User talk:Effer
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Portal:Business/Tasks --Pamri • Talk 07:47, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
Invitation and Recommendations for writing articles on Hindi Wikipedia
[edit]Hindi wikipedia invites and welcomes Wikipedians to contribute for the cause of spreading knowledge and the Hindi language. This page contains guidelines for writing a wiki-article on any topic at the Hindi Wikipedia, with special recommendations for writing in Hindi (Note: The script/font-family for Hindi is Devanāgari; the script/font-system for English is Roman script, also, the Hindi spelling system is not completely standardized). This article is yet in English language (mostly), in order to encourage even non-native/foreign people who have learnt/are learning Hindi to contribute to the Hindi wikipedia, and native Hindi speakers who normally write in English. The examples given below are only for explanation.
- Firstly for proper viewing, it is recommended to keep all links NOT-UNDERLINED. Otherwise the मात्रा below the Hindi alphabets might get partly hidden behind the underlines. For this, please go to My Preferences (मेरी पसंद) at the top of the page, then click Misc., and then choose "underline links -> Never". Save your settings. Also, do not click yes for "justify paragraphs", otherwise on some browsers, the devanagari script will appear highly distorted.
- All users are requested and encouraged to contribute articles here, especially, to create new articles on general topics. They are also encouraged to expand the existing articles, and improve upon them. A non-user can also do the same; it is recommended but not required to register yourself as a wikipedian user at the Hindi wikipedia. As far as possible, each article should be written with a Neutral Point of View (NPOV)—no nationalistic or partiality or hatred based articles are welcome. The articles should be based on facts—and appropriate references should be provided as and where needed. See the English wiki's help page for editing in general. Almost all the general wiki-features are available for editing on Hindi wiki too. Guidelines for the content matter is mostly the same as given in English wiki.
- Since the Hindi wiki is at its initial stages, users are welcome to take introduction and basic points from the English (or another) wikipedia's corresponding article and translate them for small articles. An in-page link to the English wiki's article will be deemed sufficient for references (a template might be created stating this). For longer articles, it is recommended to mention the references separately.
- Since most computer users in India and elsewhere have the standard Western-type keyboard, it is best recommended (but not necessarily required) to use the virtual (software) keyboard like the one of Hindimozhi or of ISIS (Tavultesoft Keyman)—which are freewares. These are advantageous because the contemporary Hindi-speakers in India often write messages/chat using Hindi words but written in Roman (English) script, and the layout of these keyboards is quite the same that such people use. For example, using the "normal" keyboard with this software, typing ga would give ग and ghaa would give घा.
- Create the article with its name written in Hindi (devanagari script). Always take care to include the nukta (dot below) for foreign / Urdu loanwords wherever it occurs in the standard spelling. For non-Indian names, use that spelling (for article name and other words) which is commonly encountered in Hindi newspapers, G.K.-books, Hindi-dubbed TV documentaries and Hollywood films and magazines. e.g., America-अमरीका (या अमेरिका), China-चीन, French-फ़्रांसिसी. For English acronyms/short-forms, use the initials in Roman script, and again create a full form in Hindi and redirect it to the short form. e.g. IPA (अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ध्वनि वर्णाक्षर); UNO (संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ). Doing the opposite is also fine. But creating the article with the Hindi short form, as सं०रा०सं०, is not recommended. Also, the article proper must be written with the proper nukta, as फ़ारसी, and then, a non-nukta (mis-)spelt version फारसी should preferably be created to redirect to the correct spelling.
- Hindi wikipedia strongly recommends the users to write articles in everyday common Hindi in the खड़ीबोली dialect (Hindustani or Hindi-Urdu, i.e., बोलचाल वाली हिन्दी, which may include many loanwords from Persian and Arabic). The use of शुद्ध संस्कृतनिष्ठ हिन्दी is in general neither required nor recommended. E.g., use: वजह instead of कारण, ख़ास instead of विशेष, वगैरह instead of इत्यादि, लेकिन instead of परन्तु etc. However, for technical and specialized vocabulary, the use of शुद्ध संस्कृतनिष्ठ हिन्दी is recommended and usually mandatory. Thus: upper House of Parliament—संसद का उच्च सदन, but not Urdu—मजिलिस का ऐवान-ए-बाला ; Foreign Minister—विदेशमन्त्री, but not Urdu—वज़ीर-ए-ख़ारिजा ; knowledge/science—ज्ञान/विज्ञान, but not इल्म. Use spoken Hindi's ये and वो instead of यह and वह / वे. Do not use the title of respect जी after names, it is unencyclopedic. Thus: कृष्ण / श्री कृष्ण but not कृष्ण जी. Use the आप form and its corresponding 3rd person verbal conjugation for writing about respectable persons. Thus: श्री वाजपेयी मध्य प्रदेश में जन्मे थे. But not: वाजपेयी मध्य प्रदेश में जन्मा था. But do not use the pronoun "आप" itself in-text in biographies.
- English should be used sparingly, only when required; i.e., if the corresponding शुद्ध हिन्दी word is too "difficult and not generally encountered", or if it is a proper name of non-Indian person/place/terminology/title, or if the user is highly unsure of the proper translation. It is recommended (but not required) for English-to-Hindi translation while writing articles, the Shabdkosh online dictionary should be used. For each English word, that alternative should be used which is generally encountered in everyday spoken Hindi, and also fits well into the context. Use of intelligent guesses for newly encountered words is also allowed, and so are translations encountered in Hindi-dubbed TV documentaries, Hollywood films, Hindi-translated books, etc. e.g., दमपिशाच for en:Dementor (used in dubbed HP films).
- If used, it is recommended to use the English words within the articles using the English (Roman) alphabets rather than devanagari (or better, the devanagari transliteration should be used in the sentence, followed by the English word in Roman alphabet in parentheses). Such words should be italicized and not put in quotation marks. Preferably, there should be an in-page interwiki link (like :en:) on the word to the English wikipedia. If the word comes as an integral part of a sentence, so as not to break the continuity, the en: prefix should be hidden by writing the word again after the pipe sign (piped link). Thus, recommended:
हैरी पॉटर ने ''[[:en:Pensieve|Pensieve]]'' के अन्दर ''[[:en:Little Hangleton|Little Hangleton]]'' गाँव में लॉर्ड वोल्डेमॉर्ट की माँ ''[[:en:Merope Gaunt|Merope Gaunt]]'' को देखा. ''[[:en:Resplendent Quetzal|Resplendent Quetzal]]'' पक्षी के ऊपर एक मेक्सिकन पादरी डा० ''[[:en:Pablo de la Llave|Pablo de la Llave]]'' ने काफ़ी शोध किया था.
- हैरी पॉटर ने Pensieve के अन्दर Little Hangleton गाँव में लॉर्ड वोल्डेमॉर्ट की माँ Merope Gaunt को देखा
- Resplendent Quetzal पक्षी के ऊपर एक मेक्सिकन पादरी डा० Pablo de la Llave ने काफ़ी शोध किया था
- Always start the first 1 or 2 lines of the article giving its definition (from any standard dictionary/other wiki) or suitable introduction. Thus, recommended: ललिता सहस्रनामन हिन्दू धर्मसुधारक आदि शंकराचार्य द्वारा रचित देवी दुर्गा को समर्पित एक पूजा-मन्त्र है, जिसे कई हिन्दू रोज़ श्रद्धा से जपते हैं । But not: ललिता सहस्रनामन मन्त्र जपने के लिये लड्डू-पेड़ा, ताम्बुल, सिन्दूर, लाल चुनरी के साथ नित्य इस मन्त्र का पाठ करें, तो जल्द ही गड़ा हुआ ख़जाना मिलेगा । Recommended: वैमानिक अभियान्त्रिकी (en:Aeronautical engineering) विमानों (en:Aircrafts) की अभिकल्पना, निर्माण और प्रचालन करने का विज्ञान, कला और कार्य है । (translated from Eng. Webster's New World Dictionary). But not: आजकल वैमानिक अभियान्त्रिकी के लिये देशभर में कई कॉलेज खुल गये हैं, जिनमें अग्रणी स्थान यूटोपिया स्थित लालू-यादव टेक्लिनक कॉलेज का है ।
- For names of countries, cities, places, languages, people, books, films, technical vocabulary, mythology, etc, start the article like this:
- 1.
The name in bold ('''अपोलो''')
- 2.
starting parenthesis, then English name in Roman script, in-page interwiki-linked to English wiki ff. by semicolon ((अंग्रेज़ी : [[:en:Apollo]];)
- 3.
The native name(s) if applicable in the italicized native script, preferably followed either by its italicized approximate Hindi pronunciation or non-italicized
phonological transcriptionwithin / /, ff. by closed parenthesis (यूनानी : ''Aπollων अपोल्लोन''))
- 4.
the rest of the definition or introduction (प्राचीन [[यूनानी धर्म]] (ग्रीक धर्म) और प्राचीन [[रोमन धर्म]] के सर्वोच्च देवता थे ।)
For country names, only the standard short form of the name is needed in the first line. If there is a common name for a difficult word in Hindustani, also mention it. Whence: अपोलो (अंग्रेज़ी : en:Apollo; यूनानी : Aπollων अपोल्लोन) प्राचीन यूनानी धर्म (ग्रीक धर्म) और प्राचीन रोमन धर्म के सर्वोच्च देवता थे । If you don't give the interwiki English/another language link (which would be deemed to be the default reference), then you MUST provide an appropriate reference.- Please leave no article without an appropriate category. See the list of created categories here; you can also make a new category (pref. in Hindi). Please leave no article without at least ONE off page (like en:) interwiki link. E.g., the user can check the article name (say Apollo) on the finally redirected English page and append to the Hindi article (
). These interlanguage links will help a bot to update all interwiki links for that article in all wikipedias. The category and the aforementioned link should be typed at the end of the article. If the article is very small, mention it as a stub/substub.- Use of templates is welcome. See the list of templates here. If creating a template, name it pref. in Hindi.
- Use पूर्णविराम ( । ) instead of a period (.) for ending statements. The पूर्णविराम, semicolon, colon and dash (but not comma) must come after one space after the word to prevent ambiguity. Use the international form of the Hindu-Arabic numerals (1,2,3 instead of १,२,३), as used by the Constitution and the Government of India (even for Hindi). There is no need to use the हलन्त at the end of Sanskrit words wherever it occurs. Hence, prefer: संसद over संसद्; अथर्वन over अथर्वन्. Use the proper quotation marks “” from the Insert toolbox, not "". Write dates as 2 मई 2006 (ईसवी or ईसापूर्व). Write time as 3:45 pm. Separate common suffix-words like शास्त्र, विज्ञान, ज्ञान with a hyphen. Thus: रसायन-शास्त्र. For most others, leave both the words of the noun-cluster free. Combine them into one word only if it is very common to do so. Thus: सामवेद.
- The use of ज़ for the en:voiced alveolar fricative (/z/, as in zoo, rose) is fundamentally wrong. Its nearest counterpart is the en:voiceless alveolar fricative /s/ (as in sea), and not Hindi ज (en:voiced palatal plosive). Hence, it is suggested and recommended that for the sound /z/, whether it comes in English (etc.) spellings (z) for while pronunciation otherwise, should be transcribed as स़ (स with a dot below, available in the Insert toolbox). Hence: Reason रीस़न, not रीज़न ; Roses रोस़ेस़, not रोज़ेज़. But common Hindi words borrowed from Persian/Arabic (so-called Urdu words) are allowed to continue with ज़ spelling. Thus: ज़रा, नज़र, तर्ज़. The en:voiced postalveolar fricative (/ʒ/ as in treasure), inexistent in Hindi, can similarly be transcribed with श़. Thus: treasure ट्रॅश़र. The nukta (dot) available in the Insert toolbox can be combined with various consonants to suggest a more exact phonetic devanagari rendering of foreign sounds. E.g., since phonetically, English Think and this are not equal to थिंक and दिस, a better transcription could be थ़िंक and द़िस. Please take care of the dot below in so-called Urdu words, otherwise the Hindi spelling is deemed incorrect.
- For the following English vowels met, mate, mat, transcribe as मॅट (short vowel), मेट (not मेइट), मैट (not मॅट, as popular in Marathi). However in contemporary Hindi and here, it is acceptable to use ए instead of ऍ. Thus: अमेरिका is more popular than अमॅरिका. For cot, coat, caught, transcribe as कॉट, कोट, कॉट (not कौट). Transcribe English /t/ and /d/ as ट and ड.
- Use half-न before त, थ, द, ध, न, instead of anuswaar अं. Use half-म before प, फ, ब, भ, म. Use the anuswaar before all the rest of the consonants (not half-ङ, ञ, ण). If the मात्रा is not above the alphabet, use chandra-bindu, but only for nasalization. Thus: अन्दर, not अंदर ; अन्त, not अंत ; हिन्दी, not हिंदी ; सम्भव, not संभव ; पंचमी, not पञ्चमी ; अंडा, not अण्डा ; कंठ, not कण्ठ ; लैंड, not लैण्ड ; आँख, not आंख. However, both forms are acceptable in contemporary Hindi as well as here; the prec. are just recommendations.
- When proceded by another vowel, use the pure vowels instead of य (unless the य is clearly articulated while pronouncing). Thus : जाएँ, not जायें (not जावें) ; आएगा, not आयेगा . However, both forms are acceptable in contemporary Hindi as well as here.
- Please pay careful attention to the masculine/feminine gender (and singular/plural) in adjectives and verbs, else the sentence becomes ungrammatical.
For more information/suggestions/criticisms, please contact any one of the administrators of Hindi wiki here, preferably en:User:Magicalsaumy.
This page can also be found here.
Thank you,
Cygnus_hansa 02:06, 6 June 2006 (UTC)
A short Esperanzial update
[edit]As you may have gathered, discussions have been raging for about a week on the Esperanza talk page as to the future direction of Esperanza. Some of these are still ongoing and warrant more input (such as the idea to scrap the members list altogether). However, some decisions have been made and the charter has hence been amended. See what happened. Basically, the whole leadership has had a reshuffle, so please review the new, improved charter.
As a result, we are electing 4 people this month. They will replace JoanneB and Pschemp and form a new tranche A, serving until December. Elections will begin on 2006-07-02 and last until 2006-07-09. If you wish to run for a Council position, add your name to the list before 2006-07-02. For more details, see Wikipedia:Esperanza/June 2006 elections.
Thanks and kind, Esperanzial regards, —Celestianpower háblame 16:00, 23 June 2006 (UTC)
Happy Birthday!
[edit]Many happy returns and enjoy the day!
Thistheman 04:53, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
- Happy Birthday, Effer! Have a great one! -- preschooler@heart 06:15, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
Have a brilliant day :) -Ladybirdintheuk 08:04, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
Yaeh, what they said! Sergeant Snopake 16:24, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
Birthday wishes
[edit]Hope you have a great day!
All the best
[edit]I wish you all the best on your birthday. May God Bless you! --Bhadani 16:47, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
Me too!
[edit]Happy birthday, Effer! --Merovingian {T C @} 22:43, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
Happy Belated Birthday!
[edit]Michael 06:12, 8 July 2006 (UTC)
August Esperanza Newsletter
September Esperanza Newsletter
Welcome to the India project
Hi, and welcome to the India WikiProject! We're a group of editors working to improve Wikipedia's coverage of India.
A few features that you might find helpful:
- Please participate in any of our descendant workgroups that might interest you.
- The project has a monthly newsletter; it will normally be delivered as a link, but several other formats are available.
There are a variety of interesting things to do within the project; you're free to participate however much—or little—you like:
- Want to know how good our articles are? The assessment department is working on rating the quality of every India article in Wikipedia.
- Can you code? The automation department uses automated and semi-automated methods to perform batch tasks that would be tedious to do manually.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask another fellow member, and we'll be happy to help you. Again, welcome! We look forward to seeing you around! Ganeshk (talk) 22:20, 29 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Do you know of any indicators of the housing market in India? For example, in Canada and USA there are indicators that state the if the value of homes are going up or down etc.--Endgame1 12:21, 20 October 2006 (UTC)
- No, but I know some people who might know about the Indian Housing Market, I'll try to find out. Effer 15:20, 20 October 2006 (UTC)
Happy Diwali!!!
[edit]Hi this is Sushant. Wish you and your family a very happy, prosperous and safe Deepawali Sushant gupta 05:39, 21 October 2006 (UTC)
November Esperanza Newsletter
WikiProject India Newsletter: Volume 1, Issue 2 - November 2006
Happy First-Edit Day!
[edit]From all of us at Esperanza, hope you will have a wonderful day! Bearly541 23:44, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
- Happy edit day! --Ginkgo100 talk · e@ 00:28, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
- Happy edit day! --Randfan 01:09, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
Hope you have a great day! Jam01 05:39, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
WikiProject India Newsletter: Volume I, Issue 3 - December 2006
Great work!!
[edit]Conhgratulations for the Playstation portal! --Ragnarok Addict 01:02, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
WikiProject India Newsletter: Volume II, Issue 1 - January 2007
Considering that you just added yourself to that list, you may be interested in the active discussion on the topic Talk:India#Apatani. The Behnam 03:17, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
New WikiProject Illinois Collaboration Division
[edit]Hey, saw you were a participant in the Illinois WikiProject. I thought I would let you know that there is a new Collaboration Division up for the project. The goal of the division is to select an article or articles for improvement to Good article standard or higher. There is a simple nomination process, which you can check out on the division subpage, to make sure each candidate for collaboration has enough interested editors. This is a good way to get a lot of articles to a quality status quickly. Please consider participating. More details can be seen at the division subpage. IvoShandor 11:29, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
WikiProject India Newsletter: Volume II, Issue 2 - March 2007
You voted for National Highways Development Project, this week's Indian Collaboration of the Week. Please come and help it become a featured-standard article.--Dwaipayan (talk) 20:54, 7 April 2007 (UTC)
Roadway map
[edit]Done. Next time this happens just purge the cache Image:India_roadway_map.svg#SVG_Support -- PlaneMad|YakYak 09:50, 13 April 2007 (UTC)
I need help.
[edit]Hi. Will you write a fake image link to a page for me. Thanks.Playstationdude 00:44, 14 April 2007 (UTC)
I made it.
[edit]I did what you said and made the wikiproject. How do you make a image take you to a page when you click on it. I tried the link help page, but it did'nt really help.--Playstationdude 01:14, 14 April 2007 (UTC)
[edit]I think I need all the help I can get. I am going to use the logo as a banner for talk pages. Thank you for the help.--Playstationdude 01:25, 14 April 2007 (UTC)
Thanks again.
[edit]Thanks again. If you ever want to, your always invited to help and add content. I also want it to cover Playstation Exlusive games. And if you want to help advertise some more just copy and paste this:
[edit]File:Playstationproject.jpg To view click here.
Playstationdude 02:19, 14 April 2007 (UTC)
[edit]They put a deletion box on my logo for the playstation project saying that my copyrights are wrong. Can you tell me how to change the trademark settings. It would be more of a hassle to load the picture back up. It is Playstationproject.jpg Playstationdude 02:45, 14 April 2007 (UTC)
As mentioned in Wikiproject India newsletter of March 2007, the weekly collaboration of the Indian wikiproject has fallen from its once high feats. This message is to request the users to visit the collaboration page and help rejuvenate it.
The present collaboration of the week is Religion in India. Please go through the talk page of the article to see the proposed changes in the article. Regards.--Dwaipayan (talk) 05:25, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
Re:Title issue
[edit]I posted your question at the noticeboard. There is a discussion happening about naming India-related articles. Regards, Ganeshk (talk) 04:13, 18 April 2007 (UTC)
Hello, Effer. An automated process has found and removed an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, and thus is being used under fair use that was in your userspace. The image (Image:Arjun MBT.GIF) was found at the following location: User:Effer/India as an emerging superpower. This image or media was attempted to be removed per criterion number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media was replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. Please find a free image or media to replace it with, and or remove the image from your userspace. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 04:20, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
Hello, Effer. An automated process has found and removed an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, and thus is being used under fair use that was in your userspace. The image (Image:Chennaihyundai.jpg) was found at the following location: User:Effer/India as an emerging superpower. This image or media was attempted to be removed per criterion number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media was replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. Please find a free image or media to replace it with, and or remove the image from your userspace. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 20:29, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
Hello, Effer. An automated process has found and removed an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, and thus is being used under fair use that was in your userspace. The image (Image:GalileoPS.jpg) was found at the following location: User:Effer/European Union as an emerging superpower. This image or media was attempted to be removed per criterion number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media was replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. Please find a free image or media to replace it with, and or remove the image from your userspace. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 04:59, 16 May 2007 (UTC)
Hello, Effer. An automated process has found and removed an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, and thus is being used under fair use that was in your userspace. The image (Image:Gorshkov-01-model.jpg) was found at the following location: User:Effer/India as an emerging superpower. This image or media was attempted to be removed per criterion number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media was replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. Please find a free image or media to replace it with, and or remove the image from your userspace. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 06:03, 16 May 2007 (UTC)
Hello Effer, an automated process has found an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, such as fair use. The image (Image:Beijing2008 logo.png) was found at the following location: User:Effer/China as an emerging superpower. This image or media will be removed per statement number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media will be replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. The image that was replaced will not be automatically deleted, but it could be deleted at a later date. Articles using the same image should not be affected by my edits. I ask you to please not re-add the image to your userpage and could consider finding a replacement image licensed under either the Creative Commons or GFDL license or released to the public domain. Please note that it is possible that the image on your page is included vie a template or usebox. In that case, please find a free image for the template or userbox. Thanks for your attention and cooperation. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 10:14, 19 May 2007 (UTC)
Hello Effer, an automated process has found an image or media file tagged as nonfree media, such as fair use. The image (Image:GSLV launch.jpg) was found at the following location: User:Effer/India as an emerging superpower. This image or media will be removed per statement number 9 of our non-free content policy. The image or media will be replaced with Image:NonFreeImageRemoved.svg , so your formatting of your userpage should be fine. The image that was replaced will not be automatically deleted, but it could be deleted at a later date. Articles using the same image should not be affected by my edits. I ask you to please not re-add the image to your userpage and could consider finding a replacement image licensed under either the Creative Commons or GFDL license or released to the public domain. Please note that it is possible that the image on your page is included vie a template or usebox. In that case, please find a free image for the template or userbox. Thanks for your attention and cooperation. User:Gnome (Bot)-talk 12:24, 19 May 2007 (UTC)
Re:Barnstar creation
[edit]Sorry but I'm don't have the time right now. I think if you ask the guys at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Awards, they will help. Thanks GizzaChat © 08:21, 22 May 2007 (UTC)
Replied to your request
[edit]Just to make sure you see it: Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Awards#Request for Barnstar. Additional discussion can just happen there. EVula // talk // ☯ // 15:36, 28 May 2007 (UTC)
IRNSS under construction
Can you please cite your source that Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System is "under construction" (meaning something is actually being made, as opposed to discussions / writing specifications). Thanks. - Davandron | Talk 01:12, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
[edit]Please review wikipedia's guidelines on vandalism. Your understanding is currently lacking. Furthermore, peruse the discussion page for the Playstation 3 article to see the existing discussion on the problems with the Reception section. From now on, please make only fully-informed edits. Sacredepitaph 18:59, 3 June 2007 (UTC)
Edits to PS3 article.
[edit]Regarding your message on my talk page; I started a discussion about various things in the PS3 article here, on May 13, and there was one agreement with me, and no disagreements. I believe as it has been so long since I wrote that, that the two in favour vs zero against represents a consensus and have thus reverted back to the revision which I created. Cheers – ARC GrittTALK 21:49, 4 June 2007 (UTC)
Two FACs I'd Like Help With
[edit]Hey, I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind going to two FACs for article I have brought up to FA-quality, IMO, recently. These are Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne and Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None. I'd really appreciate any criticisms or support that you could provide for these two feature article candidates. Thanks. Paaerduag 02:42, 11 June 2007 (UTC)
Happy Birthday!=)
[edit]Politics rule 21:17, 6 July 2007 (UTC)
![]() | Just a happy Birthday message to you, Effer, from the Wikipedia Birthday Committee! Have a great day! |
ThinkBlue (Hit BLUE) 00:06, 07 July 2007 (UTC)
Happy Birthday Effer!
[edit]Party hard on your special day! Cheers! --RobNS 19:13, 7 July 2007 (UTC)
Blanking one's own talk page is not vandalism
[edit]Please stop reverting my talk page blanks and referencing vandalism as the reason. I'll refer you to a specific section of the wikipedia vandalism policy for clarification:
Discussion page vandalism
"Blanking the posts of other users from talk pages other than your own, Wikipedia space, and other discussions, aside from removing internal spam, vandalism, etc., is generally considered vandalism. An obvious exception is moving posts to a proper place (e.g. protection requests to WP:RFPP). Removing personal attacks is often considered legitimate, and it is considered acceptable to archive an overly long talk page by creating an archive page and moving the text from the main talk page there. The above rules do not apply to a user's own talk page, where this policy does not itself prohibit the removal and archival of comments at the user's discretion."
Quoted, word for word. Stop reverting my page. Sacredepitaph 19:45, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
PS3 24P Capability
[edit]Hope it's OK to contact you this way! I was reading the PS3 article and noted a fairly major omission from the v1.90 revision features list and thought maybe you could add it? It's a locked article and I don't have a wikipedia account.
V1.90 includes the option to force 24P output On (previously Auto or Off) which means that users of 24P-capable screens that did not include the ability to correctly handshake this ability over HDMI (eg earlier Samsung M87) can now take advantage of true 24P Blu-ray playback.
Steve Roberts, BBC Resources, London
Focus of WikiProject PlayStation
[edit]Hello, you may or may not already be aware of this, but a discussion regarding the focus of PlayStation Project has begun on the Project's talk page. Your input would be appreciated in the discussion, seeing as you're a co-founder of the project. (Guyinblack25 talk 15:04, 1 August 2007 (UTC))
I need help
[edit]Hey are you there? Answer me and then i'll message back.Sam ov the blue sand, Editor Review 23:21, 9 August 2007 (UTC)
- Yeh I don't it anymore I figured it out now and I'm fixing the problem today. Sorry if I bothered you.Sam ov the blue sand, Editor Review 13:42, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
[edit]There is a problem on the PlayStation Portal. Two of the boxes at the bottom are crossing each other. I tried to fix it, but I can't. Can you try? --Playstationdude 17:25, 22 August 2007 (UTC)
Please do not revert a change that has been discussed on the talk page without contributing to the discussion first (see talk:List of wars and disasters by death toll#Noncombatant killings) --Philip Baird Shearer 18:19, 3 September 2007 (UTC)
Please justify the inclusion of the list under polices and guidelines on the talk page of the article if you wish it to remain. --Philip Baird Shearer 08:31, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
[edit]I uploaded the image warhawkservers on the Warhawk (PlayStation 3 game) under the wrong classification. Do you know what I should re-upload it as?--Playstationdude 21:56, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
[edit]I have the best idea in the world. Forget the message above. The PlayStation Project is started up and doing well with about 50 members. How about a Wikiproject: Blu-ray? I would cover blu-ray articles, ps3 games, companies that suppurt blu-ray, and movies that have come out on blu-ray. What do you think?--Playstationdude 12:43, 7 September 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for the input. I am going to go ahead and make it. I am going to experiment in my sandbox and then set it up. Can you tell me all of the stuff I need to do besides actually making it like you did with the PlayStation Project? --Playstationdude 23:12, 10 September 2007 (UTC)
Emerging superpower
[edit]Hi, I was wondering why User:Effer/European Union as an emerging superpower wasn't up as an actual article? I mean it is a great article for the topic so why is it just as one of your sub-pages? I remeber seeing it a few months back so I assume it is not something you've just been working on. Thanks for your time. - J Logan t: 16:28, 23 September 2007 (UTC)
- I've found the deletion debate for them and I think I could figure out a way around the problems. I'll drop notes on their talk pages once I've come up with something. Thanks. - J Logan t: 07:13, 24 September 2007 (UTC)
WikiProject Illinois 2007 Census
[edit]IvoShandor 11:03, 4 October 2007 (UTC)
WikiProject Illinois Post Census Report
![]() "Post Census Report" Vol. I, No. 1, Issue 1, October 2007 If you would like to delete this message, the original is at Wikipedia:WikiProject Illinois/Newsletter/Post Census Report | |
On October 4, 2007 WikiProject Illinois embarked on a membership census. The census was the project's first since its establishment on September 24, 2005. Due to the nature of the wiki, and the two years that had passed, it seemed likely that many of the project's older members were no longer active. The project page had grown stagnant and the census provided an opportunity to see who was still around, slaving away in their own corner of the encylopedia, unknown to the rest of the Illinois editing world. Well, now, the tabulation is complete, and after a notice at the Community Portal, we have gained a couple new members amongst the cluster of project veterans who returned to sign up. Of the 55 members listed on the project membership list on October 4, 26 editors returned to the list to "resign up," thus, confirming their current activity within project areas. If you received this message, you were one of those editors. The List of Participants has now been updated to reflect the results of this membership survey, with members who failed to respond highlighted as "inactive." Now, as a group of editors, we have a core list of individuals, that will hopefully grow in size as the project strives to become a better organized central collaboration space for editors working on Illinois related topics.
The big question, where does the project go from here? Well there are a few proposals being floated at this project page. Little discussion has occurred thus far, and participation would be key to all of them. Some ideas include:
IvoShandor 06:09, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
First Edit
[edit]Happy First Edit Day
-- ThinkBlue (Hit BLUE) 00:27, 13 November 2007 (UTC)
WikiProject Council roll call
[edit]Hi there. You are receiveing this message because your name appears on the WikiProject Council participants list. The WikiProject Council is currently having a roll-call; if you are still interested in participating in the inter-project discussion forum that WT:COUNCIL has become, or you are interested in continuing to develop and maintain the WikiProject Guide or Directory, please visit Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Participants and remove the asterisk (*) from your name on the list of participants. If you are no longer interested in the Council, you need take no action: your name will be removed from the participants list on April 30 2008.
Melon‑Bot (STOP!) 22:16, 24 March 2008 (UTC)
I need graphics editing help
[edit]I noticed you are listed to help people in designing their user pages.
Well, I need help with a similar type of thing - graphics editing.
I'm preparing to coordinate this:
![]() |
and for it I'm developing some awards. Each award will include an image, and that's where I need help...
I've got to have all the awards done by July 15th, and I don't even have the first one finished yet.
I'm looking for someone who knows how (or is interested in jumping in and learning how) to work on images in xcf format using GIMP, or Inkscape, etc. (Because I and others will need to be able to edit each image's layers after you are done with it).
If this sounds like something you are interested in helping with, please drop me a note.
By the way, both GIMP and Inkscape are free, making it easy to get started from scratch.
I look forward to your reply.
The Transhumanist 12:42, 2 June 2008 (UTC)
WikiProject India Newsletter Volume III, Issue no. 001 - June 2008
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To stop receiving this newsletter, or to receive it in a different format, please list yourself in the appropriate section here. |
This newsletter is automatically delivered by TinucherianBot (talk) 06:13, 16 June 2008 (UTC)
Happy Birthday
[edit]America69 (talk) 00:50, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
Introducing WikiProject United States Government...[edit]
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![]() |
Hello Effer,
Are you interested in Politics, Law or the United States? Do you enjoy expanding, creating or maintaining articles relating to those subjects? Or do you enjoy the small stuff? Or maybe you like learning about the United States Congress or the Commander in Chief. Well, wait no longer, because we have a project for you! WikiProject United States Government is where all the cool Wikipedians who watch C-SPAN hang out! Join the project today and help us get it off the ground and flying. Thanks in advance, « Diligent Terrier Bot (talk) 21:22, 3 August 2008 (UTC)
![]() Help us get the project off the ground and flying. |
video games
[edit]Do u have call of duty 4--DCsniper207 (talk) 21:43, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
ok what is ur user name and what level are my online name is axhammer1 and im on the 4th prestige and i know the names cheesy--DCsniper207 (talk) 19:31, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
im going to get cod5 on the ps3 also--DCsniper207 (talk) 19:36, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
ok ill add u and whats ur level and im probably going to wait and here if its good because its not made by infinity ward--DCsniper207 (talk) 00:29, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
ill add you i just forget--DCsniper207 (talk) 23:17, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit]i finally remebered to add u--DCsniper207 (talk) 21:21, 11 November 2008 (UTC)
WikiProject India Newsletter, Volume IV, Issue 1 – June 2009
To stop receiving this newsletter, or to receive it in a different format, please list yourself in the appropriate section here. This newsletter is automatically delivered by -- Tinu Cherian BOT - 11:13, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
Happy birthday!
[edit]WikiProject India Newsletter, Volume IV, Issue 2 – July 2009
To stop receiving this newsletter, or to receive it in a different format, please list yourself in the appropriate section here. Delivered automatically by -- Tinu Cherian BOT - 14:46, 18 July 2009 (UTC)
Dear WikiProject Video games member,
You are receiving this message because you have either Category:WikiProject Video games members or {{User WPVG}} somewhere in your userspace and you have edited Wikipedia in the recent months.
The Video games project has created a member list to provide a clearer picture of its active membership.
All members have currently been placed in the "Inactive" section by default. Please remove your username from the "Inactive" listing and place it under the "Active" listing if you plan on regularly:
- Editing video game-related pages in the Article namespace
- Participating in video game-related discussions in the Project namespace (WT:VG, WP:AfD, WP:GAN, etc.)
Ideally, members are encouraged to do both, but either one meets our criteria of inclusion. Members still listed inactive at the beginning of November 2009 may be removed. You may re-add yourself to the active list at any time. Thank you for your help, and we look forward to working with you.
AfD nomination of India Tower
An editor has nominated one or more articles which you have created or worked on, for deletion. The nominated article is India Tower. We appreciate your contributions, but the nominator doesn't believe that the article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion and has explained why in his/her nomination (see also Wikipedia:Notability and "What Wikipedia is not").
Your opinions on whether the article meets inclusion criteria and what should be done with the article are welcome; please participate in the discussion(s) by adding your comments to Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/India Tower (2nd nomination). Please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~).
You may also edit the article during the discussion to improve it but should not remove the articles for deletion template from the top of the article; such removal will not end the deletion debate.
Please note: This is an automatic notification by a bot. I have nothing to do with this article or the deletion nomination, and can't do anything about it. --Erwin85Bot (talk) 01:04, 23 March 2010 (UTC)
WikiProject India Newsletter Volume V, Issue no. 1 - (June 2010)
This newsletter is automatically delivered by -- Tinu Cherian BOT - 18:02, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
WikiProject India Newsletter Volume V, Issue no. 2 - November 2010
Looking forward to more contributions from you!
This newsletter is automatically delivered by User:Od Mishehu AWB, operated by עוד מישהו Od Mishehu 09:24, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
Invitation to join WikiProject United States
[edit]--Kumioko (talk) 04:54, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
Invite to WikiConference India 2011
Hi Effer,
The First WikiConference India is being organized in Mumbai and will take place on 18-20 November 2011. But the activities start now with the 100 day long WikiOutreach. As you are part of WikiProject India community we invite you to be there for conference and share your experience. Thank you for your contributions. We look forward to see you at Mumbai on 18-20 November 2011 |
WikiProject India Tag & Assess 2012 Contest
[edit]Hello friends, we are a number of editors from WikiProject India have got together to assess the many thousands of articles under the stewardship of the project, and we'd love to have you, a fellow member, join us. These articles require assessment, that is, the addition of a WikiProject template to the talk page of an article, assessing it for quality and importance and adding a few extra parameters to it.
As of March 11, 2012, 07:00 UTC, WikiProject India has 95,998 articles under its stewardship. Of these 13,980 articles are completely unassessed (both for class and importance) and another 42,415 articles are unassessed for importance only. Accordingly, a Tag & Assess 2012 drive-cum-contest has begun from March 01, 2012 to last till May 31, 2012.
If you are new to assessment, you can learn the minimum about how to evaluate from Part One of the Assessment Guide. Part Two of the Guide will help you learn to employ the full functionality of the talk page template, should you choose to do so.
You can sign up on the Tag & Assess page. There are a number of awards to be given in recognition of your efforts. Come & join us to take part in this exciting new venture. You'll learn more about India in this way.
ssriram_mt (talk) & AshLin (talk) (Drive coordinators)
Delivered per request on Wikipedia:Bot requests. 01:14, 12 March 2012 (UTC) The Helpful Bot 01:14, 12 March 2012 (UTC)
MfD nomination of User:Effer/China as an emerging superpower
[edit]User:Effer/China as an emerging superpower, a page you substantially contributed to, has been nominated for deletion. Your opinions on the matter are welcome; please participate in the discussion by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/User:Effer/China as an emerging superpower and please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~). You are free to edit the content of User:Effer/China as an emerging superpower during the discussion but should not remove the miscellany for deletion template from the top of the page; such a removal will not end the deletion discussion. Thank you. SchmuckyTheCat (talk) 19:01, 31 March 2012 (UTC)
The WikiProject Video Games Newsletter, Q1 2013
[edit]The WikiProject Video Games Newsletter
Volume 6, No. 1 — 1st Quarter, 2013
Previous issue | Index | Next issue
Project At a Glance
As of Q1 2013, the project has:
I've removed the AFD tag from this draft, as the AFD tag doesn't work in the userspace. I also figured you did not want a newly created draft deleted for no stated reason. If you do eventually want this page deleted, just post {{db-u1}} and someone will take care of it. Thanks, UltraExactZZ Said ~ Did 13:02, 16 May 2013 (UTC)
Vantage Hospitality
[edit]Why did you remove the picture of a Lexington hotel from the Vantage Hospitality? How is it not "representative" of the chain? Ten Pound Hammer • (What did I screw up now?) 03:45, 6 May 2014 (UTC)
Happy First Edit Day
[edit]Mystery of the disappearing archives?
[edit]Hi, I am reaching out to you based on your listing at Wikipedia:User_page_design_center/Help_and_collaboration/Participants. I have been on extended wiki break for some time and upon returning was surprised to see that my whole set of User Talk page archives had disappeared. It is so neatly gone that I am even wondering whether my 2-3 pages of archives were just an imagination on my side! Are you aware if something drastic was done to eliminate User Talk page archives in the last few years or have any other tips?Deepraj | Talk 12:36, 14 August 2015 (UTC)
- Strike that. There is an internal wiki in my organisation where I had my archive. Sorry for the bother. Deepraj | Talk 13:53, 21 August 2015 (UTC)
Happy Birthday
ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!
[edit]Hello, Effer. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC)
Re-initiating INCOTM
[edit]It's been almost an year since "Indian collaboration of the month" was active. Firstly we need to restart this as soon as possible for development of India-related articles to greater heights. The members page was blanked, where many of them are inactive. This mass message is to all the members of WikiProject India, about this and interested editors interested will sign up. After this message gets delivered, we'll wait for 7 days before we start a discussion under a thread on the collaboration's talk page, among the members. The discussion will include what to clean-up of sub-pages, a new set of guidelines for smooth and uninterrupted functioning of the collaboration etc. Please keep all the discussions under this thread only, so that it will easier for future reference. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:19, 23 March 2017 (UTC)
Re-initiating INCOTM
[edit]It's been almost an year since "Indian collaboration of the month" was active. Firstly we need to restart this as soon as possible for development of India-related articles to greater heights. The members page was blanked, where many of them are inactive. This mass message is to all the members of WikiProject India, about this and interested editors interested will sign up. After this message gets delivered, we'll wait for 7 days before we start a discussion under a thread on the collaboration's talk page, among the members. The discussion will include what to clean-up of sub-pages, a new set of guidelines for smooth and uninterrupted functioning of the collaboration etc. Please keep all the discussions under this thread only, so that it will easier for future reference. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:19, 23 March 2017 (UTC)
Invitation to join the Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Incubator/Indian military history
[edit]You are invited to join the Indian military history work-group, an initiative of the Military history WikiProject. This group is to exclusively deal with the topics related to Indian military. If you're interested, please add you name to the participants list. Ignore if you are already a member. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:06, 23 March 2017 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Indian defence services
[edit]You are requested to participate in the discussion of Wiki Loves Indian defence services on the talk page of WikiProject India. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:44, 24 March 2017 (UTC)
ArbCom 2017 election voter message
[edit]Hello, Effer. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC)
Wikigraphists Bootcamp (2018 India)
It is being planned to organize Wikigraphists Bootcamp in India, please fill out the survey form to help the organizers. Your responses will help organizers understand what level of demand there is for the event (how many people in your community think it is important that the event happens). At the end of the day, the participants will turn out to have knowledge to create drawings, illustrations, diagrams, maps, graphs, bar charts etc. and get to know to how to tune the images to meet the QI and FP criteria. For more information and link to survey form, please visit Talk:Wikigraphists Bootcamp (2018 India). MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:46, 15 January 2018 (UTC)
Supporting Indian Wikipedia Program resource distribution
[edit]In 2017 - 2018, the Wikimedia Foundation and Google working in close coordination with the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Wikimedia India chapter (WMIN) and user groups will pilot a program encouraging Wikipedia communities to create locally relevant and high-quality content in Indian languages. This program (Code name: Project Tiger) will:
- (a) Support active and experienced Wikipedia editors through the donation of laptops and stipends for internet access and
- (b) Sponsor a language-based contest that aims to address existing Wikipedia content gaps.
The objective of the program is to provide laptops and internet stipends for existing editors who need support to contribute more actively. 50 basic model Acer Chromebooks and Internet stipends for 100 contributors are available for distribution. Provided resources are the sole property of the beneficiaries and should be used for the betterment of the movement.
If you're an active Wikimedian, and interested to receive support from this project, please apply. It will take around 10 minutes of your time, and will ask descriptive questions about your contribution to Indic Wikimedia projects.
- Apply at: Supporting Indian Language Wikipedias Program#Apply for support
- Last date for submitting applications is 11th February 2018, 11:59 IST.
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:12, 8 February 2018 (UTC)
Project Tiger Writing Contest
[edit]In 2017 – 2018, the Wikimedia Foundation and Google working in close coordination with the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Wikimedia India Chapter (WMIN) and user groups from India, are piloting a program encouraging Wikipedia communities to create locally relevant and high-quality content in Indian languages. This program will (a) support active and experienced Wikipedia editors through the donation of laptops and stipends for internet access and (b) sponsor a language-based contest that aims to address existing Wikipedia content gaps.
Phase (a) has been completed, during which active contributors were awarded laptops and internet stipends. Phase (b) will be a contest in which editors will come together and develop a writing contest focused on content gaps. Each month three individual prizes will be awarded to each community based on their contribution for the month. The prizes worth 3,000 INR, 2000 INR, and 1,000 INR, will be awarded to the top contributors for each month. The contest started at March 1, 2018, 0:00, and will end at May 31, 2018, 23:59 (IST). Useful links are as follows:
- Sign up at: Wikipedia:Project Tiger Writing Contest/Participants
- List of the articles can be referred at: Wikipedia:Project Tiger Writing Contest/Topics
- Submit/report your articles/contributions at:
- For more details, rules, FAQ etc. kindly refer: Wikipedia:Project Tiger Writing Contest
Looking forward your participation, all the best. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) on behalf of Krishna Chaitanya Velaga (talk • mail) at 22:21, 21 March 2018 (UTC).
Invitation to WikiProject Portals
[edit]WikiProject Portals has been rebooted.
You are invited to rejoin.
You definitely want to see this. Major undertaking underway:
Operation: Upgrade portals
Your input is needed.
Sincerely, — The Transhumanist 14:37, 21 April 2018 (UTC)
Portals WikiProject update, April 22, 2018
[edit]Thank you for joining the Portals WikiProject.
Here's our first project-wide update. I hope you enjoy it...
[edit]The WikiProject reboot has been a success: the new re-envisioned project is up and running, with new members, ongoing discussions about automation, design, and upkeep; maintained task queques; and updates to members, like this, the very first one!
As you know, there's a proposal to delete all portals. It started out looking pretty dismal for portals, with primarily posts supporting their demise. It turned out that the proposer didn't post a deletion notice on the very pages being nominated for deletion (a requirement for all deletion discussions). Once that was done, a flood of opposition came in and has apparently turned the tide.
RfCs generally run for 30 days. It started April 8th, and so it has about 14 more days to run its course.
The more work we can do during that time on the portals, the stronger the reasons for keeping them will be. And the more prepared we will be for any MfDs that follow the closing of the RfC.
You may be wondering why we asked for AWB experience in the member-sign-up list.
We are gearing up to do maintenance runs on the entire set of portals, and the more people we have who can use AWB, the better.
But we're not quite ready to start this yet.
To be able to use AWB on the portals, we first need to know what the end result needs to be. Like on the news sections, do we comment out the out-of-date ones, or do we place the code to activate the newsbot on those pages? That would require an assessment of WikiNews and its news generating performance (areas covered, volume in each area), etc.
You can help us figure this out at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Portals#Discussions about news sections.
Another area we're gearing up for, to do passes with AWB, are upgrades to the intro sections of portals. Many of these have static (copied/pasted) excerpts that go stale over time.
We're trying to figure out how to make self-updating excerpts to replace the existing static excerpts that are on many portals, and once this is done, AWB will be used to place the new code. See the discussion on this at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Portals#Discussions about selective transclusion in intros.
"What can I do?"
[edit]There are 3 major areas of activity right now:
Update the main portal list at Portal:Contents/Portals
[edit]There are a few hundred existing portals that are missing from this list.
The list of missing entries, and instructions on what to do, can be found at Portal talk:Contents/Portals#These are not listed yet.
We need everybody's help on this. It's a big chore for one persons. But, many hands make light work. Please help chip away at this chore as much as you can. A little each day, form all of us, will get this done pretty quick.
Familiarize yourself with the portal system
[edit]In addition to browsing the portals in the 2 lists mentioned in the section above, you should take a look at the portal name space itself and what is in it.
That can be done at Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals#Watchlist.
Join in on the discussions
[edit]There are discussions on many aspects of the WikiProject's operations, with more to come.
Such as about the purposes and functions of portals, design discussions, and so on.
There's even a automated design discussion over at Village Pump Technical, on selective transclusion.
I hope to see you on the talk page.
What's coming?
[edit]In addition to the automation efforts mentioned above, we will be looking into how to automate the selection and display of alternating excerpts, and alternating pictures, for the various portal sections.
Watch for these discussions on the Wikiproject's talk page.
Summing up...
[edit]Get ready, get set, go! — The Transhumanist 22:54, 22 April 2018 (UTC)
P.S.: The main example given at the RfC of the problems of portals was Portal:Cricket. Therefore, it's the top priority portal to update. Please lend a hand. - TT
Portals WikiProject heads up, April 27, 2018
[edit]We now have 52 members, and more are joining daily.
New and easier way to handle excerpts
[edit]Attention portal maintainers!
There's a new template to improve existing and new portals, called {{Transclude lead excerpt}}.
It is a lot easier to use than copying and pasting text from articles, as it displays the paragraphs you specify automatically for you.
It makes excerpts so that they are always current and never go stale or fork.
It is more powerful than it looks, because it has the Lua Module:Excerpt supporting it.
Be careful, as it is alpha software. Please notify the WikiProject talkpage of any problems you come across.
To give you a sense of the reaction this template is generating, here is an excerpt of a discussion thread from the WikiProject's talk page:
- This new template is fantastic. I've added it to the intro sections of the portals on Australian cities (eg P:PER) and it works brilliantly. My compliments to its creators. It can probably also be used in other sections of many portals (eg "Selected article" and "Selected biography"), and, for that reason, will probably make the task of maintaining portals a great deal easier. Bahnfrend (talk) 09:02, 24 April 2018 (UTC)
- Thank you for being so brave. Portal:Adelaide/Intro just got a lot simpler! Certes (talk) 10:43, 24 April 2018 (UTC)
- Kudos on a wonderful template. — The Transhumanist 03:27, 25 April 2018 (UTC)
- This is amazing stuff. I'm going to get to work on using it on the selected content at most of these portals very soon. WaggersTALK 13:40, 25 April 2018 (UTC)
- Kudos on a wonderful template. — The Transhumanist 03:27, 25 April 2018 (UTC)
I wrote a comment in the the April 26 section of the RfC explaining what we are up to. I liked the excerpt above so much, that I went back to my RfC posting, and inserted it.
Please add Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals to your watchlist
[edit]Wish list
[edit]What's this? An old oil lamp. It's so dirty, I think I'll polish it...
Whoa! Are you a WikiGenie? In that case, I get 3 wishes!
I wish...
- ...that Portal:Contents/Portals becomes up-to-date. (The missing entries are listed on the talk page, with instructions).
- ...the WikiProject to have Article Alerts. ({{WikiProject Portals}} templates have already been placed on all portal talk pages).
- ...that Portal:Cricket becomes a shining example of portal excellence. (It was the main example of a crappy and unmaintained portal at the RfC).
Please make my wishes come true. See you around the portals! — The Transhumanist 08:02, 27 April 2018 (UTC)
WikiProject Portals Overview, May 04, 2018
[edit]Thank you for being a member of the Portals WikiProject, and thank you for all the work you have all been doing on the portal namespace. To see the activity, check out the watchlist.
This is our 3rd issue, see previous issues at the Newsletter archive.
Top priority: Main list of portals needs updating
[edit]The top, and one of the most visible parts, of the portal system is Portal:Contents/Portals, which is intended to list all (completed) portals on Wikipedia.
About half of the missing existing portals have been added since this WikiProject's reboot (April 17th). Thank you to RockMagnetist, TriNitrobrick, Polyamorph, PratyushSinha101, Ganesha811, Bermicourt, Javert2113, Noyster, Ɱ, Lepricavark, XOR'easter, and Emir of Wikipedia, for working on this.
We are half-way to completion with this. We need everyone to chip in until it is done. Instructions, and the list of missing entries are at Portal talk:Contents/Portals#These are not listed yet.
I hope you'll join me there. ("Many hands make light work").
Thank you.
[edit]We're at 66 members, with more joining daily. We even have 6 WikiGnomes!
Special thanks
[edit]I have awarded Certes with a portals barnstar on his talk page for his work on the new excerpt templates that are revolutionizing the portal system (Template:Transclude lead excerpt & Template:Transclude random excerpt). If you'd like to show your appreciation, please feel free to stop by his talk page and add your signature to the barnstar itself.
Thank you Certes. You are enabling this WikiProject to get the right things done, fast.
By the way, the templates have already gone international. After being told about the templates, Mossab wrote:
Thanks You very much!. Those are fantastic and great templates! I transferred them to Arabic Wikipedia and they do a magic great job. I worked to improve portal anatomy here and i do every thing i can to improve it and i am very sad for the nomination for deletion of portals :(. I am glad to be member on WikiProject Portals and i added my name with pleasure. Kind regards
[edit]As you know, the (April 8th) proposal to delete all portals and the portal namespace inspired the reboot of this WikiProject. RfCs typically run for 30 days, which means there are 5 days left including today, before the RfC will be closed. The !votes are predominantly "oppose", but many editors have shared their disappointment with the portal system. We have our work cut out for us in correcting the problems of the portals to address their concerns. Complaints ranged from being out of date and lacking maintenance, to taking up the time of editors that they felt (due to low traffic) would be better spent improving articles.
Anti-WikiProject drama
[edit]This past week has been somewhat stressful for me, with more than a little conflict...
It culminated with my being reported at the Administrator's Noticeboard "for spamming and canvassing". This is the second time I've been reported there during the RfC; the first one was for posting notices of the deletion discussion (the RfC) at the top of all portal pages.
The accusations were 1) Posting notices of the deletion discussion (the RfC) at the top of all portal pages, 2) Adding an Article alerts section to the Portals WikiProject page, and 3) posting notices (invitations) about this WikiProject on user talk and portal talk pages.
None of which fall under the Wikipedia definitions of spamming or canvassing.
Thank you, Lionelt and Lepricavark, for coming to my rescue. I don't know how the discussion would have turned out if you had not spoken up.
The discussion was closed as "no action necessary".
After that, the person responsible posted their thoughts to my talk page. Here they are, with my response:
Congratulations, it appears your relentless targeted advertising of the RFC, your beating the RFC Supporters with a stick by posting countless times there, your dishonest insistence that Current Events was on the chopping block, and your obstruction of clean up efforts at MfD are paying dividends. Have fun playing with Portal space where no one will read your work. I'm sure someone will eventually clean up the mess when your interest wanes. Cheers. Legacypac
- Thank you. I accept your congratulations on behalf of Wikiproject Portals and the portal-loving community – it was a team effort. In addition, I'd like to clarify some things about your claims above...
- Each page nominated for deletion must have a notice at the top of its page, per the deletion guideline. Not to have one there, would be unfair to those who use such pages, and would constitute a secret deletion tribunal. We don't do things that way on Wikipedia.
- As new facts became available (e.g., a motivated and thriving WikiProject to support the portals, new building blocks, etc.), it was appropriate to post the developments to the RfC, to support informed decision making.
- Proposals are literal, not figurative. The proposal specified "all portals". All means all.
- The fact is, the rebooted WikiProject is cleaning up the mess, rather rapidly. By updating and upgrading the portals, rather than getting rid of them.
- I think I'll be hanging around for awhile, but the project is more than likely to achieve critical mass and may outlive us all, due in part to the development of tools to assist editors in building, upgrading, and maintaining portals that are fully dynamic and self-updating.
- Portals are more fun to work with than ever. Thank you for your role in making this happen. You made us try even harder, and inspired us to pull together as a team. You'll have a warm place in our hearts, forever. The Transhumanist
- Thank you. I accept your congratulations on behalf of Wikiproject Portals and the portal-loving community – it was a team effort. In addition, I'd like to clarify some things about your claims above...
Automatically refreshed excerpts
[edit]The main advancement we've made so far is applying selective transclusion Transclusion is template technology, showing a page on another page. Selective transclusion shows only part of that page. We use it to show excerpts that always match the source. The two templates we have so far, are Template:Transclude lead excerpt and Template:Transclude random excerpt.
Obsoleting subpages
[edit]Excerpts are migrating toward the base page of each portal, and where this is done, a subpage is no longer needed.
Template:Transclude lead excerpt will be able to be used to put the intro excerpt directly on the portal page, rather than on an intro subpage, once we adapt a portal design to accommodate this.
Template:Transclude random excerpt is currently being used on 1st-level subpages, and eliminates the need for 2nd-level subpages. (Many portals have 2 levels of subpages).
There are about 1500 portals, but there are around 148,000 subpages in portal space. Further discussions are needed to develop designs and components that do not require them.
It is my hope that the portal of the future will be a single page, or close to it, pulling in excerpts from specified dynamic sources (like category pages), filtered by ratings. This would obviate the need for subpages at all (except for maybe the header and footer subpages, which store a portal's settings). A more likely near-term solution would be subpages with a list maintained by a bot, or editors using semi-automatic tools.
New portals
[edit]Since the reboot, a new portal has been created:
Please watchlist these pages
[edit]Some central pages in the portal system. The more eyes on them, the better.
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals
- User:The Transhumanist (there's a fair amount of portal project traffic on my talk page these days)
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Portal/List of all portals/Page 1
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Portal/List of all portals/Page 2
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Portal/List of all portals/Page 3
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Portal/List of all portals/Page 4
- Wikipedia:Portal:Portal Example portal. And funny.
- Portal:Contents/Portals
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Culture and the arts
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Geography and places
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Health and fitness
- Portal:Contents/Portals/History and events
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Infobox
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Intro
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Mathematics and logic
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Natural and physical sciences
- Portal:Contents/Portals/People and self
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Philosophy and thinking
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Portal nav footer
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Reference
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Religion and belief systems
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Society and social sciences
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Technology and applied sciences
- Portal:Contents/Portals/Topic
Wrapping up...
[edit]There's more in the works, like a rating system, further redesigns, etc. Keep an eye on the discussions on the project's talk page. They should start showing up there soon.
Hope to see you there. Sincerely, — The Transhumanist 06:22, 4 May 2018 (UTC)
WikiProject Portals update, 11 May 2018
[edit]We've grown to 73 members, and morale is high. Thank you for joining. Here is some news, and some tasks...
The RfC will be closed soon...
[edit]2018-05-11: preparations are being made to close the RfC. See Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Requests for closure#Wikipedia:Village pump (proposals)/RfC: Ending the system of portals.
When there, be sure to notice the consultation link.
We're trying to get a prototypical single-page portal developed in time to show the RfC closers before they make their final decision. You can help. It's Portal:Humanism. So far, we've applied selective transclusion (automation) to excerpts, and have made the following sections without subpages: intro, selected article, selected biography, categories, related portals, wikiprojects, things to do, and wikimedia. Eight down, 4 to go, plus 2 formatting subpages (not sure we can migrate those). Automating every section, would also be nice.
Main objectives
[edit]Our main objectives currently, are:
- Replace static excerpts with selective transclusions, so that the excerpts always stay fresh (that is, match the source content). We are now doing this on the portal base page as much as possible, to reduce the number of subpages that are needed. See #2...
- Migrate the functions of subpages to the portal base pages. There are around 150,000 subpages in portal space. We aim to make these obsolete by using templates and other calls from the portal base pages.
- Improve portal design to make portals self-update. Semi-dynamic sections update from a static list, as used in {{Transclude random excerpt}}. Fully-dynamic sections would update from a list maintained elsewhere on Wikipedia, like a category. We haven't found a way to do this yet, other than to create a bot (which we will probably need to do).
Maintenance pass #1: Upgrading the intro section
[edit]The intro section of many portals transcludes an "Intro" subpage that has an excerpt in it.
We're replacing that with a selective transclusion directly in the intro section, bypassing the subpage. Though, there's a little more to it...
For instructions, see: Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals#Transclude intro excerpt directly on the portal base page.
Please skip Portal:American Civil War, as that is specifically being maintained by hand.
Maintenance pass #2: Obsoleting the Wikimedia subpages
[edit]One of the sections on many portals links to sister projects on the subject. This needlessly takes a subpage. The subpage can be made obsolete by using the template {{Wikimedia for portals}} directly on the portal base page.
This has been done for several hundred portals so far.
See Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals#Obsolete a Wikimedia subpage for instructions.
Maintenance pass #3: calling the category tree from the portal base page
[edit]Certes figured out how...
For more information, see the thread Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals#Rendering PAGENAME inside categorytree tag doesn't work (it does now).
More to come...
[edit]In the meantime, see ya around the portals! — The Transhumanist 15:33, 11 May 2018 (UTC)
Portals WikiProject update, 15 May 2018
[edit]We are at 74 members. If you know anyone who might find this WikiProject interesting, please invite them.
The RfC has ended
[edit]The RfC was closed May 11th, and a closing statement was posted May 12th which says "There exists a strong consensus against deleting or even deprecating portals at this time."
Ongoing tasks
[edit]Some major activities that we are in the middle of include:
- Adding the missing existing portals to the main portals list at Portal:Contents/Portals. Instructions are on the talk page. There are about 125 portals left to be processed. (There were 400). Keep up the good work!
- Development discussions on how to migrate the subpages to the base pages. There are around 150,000 subpages in portal space, associated with the various sections on a typical portal. We are trying to obsolete them section type by section type. Currently, we're working on obsoleting the intro subpages and the "selected articles" subpages. Please join in.
Other tasks
[edit]- The list of portals not ready to be listed on the main list can be found at Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals#These are not listed yet (scroll down to see them - they are marked
Not ready). They are incomplete. If you want a specific portal to work on, please consider choosing one from that list.
- Over the years, some incomplete portals (portals under construction) got added to Portal:Contents/Portals. Therefore, every portal listed there needs to be inspected, and any that are incomplete should be removed from that list and added to the not ready list at Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals#These are not listed yet (scroll down to see it). On Portal:Contents/Portals, I'm already almost done inspecting the portals in the culture section, and so you can skip those. The types of things to look for are empty sections (most will have a redlinked subpage), lack of "selected" sections, portal stubs with just an intro and end sections, and very poor layout (like seriously unbalanced columns).
Portal-building resources
[edit]During his work on portals, Broter found a quote randomizer. It is {{Random quotation}}.
Trailblazer: approaching the one-page portal
[edit]Broter has transformed the Portal:Community of Christ so it is comprised of only 3 pages in portal space: the base page, its box-header subpage, and its box-footer subpage. Its other other subpages are now obsolete and are waiting for deletion. Nice job, Broter!
Well, that's all for now. See ya around the portals. — The Transhumanist 06:38, 16 May 2018 (UTC)
Portals WikiProject update, 25 May 2018
[edit]We have grown to 79 members.
Please provide a warm welcome to our latest additions, Wpgbrown,, JLJ001, and Wumbolo.
A lot is going on, much of it on the WikiProject's talk page, so be sure to go there and join in on any of the many discussions taking place there.
Elsewhere around the portal project, or related to portals, the following is happening...
New news template ready for testing
[edit]Evad37 has created a new template, with supporting lua module, to handle news in portals...
{{Transclude selected current events}} is ready to be tested in some actual portals. Let Evad37 know if you need help with the search patterns.
Noyster commented that "This is the best portal innovation since sliced bread!"
See the relevant discussion at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Portals#Alternative to Wikinews.
Thank you, Evad.
Coming soon: Automatic article alerts (but there is a glitch)
[edit]Our WikiProject is now subscribed to the bot that makes automatic article alerts, but the subpage where they are posted has not been added to our WikiProject page yet because of a weird problem...
Featured portal nominations from two years ago keep popping up on there.
Please check Wikipedia:WikiProject Portals/Article alerts to see if you can figure out how to fix this.
Once that is remedied, it will be posted on our WikiProject page.
Thank you.
Note that, this will only track base pages, because to track the rest, we'd have to create over 140,000 talk pages for the subpages, and that just isn't worthwhile (as we're trying to remove the subpages anyways). Therefore, any alerts for subpages will still need to be posted manually.
New portal, still needs work
[edit]- Portal:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, courtesy of Mozart834428196. See also, the discussion.
Drafting a new portals guideline
[edit]Your input/editing is welcome on the draft-in-progress of a new guideline for portals.
See or work on the draft at User:Cesdeva/sandbox11.
See also the discussion at: Wikipedia talk:Portal guidelines#RfC on new portal guidelines
RfC on new TOC layout for main portal list
[edit]There is a proposal to change the look of the table of contents at Portal:Contents/Portals.
See: Portal talk:Contents/Portals#RFC on layout update.
Deletion discussion survivors
[edit]Thank you to those who have participated in portal deletion discussions. There are still some editors out there who despise portals, and this comes across in their argumentation style. Wow. Such negativity. But, there is some good news...
- Portal:Quidditch survived its 2nd deletion nomination
- Portal:Prehistory of Antarctica did the same
Current deletion discussions are posted on our WikiProject page.
Portal space clean up
[edit]While portal detractors are trying to get rid of portals via MfD, we have deleted many of them via speedy deletion (per {{Db-p1}} or {{Db-p2}}). Essentially, they were bare skeletons, with maybe a little meat on them. The plus here is that speedy deletion is without prejudice to re-creating the portals. They can easily be restarted from scratch without getting approval, or be undeleted by request by someone willing to work on them. We have kept track of these, for when someone wants to rebuild them. They are listed at Portal talk:Contents/Portals#These are not listed yet.
We are also removing subpages, the functions of which have been migrated to portal base pages. To see which ones have been removed, look for the redlinks in our watchlist.
There is also an MfD concerning some of these at Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Redundant subpages of the Cornwall portal.
For subpages that need to be deleted, you can conveniently place this speedy deletion template at the top of each of them:
{{Db-g6|rationale=of subpage clean up – this subpage's function has been migrated to the portal base page and is no longer needed}}
Then an admin will come along and delete them.
Please help list the unlisted portals!
[edit]There are still 100 existing portals not yet presented on the main portal list at Portal:Contents/Portals. There were 400, so we've come a long way. Thank you! But we are not done yet...
Please list a couple of them. Every little bit helps. If each member of this project listed one more, it would almost all be done. Many hands make light work.
The list of missings, and instructions, are to be found at Portal talk:Contents/Portals#These are not listed yet.
I hope to see you there!
Wrapping up
[edit]These developments make up just the tip of the iceberg. I'll have more to report in the next update, soon. — The Transhumanist 00:31, 25 May 2018 (UTC)
Whoa, I missed one...
[edit]There's an article about the Portals WikiProject in the new issue of Signpost:
Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2018-05-24/WikiProject report
P.S.: We now have 80 members. Evad37 just joined! — The Transhumanist 01:36, 25 May 2018 (UTC)
Portals WikiProject update #007, 31 May 2018
[edit]We have grown to 89 members.
This is the seventh issue of this newsletter. For previous issues, see our newsletter archive.
[edit]A warm welcome to our nearly one dozen new members...
Our new members include:
- Evad37
- Checkingfax
- Grey Wanderer
- Voceditenore
- Godsy
- Greatedits1
- Charlesdrakew
- Ww2censor
- Simon Burchell
- TheGridExe
Be sure to say "hi" and welcome them to the team.
The portal set has shrunk
[edit]There were 1515 portals, but now we have 1475, because we speedy deleted a bunch of incompleted portals that had been sitting around for ages, that were empty shells or had very little content. Because they were speedied, they can be rebuilt from scratch without acquiring approval from WP:DRV.
Maintenance runs on the portals set have begun
[edit]This is what we have been gearing up for: upgrading the portals en masse, using AWB.
More than half of the Associated Wikimedia sections have been converted to no longer use a subpage. This chore will probably be completed over the next week or two. Many thanks to the WikiGnome Squad, who have added an Associated Wikimedia section to the many geography-related portals that lacked one. The rest of the subjects await. :)
The next maintenance drive will be on the intro sections. Notices have gone out to the WikiProjects for which one or more portals fall within their subject scope. Once enough time has elapsed for them to respond (1 week), AWB processing of intro sections will begin.
Thank you, you
[edit]I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your part in the RfC. I went back and reread much of it. I believe your enthusiasm played a major part in turning the tide on there. I'm proud of all of you.
Why reread that mess, you ask?
To harvest ideas, and to keep the problems that need to be fixed firmly in mind. But, also to keep in touch. See below...
Thank yous all around
[edit]I've contacted all of the other opposers of the RfC proposal to delete portals, to thank them for their support, and to assure them that their decision was not made in vain. I updated them on our activities, provided the link to the interviews about this project in the Signpost, pointed out our newsletter archive so they can keep up-to-date with what we are doing, and I invited them all to come and have a look-see at our operations (on our talk page).
Sockpuppet, and reverting his work
[edit]It so happened that one of our members was a sockpuppet: JLJ001. According to the admin who blocked him, he was a particularly tricky long term abuser. This is a weird situation, since the user was quite helpful. He will be missed.
This has been somewhat disruptive, because admins are doing routine deletions of the pages (portals, templates, etc.) he created, and reversion of his edits (I don't know if they will be reverting all of them). Please bear with them, as they are only doing what is best in the long run.
The following pages have been deleted by the admins so far, that I know of:
- Portal:Plymouth
- Portal:Bedfordshire
- Portal:Suffolk
- Portal:Norfolk
- User:JLJ001/tag
- Template:Non-standard portal flag
- Template:Portal flag
Automation so far, section by section...
[edit]- Intro – {{Transclude lead excerpt}}
- Selected article – {{Transclude random excerpt}}
- In the news – {{Transclude selected current events}}
- Associated Wikimedia –
{{Wikimedia for portals|species=no|voy=no}}
- Categories –
Automatic article alerts is up and running
[edit]Automatic article alerts are now featured on the project page.
Some super out-of-date entries kept showing up on there, so posting it on the Project page was delayed. Thanks to Evad37 and AfroThundr for providing solutions on this one. Evad37 adjusted the workflow settings per Wikipedia:Article alerts/Subscribing#Choosing workflows, to make sure only the appropriate page types show up. AfroThundr removed the tags from the old entries that caused them to keep showing up in the article alerts.
Other things that could use some automation
[edit]Noyster pointed out that it would be nice to automate the updating of the portals section at the Community bulletin board.
Another major component of the portal system is the main list of portals, at Portal:Contents/Portals. How would we go about automating the updating of that?
Please post your ideas on the WikiProject's talk page. Thank you.
Deletion discussion survivors
[edit]Keep in mind that we have already speedy deleted almost all of the nearly empty portals, which can be rebuilt without approval whenever it is convenient to do so. Other portals should be completed if at all possible rather than delete them through MfD (which requires approval from Deletion review to rebuild).
- Portal:Juanes – see the discussion
(Current deletion discussions are posted on our WikiProject page).
Portals needing repair
[edit]Wrapping up
[edit]There's still more, but it will have to wait until next issue.
Until then, see ya around the project. — The Transhumanist 12:01, 31 May 2018 (UTC)
ArbCom 2018 election voter message
[edit]Hello, Effer. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
MfD nomination of Portal:Sony PlayStation
[edit] Portal:Sony PlayStation, a page which you created or substantially contributed to, has been nominated for deletion. Your opinions on the matter are welcome; you may participate in the discussion by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Portal:Sony PlayStation and please be sure to sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~). You are free to edit the content of Portal:Sony PlayStation during the discussion but should not remove the miscellany for deletion template from the top of the page; such a removal will not end the deletion discussion. Thank you. UnitedStatesian (talk) 14:32, 13 May 2019 (UTC)
[edit]WikiProject India
[edit]Namaste, Effer. We would like to inform you about the recent changes to the WikiProject. As you may know, the old newsletter for WikiProject India ceased circulation in 2010. Now we have re-launched the newsletter in a new way. As a member, you are cordially invited to subscribe to the newsletter. Thank you.
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:55, 14 October 2019 (UTC)
Happy First Edit Day!
[edit]WikiProject India 10,000 Challenge
[edit]Happy Birthday!
[edit]Happy First Edit Day!
[edit]Happy Birthday!
[edit]Happy First Edit Day!
[edit]Happy First Edit Day!
[edit]Happy Birthday!