nuttall's woodpecker
- Crimson-breasted woodpecker
- Downy woodpecker
- Ladder-backed woodpecker
- White-bellied woodpecker
- Black woodpecker
- Pale-headed woodpecker
- Bamboo woodpecker
- Ground woodpecker
- Heart-spotted woodpecker
- Red-crested woodpecker
- Grey-and-buff woodpecker
- Dusky-winged woodpecker
- Lineated woodpecker
- Pileated woodpecker
- Red-throated wryneck
- Eurasian wryneck
- Brown-fronted woodpecker
- Yellow-crowned woodpecker
- Middle spotted woodpecker
- White-headed woodpecker
- Arizona woodpecker
- Smoky-brown woodpecker
- Strickland's woodpecker
- Hairy woodpecker
- Buff-rumped woodpecker
- Black-and-buff woodpecker
- Golden-fronted woodpecker
- White-fronted woodpecker
- White woodpecker
- Red-bellied woodpecker
- Golden-naped woodpecker
- Golden-cheeked woodpecker
- Yellow-tufted woodpecker
- Red-headed woodpecker
- Yellow-fronted woodpecker
- Acorn woodpecker
- Hoffmann's woodpecker
- Grey-breasted woodpecker
- Lewis's woodpecker
- Puerto Rican woodpecker
- Black-cheeked woodpecker
- Beautiful woodpecker
- Yucatan woodpecker
- Jamaican woodpecker
- Red-crowned woodpecker
- Hispaniolan woodpecker
- West Indian woodpecker
- Gila woodpecker
- Rufous woodpecker
- Ashy woodpecker
- Antillean piculet
- Black-backed woodpecker
- Grey-capped pygmy woodpecker
- Dark-bodied woodpecker
- Japanese pygmy woodpecker
- Philippine pygmy woodpecker
- Sunda pygmy woodpecker
- Brown-capped woodpecker
- Sulawesi pygmy woodpecker
- Eurasian three-toed woodpecker
- Stripe-cheeked woodpecker
- Golden-green woodpecker
- Yellow-throated woodpecker
- White-throated woodpecker
- Lita woodpecker
- Rufous-winged woodpecker
- White-wedged piculet
- Bar-breasted piculet
- Plain-breasted piculet
- Chestnut piculet
- White-barred piculet
- Ocellated piculet
- Golden-spangled piculet
- Rusty-necked piculet
- Greyish piculet
- Speckled piculet
- Lafresnaye's piculet
- Ochraceous piculet
- Arrowhead piculet
- Black-dotted piculet
- Olivaceous piculet
- Orinoco piculet
- Spotted piculet
- Rufous-breasted piculet
- Ecuadorian piculet
- Scaled piculet
- Fine-barred piculet
- Ochre-collared piculet
- Japanese green woodpecker
- Grey-headed woodpecker
- Lesser yellownape
- Black-headed woodpecker
- Black-naped woodpecker
- Crimson-winged woodpecker
- Iberian green woodpecker
- Scaly-bellied woodpecker
- Levaillant's woodpecker
- Streak-breasted woodpecker
- European green woodpecker
- Laced woodpecker
- Streak-throated woodpecker
- Rufous piculet
- White-browed piculet
- Red-naped sapsucker
- Red-breasted sapsucker
- Williamson's sapsucker
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker
- Red-stained woodpecker
- Scarlet-backed woodpecker
- Golden-collared woodpecker
- Yellow-vented woodpecker
- Dot-fronted woodpecker
- Red-rumped woodpecker
- Striped woodpecker
- Yellow-eared woodpecker
- Checkered woodpecker
- Bar-bellied woodpecker
- Little woodpecker
- Blood-coloured woodpecker
- White-spotted woodpecker
- African piculet
- Cuban green woodpecker
- White-throated jacamar
- Pale-headed jacamar
- Brown jacamar
- Dusky-backed jacamar
- White-eared jacamar
- Purus jacamar
- Yellow-billed jacamar
- Cerise-crowned jacamar
- Purplish jacamar
- Bluish-fronted jacamar
- Blue-necked jacamar
- Paradise jacamar
- Green-tailed jacamar
- Bronzy jacamar
- Rufous-tailed jacamar
- White-chinned jacamar
- Great jacamar
- Brown barbet
- Annam barbet
- Flame-fronted barbet
- Blue-throated barbet
- Necklaced barbet
- Blue-eared barbet
- Turquoise-throated barbet
- Golden-whiskered barbet
- Brown-throated barbet
- Blue-eared barbet
- Black-eared barbet
- Bornean barbet (Psilopogon eximius)
- Chinese barbet
- Green-eared barbet
- Yellow-fronted barbet
- Golden-throated barbet
- Coppersmith barbet
- Moustached barbet
- Red-vented barbet
- Lineated barbet
- Malabar barbet
- Mountain barbet
- Taiwan barbet
- Black-browed barbet
- Golden-naped barbet
- Fire-tufted barbet
- Crimson-fronted barbet
- Great barbet
- White-cheeked barbet
- Brown-headed barbet
- Collared puffbird
- Swallow-winged puffbird
- Chestnut-capped puffbird
- White-faced nunbird
- Two-banded puffbird (Hypnelus bicinctus)
- Russet-throated puffbird
- Black-streaked puffbird
- White-chested puffbird
- Moustached puffbird
- White-whiskered puffbird
- Rufous-necked puffbird
- Semicollared puffbird
- Greater crescent-chested puffbird
- Lanceolated monklet
- Black nunbird
- Yellow-billed nunbird
- White-fronted nunbird
- Black-fronted nunbird
- Chestnut-headed nunlet
- Brown nunlet
- Grey-cheeked nunlet
- Rusty-breasted nunlet
- Rufous-capped nunlet
- Fulvous-chinned nunlet
- White-necked puffbird
- Guianan puffbird
- Brown-banded puffbird
- Black-breasted puffbird
- Lesser pied puffbird
- Buff-bellied puffbird
- Pied puffbird
- Spotted puffbird
- White-eared puffbird
- Spot-backed puffbird
- Barred puffbird
- Striolated puffbird
- Yellow-spotted barbet
- Green barbet
- Grey-throated barbet
- Naked-faced barbet
- Grey-headed barbet
- Bristle-nosed barbet
- Sladen's barbet
- Pale-throated barbet
- Black-billed barbet
- White-headed barbet
- White-bellied barbet
- Brown-and-white barbet
- Black-collared barbet
- Banded barbet
- Vieillot's barbet
- Red-rumped tinkerbird
- Yellow-rumped tinkerbird
- Yellow-fronted tinkerbird
- Western tinkerbird
- Moustached tinkerbird
- Red-fronted tinkerbird
- Speckled tinkerbird
- Green tinkerbird
- Yellow-throated tinkerbird
- Double-toothed barbet
- Bearded barbet
- White-faced barbet
- Brown-breasted barbet
- Black-backed barbet
- Black-breasted barbet
- Anchieta's barbet
- White-lined barbet
- White-eared barbet
- Whyte's barbet
- Western yellow-billed barbet
- Yellow-billed barbet
- Togo yellow-billed barbet
- D'Arnaud's barbet
- Emin's barbet
- Red-and-yellow barbet
- Yellow-breasted barbet
- Usambiro barbet
- Crested barbet
- Red-fronted barbet
- Miombo pied barbet
- Hairy-breasted barbet
- Spot-flanked barbet
- Acacia pied barbet
- Black-throated barbet
- Great blue turaco
- Grey go-away-bird
- Black-faced go-away-bird
- Bare-faced go-away-bird
- Western plantain-eater
- Eastern plantain-eater
- White-bellied go-away-bird
- Ruwenzori turaco
- Purple-crested turaco
- Ross's turaco
- Violet turaco
- Knysna turaco
- Red-crested turaco
- Hartlaub's turaco
- White-crested turaco
- White-cheeked turaco
- Livingstone's turaco
- Yellow-billed turaco
- Guinea turaco
- Schalow's turaco
- Black-billed turaco
Sandgrouse species
[edit]- Pin-tailed sandgrouse
- Double-banded sandgrouse
- Burchell's sandgrouse
- Crowned sandgrouse
- Black-faced sandgrouse
- Chestnut-bellied sandgrouse
- Yellow-throated sandgrouse
- Painted sandgrouse
- Lichtenstein's sandgrouse
- Namaqua sandgrouse
- Black-bellied sandgrouse
- Madagascan sandgrouse
- Four-banded sandgrouse
- Spotted sandgrouse
- Pallas's sandgrouse
- Tibetan sandgrouse
Other bird species
[edit]See also
[edit]- Lists of IUCN Red List least concern species
- List of near threatened birds
- List of vulnerable birds
- List of endangered birds
- List of critically endangered birds
- List of extinct bird species since 1500
- List of data deficient birds
[edit]- ^ "IUCN Red List version 2020-3". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Retrieved 10 December 2019.