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allixpeeke’s userboxes
This user has been on Wikipedia for 19 years, 5 months and 19 days .
This user dislikes the concept of politics .
This user believes in logic .
This user loves to eat pizza .
This user sees nothing wrong with the human form and doesn't view it as something that needs to be hidden.
This user has a little sister
18+ This user is an adult .
This user is an amateur artist .
This user, like Ms. Daria Morgendorffer , doesn't have low self-esteem. They have low esteem for everyone else.
en -∞This user speaks English at a godlike level.
. ... The This user always puts two spaces after a full stop, and regards this as best practice.
A, B, and C This user always uses the serial comma , and is often irritated by its omission!
; This user knows how to use a semicolon correctly.
its & it's This user understands the difference between its and it's . So should you.
’s Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
Based on experience, this user knows that based off is nearly always incorrect.
lie & lay This user understands the difference between lie and lay . So should you.
their there they're This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!
your & you're This user understands the difference between your and you're . So should you.
to too two This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two .
than then This user understands the difference between using "than " and "then ."
This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever he sees.
loose lose
Not enough people know the difference between loose and lose . Do you?
This user says different from not different to .
much & many This user understands the difference between much & many .
they he or she This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage.
to¦go This user sometimes chooses to split the infinitive , as this can make written language more eloquent
you oneThis user knows that one should not use "you " in encyclopedia articles or other formal works.
ain’t This user considers ain’t nonstandard English usage.
You and Me This user thinks that if you believe it is incorrect to use "you and me" as the object of a sentence, a little talk needs to be had by you and me...
MistEYk This user does not always see their grammar mistakes. It would be nice of you to correct them.
Buy shit here!, Inc.
Ludwig von Mises Institute
Center for a Stateless Society
Libertarian Party
Advocates for Self-Government
Cato Institute
Molinari Institute
Foundation for Economic Education
Gun Owners of America
Pink Pistols
The Future of Freedom Foundation
The Free State Project
Reason Magazine
Drug Reform Coordination Network
Outright Libertarians
Wikipedia associates [ edit ]
allixpeeke’s Wikipedia associates include:
Wikipedia taskforces in which allixpeeke participates [ edit ]
Pages that allixpeeke greatly improved [ edit ] countless others.
Pages that need to be improved [ edit ]
Pages that should be created [ edit ]
A New History of Leviathan: Essays on the Rise of the American Corporate State (1972), a book co-edited by Ronald Radosh and Murray N. Rothbard , containing works by the editors, William Appleman Williams , Martin J. Sklar, David Eakins, James Gilbert [disambiguation page] , and Leonard P. Liggio
Aeon J. Skoble
Alliance of the Libertarian Left (ALL) [14] (Currently redirects to left-libertarianism )
American Affairs: The Economic Record (formerly known as The Economic Record: A Conference Board Publication ), a quarterly magazine of thought and opinion, edited by Garet Garrett , whose publication was not for sale, and whose circulation was limited to Members and Associates of the National Industrial Conference Board
An Agorist Primer
Anarchos Productions , the Wachowskis brothers ' production company, responsible for V for Vendetta (2005), Speed Racer (2008), Ninja Assassin (2009), and Cloud Atlas (2012)
Anarchy and the Law: The Political Economy of Choice (2007), a book edited by Edward P. Stringham
"Anatomy of the State " (1965), a seminal essay by Murray N. Rothbard originally published in Rampart Journal
Anthony Gregory
Anti-concept , an artificial, unnecessary, and (rationally) unusable term, designed to replace and obliterate some legitimate concept [15]
Betelgeuse , the title character of Beetlejuice and Beetlejuice
Belle Knox , a libertarian feminist who is paying her way through college through porn [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
Brad Spangler
Butler Shaffer
Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS), a left-market-anarchist think tank and media centre [26]
"Confiscation and the Homestead Principle , an essay by Murray N. Rothbard originally published in The Libertarian Forum
Conscience of an Anarchist, The: Why It's Time to Say Good-Bye to the State and Build a Free Society (2011) by Gary Chartier
"Death of Politics, The ", a seminal essay by Karl Hess published in Playboy
Earnest V. Starr , a farmer arrested for sedition for refusing to kiss a U. S. flag
Faith and Freedom: The Monthly Journal of Spiritual Mobilization , edited by William Johnson
Fallacy of package dealing [27] (Redirect to package-deal fallacy )
Fear (personification) (Personification of Fear should be redirected to Fear (personification) ) [28] this is just one example
Free Market, The (1982–present), a monthly periodical
Free Our Markets: A Citizens' Guide to Essential Economics , a 2013 book by Howard Baetjer, Jr. [29]
Freedom, Feminism, and the State , a 1982 individualist feminist book edited by Wendy McElroy and first published by The Cato Institute
Great Libertarian Offer, The , a 2000 Libertarian presidential campaign book by Harry Browne
H. A. Scott Trask , Ph.D.
Handbook for the Recently Deceased , a fictional guidebook in the film Beetlejuice
Hank Braxtan , writer, director, producer, editor [30]
Howard Baetjer , Jr., Ph.D., author of Free Our Markets: A Citizens' Guide to Essential Economics , professor of economics at Towson University , a founding trustee of Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore [31] [32] (Add to List of Austrian School economists )
Interlibertarians [33]
Jacob T. Marley , a book by R. William Bennett about Jacob Marley
Jarrett B. Wollstein , author of Society Without Coercion , co-founder of Students for Rational Individualism and the magazine The Rational Individualist [34]
Jeff Riggenbach
Jeffrey Rogers Hummel [35]
Jörg Guido Hülsmann
LeFevre's Journal: One Man's Point of View (1974[?]–1978[?]), a periodical written and published by Robert LeFevre
"Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty " (1965), a seminal essay from Murray N. Rothbard from volume one, number one of Left and Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought
Libersign , the first symbol of the Libertarian Party , a horizontal line with a diagonal arrow running therethrough, based upon the Nolan Chart
Libertarian International (LI), existed from 1980 to 1989, when it combined with SIL to form the ISIL, started the international libertarian conferences in Zurich, Switzerland in 1982 [36] [37] (Add to Template:Political_internationals )
Libertarian International Organization (LIO), existed from 1978 to present[38] (Add to Template:Political_internationals )
Libertarian Option , a magazine edited by Vincent Miller
Libertarian Papers: A Journal of Libertarian Scholarship (2009–present) [39]
Libertarianism in One Lesson , a book by David Bergland
Liberty for Women: Freedom and Feminism in the Twenty-First Century , a 2002 individualist feminist book edited by Wendy McElroy and published by The Independent Institute
Lydia Deetz
Listen essays , a disambiguation page including Listen, Germany! (1940-1943), "Listen, Little Man! " (1945), "Listen, YAF" (1969), "Listen, Marxist! " (1969), and "Listen, Anarchist! " (1987)
List of libertarian films [40]
Lorenzo Gaztañaga
Man vs. the Universe (2014), a three-part series on the Science channel aiming to shed "light on humanity's ever-expanding place in the universe" [41]
"Mining the Moon" (S1E2, 13 August 2014) deals with the private race to Luna and the goal of mining her for her resources
"How to Kill an Asteroid" (S1E2, 20 August 2014) deals with methods for protecting Earth from the threat of dangerous asteroids
"Mars is Ours" (S1E3, 27 August 2014) deals with the goal of colonising Mars
Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power, and Structural Poverty (2011), a book edited by Gary Chartier and Charles W. Johnson
Mary L. G. Theroux [42]
Natural Law; or The Science of Justice (1882), a work by Lysander Spooner
Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve , a 1996 documentary about monetary policy produced by the Ludwig von Mises Institute
New Individualist Review (1961–1968), a journal edited by Ralph Raico and Ronald Hamowy
NextWorld (2008–2009), a Discovery Channel series that reveals the science, inventions, and innovations “that seem impossible now, but will be a reality in our lifetimes”[43]
Persuasion (periodical) , a periodical edited by Joan Kennedy Taylor
Rampart Journal: Of Individualist Thought , the quarterly journal of Robert LeFevre 's Rampart College Graduate School
Rational Individualist, The , magazine created by Jarrett B. Wollstein [44]
Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies (1974–present) [45]
The Rising Tide (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. )
Thaddeus Russell
This Bread is Mine , a disambiguation page
Urban Tarzan , a 2013 reality television series on Spike TV
UrbanTarzan , formerly John Brennan, a wild animal relocation specialist and reality television star
Vincent Miller (1938–2008), [58] [59] [60] [61] Canadian libertarian activist and publisher, founder of Libertarian International in 1980 [62] [63] , co-founder of the Libertarian Party of Canada , and editor of Libertarian Option [64]
Why Government Doesn't Work , a 1996 Libertarian presidential campaign book by Harry Browne
XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography , a 1995 book by Wendy McElroy
allixpeeke’s subpages[ edit ]
Subpages allixpeeke created elsewhere [ edit ]
Types of skepticism Skeptical philosophies Skeptical philosophers Skeptical scenarios Responses Lists
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Wikipedia editor
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